Sesshomaru in Disney Land by Evenstar

Sesshomaru in Disney Land

A/N I cannot resist this challenge... Looks like my muse is nibbling. Thanks to Fox for Betaing.

Disclaimer: I don’t own anything to do with Inuyasha, Barney or Disney. Both belong to their respective owners. I make no money from this.


Sesshomaru Tashio glared. There were many things in this world he disliked; In fact it would probably be much quicker to list the things he did like. When his mate had insisted on going on a vacation he had been agreeable to the idea, after all he wasn’t against getting more pups. However what Kagome had failed to mention was that it was a family vacation.

Don’t get him wrong Sesshomaru loved his adopted five year old children Rin and Shippo; he was just keener on the idea of giving them a brother or sister. However Kagome had insisted saying that it would be great to have family time, so what his mate wanted she got. This is how Sesshomaru found himself in the situation he was in.

Sesshomaru watched as Kagome and the two children ran around having the time of their lives- he had been out voted three to one on their choice of destination, three going to Japan’s Disney Land, one going to well... if he’d had his way the vacation would be less two children.

So the great Taiyokai found himself being pulled around the magical land of Walt Disney, from oversized spinning tea cups to a flying elephant named “Dumbo”.  Ridiculous- whoever heard of an elephant flying, especially a non demonic one, and spinning tea cups? Sesshomaru couldn’t see the point of the spinning cups; one certainly couldn’t use it to drink tea from.

Sesshomaru watched his family as they pulled him in another direction. Though unnoticeable to the untrained eye the dog demon’s usually frozen face softened a little. They were enjoying themselves; this was the only thing that was making him endure his situation.

“Momma, I’m hungry,” the voice of his daughter pulled him from his thoughts.

Kagome smiled, “Lunchtime?” she chirped.

“Foooood!” Shippo yelled happily, as Rin yelled “Hooray!” they made their way to the food outlet. Sesshomaru looked incredulously at the stuff the Amusement Park was trying to pass off as food. Not only was it exorbitantly priced, but it had been processed so many times he wasn’t sure it could be classified as food.

Sesshomaru didn’t listen as his family discussed what attraction they were going to see next, he simply glared at the burger which was his meal, as if were the cause of his situation. If anyone had been watching they would have sworn the burger shrivelled up in an attempt to look small.


Sesshomaru looked mildly surprised as they arrived at their next destination. Inside a large building he saw a relatively normal floating boat like object in a shallow man made tunnel. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad, after all after spinning tea cups it couldn’t get much worse..... Sesshomaru recalled- what was the saying? Ah yes, “famous last words”.

The ride started and he was feeling that his luck was finally looking up when the boat turned the corner......

It's a world of laughter, a world or tears

Its a world of hopes, it’s a world of fear

There's so much that we share

That its time we're aware

Its a small world after all


It’s a small world after all

Its a small world after all

Its a small world after all

Its a small, small world


There is just one moon and one golden sun

And a smile means friendship to everyone.

Though the mountains divide

And the oceans are wide

it’s a small small world


By the end of the ride the demon lord was twitching, he couldn’t wait to get off. This was by far the worst thing he had ever been on. Unfortunately Rin didn’t agree with him. “Father can have another turn please?” she begged, giving him her best puppy dog eyes to seal the deal. Signing in defeat he nodded, as they went on the ride again... and again... and again... and again. By the fifth time Sesshomaru thought his brain had melted into mush. He nearly hugged Shippo when he complained he was bored and they left... small world...


It was late afternoon by the time they left Disney land or as Sesshomaru preferred to call it H E double hockey sticks; it was a day Sesshomaru wished to forget. While they had been getting family pictures with the Disney characters which floated around for such purposes, Kagome had insisted on him wearing a pair of Mickey Mouse ears attached to head band. She had stated he looked cute and he had melted them with his poison when she wasn’t looking.

However by bar the most mortifying moment was when a four year old girl had asked him innocently “Which pwincess are you? Your hair is the pwettiest, so you’re the bestest of them”. Sesshomaru had simply walked away not knowing what to do. Unfortunately the child had cried her favourite “princess” walked away. The girl had promptly lost all admiration, “You’re a poopy head and a meanie!” she bawled. The girl’s mother had rushed over to her crying daughter, glared at HIM before proceeding to whollop him on the head with her handbag.

His mate however had found the situation amusing. Unfortunately his miko had also stopped him from ending the pathetic human’s life by vowing if he didn’t “behave” himself, he would be sleeping on the couch for a month. Now that was unacceptable.


Sesshomaru sunk into the hotel bath and almost in relief; he could feel the hot water relaxing his tense muscles. The day was finally over now he could relax. Nothing could disturb his peace... nothing...He frowned as his delicate hearing picked up sounds from the TV his children were watching in the main room..... Two plus two is four! Two plus two is four! Two plus two is four! Sesshomaru snarled. If he ever found Barney the Dinosaur, the purple dinosaur would be melted before he could say two. The same went for the being who invented the purple annoyance. Thankfully this was the last day of the so-called vacation.


The Tashio family pulled into their drive way. Sesshomaru was in a strangely good mood as they entered the family mansion. He had called ahead and ordered Jaken to hide all Disney related DVD’s and shows. If he ever saw or heard another Disney show again it would be too soon. Sesshomaru smirked; no children’s company was going to defeat him.


Sesshomaru returned home from his first day back at work. He was tired but happy... well as happy as he could be after work anyway. Finally things were returning to normal.  Now he could put the vacation behind him and forget about it, if you could call his torture a vacation. As he walked towards the living room he stopped short. It couldn’t be- it wasn’t possible!

Who's the leader of the club

That's made for you and me


Hey! There, Hi! There, Ho! There

You're as welcome as can be


Mickey Mouse!


Mickey Mouse!


Forever let us hold our banner

High! High! High! High!

Come along and sing a song

And join the jamboree!



Mickey Mouse club

We'll have fun

We'll be new faces

High! High! High! High!


We'll do things and

We'll go places

All around the world

We'll go marching


Who's the leader of the club

That's made for you and me


Hey! there, Hi! there, Ho! there

You're as welcome as can be


Mickey Mouse!


Mickey Mouse!


Forever let us hold our banner

High! High! High! High!


Come along and sing a song

And join the jamboree!


He twitched as he watched his children singing and dancing to the CD. Kagome was watching them in amusement. “We bought these from the gift shop, Rin and Shippo love it.” she said smiling happily. His relief when the song finished was short lived as...

It's a world of laughter, a world or tears

it’s a world of hopes, it’s a world of fear

there’s so much that we share.........


It was official; he was doomed.


Hope you enjoyed. Constructive critisism welcom, no flames. Please review ^_^ *Hides from Sesshomaru*