I Just Gave Birth to a Puppy?! by Kae

I Just Gave Birth to a Puppy?!

A/N: Hi there everybody! This is my first story on Dokuga! I sure hope you enjoy it.

This story was written for Kirai's Neverending Title Challenge

Wordcount: exactly 1000 words :D

*DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha. I only like to torment the characters with my crazy plots.*


I Just Gave Birth to a Puppy?!


Inuyasha was nervously pacing around outside of Kaede’s hut. His ears were pressed flat against his head in distress. Suddenly, a scream of pain erupted from inside the hut. The hanyou winced at the sound, crouched into a fetal position, covered his ears with his hands and closed his eyes tight.

Someone placed a hand on his shoulder in an attempt to soothe him. He turned to glare up at Miroku. “Everything will be all right my friend.” The houshi said.

“All right? All right!? It sounds like she’s dying in there! How can everything be all right!?”

Little Shippo looked up from where he was slumped against the hut wall, tears filling his bright green eyes. “Okaa-san is dying?”

“Don’t worry Shippo, the pain is all part of the natural process. She is very strong. She will be fine.” The monk patted the kit on the head in a soothing gesture.

“I should’ve taken her home. The healers there are so much better.” Inuyasha mumbled.

“You know that was not possible, Inuyasha. It was too late to move her.”

Inuyasha grumbled a bit before saying, “I know.” He looked down at the ground, allowing his silver bangs to fall forward to hide the worry in his eyes from the other two.

Another scream ripped through the air causing both men and the boy to cringe. “I realize that these things take time, but I hope, for Kagome-sama’s sake, that it is over soon.” Miroku commented.

Inuyasha nodded. “Me too.”


“AHHHHHH!!!!” Kagome screamed as yet another round of pain tore through her abdomen.

Sango wiped a cool, damp rag across her sweaty brow. “You are doing so well, Kagome-chan. Not too much longer now.”

“It hurts!” Tears poured down the girl’s face as she looked up at the older girl she considered a sister.

Sango wiped away her tears before saying, “I know it does but it’ll be over soon.” She turned to the elderly woman in the room. “Kaede-sama, how is she doing?”

The old miko looked up at her. “She’s ready.”

“Okay,” Looking back at Kagome, Sango said, “Alright Kagome-chan, it’s time to push.”

Kagome nodded and helped her friend get her into a partial sitting position. Sango knelt behind her to brace her up.

Kaede looked up at her from between her legs. “Are ye ready child?” Kagome nodded once more, an expression of pain etched onto her face. “Good, now PUSH!”


“Good, good! I can see the head! Again!”

Kagome sucked in a gulp of air, gritted her teeth and closed her eyes. “NGGHHHH!”

Kaede made a sound of surprise. “What is it, Kaede-sama?” Sango asked leaning forward around Kagome trying to see what caused her alarm.

The aged woman looked up with a strange expression on her face. Sango couldn’t identify it or it’s meaning. “Nothing child. Kagome, I need ye to give me one more good push.”

Kagome nodded weakly. She was so exhausted. Six hours of mind-numbing pain was too much for her. It felt like it had been days. At least it was almost over. She didn’t think she could take any more. She braced herself and breathed in deeply. “AHHH!!”

“Good! Its out!” Kaede skillfully cut the cord and wrapped the bloody mass in a blanket to keep it from catching a chill. “Sango, will you deal with the after birth while I clean the child?”

“Hai” Sango replied as Kaede moved away to the tub of warm water they had prepared.

“Kaede-baa-chan?” Kagome called out tiredly as Sango knelt before her.

“Yes, child?”

“What is it? A boy or a girl?”

“It is male.”

Kaede’s voice sounded strange. “Is he okay? Why isn’t he crying?”

“I assure ye, Kagome. He is perfectly healthy.” Her voice still sounded…off.

Kagome started to panic. “Please, can I see him? Give him to me!” She frantically held her arms out to the old miko.

Kaede finished cleaning him and wrapped him back up in a fresh, clean blanket. “Of course, child. I would never keep him from ye. Ye are his mother.” With that, she laid the bundle on Kagome’s breast.

Kagome wrapped her arms around the warmth. She sighed in relief when she felt him move in her arms and make a cute, little, squeaky whimper as he cuddled into her warmth. She smiled down at him but was surprised to find that all she saw was the blanket. Goodness, Kaede could’ve at least left his face uncovered so I could see him! Jeez! With that thought, she reached over to lift away the edge of the blanket so she could see her son.

The moment the infant was revealed, the blanket slipped from Kagome’s fingers and her mouth fell open with an audible pop. She stared at him in absolute astonishment. Her brain shut down as she tried to process what she was seeing.

Sango had finished with the afterbirth and cleaning Kagome up. When she looked up she saw the bewildered, frightened look on her best friend’s face. “Kagome-chan? What is it? What’s wrong?”

Kagome couldn’t answer. She wasn’t even able to look away from the newborn. She was in a state of shock.

Sango, becoming worried, moved to see what was causing her friend’s distress. When she saw the infant, she cried out in disbelief. “How is this possible?”

Kagome finally found her voice. “I don’t know.” Tearing her eyes off her son, she looked over to the old miko who sat close by observing.

“I have no explanations for ye on this. I have never encountered a situation like this before.” Kaede seemed frustrated by her lack of experience and knowledge.

Kagome looked back down at her son. Soft, light gray fur covered a distinctly canine body the size of a human newborn. It just could not be possible. She looked back up at the two other women in the room, confusion and panic in her eyes. “How is it that I just gave birth to a puppy?”


A/N: So how'd I do? Please review! Hehe that rhymed. XD

Sighning off...Kae