Mate Hunt by MidNigh

I Agree

~ ENVY ~

Kagome snuggled deeper into the fluffy pillow underneath her head, and sighed.

*Pillow?* Kagome popped up in the bed and looked around wildly.

"I see you have awaken." Kagome turned to follow the voice, and spied Sesshomaru standing next to the window, his back to her.

"What do you want with me Sesshomaru?" She asked boldly. Sesshomaru turned in one graceful movement and moved to sit on the side of the bed.

"It is very simple. I want you to be my mate." He stated. Kagome's mouth dropped open before she could stop it.

"Um I'm really flattered, but why would you want me, a human, to be your mate?" She asked calmly. Sesshomaru secretly admired her bravery. Any other woman would wake screaming when she realized she had been taken.

"You being a human bares little weight in my decision. You posses all the traits I desire for my mate, and mother of my children." He informed her. Sesshomaru raised his hand when she began to speak.

"Hear what I have to say before you speak. As my mate you will always be treated with respect and honor. You will answer to no one save me in times of war. You will never want for anything, and as the Lady of The West you would not age as other humans, and would be in the position to care for you pack mates and their young, for as long as their line continues. You would not have to chose between this time and your home realm. 500 years is merely a blink in time for a demon. Think of you kit. He will need to be trained to properly use his abilities."

"Once you are my mate, I will help raise him as my own and therefore provide the training he will require. The half breed does not treat you as he should a woman of your power. I have watched my foolish brother for years, chasing after the dead one, while refusing to see what he already had. Inuyasha had his chance and he failed you. I will not make the same mistake. We would be true mate, there will be no others lovers for either of us I understand that this is very sudden and will give you time to think it over. I will return after your have bathed and eaten" Sesshomaru waited for Kagome to nod, then left the room.


~ Fifth teen minute later ~


Kagome let her head fall back against the rim of the tub, Sesshomaru's proposal running threw her head.

*What to do, what to do.* She thought to herself. *Its almost to good to be true. Its not like I still love Inuyasha, or have anyone special back home. I'd be able to stay with Shippo always, and watch over Miroku and Sango. Plus I'd have the hottest demon alive as a mate!* Kagome thought mentally going over the pros and cons.

*I don't really know much about him, and he kinda scares me.* Kagome climbed from the spring, toweling off with a drying cloth as she walked back into the room where she had woken up.

She had just pulled on the midnight blue kimono when there was a knock at the door.

"Come in" Kagome called. A tall, willowy blond walked him carrying a trey layered with food.

"Hello My Lady, my name is Shina and I will be your Lady maid. If you need anything at all feel free to tell me and I will see that it is done." Kagome smiled as the woman flashed around the room picking up things here and there.

"Thank you Shina. Do you know where Lord Sesshomaru is? I need to talk to him." She asked as she sat down in front of her food. Shina nodded and bowed out of the room. Kagome was in the process of devouring a chicken leg when Sesshomaru walked into the room.

"You wished to speak with me?" He asked. Kagome whipped her mouth on a napkin and cleared her throat.

"Yes. I've been thinking about what you said earlier and I accept your offer. I want to be your mate." She stated. Sesshomaru walked further into the room.

"Are you positive? There is no undoing a mating, it is unbreakable." He warned. Kagome nodded.

"I'm sure." She assured him.


~ Let me know what you think! Read & Review!! Thanks ~ Sessy21 ~