One Night by Silver Silence 89

Just getting it over with

Disclaimer: I only wish I owned these amazing characters but alas I do not.

One Night

Chapter 1: Just getting it over with

The darkened sky washed over the two individuals as they stood on the river bank lost in each other's eyes. The silver haired man's golden orbs locked with the raven haired girl's deep brown as he took a step towards her, closing the distance between their bodies.

"What are you...?" She began but was silenced as his long, slender hand stroked her cheek, allowing his claws to brush against her skin gently. She reveled in the small gesture, acknowledging the fact that it seemed to make a shiver run down her spine. With another step, the tall man completely closed the distance between them and wrapped his arm around her waist.

He pressed his lips against hers, surprised at the softness of her flesh. She seemed to freeze under his sudden action, but as the seconds passed her body began to loosen within his embrace. He tightened his hold on the raven haired girl, crushing her small but shapely body against his lean and muscular one. He devoured her lips with his own, surprised at his own urgency to take the girl once and for all. Her small hands snaked up his back, only to rest on his shoulders as she wrapped her arms around the taller man's neck, drawing his mouth further into hers. She felt his tongue brush against her lower lip, pleading for entrance into the hot depths of her mouth.

Kagome gripped the white kimono that adorned the male's slender body as she opened her mouth and allowed the man's heated tongue to collide with her own in a private dance. Immediately, she felt a tingling sensation wash through her, gathering into a tight ball in her abdomen. Her legs trembled as she felt her core become moist, dampening the sheer clothe that she wore underneath her jeaned skirt. She could feel the deep growl that emitted from him through his chest, causing her to grasp him tighter. She knew his acute senses picked up on her obvious arousal.

With great urgency, he trailed his heated kisses from her mouth, along her jaw, and down her neck. Kagome could feel his claws digging into her hips as she enjoyed the sensation of Sesshoumaru's mouth and tongue as they moved across her tender flesh. She entwined her fingers into his silver hair and grasped the strands tightly as she hissed in pleasure. At the sound, Sesshoumaru crushed Kagome's frame against his even further, intoxicating himself further into the girl's taste and vanilla and cinnamon scent. Twisting her body to fold into the demon lord's, her eyes widened as she felt the demon's hardened manhood push against her thigh. Rubbing the erected flesh against her, Sesshoumaru removed his lips from her skin and inhaled her scent deeply. He turned her body around forcefully so that her back was pressed firmly against his hard chest. Wrapping his arms around her flat stomach, the demon lord pushed her further into him, shifting slightly so she could feel his hardness against her back through their layers of clothing.

"Do you not see what you do to this one miko...?" He whispered to her seductively as he pressed his mouth against the dampened flesh between her neck and shoulder. Kagome bit her lower lip in attempts to control her ever growing sexual frustration, only to bite to hard causing her to taste the fresh flow of blood. As the scent of Kagome's blood filled his senses, Sesshoumaru growled in frustration as he pulled her head back and caught her mouth in his again. Within seconds he was lost in the essence of Kagome's mouth that mixed with the metallic but bittersweet taste of her droplets of blood.

"Sesshoumaru...." Kagome moaned through the passionate kiss

"Shhhh..."He whispered lowering her to the soft grass along the bank as he captured her mouth with his again. Breaking the kiss he locked his eyes with hers. "You are mine miko...."

Kagome woke with a start, blinking a few times just to regain her surroundings. Glancing around, she realized that she was still in Lady Kaede's hut. She turned slightly at the flickering light of the dying fire. She noticed Miroku and Sango snuggled closely together in the far corner. The little fox demon Shippo and the fire neko were wrapped in each others embrace, their soft snores filling the quiet atmosphere.

With a sigh, Kagome turned her gaze back to the ceiling, wrapping her naked body tighter within Inuyasha's haori. It was then she noticed its' dampness, obviously from the sweat she felt dripping down her body.

