In Desperation I came to you,
Asking for help,
Coldly you accepted
And my path changed.
In Desperation you fought,
Protecting the pack
Eyes full of fury
And my life was saved.
In Desperation you rebelled,
Pushing me away
Voice filled with scorn
And my heart was broken.
In Desperation you accepted
Pulling me close
Whispering longed for words
And my spirit was healed.
In Desperation we loved
Hands grasping frantically
Sharing ourselves without regret
And my soul fear filled.
In Desperation we fought
Dealing death quickly
Making the unselfish wish
And I wept heart sore.
In Desperation you held fast
Bruising lips fading
I screamed in pain
And I prayed for miracles.
In Desperation I’m found
Centuries of Patience
A true love rekindled
And I am treasured.
Ok, couldn't sleep. So I decided to write poetry. Please review.