All Fall Down by Phoenix89

Chapter One: To Find You

All Fall Down


A/N: I fell in love with the plot of this story the moment I dreamt it. It is a Canon and starts in the present time but will have many flashbacks to the past. Those times will be marked with a black line or will be introduced by the characters. Thoughts are in italics. Enjoy and please don’t forget to review! Thank you!

Chapter One

It is said that when a body reaches the end of its capacity and can no longer function the body will die and fade away. Having served its purpose, the body becomes nothing more than an empty shell and will return once more to the soil from which it came. Having been set free, many souls return to the heavens awaiting their next vessel. However, many souls will linger on earth, both unwilling and unable to return to the Gods. These are the souls with unfulfilled destinies. The souls that will wait hundreds of years to fix the wrongs and reveal hidden deceptions. These souls will be reborn into new vessels, each time being given the chance to do right. If the soul accomplishes and fulfills its destiny, then heaven awaits it in both life and death.

There is a legend that speaks of one soul in particular. Countless times this soul has been placed in vessels each time given the chance to fulfill its awaiting destiny. Yet, each time this soul rejects its vessel and instead waits patiently for the right one. Given one final time by the Gods, this soul cannot fail. For it would mean death and destruction to the entire world.

This is her destiny, her promise and her legend.


Sesshomaru had lost track of the years since he had last seen her soul inhabitant a vessel. In fact, when he thought about it, her soul had last shown itself in Germany during World War II. She had been a mere waitress working hard for her tips so that she could afford to keep her family home. They had talked briefly but even he could tell that this was just another empty vessel. Yes, her soul inhabited the body but something was off; just like the others who had come before.

His fist clenched and his mouth set into a hard line. Unwillingly, images of the past began to surface in his mind. Before Germany, there was France, the time before that was Britain and Canada. The Northern portion of what is now the United States was the location of the first rebirth of her soul. With his excellent memory, he could still recall the very moment he set eyes upon her form a little over a hundred years after her initial death in the feudal era. She had been amongst the first generation born of the settlers from Europe. The resemblance had been identical in every way possible, her luxurious black satin hair, and the large doe like hazel eyes…everything. His heart constricted painfully for a brief moment.

Introducing himself as a traveling merchant, they had spoken a few times during his stay in her village. However, she was to be married the following spring to the governor’s son and no matter how many times he tried to remind her soul of who he was nothing changed that hurtful fact. Sesshomaru swallowed back his grief but the images continued to play. He watched as the woman he loved married another man the following spring. He tried to tell himself that this woman was not the Kagome he loved and lost so many years ago. She would never betray him like this. Never.

And then she died that winter during childbirth. At the funeral Sesshomaru watched from atop a distant hill. They buried both mother and child in the snow covered ground and he felt like they were taking a piece of his heart as well. Even though this Kagome did not remember him nor love him, Sesshomaru loved her. He slowly kneeled at the foot of her grave once everyone had left and he begged for her forgiveness. He told her how much he wished he had tried harder to gain her love once more. How much he had failed her…again.

The times following the first were equally as hard but Sesshomaru felt his heart becoming number with every passing day. His companions would never admit it but they feared that the Great Lord was reverting back to his past self. The one before Kagome. On nights when the pain hurt the most, Sesshomaru was sometimes thankful about becoming his old self once more. When he had been a cold and calculating Lord, matters of the heart and even pain had no affect on him. In fact the pain only made him stronger and he had no heart to meddle with.

And then it only took a flash of her brilliant smile to pull him away from those depressing thoughts. She had unknowingly changed him or perhaps she known all along and carefully plotted out every step of her devious plan to capture his heart and mind?

Drawn back to the present, Sesshomaru stared down at the amber liquid in his hand. With a swift swirl he brought the harsh smelling drink to his lips and downed the rest. It burned his throat as it slid down and he enjoyed the pain. It reminded him of the reason why he was alive and why he had to continue his quest to find her. He would not rest until he did.

The unwelcoming noise of his phone vibrating on top a nearby table pulled the youkai Lord away from his gloomy thoughts. He stared at the irritating device for a moment before begrudgingly answering it.

“What?” He bitterly snapped.