The dream came flooding back to her. It was one of many that she'd been having for the past month. Kagome closed her eyes as she remembered the feel of Sesshoumaru's tongue against her skin. The mere thought of it made her shudder as a small smile crept across her lips. She snuggled deeper under the red clothe as she felt her arousal come to life again. She quickly crossed her legs at the thought of the demon lord sending her into ecstasy caused a tightness to form in her abdomen and her core to moisten once again. Closing her eyes as a tremor of excitement washed through her, she began to relive the dream of Inuyasha's brother quenching their sexual appetites over and over again. Just the thought of it caused the raven haired girl to slip a hand beneath the clothe that covered her, allowing her fingers to gently rub and massage the erect bud she found before sliding those same fingers into the inner folds of her heated passage.

Her eyes suddenly snapped open as Kagome felt a strong arm wrap around her waist pulling her a few inches back so her bare back grazed against the warm flesh of a male chest. She closed her eyes and sighed as a pair of lips brushed against the back of her neck.

"Mmmmm.... And what are we dreaming about?" Inuyasha's voice flooded her senses as she removed her fingers from her core and turned to face him.

"Nothing." Kagome whispered as Inuyasha pulled her body closer to his.

"Feh....Don't lie. It definitely doesn't smell like 'nothing'." The half demon smirked as he gently sucked on her neck and cupped one of her breast in his hands. He rubbed his claws against the tip of Kagome's breast, enjoying the way it hardened under his touch.

"Yup... defiantly not nothing..." Inuyasha whispered arrogantly as he caught her lips within his own, shoving his tongue forcefully into Kagome's mouth. Kagome accepted the kiss, allowing Inuyasha's tongue to roam freely in her mouth. The moan she released from the act caused Inuyasha to bring his body on top of hers, removing his haori from her body. Kagome wrapped her arms around Inuyasha's neck as a soft growl emitted from the half demon's throat. Breaking the kiss, Inuyasha buried his head in Kagome's neck, lightly nipping and sucking on the area of skin between her shoulder and neck. The girl's eyes widened as she felt Inuyasha brush his fangs against the tender flesh.

"Inuyasha...." Kagome whispered, jerking slightly under his grasp. She felt him let out a sigh as he lifted his head and stared into her deep brown eyes with his gold ones. "You know I'm not ready for that."

"Yeah I know. But you will be soon. I know it. If you were ready for the physical part of our relationship wench, you'll be ready for the mental half soon." Kagome let out a sigh as Inuyasha's minor insult fell from her shoulders. She was use to them, she heard them all before. But she knew, regardless, the half demon was right.

After Naraku was defeated, the two had finally managed to reveal their feelings for one another. And a year ago, Kagome thought she was ready for their commitment to each other, both the physical aspect of sex and the mental aspect of mating. But in reality, one scared her more than the other. She didn't have a problem with giving herself to the half dog demon physically...her innocence was indeed something she knew she wanted him to have because she did in fact love him. And it was something she would never regret. But when he asked her to become his mate, and once she realized what that entailed, her cold feet managed to take over.

She knew bonding with him was something she may have wanted eventually, but the thought of it occurring at this point of her life made her have doubts. She wanted it to be special, the same way it was when she gave herself to him. But with Inuyasha, who seemed to be a little to eager in claiming her as permanently his, the thought didn't excite her much.

Then, to top it off, she had to get over the whole phase of having erotic dreams about Sesshoumaru. He was Inuyasha's brother for Kami's sake! Thinking about it caused a simple sigh to escape her. She tried to tell herself that they were just dreams, but how could that be when they basically haunted her every night? But on the other hand, it was perfectly normal for any woman to have such dreams about the demon lord. To many, he was in fact a god among both mortals and demons alike.

Just the thought of him had her captivated. His gorgeous eyes that seemed to hold the story of his life. His silky strands of silver hair that had a tendency to reflect light. His pale moonlit skin which, according to her dreams, had a mixed taste of sweat and sweet oils. His large hands, which she knew could work wonders against her flesh. His mouth, which she remembered left a wet trail of hot kissed against her skin. The way his erected manhood felt against....

NO!! She thought trying to rid her imagination of such thoughts about the brother of the man she was currently sleeping with. No... She wasn't going to allow her thoughts to dwell on the man, no matter how magnificent... Or sexually appetizing... he was. With the resolution firmly implanted in her mind, she stared into Inuyasha's golden orbs filled with lust.

