Autumn Leaves by Lavender

Prologue: First Meeting

Omgoshiness! It is my first fanfic to be posted ever! So, don't be too hard on me, because I promise I am truly trying. So please red, review and ENJOY!


DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha. Rumiko Takahashi has that priviledge :)


 Dashing and racing through the forest, her musical and bubbly laughter floated through the air. The moonlight guiding her way, Kagome ran to Father Wisdom, her lithe form disappearing and appearing between the thick trunks of century old trees. Of course, she was well aware that she had only so much time until she would have to leave her private haven to return to her home in the Higurashi Palace.

   Finally, the young miko princess burst through the dense trees and skidded to a halt. This meadow always made her feel like a child sneaking through a castle hushed with sleeping humans. A huge and rather ancient oak tree dominated the clearing, it's normally festive autumn leaves leached of their color in the moonlight, creating a silent, almost magical feeling.

   Making her way over to the tree demon she had learnt to call Father Wisdom, Kagome quickly and skillfully climbed its rough branches. She found pride in the fact that her sleeping yukata no longer got caught on the twigs and bark, her bare feet easily finding purchase to push her upward. Trully it was a given that after all this time she could manoveur so easily. A small smile formed on the young woman's face as she recalled her first visit to Father Wisdom


   Armed with a stick as her sword and a particularly large chunk of bark as her shield, a ten-year-old Kagome flounced through the forest just beyond her father's castle. That night she had been simply unable to sleep, and the wonders of a warm summer night had beckoned her out. Bare foot and dressed only in a sleeping yukata, the child crept outside of the safety of her chambers.

   On the other side of her shoji door she was met by a lovely, little firefly, which she promptly proceeded to chase, barely holding in giggles of childish mirth. So entranced she was by her little hunt, the tiny princess only realized where she had wandered to when she collided with a birch tree. Taking in her surroundings, Kagome realized she could be in terrible trouble if her mother ever found out of her whereabouts. However, she was not your regular little girl, and so instead of returning to the palace, she chose to explore while given the chance. Surely someone would come to retrieve her should it happen that she became lost.

   She spent the next couple of hours dancing, singing and mock-fighting the surrounding growth, until she stumbled across a small clearing. Across from her stood a great oak, majestically stretching its aged branches to the the heavens.

   The raven-haired girl's sapphire eyes widened as she imagined just how fun it woudl be to climb to the top. Would she be able to see her home from way up there?

   Pretend sword and shield abandonned, she raced to the base of the tree, her dark, wavy tresses flowing behind her. As she climbed, she tore her clothing and aquired multiple small gashes in the soles of her feet and her palms. However, stubborn as she was, Kagome refused to give up.

   A loud crack was heard as a thin branch snapped under the tiny onna's right foot. Suddenly, she was falling.

   Letting loose a shrill cry of fear she flew to the ground, her tiny body preparing for the impact that was sure to come.

   Soft, gentle vine wrapped themselves around the miko's body suspending her in mid-air. Slowly and very carefully, as if not to startle the little girl, her saviors pulled her to a thick, flat surfaced branch just above a face that had formed itself in the bark.

   A soft disapproving noise rumbled from said face, as a pair of wise eyes turned to assess the child seated on one of his many branches.

   "Tell me child, what brings you to this old youkai's forest?" questioned a voice gruff without use.

   Kagome burst into her giddy tale without second thought, and on this night, a beautiful friendship was born.

End Flashback

   Now, seven years later, the same girl settled on the same branch, of the same tree, on a night so alike that very first.


Author's Note:

   Yeah, I know its really short, but of well its just the prologue and I promise that the future chapters will be much longer. Please read and review, and all constuctive ciritsism will be very much appreciated!

   Also, Kagome appears to A LOT like Rin as a child, but that's just how I imagine her back then. 

   I will do my best to update each week, but I make no promises whatsoever!  

Love, Lav<3