The Color of the Moon by Discord-Maru

Making of Legends

I do not own Inuyasha and such.....A girl can dream though.

Within the darkened corridor. Failing light flickers from a fallen torch. Ripped from its brackets near the raging fight taken place five paces away. Bodies coated in sweat and blood with every thrust of the sword and every defensive move more blood coated the walls near the two locked in their endless battle. Shadows dance onto each other making them seem as one. Never apart more than a instant swaying as if to music only they could hear. Death sings for them this night.

So much power expelled in their battle the walls cracked and burnt, The once smooth well places stones jagged and scared. Falling from place's like drops of heavy rain and their swords the clash of booming thunder. Sparks flying, the heat of metal showering them so much like the flares of lightning. And the titans oblivious to the storm of their making, only focused on one another.

In the air the smell of blood and tears, the sweet scent of cherry and spices. All wafting off the silver beauty kneeling down the hall. Holding her swollen stomach she watched as her mate, her champion, her soul fought for their life and land. Watching unable to move for the pains racking her lower body, her life force draining freely from her womb with each strong stab of pain. Her voice  horse from screaming in fright and pain. Opening her mouth nor sound could be heard, as she tried to scream at the horror unfolding before her.

Their battle  had been fought all their lives. Be it in voices raised in anger or the clashing of their powers. Never has it come to blades with them. Each now drained of their power. The force of energy sapped dry from use. Its was a even battle it always has been, but tonight the fight will end with the flash of blades. Each a master in his own right. Though rarely used they had kept up practice honing their skills. Both stove for power for separate reasons. One dreamed of conquest the other sought a lasting peace. The only common ground the enemies had was the trails of bodies that could be laid at their feet. You had to conquer to expand your lands. And those of peace had to fight to keep those under their rule safe.

This night has seen power is its rawest form. The two mightiest of them deadlocked in a battle of ages. Non since the ancients have equaled them in strength. Even those across the world could feel the quakes of energy as the warriors fought the final battle of supremacy. Both alphas of their races. Fighting to make the other submit.

But the silver male had a untapped resource a. A glance over his shoulder at his one and only Maiden of the Moon . Worry had a frown crease his brow, her screams had stopped all that could be heard above the thunder of the blades was the rapped pants coming from her crouched form. But her eyes showed the love and trust she held for him and with her by his side he knew he had the power to defeat his foe. For a brief instant the thanked the god's for placing this rarest  female in his life. Life mates   forming the bond to share each other souls. Rare to find the one in life able to complete the ritual. Most end up with a pale intimation of the bond. But not them, no they were truly meant for each other in life and in death. He had to win for his mate, her life and their child. He thought those things in a instant as his eyes locked with her's. With the widening of her eyes in dread, he realized his mistake.

" Rule one of any warrior never look away from your opponent." the black scaled dragon hissed through bloodied fangs.

As the Dragon King withdrew the blade with a violent jerk, the  Dog Genral fell to his knees twisting so his eyes fell upon his beloved once again. White strands of long hair drifted across his bloodied face  his golden eyes filled with horror as his lover and mate tried to crawl to him in agony. Blood trailed behind her and she struggled to reach him. Collapsing forward on one hand supporting himself the other holding his gut where the fatal wound lay, his eyes never leaving her. With a almost gentle grip the conquering king grasped the fatally wounded males once silky strands bearing his neck as the blade of his weapon slicing a deep line across the Dog Kings  throat.

Then she screamed ,she screamed her pain as the other half of her soul was ripped from the world of the living. A unnatural sound, the sound of loss so gut wrenching and powerful. Waves of energy pulsed and radiated off the the Lady of the Moon , waves of white light covered the Dragon King as he tried to turn and flee. The silver ones power coming to life. She had promised not to use it, it may hurt their child. But she no longer had control. With her last breath she screamed her pain onto the dragon that took all she ever loved from her. The light enveloped him pined him with one foot ready in step, burning his flesh off his body then slowly deeper to the core of his being.

Once the light died out where once stood a towering castle, only fallen stones were left. When solders reached the scene of the horrific battle. They found the bodies of the two lovers beside one another her head on his shoulder.  A area cleared around them, the floor intact below them. No smell of blood no sign of injury they looked to be sleeping in their lovers arms, yet no breath left their lips. Between them the cries of a mewing baby.

The solder picked up his lords heir in his armor gloves, cradling the boy against his plated chest. Looking at  the strands of silver hair , golden eyes, and on the edges the fading light of his mothers power upon the moon staining his forehead. The baby yawned and griped the soldiers armored finger in his hand then fell asleep. The solider took a shuttered breath imprinting the child's scent,  spice and the sharp bite of the first cold of winter.


Light vs. Dark , ones yin the others yang. There was no hope for one to win the battle. To evenly matched the battle rages as it has for eternity. If one of the darkness falls another will takes their place. If dark prevails another champion of light will heal to the call of a hero. Power unparalleled, equaled and balanced. If the scales tip one way more so than the other, it would be hell, heaven, death, passion, war, or peace.

But the world can not handle to much of just one. The living are not meant for paradise never happy with whats given. Wars rage over beliefs , the prejudices of those not like them selves. But human emotions, greed ,hatred, hope, and above all love. That sets them apart, no other creature lets those emotions rule them as much as the short lived mortals. Humans were always the most amusing offspring of the gods.

Is anything ever pure, the best of men have done things others would see as wrong. Those seen as evil have done thing that seem good. Who is the judge of whats the right way. Selfishness and selfless both those words so opposite meaning yet both start with the word 'Self.' The world has never been black and white. Some say its a world of gray just shades between. But the priests say its a world of color not clear cut but a painting of sights ,sounds, textures and feelings.

The world is a canvas and the beings on it the paint. Gods above shaping lives with the strokes of a brush. Each god created a color sometimes mixing and twisting them. Every time  a new color emerged a new race came into being on the worlds canvas. Some with jagged and rough lines. Others smooth and and clean. Overlapping in its complicity yet making a master piece, a work of art unparalleled.   Each god protect their color cherishing it as a child. Each race mimicking its parent. Guiding and shaping the lives of their offspring. Non can ever come to understand the meaning behind the strokes of the brush. The priests believed the gods set their lot in life a unwavering line from begging to end. Others believed they set their own route in life picking up their own brushes and making their unique streak across the canvas.

Was its the gods cruel punishment on those below or maybe they take delight in watching the drama unfold as light and dark clash. Or did the children of the gods paint themselves into this epic battle. With the sun rise all will know of what has taken place. Names will be spoke in worship of the hero who fought the dark, and of the  evil who creeped from the shadows and scared naughty children in their beds. Stories told around the camp fire's and den's,the story  of sharing and tears. The story of the mixing of colors and the forbidden. Tales of power and love. Of the Lady, the monster by her side and the hatred the almost tore the world apart. These stories will live on for many hundreds of years for mortal and demon alike.


I am hoping others will enjoy this. As stated in my summary I have no beta (yet) and its my first go at writing. I wrote this about a year ago one day after work. I have many ideas how this can progress, and with support, hope to make this a pretty long story.I would love to hear what you think and how to improve. All reviews welcome the good and the bad.