"Yea Inuyasha. Eventually..." She whispered back, turning away from him so that he could only see her bare back. "Eventually...." She mumbled again before allowing sleep to claim her again.

The demon lord ran a clawed finger down the side of the mortal woman that lay naked below him. Looking into her brown orbs, he could see the lust and over all attraction she had for him. He bent forward and buried his head in her neck, causing her raven strands of hair to mix with his silver. He placed gentle kissed along the flesh that he longed to taste, allowing himself the luxury of sucking her every now and then, enjoying the tangy sweat that her body produced.

Kagome wrapped her slender arms around Sesshoumaru's neck and ran her delicate finger through his hair, gently scratching his scalp in the process. The notion caused a soft growl to vibrate from the demon's throat.

"Take me Sesshoumaru... please...." He heard Kagome whisper as she placed a kiss on his earlobe and then gently sucked it. Sesshoumaru lifted his head to stare back into her deep brown eyes before capturing her lips with his own. The taste of them nearly drove him mad. He plunged his tongue into her mouth, enjoying the way she tasted inside. Without thinking, his hand traveled up to her breast, cupping and massaging one while he took the nipple of the other between his teeth. Kagome arched her back up pushing more of her breast into Sesshoumaru's mouth. A grin crept of the demon lords lips as he accepted her more fully.

Her soft whimpers were like sweet music to his ears. He loved the way she felt under him. It was obvious through his painful erection which seemed to be pleading to enter her dripping core. But he wanted to continue teasing her for a little longer. Abandoning her breast, Sesshoumaru trailed his tongue down the valley between her breasts, down the flatness of her stomach, past the well groomed black curls he met, finally to rest at the folds of her core.

Running his tongue down slowly, Kagome gripped Sesshoumaru's shoulders as a whimper escaped her. She loved the pleasure he was giving her, but if he didn't stop his teasing soon, she would end up taking control.

Kagome's scent intoxicated him. He spread her thighs further apart, allowing him to position his tongue perfectly. In one swift move, Sesshoumaru plunged his heated tongue into her cavern. Kagome rose her hips slightly, allowing him to taste more of her. Running his tongue against her walls, the demon drank up every ounce of bitter sweat juice she released.

Kagome let a loud moan escape her as Sesshoumaru ate more and more feverishly, quickening his speed when Kagome wrapped her slender legs around the demon lord's neck. A growl escaped him as he pulled her further into his mouth, making sure not one drop of her essence escaped him.

With his ministrations, Kagome couldn't help the tightness in her abdomen as she gripped his shoulders tightly feeling herself come upon her climax. She bit her lower lip in pleasurable agony as Sesshoumaru sent her into her paradise. Kagome rode her orgasm into the demon's mouth, while Sesshoumaru refused to allow a drop to spill.

Feeling her muscles relaxed he finally removed his mouth from her dripping core, and trailed his heated kisses back up her body until his long muscular one covered her petite frame. He caught her mouth once again, while at the same time pushing his painfully hard manhood into her still throbbing passage.

Rising her hips for a deeper penetration, Kagome grasped him and stared into his golden eyes full of lust. A smile curved onto her lips as she bent upward and brushed her lips against his ear.

"I am yours Sesshoumaru..."

A grunt left Sesshoumaru as he opened his eyes and stared at the wilderness around him. Perched against a tree, the demon lord eyed his surrounding, noting that the small human child, Rin, still slept peacefully by the fire as she cuddled against the twin headed demon, Ah-Un. Next to her the small demon Jaken emitted loud snores which disturbed the peaceful silence. Sesshoumaru lifted himself to his feet, and began to walk slowly away from the camp the small band had made.

"My Lord. Where are you going?" Jaken asked coming to life at the sound of his master's footsteps, and running to join him. Sesshoumaru stopped abruptly and stared at the small toad demon with narrowed amber eyes. Feeling his agitation, Jaken shivered under the cold glare and took a step back.

"It is none of your concern." The demon lord stated coldly.

"But my lord. Something bothers you am I right? You rarely leave at such an indecent hour." Sesshoumaru's eyes grew into slits as he stared at the large eyed servant. Jaken gripped his demon staff in his hands as he felt his master's anger rise.

