Tengoku de watashi no jikan by Angelicatt

For the good of all

Theme: Grass

Genre: Hurt/Angst

Rating: K+

Word Count: 300

Warning: Character death!!!

Summary: Kagome’s sacrifice ends the final battle but at a huge cost.

A/N: I know I still need to finish ‘Matters of the Heart’ off; but all of my recent grief and health scares have prodded me to create a new series. Originally posted on LJ 6/2/2010

Disclaimer: I do not own anything but my own cracked imagination


Naraku’s dead, the jewel restored. With my last dying wish, I banish the Shikon no Tama and have brought back Kikyou for InuYasha. Hopefully, this way he won’t miss me too much that I am leaving him.

As I lay bleeding out on the crushed grass, I can hear my friends all around me. I don’t have the energy to call out to them, to tell them goodbye. At least I had a chance to see my family one last time before the final battle. They don’t need to know that this is how it ended.

InuYasha is screaming at me about being stupid; Sango is crying about how it didn’t have to be this way. Poor Shippou can’t mumble anything coherent aside from “not again”. Miroku is holding little Rin back and I can see the glimmer of tears in his eyes.

My sacrifice was not in vain. Even though they will all have scars and will grieve for me, life will go on for them. It was my destiny to rid the world of the jewel that caused nothing but pain and suffering.

So what if I jumped in front of a battered and bloody Sesshoumaru and took the mortal blow in his stead – InuYasha was already unconscious. That is what you do when you love someone isn’t it. The Western Lands need their Lord more than Japan needs another half-trained miko.

With blurry eyes, I see the stained whites of his hakama approaching me. He kneels beside me and inspects the open wound in my stomach. The barbed tentacle went straight through. His face shows signs of incredulity and displeasure.

“Why miko? This Sesshoumaru would have withstood the attack.”

“Because you were worth saving.” I whisper to him.

Smiling briefly, I close my eyes and pass away.