“Well hello to you as well big brother.” Inuyasha’s voice replied, sounding like knives on a plate to Sesshomaru. “No need to be such a grouch.”

Sesshomaru pinched the bridge of his nose, his eyes closing in annoyance. “Did you need something Inuyasha?”

Inuyasha remained silent longer than Sesshomaru had the patience for. He just about nearly teleported to Inuyasha’s office when his little brother responded. “Well, would you like the bad news or the good news first?”

Perfect. Sesshomaru felt the growing need to rip anything into tiny pieces. Perhaps an annoying hanyou would work. “The bad news.”

“The youkai Lords have voted and it looks like the council will meet here in the west. They said-.”

“When?” Sesshomaru interrupted, caring only for the details and not the explanation.

Inuyasha huffed angry to be interrupted. “Five months time, at the winter solstice.” Sesshomaru opened his mouth to speak but Inuyasha cut him to the chase. “They said Sesshomaru that they want there to be a winter ball amongst other things.”

So there was the bad news. It was long enough having to entertain the other three Lords for two weeks time during which trials were held for rogue demons and treaties were approved or denied. On top of the rooms he had to prepare for the Lords and their families there was also the food and transportation and the cover story for the press. Council meetings were horrible and dissatisfying matters and Sesshomaru was thankful for only one thing. The council was joined only once every ten years. Once the meetings were held further apart but since the world had changed drastically in the past five hundred years, the Lords agreed that closer meetings were needed.

“Make it so Inuyasha.” Sesshomaru said, his anger subsiding momentarily. “Contact Shippo and began the preparations.”

He could only imagine the anger fuming on Inuyasha’s face currently and it brought great pleasure to Sesshomaru. “Fine. Do you care to hear the good news?”

“I assure you I wish I would never have to hear any of the news you tell me.” Sesshomaru began, sarcasm dripping from his words. “However little brother I know from experience that you will tell me regardless of my wish.”

A short bark like laugh rang through the cellular device. “You know me so well Sesshy.” Golden eyes narrowed immensely at the despising nickname. “Anyway, the good news is that Rin is expecting.”

Sesshomaru’s eyes widened before his mask slipped back on. “Should Rin have not told me?”

“Yeah well Shippo shared the news with me and they want to tell you tonight at dinner but I thought you should know being her father and all.” Inuyasha admitted, guilt lacing his words.

His golden gaze drifted to one of the two framed pictures on his desk. The first being the one of interest. Kagome’s young ward was now a grown youkai with handsome red hair and bright green eyes. He stood beside a tall skinny woman with straight black hair and rich deep brown eyes. Their joined hairs displayed their affection for one another. Sesshomaru stood behind the woman, his face void of expression but Sesshomaru remembered that day clearly. Rin’s wedding had been beautiful…each time.

Every hundred years Shippo and Rin threw a new one, each more extravagant then the last to keep up with their present identities. The pair seemed to enjoy planning each one and spared no expense. His mind drifted to the day when Shippo asked for Sesshomaru’s permission in having Rin’s hand in marriage.

“Lord Sesshomaru, may I ask a question?” The red haired boy turned man asked after breakfast one morning.

Sesshomaru nodded in approval, continuing to sip his tea. The next words that left the kitsune’s mouth surprised Sesshomaru. “I wish for Rin’s hand in marriage.”

The Western Lord remained silent, his mind throwing around different ideas. “She is too young.”

Shippo puffed his chest out subconsciously and Sesshomaru noticed admirably. If the kitsune expected to marry his ward than he had better show a fight for her hand. “We are both young but we are in love. Kagome has given me her blessing so why not you Lord Sesshomaru? I would make a wonderful husband to Rin. I am kind, gentle and protective.”

With bated breath, Shippo waited for his Lord’s answer, fearing that if it were no that his whole world would crash down.

“Yes you have my consent.” Sesshomaru said after an agonizing minute. “Do not make me regret my decision.”

Shippo’s face broke out in a wide smile. “Thank you my Lord!” He bowed clumsily before hurrying off to find his now betrothed.

Sesshomaru watched him go, his hand bringing up his cup of tea. He took a delicate sip and set it back on its holder before addressing the new presence in the dining hall.