"Jaken...." The tone of Sesshoumaru's voice caused Jaken to shriek and fall to his knees as if pleading for his life. "Watch over Rin Jaken. I will return soon." He said emotionlessly as he continued along the darkened path of the forest.

Unsure of where he wanted to go, the Lord of the Western Lands walked slowly until he came upon a large waterfall that ran into a spring. Taking a seat on the bank, he cupped his hands and dipped them into the cool waters. Filling his palm with the substance, he splashed the water against his face trying to calm his nerves.

Jaken was right. Something was bothering him. And it wasn't the threat of a demon or anything of that nature. It was her. That damned miko wench who traveled with his idiotic brother Inuyasha. Kagome Higurashi; The woman who has possessed his dreams whenever he had indeed indulged in the darkened abyss known as sleep.

Running a clawed hand through his silver strands of hair, the thoughts of the strange girl consumed him. He'd been having reoccurring erotic dreams for over a month now, and he would never admit that sometimes they would leave him in a state where he was forced to take out the built up sexual frustration on his own or rutting with a harlot that meant nothing to him. Yet even with these quick pleasurable releases, he still found himself wanting more... Much more.

Placing Tokijin, Tensiega, and his armor on the ground beside him, Sesshoumaru stretched his slender body along the grass of the bank. Closing his eyes, the demon lord allowed his dream to fill his memory.

Her long, curly raven hair that was soft to the touch. Her vanilla skin that was decorated with beads of salty sweat. The perfectly shaped mounds of her breast whose nipples hardened at his every touch. The sweet taste of her mouth against his. The smell and the sweet and tangy taste of her essence as it filled his mouth. The tightness of her core as he entered her and pumped inside of her relentlessly, trying desperately to keep the demon within him at bay. Yet with every thrust, every moan that filled the air....

NO! He mentally yelled at himself, snapping up. He would not dwell on such a dream of lust and sexual desires. He would not fall into her spell, despite the growing erection that strained against the fabric of his hakama at the moment.

Standing to his feet, he stripped himself of his fur and his kimono, allowing the cool winds to brush against his ivory skin. Walking to the spring, he slowly lowered himself in the water, the cool waves rippling against him. Completely submerging himself into the water, the demon lord closed his eyes and rested against a large boulder.

He needed to rid the woman from his mind. He thought it could be done by having any female beneath him moaning in pleasure. But now he realized it needed to be her.

To rid himself of Kagome Higurashi, that human, he would have to fulfill his sexual dreams and take her in every possible way.

"Oi wench is it ready yet???" Kagome sighed at the pestering half demon.

"A few more minutes Inuyasha. Be patient." She whispered leaning over the large pot of ramen that boiled over the fire.

"It never usually takes this damn long to make some darn noodles." Inuyasha whispered harshly as he crossed his arms against his chest. Kagome lowered her brown orbs at the young man, stirring the contents of the pot even slower. With a 'humph', the girl turned her attention away from him.

She didn't like his attitude at all. Ever since the night before, when she had denied him once again from marking her, the half-demon had grown steadily impatient and short tempered with her. And quite frankly, Kagome was tired of it. Finally pouring the ramen into a few large bowls, Kagome silently handed out the food to Inuyasha and the others, who ate quietly. Placing her own bowl on ground next to her, Kagome stared at her down contemplatively at her shoes.

The whole issue was in fact becoming a little to much for her. It wasn't like she didn't want to mate with Inuyasha, she just wasn't ready yet. Sure she loved him, but she felt as though there was still something missing, which was basically holding her back from allowing him to claim her completely.

'Or is it something else?' She thought to herself with a sigh, allowing her mind to wander on the luxurious thoughts of the man who seemed to haunt her dreams for the past few four weeks. Maybe it was the dreams that were holding her back from making the decision.

"Kagome are you alright?" A soft voice tore her from her thoughts. Startled, she stared into the wide eyes of Shippo, who looked at her worriedly. She gave the small fox demon a reassuring smile and a soft pat on the head.

"I'm fine Shippo. Just thinking." She answered.

