Challenging Challenges by Sumisung

Small Reassurances

Challenge: Drabble #100 on Weekly Perfection 

Theme: Perfect

Genre: Fluff

Word Count: 100

Summary: How can anyone hope to find perfection, when he was the pure embodiment of it?


Disclaimer: Inuyasha and Co are the property of Rumiko Takahashi, and thus do not belong to me.  I am simply borrowing them for the purpose of satisfying my warped mind.

A/N: My first attempt at participating and entering any of the challenges.


Time was up.

There was knocking on the door at precisely seven o’clock just like they had agreed.

Panic set in, there was no more time.

The reflection in the mirror scowled, at its true form.

How did this happen?

Slowly the door opened and the visitor walked in.

Footsteps drew closer, until a second reflection joined the first.

“You did not answer, why?”

“I look terrible.”

A single eyebrow rose in surprise.

“You are beautiful.”

“That’s easy for you to say.”


“Because you’re just like your name.”

“Kagome, you’re my mate and that make you perfect to me.”
