Feudal Shampoo Recipe by Nile

Feudal Shampoo Recipe

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha. Copyright goes to Takahashi Rumiko. I do not earn money from this. I am merely a fan.

Kagome was frustrated. She had run out of shampoo and her hair did not smell great, even though Sango made some hair concoction out of cherry blossom and mint. Each time she bathed, the hot spring eliminated the hair tonic’s natural smell. Her hair was flat, and it was beginning to become a bit rough. She had not planned to return to her time for another two weeks, and ironically, had forgotten to take extra supplies in the first place.

Then, she thought of it as she soaked in the hot spring.

“How does Sesshoumaru keep his hair so shiny and manageable?” she wondered out loud.

Suddenly, from the bushes sprang Rin.

“Kagome-sama! Rin is here to take a bath!” the young girl announced, immediately laying down a bag.

Kagome was not surprised that Rin had showed up. Her group had turned up in the same path several times. Kagome smiled and beckoned her.

After Rin settled in, she pulled out her bathing supplies. Kagome grew curious when she saw a small bottle.

“What’s that?” she asked.

“Oh, this is for my hair? Lord Sesshoumaru made Master Jaken make it and then give it to Rin,” Rin replied, and then uncorked it.

“Does Sesshoumaru use it?” Kagome asked.

“Yes, he does. Lord Sesshoumaru says it is one of the few reasons that Master Jaken is useful to him,” Rin answered.

‘Maybe I can get some, or maybe just the recipe?’

“Do you know how Jaken makes it?” Kagome pried, hoping that the young girl knew.

“Of course, Kagome-sama! Master Jaken uses his saliva and some herbs. He chews the herbs until they are tender, and then bottles it,” Rin explained, and held the bottle up to Kagome, for perusal.

Kagome grew pale at how the feudal shampoo had been manufactured.

‘No red dyes, no extracts, just pure nasty toad spit! Yuck!’ Kagome thought, gagging a bit.

“Uh, Kagome-sama? Are you okay? Do you want some of Master Jaken’s hair tonic?” Rin asked.

“No, but thanks anyway, Rin-chan,” Kagome quickly said. “Hey, I gotta fly. Ja ne!”

Kagome hurried out of the hot spring, dried, dressed and made her way back to camp.

‘That’s sick! And I thought Sesshoumaru was such a gorgeous hunk!’ she thought, quite disappointed. ‘I will never be able to look at his hair the same way ever again.’