“I assume you told him to mention your consent.” Gold eyes locked with amused hazel ones. “Kagome.”

Her bubbling laughter was his only answer.

“So act surprised.” Inuyasha finished, disrupting Sesshomaru’s trip down memory lane.

“It is not their first child nor will it be their last.” Sesshomaru defended.

In fact, Shippo and Rin were mother and father to three other children. All three being hanyous but refused to act anything less than a full blooded youkai. Itachi was the oldest, resembling his father the most in both looks and attitude. The second was Akumi and she could pass in both looks and manner as Rin when she had once been a child. The third youngest was Yumi. Sesshomaru would never admit it but Yumi was his most favorable grand pup. Yumi had his mother’s dark hair but his father’s green eyes but his personality was neither parents. The hanyou child looked up to Sesshomaru as a mentor and had developed the same quiet calculating behavior as the Western Lord.

 “Come on Sesshomaru.” Inuyasha pleaded. “You have to admit you enjoy being a grandfather.”

Lips pursed, Sesshomaru replied tightly. “You have spoken your needs and now I must go.”

Despite Inuyasha’s words of pardon, Sesshomaru pressed his favorite button on the entire cell. The red button.

Suppressing a rather large and embarrassing yawn, Kagome Yamasaki rushed across the busy Tokyo intersection attempting to stay out of everyone’s way and trying her hardest not to step on any unfortunate toes. Feeling accomplished after having successfully maneuvered her way out of that small mob, Kagome straightened her appearance before setting off in the direction of her final destination.

A loud rumbling over head caused Kagome to pause and pear upwards. Dark thunderclouds were rolling into the busy city and with them bringing much rain no doubt. Kagome frowned but began to walk quicker than normal. Around her fellow pedestrians hurried past, all intent on reaching cover before Mother Nature released her fury. Kagome watched them pass her absently, her mind beginning to drift off.

It was the end of another busy day and although she had many papers to grade, all Kagome wanted was a decent cup of coffee. The tiny café near her condo was such a location for that decent cup of coffee. Thinking of her day, Kagome’s eyes drifted down to the messenger bag thumping against her hip as she walked. It was filled with tests and projects done by her loyal fifth graders. If they got wet…

With a renewed spark in her feet, Kagome rounded a corner and spotted the familiar yellow sign of the café. And just time because as soon as she stepped under the hanging front, the sky opened up and it began to downpour. Kagome watched the unfortunate ones caught in the rain scurry to nearby cover and couldn’t help but giggle at her luck. She turned to enter the café when she heard a man shout over the rain.

“Wait please! Hold the door please!”

Kagome turned and saw a tall man with strange red hair rushing towards the café, a useless newspaper held over his head as a pitiful excuse for an umbrella. The irony of his situation tugged at Kagome and she held the door open for the poor drowned looking man. When he was safely under cover, he shook his wild red hair and looked up ready to thank his savior.

“Kagome?” He breathed out, surprise taking both party members by storm.

Taken back, Kagome asked the next logical question. “How do you know my name?”

The man seemed dazed for a moment before he quickly recovered. “Oh sorry I have seen you before at-at where was it?”

Kagome tilted her head. He looked familiar too but she couldn’t quite place it. “Perhaps Sunset Elementary?”

The red haired man with beautiful green eyes snapped his fingers. “Yes that was it. I visited and saw your name and picture.”

Kagome smiled and followed the young man inside. Together as they stood in line Kagome asked, “So what is your name then?”

He held his hand out and a sense of family flowed over his body, warming him to the touch when she grasped his outstretched hand and shook it. “Shippo Taisho at your service.”

“Taisho?” Kagome repeated, the name rolling off her tongue. Then it hit her. “Taisho as in Taisho Corporation?”

Shippo nodded, pride growing in his heart. “The one and same. I am the adoptive son of Maru Taisho.”

Kagome flushed, suddenly extremely embarrassed to be standing next to such a prominent business figure. He was worth millions and she was worth whatever she had in her savings…which wasn’t as much as she’d like. They had reached the cashier and Kagome leaned forward to order a hot cappuccino and was reaching for her purse when Shippo leaned in and ordered a hot green tea and two butter cake as well. Kagome tried to say no when Shippo handed the woman a black card that Kagome could swear was the infamous black American Express. She gulped and prayed to the Gods above that the heat would disappear from her cheeks before he noticed.