"Well whatever you're thinking can't be that important can it?" Inuyasha bit out as he shoved another spoonful of noodles into his mouth. Kagome lowered her eyes at him.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" she asked coldly.

" can take it however you want it to mean." He said dropping the finished bowl on the ground and standing to his feet and leaving the others behind in Kaede's hut. They all looked shock. It was rare when Inuyasha didn't push an issue. Kagome's eyes softened as she stared at his retreating back. With a sigh she turned to Sango and Miroku who sat silently.

"Guys do you mind giving me some advice." Both of them raised their eyebrows at the girl.

"Of course Kagome." Miroku said with a soft smile. Kagome folded her hands into her lap before she began.

"Well it's about Inuyasha and how he's acting... Towards me I mean."

"Do you know why he's acting a little more arrogant than usual?" Sango asked, placing her own bowl down. The dark haired girl shook her head.

"Yea.... You see.... Ever since Inuyasha and I got together...he's wanted to make me his mate. But the thing is... I've been putting it off for a while now. And I don't know what's stopping me." She lied. She knew exactly why she hadn't allowed Inuyasha to claim her. She had just figured it out just moments before.

"Oh I see... and it bothers him that though the two of you love each other, he wonders what holds you back from the commitment. And because you yourself don't know... he may be worrying if you'll ever want it." Miroku said, contemplating the situation. Kagome shook her head vigorously.

"So as you see I'm stuck. And I want it... at least I feel as though I want it. But this thing... whatever is holding me back is telling me otherwise." Kagome said barely above a whisper.

"Well Kagome... I think that If you really wanted it... you would find out what's holding you back... and do whatever you had to do to get rid of it." Sango said with a smile. A tinge of red spread across Kagome's cheeks. If she did that... then her dream could quite possibly... no definitely would become a reality.

"Yes I agree with Sango. The only way you may be able to move forward with you're relationship is by eliminating any and all obstacles that stand in your way." Miroku said in agreement.

Kagome let out a sigh. To get rid of this one obstacle... to allow Inuyasha to claim her fully... she would have to fall into the heat filled desire of Sesshoumaru. She grunted at the mere thought.

"Thanks you guys..." She said with a smile as she stood to her feet and walked out of the doorway into the morning sun.

Night had seemed to fall too quickly for the small group. They had begun their travels from the village right after breakfast, and before they knew it, the band found themselves in the pitch blackness of night.

"We should set up camp Inuyasha." Kagome suggested once they reached a small clearing.

"Fine.. I saw a small spring a few ways back." He whispered before jumping into a tree to survey the area. Staring off at Inuyasha, she became lost in her thoughts before Sango placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"Let me help with that." She said, removing Kagome's yellow bag from her shoulders. With a sigh, the two women began to set up camp.

"So have you given any more thought as to what you're going to do about Inuyasha Kagome?" Miroku asked suddenly. Her eyes widened a little. She really hadn't given their earlier conversation much thought.

"I think I'll figure it out over a nice bath." She said quickly grabbing her wash things from her bag.

"I'll join you." Sango suggested.

"No if you don't mind. I have a lot of things on my mind and I need some time to myself to straighten them out."

"No problem. I'll start dinner then." Sango said, understanding her friend's predicament. With that Kagome walked slowly walked back the way they came until she came upon the small spring Inuyasha had mentioned. With a sigh she dropped her things on the bank, stripped herself of her clothes, and slowly dipped into the water. As the liquid hit her flesh, she could feel goose bumps cover her skin. Leaning against a large boulder, she lowered herself further into the water and allowed her thoughts to consume her.

Those damned dreams were still with her. Just the thought of her with Sesshoumaru threw her body into heat. Maybe Sango and Miroku were right. Maybe she just had to do something to get the strange lust for him out of her system. Besides, if something did happen between them it wouldn't be anything serious. Sesshoumaru would never take it seriously, and for her that was a good thing. If it was going to be done, it would be dome with no strings attached; And just one time to get it over with.

The soft sound of leaves crunching chimed in her ears. Torn from her thoughts, Kagome shot up out of the cool water and turns to see, the tall figure of Sesshoumaru.

"What are you doing her." Her voice trembled.

