Disclaimer: Do Not Own. Not for profit. Please don't sue!
A/N: This was inspired by an old story from Miss Kagura, but mostly from chat and a awesome piece of art by Katlady - http://www.dokuga.com/gallery?func=detail&id=4822 It is also almost pure crackfic, and only meant for some good laughs!
Due to some not so recent events and threats upon his person, MokoMoko-sama has been officially placed in the Witness Protection Program. He has been officially transfered to a new city, and has been given a completely new identity. From prominent shoulder fluff, he is now forced to work the meager job of a scarf, all in the hopes he will not be found by those who would seek to harm him.
It all began when Kagome, under the guise of an author on Dokuga, began spreading rumors. At first they were minor and could be written off as silly ideas. But as time went on, they began to get more and more damning, and almost to the point of it being considered obsessive compulsive. The last straw was when he had been accused of abandoning his post for a fuzzy romp with several famous authors from the same site Kagome was posting this farce on.
Sesshoumaru had been indulging in his secret fetish of fanfiction, when he had come across this particular "story". When he finished reading it, he had contacted the author, as well as several of the staff from the site on behalf of his fuzzy friend. When they, and their lawyers, could not reach an agreement on a settlement for the charge of neglectful defamation of character; Dokuga was forced to close it's preverbial doors forever. This had of coursed made everyone who frequented the site exponentially upset, and letters began pooring in from all over the world demanding the reopening of the site. Most were not anything more than a lot of whining, but there were enough of them containing threats of dismemberment to be a cause for concern.
The most surprising of them was the one's from Sugar0o, who had also been defamed in the story. Why would she be threatening MokoMoko-sama, when she was nothing more than an overly sweet cereal to them? Nonetheless, her threats of dropping RooBombs on his head had the fuzzball scared beyond his wits. It was because of these threats mostly, that he was now in this predicament.
Though he believed himself to be safe from the psycho-plunnies that had threatened him before, fate had other things in store for him. A year and some odd months after his successful relocation, the ineviteble tragedy befell our favorite ball of fur. He was making his way home from a particularly stressful day of work, when he got a papercut from a note lying in the middle of the sidewalk. As he picked up the note, he also realized that the target shaped paint that he had just slithered through was still wet, and had gotten all over him. Curiosity drew him to read the note that had caused him such pain. All it said was mention a good groomers name and the statement "This note will self destruct in thirty seconds". As he was reading the note, he began to hear an odd whistling sound coming from above him. When he finished, he looked up and saw a giant, pink blob not ten stories above him.
MokoMoko-sama awoke, feeling very stiff and kinda sticky. He tried looking around, but it seemed that he was covered in a thick layer of something that smelled oddly like watermelons. He managed to wriggle his head free enough to find the same substance splattered against the wall next to him in what could only be described as the form of a plunny. He knew then that he had been found by Sugar0o, and that she had exacted her revenge on him for his part in the shut down.
He doubted he would ever get all the gum out of his fur.
A/N: Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed! And please review!