Kagome Doll by Hairann

The 'force' is strong with this one...

Title: The 'force' is strong with this one...

Author: Hairann

Theme: Hairann's Weird-ified Challenge: Yoda

Genre: Comedy


Rating: T

Warnings: Couple of swears, complete and utter insanity.

Word Count: 1103

Summary: Laughing gas + feudal era = a bad idea.

Disclaimer: I do not own the song Yoda, Weird Al does, I also do not own any of the Star Wars movies, Lightsabers, Wookies or the Force.

AN: Heads up warning, I have never seen any of the Star Wars series, so do not expect anything to be accurate. I know only a few key points about the story, such as the relationship between Darth and Luke, but up until a little while ago, I thought Yoda and Obi-wan were the same person lol. Not to mention this is a parody of a parody lol.


Kagome giggled as she stretched her leg over the lip of the well, her foot slipping slightly on the wet grass, causing her giggles to raise in pitch. Using only her upper body to pull herself the rest of the way out of the well, she slipped on the edge, landing on her face on the damp grass. Still giggling, Kagome used the well to help pull herself back to her feet, dusted off her clothes discreetly and began making her way toward the village.

Doing her best not to lose her balance, Kagome slowly made her way toward the village where the others were waiting for her, only to hear a commotion coming from the other direction. Giggling softly to herself, she turned toward the noise, never considering she could be putting herself in any danger. As she stumbled her way through the dense forest, she came upon a usual sight, though normally she was a part of it rather than a passerby.

Standing in a semi-circle in the clearing were her friends and one of Naraku's puppets obviously about to battle. She glanced around at each of them in turn, but instead of seeing them as they truly were, she saw them in a very strange, new light. “Sugoi...,” she whispered, drawing everyone's attention to her as she stared wide eyed at them, jawing dropping to her chest. As they watched her transfixed on her odd movements, she sluggishly made her way over to where Miroku was standing.

“So furry,” she said as she reached out to feel Miroku's 'fur' which was of course simply his violet robe. “How do you keep your fur so soft, Chewbacca?” she questioned, causing Miroku to do a double take, thinking he had misheard her, before turning to mouth 'Chewbacca?' to Inuyasha. Not sure what the strange word meant either, Inuyasha merely shrugged his shoulders in response. “Truthfully, I've always been a little jealous, I wish my hair was that soft.”

“Kagome are you alright?” Inuyasha wondered, not entirely sure he wanted to bring the stranger than normal girl's attention to him. Kagome turned toward him, tilting her head to the side in question as she blinked at him. Realizing who was standing there, she squealed before running over to him and wrapping her arms around Inuyasha's waist. Inuyasha barely managed to keep his balance with the force of her glomp.

“Brother Luke, it is so good to see you safe and sound. I was afraid Darth Vader may have harmed you while I was away and I can not bare to see that,” she insisted as she embraced him tightly until he squirmed his way out of her arms and stared at her in shock. “Luke? What is wrong? Are you ill?” she questioned concerned as she reached her hand up to gently check his forehead for a fever. Finding none, she tilted her head to the side in question once again.

“Who the hell is Luke? And what is a Chewbacca?” Inuyasha demanded, crossing his arms in front of his chest, completely forgetting about Naraku's puppet and the others being there. Kagome simply blinked at him in confusion, unable to understand why he was asking those questions. Perhaps he really was ill, there was no other explanation for him not knowing who he was or what Chewbacca was.

“You're Luke and Chewbacca is a Wookie, are you sure you're not ill?” she questioned as she once again tried to test his temperature only to have him back away from her hand. Again she simply blinked at him, wondering why her 'brother' was acting so out of character. Kagome giggled at his confused and annoyed expression, causing it to deepen. “Luke you look so adorable like that,” she told him, her giggling becoming more presistent as he glared at her.

“What the hell is a Wookie?!” he demanded before shaking his head, deciding he didn't really want to know, there was no telling how strange her answer would be. “Never mind that, if you can hold in your apparent mind sickness for just a moment, I need to deal with Naraku,” he informed her as he walked passed her and unsheathed Tetsusaiga, pointing it at the nearby puppet. Kagome turned around to see who he was referring to and once she did, she rushed over to 'Luke'.

“Put your Lightsaber away! You can not kill him!” she insisted as she stepped in front of him just as he went to rush toward the puppet causing both of them, Inuyasha and Naraku, to stare at her, jaws dropping. “Luke he is your father!” she yelled as she grabbed a hold of his shoulders and shook him vigorously. Inuyasha began stuttering as he tried to understand what she was talking about, but was unable to get more than a few broken words out due to his shock.

Completely losing it, Naraku's puppet began laughing uncontrollably at the idea of him being Inuyasha's father. The eerie sound was cut of in mid-laugh as Sesshoumaru's whip sliced through its neck and the Baboon pelt fluttered to the ground, revealing a small wooden statue of Naraku. Hearing a strange noise, Kagome turned back around to where 'Darth Vader' had just been and saw Sesshoumaru standing there silently.

“Han Solo!” she cheered as she rushed toward him, wrapping her arms around his waist before he could realize what she was doing. “Now that Darth Vader is dead, does that mean we can finally get married?” she inquired, throughly confusing him just as she had her friends. About to demand she release him upon threat of death, Sesshoumaru was cut off when Kagome squealed and released him. Rushing over to where Jaken and Rin were waiting, she droped to her knees before him and embraced the startled toad demon.

“Yoda! May the force be with you!” she bellowed, kissing the now blushing demon on the forehead.


Later that night, Kagome awoke with a pounding headache and as she opened her eyes with a yawn, she glanced around to find herself in Kaede's hut. Finding it strange, as the last thing she remembered was going to the dentist to have a tooth, that had been damaged in a battle a few days back, fixed. Shaking her head to clear the fog that had settled in her mind while she slept, Kagome began to remember the dream she had been having. “I just had the strangest dream,” she informed Inuyasha when she noticed him watching her from the other side of the hut.

“Yeah? Well I just lived through a nightmare.”