"What does it matter to you young miko." His voice was just a deep and as smooth as her dream.

"It doesn't. I mean.. you're bombarding my privacy." She said rising her voice.

"The last time I was aware, this spring was a place of public bathing." She said. Sesshoumaru stared at the girl with heated golden orbs. His eyebrows twitched at the sight of her. She was just as he had imagined her in his dream the night before. Smooth ivory skin, round, perky breast, deep curves. The sight of her intensified with the beads of water that glistened against her flesh.

Noting his unbreakable stare, Kagome wondered why he was so captivated with her when she finally remembered she was standing in front of him completely naked. With an 'eek', Kagome dove back into the water, trying to conceal herself from his gaze.

"If you must know miko...I found myself drawn here." Sesshoumaru whispered. Kagome's head snapped at his confession.

"You were drawn here?" she repeated, going deeper into the water.

"Hai... strangely I had a vision of this place. What you humans call a dream I presume." He took a step closer to her.

"You've been having dreams Sesshoumaru?" Her voice was barely above a whisper.

"Indeed. And I find myself in a situation where they all seem to involve you." He slowly removed his weapons and armor and threw them to the grass. His demon ears could make out the unmistakable sound of Kagome's breathing, which for some reason brought an undeniable pleasure to him.

Kagome's mind was reeling. Could this be really happening? Just a moment ago she was contemplating on riding her sexual frustrations for a man who tried to kill her on more than one occasion. Now, said man, stood directly in front of her admitting to having dreams of her.

This was all too much for her.... or was it? Maybe this was exactly what she needed. This was her perfect chance to do what she had to do. The dreams had been plaguing her... and if she wanted to be with Inuyasha... she would have to get rid of them... even if that meant stepping up to the plate. Taking a deep breath, Kagome rose from the water, revealing her body to him one again. Sesshoumaru could feel the heat within him rise even stronger as he watched the raven haired girl rise to stand directly in front of him.

Kagome stared into his golden orbs with her dark brown ones.

"That's funny. I've been having dreams to lately." Sesshoumaru raised an eyebrow at the statement. Kagome stared at the demon lord intently. "And they all are with you." She took a step forward, trembling somewhat from the cold air that rushed against her wet body.

"So miko.. we are both in a predicament where we are having inappropriate dreams for the other." Sesshoumaru removed his furs and dropped them beside the growing pile of his belonging on the floor.

"It seems so... and I would guess they are something neither of us wants to have. So I presume we have to get rid of them once and for all." With her final step, Kagome was face to face with the demon lord. She heard him inhale deeply as she raised her trembling hand and removed the top of his robes, revealing his bare, muscular chest. His silver hair washed over his pale skin in a great wave. Sesshoumaru continued to stare at her with a heated glare as he felt her fingertips brush against his heated skin.

"Yes Miko... once and for all. A one time act to rid us of the atrocities." He brought his head down to her ear. Kagome could feel his hot breath against her skin which sent shivers down her spine.

"Hai. We're just getting it over with." She said placing a gentle kiss on his shoulder. In one instant move, Sesshoumaru wrapped his arms around her slender waist and crushed her small frame against his. Before Kagome knew it, her lips were pressed against Sesshoumaru's in a heated kiss. She could feel his hot tongue break into her mouth, exploring the inner cavern thoroughly. Kagome knew if it hadn't have been for Sesshoumaru's arm pressing her against him she would have fallen from the intensity of the kiss.

The demon lord lowered the miko to the ground and trailed hot kisses against her jaw and neck. He stopped for a moment to stare into her eyes. No words were said between the two; it was a mutual understanding. Once. No more... no less. One encounter. One night. And in the morning... it will be as if nothing happened. Not the dreams, not the yearnings, not the lust, and definitely not this night.

Kagome wrapped her arms around his neck as he lowered his mouth to the valley between her breast, which began to rise and fall quickly as her breathing picked up. He ran his warm tongue down the center then slowly moved to one breast, taking the entire thing into his mouth. Kagome's arched her back upwards at the sensation that such a small act gave her. She bit her lip to stop a moan from escaping her. She would not admit that she was enjoying this even more than in her dream.

