Stalking Sango by ItsyBitsySpider


Characters: Kagome, Sesshomaru, mentions of others

Rating: T

A/N: This drabble was inspired by the Prompt: Screen

Disclaimer: I do not make any profit off of this story, and I do not presume to own any of the characters herein.  I merely borrow them from Takahashi Rumiko-san and Naked Ape for my own means.  I.E.: InuYasha and Dolls and their characters are not mine, but belong to Takahashi Rumiko.

“I hate you.”

“Shush.  I am trying to watch the movie.”

“This is unethical.”

“I.  said.  shush.”

“Seriously, what if we get arrested?”

“Kagome.  Shut up.”

“And thrown into jail, or something, then shanked when the guards’re peeing, then ra-”

Kagome!”  Sesshomaru, not looking away from the screen, covered her mouth.  “We are just making sure that he treats your friend right.  Not stalking.”

She rolled her eyes.  Not stalking.  They were clearly stalking Seiju and Sango.  It was obvious.  She was going to go to hell for this.  Hopefully, she’d be able to drag Sesshomaru with her for company...

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