An Appropriate Costume by Tal

An Appropriate Costume

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

An Appropriate Costume

“Look, it’s a demon!  Be gone, demon!”

Kagome had to stifle her giggles.  “Souta, that’s a great Halloween costume, dressing as Jii-jii.”  Their grandpa snorted and frowned beside her, causing both siblings to try and hide their smiles.

Souta grinned.  “Yup!  I’m all set to go trick-or-treating.  You coming with us, sis?”

“And accompany the identical twins?”  Kagome had to admit, seeing her brother and grandfather standing side by side…  well, she could still tell the difference, but not by much.  Souta HAD done an excellent job.  “Sorry, but me, Sango and Miroku are gonna go to Inuyasha’s party tonight.”

“Does Mom know?”

Kagome flicked her brother’s nose, and ignored her brother’s “ow.”  “Of course Mom knows.  She’s fine with it.  I gotta get into my costume now, so you and Jii-jii scram.  I hear Yura-san bought a bunch of hairbrushes for trick or treaters, so be warned.”

Souta rubbed at his nose, frowning.  “You mean the mask you’re wearing now isn’t…”  Souta’s nose got flicked again, so quickly changed the subject.  “Thanks, we’ll avoid her.  C’mon, Jii-jii”

“Hmph.  Are you sure you don’t want to be a priest?  That shout earlier was inspired… I could train you.”

Kagome snickered as the two main men in her life walked away, almost carbon copies of each other, arguing, with Souta swinging his sutra-covered bucket.  With a smile, she turned to go into the house and get ready for a fun Halloween night.

“Kagome, your costume is hilarious.  Just hilarious.”  Inuyasha deadpanned.

“May the sarcasm be with you,” Kagome retorted with a grin and the sight of Jedi-Inuyasha.

Inuyasha snickered, and opened his arms up for Kagome, who ran into them for a hug, careful to not dislodge her headband and tail.

“But really, Kagome… a cat?  In a house of dogs?”

Kagome smiled, her painted cat face wrinkling as she did.  “I couldn’t resist.  Are Sango and Miroku here?”

“No, but my stupid half-brother is, and not in costume either.”

“He’s scary enough as is, Inuyasha.”  Miroku came up, Sango in tow.  The pair were dressed up as a doctor and a nurse.  Kagome wondered how much Miroku had to pay Sango to dress up as that.

“Feh,” Inuyasha huffed.  “I feel the overwhelming urge to get drunk, right now.”

The three friends looked at each other.  “Sounds good to me,”  Miroku shrugged.  With various noises of agreement, they followed after Inuyasha into the huge house.

Hours later, after copious amounts of alcohol were consumed, and a few scary movies were watched, the four friends were, to put it lightly, drunker than skunks.  Well, Kagome was more tipsy than anything, but the others were smashed.

Kagome had found a stuffed skunk (although where she had found it was anyone’s guess) and plopped it right between her cat ears on her head.  Inuyasha found this uproariously funny, and his laughter, helped along by his inebriation, fell over the top of the couch and half onto Sango’s lap.  She blushed, and Miroku, who had all night been whistling things like “Helllloooooooo Nurse!” leaned over and pushed Inuyasha off onto the floor.  Kagome was laughing all the while

This was the scene Sesshoumaru came on to, sipping at his Guinness and wondering if his half-brother’s friends would ever leave him in peace and quiet.  He observed the doctor and the nurse flirting with each other, and Inuyasha on the floor, still snickering.

Then, he caught sight of the cat, and his eyes narrowed.  She knew that their family was a dog demon family.  So it begged the question… why did she dress as a cat?

Kagome, who spotted Sesshoumaru across the room, sauntered over, her face bright and flushed, thanks to the alcohol.

“Hi Sesshshshsh…  Sessh-esh-esh… Sesshy!  I’m a cat!”

Sesshoumaru raised an eyebrow.  “I can see that… it begs the question though… why?”

And, tipsy enough to not control her tongue, she answered truthfully.  “So you could chase me!  Mrowr!”

The inuyoukai blinked.  Well.  That was interesting.  He didn’t quite know what to say to that, so instead, he offered her alcohol.  “Here, you look thirsty.  Have a Zombie.”

What proceeded then was for Sesshoumaru to ply Kagome with more alcohol in order to figure out what exactly Kagome had meant.  He got more than he bargained for.

Kagome, under the influence and on her way to totally smashed, told him everything.  About how she had a crush on him for so long, and how she would love to lick every inch of his facial stripes (Sesshoumaru blushed at that), and how she had snuck a picture of him and kept it by his bedside and woke up to that, wishing it was the real him.

The overload of information the bordered on creepy overwhelmed Sesshoumaru.  SHE had a crush on HIM?  She didn’t know that he, the mighty taiyoukai, pretty much had the same thoughts about her.  Even though he wanted to let her find out what his cheek stripes tasted of (and the other stripes she didn’t know about) and wake up to the actual him, his honor wouldn’t allow him to take advantage of someone who was, to put it lightly, three sheets to the wind.

That didn’t stop his mischievous side from coming out, however.  “Kagome, did you know that if you act like your Halloween costume, your deepest wish will come true?”

“Shay what?”  Kagome said intelligently.

“You’ve got to go up on the roof and serenade everyone, just like real cats do.”

“Oh, okay.”

Later on, Inuyasha wondered why he heard someone mutilating the song “Margaritaville”

The next morning, Kagome woke up on the roof of the mansion, curled up like a cat and stiffer than a board.  And with a horrible hangover.  “What… No, didn’t drink Tequila, my clothes are still on… What in the world happened?”

“You yowled loudly enough for the neighbors to send seven complaints to the police.”  Kagome looked up, and Sesshoumaru was crouched down beside her.  She almost leaped away, until she remembered that she was on a roof.  “And when the police came by, you rubbed their legs, purred, and almost bit one when they tried to help you up.”

Kagome flushed with embarrassment. “Oh God..” She moaned, burying her face in her hands.

Golden eyes flashed with amusement.  “Yes…  you were lucky that the other cops found it funny, and that you fell asleep shortly afterward, and didn’t… sing any more after that.  They let you off with a warning.”

“Please,” Kagome pleaded, “Kill me now.  But first, get me off this roof.”

A clawed hand reached out, lifted Kagome’s face out of her hands, and curled around her jaw.  “Oh, I will.  But wouldn’t you like to get off in other ways?”  Sesshoumaru practically purred.  But he didn’t, because he’s a dog demon, and they don’t purr.

Kagome froze. “Uh… what?”

“You told me several very interesting things last night.  Something about my cheek stripes?”

The girl actually whimpered, and seemed to shrink down.  Then… “I have many more stripes that I’d like you to explore.  Let’s get you some Tylenol, and we’ll see about that.”

At Kagome’s dazed nod, they got off the roof very quickly.  And later, Inuyasha woke up to several really loud sounds coming from Sesshoumaru’s room, which only aggravated his own hangover headache.


A/N: For my own Drunker than a Skunk challenge, and Rika's Halloween challenge.  Technically, it's still Halloween where I am.  Anywho, like I said, I own nothing.  Not Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville, or Joe Nichols' Tequila makes her Clothes fall off.  I paid an homage to Terri's Drunker than a Skunk fanart, which became the banner for the Drunker than a Skunk challenge.

Hope you enjoyed... only 20 minutes 'til NaNoWriMo for me, so if I write any fanfic this month, be amazed!  :p
