The adventures of Mini Tai and the Idiot Miko by Deeanna Dusyk



Yadda yadda disclaimer lolz. Characters not mine, I'm just having fun torturing them.


     This! This was unacceptable! Sesshomaru snarled as he wrestled his way out of inescapable tangles of cloth. Never in his lifetime had he been so humiliated! And never again would he be, he vowed to himself. That Kami-cursed witch had better hope she never crossed his path again if she wanted to live. And if this was permanent…….he growled in barely suppressed rage. Struggling a few moments more with the fabric of clothes that had fit him perfectly mere seconds ago, he finally tumbled free of the white silk and stood with all his leftover dignity. He narrowed his eyes and glanced over himself, then back at his clothes, which were piled in a rumpled heap that was now taller than he was. This…..presented a problem.


He he^^ first chapter! first chapter! Just a teaser really.

Love Starfire