“No need to be getting embarrassed on me Kagome.” Shippo grinned, carrying their drinks and food to a window seat. “This is the least I can do considering you saved me from the rain.”

Kagome huffed, a small smile gracing her lips. “I only held the door open.”

Shippo took a big bite of his cake. “The fact that you did is why I am most thankful.”

Oh dear, now why was she blushing even harder? “Thank you for paying, you are far too kind regardless of how the events played out.”

The rain continued to beat against the window and street outside, the sky becoming gray and depressing. It didn’t look like it was going to let up anytime soon so Kagome opted to at least get the tests graded from two days ago. No need to waste precious time.

Shippo watched Kagome sip her coffee and nibble at her cake while she graded what looked like math tests. It was simple math so he assumed it must be no more than fifth grade. Good, then he had played it safe by mentioning seeing her name and photo. He was pleased that at least she had heard of him and Sesshomaru. Her knowledge was a foot in the door, so to speak. It had been nearly a hundred years since the last time he had seen her. Just like the others she was identical in looks and so far her personality was the same. Still as shy and polite as ever. He didn’t want to get his hopes up but Shippo prayed that this Kagome would actually be the one.

“Would you like some help Kagome?” Shippo offered. “I am very skilled in math.”

Kagome smiled and happily handed over half the stack and a red pen. “Thank you very much Shippo. Each question is worth two points. Write their grade at the top when you are done.”

Shippo nodded and bent his head down to begin grading. It was uncanny how close he felt all ready to this Kagome. Staring at math questions reminded him so much of the times in the feudal era when he would sit in Kagome’s lap and watch her work through her math homework. If anything he had her to thank for his understanding of the subject.

Silence stretched between the pair as they steadily worked through the stack of papers. They spoke a few times, especially when Shippo had a difficult time reading a student’s chicken scratch handwriting. Their conversations were light and full of laughter and smiles. Kagome was enjoying herself when she finished her last paper and looked outside. The rain was beginning to let up. She could go home.

As the thought passed through her mind so did the sad realization that Shippo and her would part ways. He seemed to be thinking the same thing as he handed her his stack of graded tests because then he reached into his wallet and pulled out two small business cards. He handed both to her with an elegant sleek pen.

“I enjoyed today Kagome and I hope we can do it again.” Shippo said with a genuine smile. “I believe my wife would absolutely love to meet you. My cell and business line with the extension are there on the card.”

Kagome nodded and took the pen to write her cell, home and office number at the school on the back of his second business card. She handed it back to him and agreed. “Yes I think that would be wonderful. I cannot wait to meet your wife Shippo Taisho; she must be a very lucky woman.”

            Shippo nodded and Kagome noticed the way his green eyes softened. “It is I who am lucky to have her.”

            Kagome smiled sweetly before collecting her things and standing. Shippo stood as well and without thinking of any consequences reached in and gave the woman he had longed to see for so many years a quick hug. He was surprised when Kagome returned the hug but laughed when she pulled back and her cheeks were red as apples.

            She bowed her head, “Until next time Shippo Taisho.” He nodded and she turned to leave the café. He watched as she headed west, the sun shining once more through the broken clouds. A ray caught her raven locks and caressed her snow like skin. Shippo pinched himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming and had just really seen his mother. When she disappeared from his sight, Shippo slumped down into his chair and stared sightlessly at the cream colored table. He knew what he had to do but for just one moment he wanted to savor the lingering smell of her vanilla shampoo and body wash. It was the same scent the feudal Kagome used. Just another coincidence or was it a sign that this may actually be her?

            Shippo reached into his coat pocket. There was only way to tell for sure and he wasn’t the one for the job. No, he slid his cell phone on and dialed a familiar number; there was only one man who could.

            “Yes Shippo?” A deep voice answered on the other end.

            “Sesshomaru,” Shippo started out not realizing the effect his words were about to have on the stoic demon Lord. “I found her. I found Kagome.”


A/N: Just getting into it all so please let me know what you think! This story will be covering almost every genre so be prepared for quite the journey.