Sesshoumaru shifted his body so that he was lying directly on top of her. After sucking one breast for a few more moment, he moved to the other, covering it entirely with his mouth. He brought a clawed hand up and began playing with the hardened nipple that he'd just abandoned. He loved the taste of her salty skin in his mouth. Sucking on her breast more hurriedly, Sesshoumaru moaned as he brushed his fangs against her.

He would never admit it.... But this was far better than expected. Slowly, the demon lord trailed his mouth down her body, His lips roamed across the flat of her stomach, into the dip of her belly button, until he stopped at the valley were her dark hairs began. A shiver went through Kagome's body as he brought his tongue back upwards. Taking a deep breath, Sesshoumaru swallowed the taste of her mouth in another kiss. Unable to battle his dominancy, Kagome succumbed to his demands and allowed him to control her.

Breaking the kiss, the dog demon began to gently nip and lick her neck and ear, causing the miko to tangle her hands into the silver strands of his hair. Encouraged at the motion, Sesshoumaru pushed a one of legs between her thighs, spreading them partly. Rubbing himself against her, he could feel his own heat began to fall on edge. Kagome closed her eyes as she dwelled in the feeling of Sesshoumaru's hardened length pressing against her abdomen. A small whimper escaped her as she released her hold on his hair and moved her fumbling hands to the fabric of his hakama. Sesshoumaru hissed as she rubbed a hand against his erect member, which seemed to be pleading for release.

As if on cue, Kagome dove her hand into Sesshoumaru's hakama and grabbed him. He lowered his head into the crook of her neck as his breathing hitched at her sudden action. She could hear a soft growl emit from the demon lord as he allowed her to remove the clothing which constrained him. Throwing it to the side, Kagome continued in her ministrations of stroking his member slowly. The feel of her hand on him caused him to wrap his clawed fingers in her thick, raven hair tightly.

Unable to take the foreplay any longer, Sesshoumaru's positioned himself at her entrance. He took one final glance at her before plunging himself deep into her heated core. Her back arched higher as he drove himself deeper into her with every thrust. Throwing her head back, Kagome dug her nails into his pale skin, falling deeper into the sexual pleasures delivered with every new thrust.

Sesshoumaru's hair fell over them like a curtain as his speed increased. He was mesmerized by the way she felt against him. Her tightness only made him drive into her deeper and harder with every thrust. Kagome could feel herself coming closer to her oblivion. Tightening her hold on the demonic god, she wrapped her long legs around his slim waist allowing for a deeper penetration. With a few more thrusts, Kagome felt her muscles tighten against him as a violent orgasm crashed into her. She felt her body quake as the pleasure washed through her.

In response, with a final thrust, Sesshoumaru reached his own climax and with a moan spilled his seed into her cavern. The two lay there panting heavily, allowing the sweat from the passion drip slowly to the ground. After regaining his composure, the demon lord slowly stood to his feet and stared down at Kagome, who still sat regaining her breath. His golden orbs peered into her brown as he gathered his belongings and slowly began to place them back on.

"You should wash yourself well miko. No need for my idiotic brother to get suspicious." He said as he slowly began to walk away from her. Watching his retreating back, Kagome gathered her disheveled self and made her way back to the spring, slowly lowered her still quivering body into the cool water.

"Miko... we shall never speak of this night again is that clear?" Sesshoumaru asked coldly, looking at her through the corner of his eye over is shoulder.

"It was understood in the very beginning." She countered as she lowered herself completely into the water. With a final grin, the demon lord left the clearing and disappeared into the darkened woods.

After a few good washes later, Kagome returned to the camp site where the others seemed to be waiting patiently for her. Inuyasha stared at her a she returned, but said nothing as he became more comfortable on the tree branch he'd occupied.

"Did you enjoy your bath?" Sango asked with a smile as Kagome took a seat next to her. A smile spread across the girl's lips as she stared into the darkness.

"Yes... as I figured.. I just needed to be alone and to myself to figure things out. Just for one night."

So what do we think people? My first actual attempt at a real lemon... lol.. can you tell....? Well anyway... read and review please. It may help the updating process move by faster!!! (Hint Hint lol)

- Silver Silence 89