Intersections by sarhea

The First Time She… (green tea)

AN:  Dokuga’s Cherry on Top Challenge – Green Tea

AN:  Modern day Tokyo with a minority youkai-hanyou population living openly among us – not hidden. 

Summary:  The first time they met they never exchanged words.

AN:  I never write fanfic 100% true to the series canon so there will be OOC. 


...ooO The First Time She… (24. green tea) Ooo...

The first time she saw him he was drinking green tea.

Kagome did not know why her eye kept returning to the gorgeous silver-haired daiyoukai sitting a few tables away.  He was sipping something from a bone-white china cup embellished with the tea house’s logo.  She knew it was green tea because she had walked by the waitress carrying the tray to his table and had smelled the strong aroma of the traditional hot drink.

“Who are you looking at Kagome?”

Hiragushi Kagome blinked and redirected her gaze towards her best friend Tajiya Sango.

The slightly older woman was craning her head, trying to determine who exactly had drawn her best friend’s attention. 

“Oh ho!”

A waitress had moved giving Sango a direct line-of-sight to a very eye-catching figure.  A daiyoukai with long platinum hair secured in an old fashioned high tail and prominent facial markings that only enhanced his looks.

His attention was fully directed at the laptop on the table in front of him.  Between sips of his beverage his attention was divided between his Blackberry, tablet PC and laptop.

Sango smirked.  “He is quite a looker isn’t he ‘Gome?”  She teased her friend gently.

Kagome blushed.  “Sango!”  She hissed softly glancing furtively at the daiyoukai.  Had he heard them?  He wasn’t looking in their direction.  Perhaps he had not.

“What?”  Sango protested in mock innocence.  “I’m only speaking the truth.  He is a looker.”

“He is a daiyoukai and a workaholic.”  Kagome spoke firmly.  “Two qualities that are highly undesirable in my view.”

“But you have not denied that he is attractive.”  Sango slyly pointed out.

Kagome glanced over in his direction before looking away.  “He is attractive.  And wealthy and powerful from the look of him.  But you know that is not what interests me Sango.”  She blinked back tears.  “I want someone who will care for me, not the next bigger business deal, the next conquest.”

Immediately Sango backpedaled at the reminder of her friend’s recent heartbreak.  Silently she cursed that bastard Hiten for the way he had treated Kagome.  If she ever met up with the Raiton youkai she would give him a good thrashing! 

“You’re right Kagome.  Youkai are too aggressive and driven to win.  A human would be better.  Why don’t I talk to Kohaku; he might know of a few single friends who are interested in dating a pretty girl like you.”

Kagome blinked.  “Kohaku?  Aren’t most of his friends the same age as Souta?”

Sango winced.  “Yeah.  But his friends are better behaved.  Most of Our male friends are not exactly suitable boyfriend material.  And I highly doubt any of Their single friends would be either.”

Both girls shuddered at the memories of several Incidents all of which involved at least one of Miroku, InuYasha, Kouga, or most of their male friends in some fashion.

Kagome sighed.  “Just give it a break Sango.  I don’t want to rebound date.  If I meet someone nice all well and good, if not I don’t mind being single for a bit.”

Sango frowned.  “Are you sure?”

“Oh definitely!  I don’t want to force myself into anything right now.  Maybe in a few months.”

Sango bit her lip.  “What about the BBQ?”

“What Bar—Oh.”  Kagome caught herself and bit her lip.  “I forgot about that.”

“Are you sure you want to go stag to His party?”

Kagome smiled gently.  “I don’t want to go alone but if I don’t meet anyone else by them I will.  Besides our break-up was nothing like my break-up with Hiten.  We are still friends.”

Sango was skeptical but she held her tongue.  “If you say so Kagome.”  Then she decided to change the topic.  “Do you want to go to the Mall after work?  Eri mentioned there is a sidewalk sale going on this week.”

Kagome smiled and nodded.  “Oh yes.  I have to pick up a few things.  I saw the most gorgeous straw sandals…”

Sango allowed Kagome’s chatter to wash over her while part of her thoughts worried over her best friend.  Kagome was the kindest nicest person she knew.  If anyone deserved a loving devoted boyfriend it was she.

The two women never noticed a pair of cool citrine yellow slit-pupil eyes glancing over in their direction.  Nishitama Sesshoumaru Had heard their conversation but it was nothing he had not heard before.  He was attractive, wealthy, and powerful.  Females of all species knew it and were attracted to him.  Some more openly than others.  The smaller female, Kagome, she was different.  She acknowledged his qualities but was not interested in attracting his attention because she desired ‘softer’ traits.

A very rare woman.  One who acknowledged from the start that the Killing Perfection was not the most desirable life partner.  Too many women fell into his bed and hoped they could change him Afterwards.  Sesshoumaru was not interested in changing for anyone.  Besides, it wasn’t like he was seeking long-term female companionship.  One strong, claw-tipped hand reached out to pick up the cup of green tea and bring it to his mouth.  The aroma of the fragrant liquid filled the daiyoukai’s nostrils as he sipped the cooling liquid.  As he drank he turned his attention to the spreadsheets opened on his laptop and began manipulating the financial data. 

Tsukino Heavy Industries was ripe for a takeover by all signs.  He just had to determined the best price to offer.  Not too high of course (it would be less profitable) but not too low (it would be an insult).  Determining the break-even point was more of an art than a science.  It was an ability Sesshoumaru had honed in a variety of boardroom battles spanning many decades.




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