Intersections by sarhea

Purity and Fertility (orange blossom)

AN:  Dokuga’s Cherry on Top Challenge – Orange Blossom

AN:  Modern day Tokyo with a minority youkai-hanyou population living openly among us – not hidden. 

Summary:  Kagome contemplates on the next step she is about to take.

AN:  I never write fanfic 100% true to the series canon so there will be OOC. 


...ooO Purity and Fertility (17. orange blossom) Ooo...

Kagome caressed the fragile white petals resting on her dresser top.  The action released the spicy heady fragrance of orange blossoms.  She could not resist leaning forward and brushing her nose over the clusters of five-petal white flowers twisted and wrapped with rosemary and baby’s breath to form a gorgeous headdress.

She blinked as slightly wrinkled hands lifted the elegant headpiece up and towards her head.

“You look beautiful.”

Kagome smiled as she watched her mother in the mirror while remaining motionless.  The professional hairdresser was pinning the custom made orange blossom hair ornament to her elegant updo and Kagome did not want to be stabbed by the metal pins or have her hairstyle marred.

The Higurashi women waited until the last tresses were pinned and sprayed into place and the stylist had departed.

Asuka smiled wistfully at her daughter.  “You look so beautiful.  If only your father could see you now.  He would be so proud!”

Kagome smiled.  “I know Tou-san is proud; wherever he is.”

The elder woman nodded slowly and reached out to touch one of the fragrant white flowers nestled in her daughter’s raven black tresses.

“My mother pinned orange blossoms into my hair when I married your father.”  Asuka’s expression was faintly wistful.  “My maternal grandmother was Chinese and wore orange blossoms at her wedding, as did my mother at her wedding.  And now so are you.”  There was a pause as Asuka gathered her thoughts.  “Kagome, what do you know about orange blossoms?”

Kagome wrinkled her nose.  “Not a lot Kaa-san.  They make perfume and orange water with it.  I know they used to be used in Western weddings.  Today roses are more popular.”

Asuka nodded slowly before she began speaking.  “Orange blossoms were emblems of purity, chastity and innocence in Ancient China.  I don’t think you know but orange trees are one of the few plants that can bloom and bear fruit at the same time; so orange blossoms became a symbol of fertility and fruitfulness.”

Kagome nodded, her mouth trembling slightly.

“My daughters will wear orange blossoms at their weddings.  As will all of my granddaughters.”

Asuka nodded and her expression lightened.

“No second thoughts about walking down the aisle?  Worries?  Jitters?”  Asuka spoke in teasing tones.

Kagome smiled knowingly.  “None.”

Asuka laughed softly.  “So confident?”

Kagome shrugged.  “He doesn’t say he loves me but he shows it.  And he never acts if he does not plan on following through.  Since he asked me to marry him he is truly committed to me.  To Us.”

“Then I have no worries.  You are going to have a wonderful life with Sesshoumaru.  He truly loves you.”

Kagome smiled.  “He sees me as I really am and he wants me.”

“And he always will.  He always struck me as the type to hold on and never let go; the really loyal type despite all the rumours.”

Kagome made a face.  “Rumours are rumours.  As long as Sesshoumaru is honest with me I don’t really care.”

Asuka nodded.  “Hold onto that personal rule.”  She hesitated.  “There is one more thing I need from you Kagome.”

“What is it Kaa-san?”

“I want a grand-daughter.  Or a grand-son.  As soon as possible.”


Asuka laughed and kissed her daughter’s cheek.  And then she glanced at the clock.

“Come on dear.  It is time to get you married off.”

Kagome smiled tremulously.

“Have I told you how much I love you Kaa-san?”

“Only every other day darling.  Now let’s get moving before your young man comes looking for you.”

Kagome laughed and stood up, obeying her mother.

Sesshoumaru was waiting for her.

It was time to get married.


The End.


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