Please Don't Go by Oroyukae

Please Don\'t Go.




He watched her from the other side of the glass, his heart wrenching at the very sight of her and the cruel harsh reality of knowing he would never see her again washed over him; it made him feel as though he were drowning with nothing to cling to and keep him afloat. Farther and farther down in his despair he sank and frantically tried to claw his way to the surface to take a life sustaining breath, only to sink faster the more he fought it.

The poor Inu rested his head against the glass, closing his eyes, and trying to ease the excruciating torment that was his reality even though he knew it would not happen. He was doomed to always feel that way, it was a hell he had created for himself and there would be no hope of reprieve from the repercussions of his actions. He did it, not her. He had been so very blind and did not know what he had until she decided she had enough, leaving him the despondent, fucked up mess that he was at that very moment. He did not blame her one bit for it; he knew he had been a complete bastard to her.

He could still recall just how sweet her kisses were, how soft her flesh was beneath his touch; the warmth that was her eyes would ever haunt his memory and be his constant reminder of just how utterly foolish he had been in allowing her to get away from him.

Slowly, Sesshoumaru turned away from the window that separated them and tried to pull himself together. She was never going to see his side of it, she would just not understand. How could she understand, when he did not understand it himself? Many nights he had lain awake, staring up at his ceiling in his cold and lonely apartment and asked himself the same questions over and over again. Why? Why did he do it? Why did he let it happen, when he knew what it would cost him?

He had always prided himself on being an intelligent male, daring to believe his intelligence was above average for any species but, apparently he had been mistaken. If he had, in fact, been as intelligent as he had claimed to be, he would have foreseen the consequences of his actions and none of it would have happened. He could have prevented it; he would have prevented it…if he had known. He would not have lost her and he would not be so alone and hurting from said loss.

But Sesshoumaru was alone, he was without the only person he ever truly had feelings for; feelings that came even remotely close to what others called love. How he hated himself for it.

As his feet began to move, carrying him away from what was once his, in nearly every sense of the word, his heart wrenched more and more until he feared it would just stop beating altogether. In a way, he wished it would stop beating, for at least then the pain would go away. No, it wouldn’t. It would follow him into the afterlife and torture him until the end of time. Suddenly, the poor tormented soul wished he were at his apartment that very moment; his heart wanted to be locked away behind his door so some of the pain and torment could be released without prying eyes bearing witness to him being so weak and pathetic. He would never allow anyone to see that from him, no matter what. It never occurred to him that it had been his unwillingness to show any emotion that could be considered unbecoming a being of his caliber as the cause of the problem.

It was though. He was a cold and distant being, known to be ruthless in everything he did; with none of the bothersome quirks such as remorse or compassion to get in his way. It was a wonder just how a woman like her could ever get involved with a male like him; they were so very different in every way possible. The woman named Kagome was kind and caring, loving and giving, while he…was not. He had almost hated the tiny slip of a woman when he met her, seeing her as weak for so many traits she possessed that he had deemed distasteful and vile, but she had changed his mind on all that.

Sesshoumaru barely heard the screech of tires, and the profane insults a motorist bellowed out at him when he crossed the street without checking for traffic first, it was not important to him. Nothing was anymore. The entire world had turned bleak and gray for him and he doubted if that would ever change. He went through his days in a dull, numb daze that was devoid of anything remotely pleasant or joyous…without her.

Sure, he tried to hide it, to mask his devastation by becoming fiercer in his business dealings. Rivals cowered in his presence without even so much as a glare from his hard as steel eyes; it did not help to lessen a damned thing. Through it all, the agony remained.

As he entered the park, he barely noticed the vivid colors of the season adorning the trees all around him, as well as littering the ground at his feet. Kagome had always loved the fall, next to spring it was her favorite time of year. Many days they had taken long walks so she might bask in all the crisp vibrant colors, running through the park as she kicked up leaves as she went. With a wide smile on her face that was meant to entice him into joining her, she would call out to him in invitation hoping to maybe thaw the ice that had formed around his heart. Her hopes were in vain though, for he never joined her, not even once; and at that moment, he wished that he had.

 How sad he had become; the mere thought that he had been reduced to such a pathetic and pitiful soul made him cringe mentally, and it was all due to one tiny, wonderful slip of human female. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. The bridge they used to walk held no joy for him anymore, joy he had neglected to reveal to her so as not to seem the weak male for feeling such. The demon thought then that he needed to remain hard and unyielding in order for her to see him as a suitable male, just as any demoness female would; he had failed to remember one thing though…Kagome was not a demoness. Had he remembered that one tiny detail, the being would never have plunged into the intolerable hell he was in that very moment. The very one he would remain in until the end of his days, and it was his own doing that put him there. Sesshoumaru had no one to blame but himself.

Golden eyes full of torment and regret gazed down into the water below; he saw his reflection staring back at him, and cringed at how pathetic he looked. He could not bear the sight of himself without her; it turned his stomach and made him want to retch.

The demon stood up, shoving his hands into his coat pockets and began to walk once more. Soon his agony would reach its peak and he would be even worse off than he was before, for she was leaving today; she was going and his life would remain the empty intolerable hell he experienced every day since she walked out of his door. Sesshoumaru could still feel the sting of her words, as well as her hand upon his cheek, when she told him she hated him and wished she had never met him. That was what hurt the most, that and her tears that streaked the perfect face he had grown accustomed to seeing every morning when he woke up and every night when he went to sleep.

She was leaving the city for good this day, never to return again, for she had found another to treat her the way he should have when he had her- but didn’t. Other arms would hold her tight, other lips would taste her sweetness…other ears would hear her whisper she loved him in the darkness of the night. His chest felt as though he had a weight upon it, pressing down and feeling as though it were crushing him, threatening to end his very life…if only it were that simple.

The male’s feet moved of their own accord, his mind not registering where he was going and his heart not really caring to know at all. Wherever he was going, it would be somewhere without her; that was certain, and that one thought brought forth more agony and torment with it.

How he wished he could do everything over again; he would make sure he did it all right this time. The Daiyoukai would cherish the precious jewel named Kagome and always let her know just how much he cared for her, how much he needed her, and just how thankful he was that’s he was in his life. Yes, that was what he would do. If only.

But, there were no more chances, not for him; that he knew for sure because she had found another to give her what she needed and he was left lonely and wanting. Ever tortured by the memory of having everything a male could want, only to willingly let it slip through his fingers. His life was now destined to be a cold and intolerable hell without her; gods have pity on those around him.

The poor male did not notice that he had started to walk; he did not even realize that he had started back the way he had came from either, he was lost in the vast sea of despair he had begun to call home. Just how he was to survive without her shining light to guide him from the darkness, he did not know. He had to do it though, for she was never going to come back.

Kagome was at that moment, being whisked away to a new home and a new life of which he would have no part of. The Daiyoukai she had once professed devotion to would become but a faded, painful memory shoved to the far recesses of her mind, destined to be forgotten. It was how it should be though, for he had hurt her severely in their time together and the girl deserved this chance for happiness and fulfillment. To take that from her would only prove how cold and cruel he truly was.

He could not continue to be so selfish, so concerned with only his needs and his wants; it was time to think of someone else for a change. If only it did not make him feel as though he were going to be crushed beneath the weight of his immeasurable loss, it might be a little easier for him. The demon knew this was not possible though, he was destined to hurt for what he had done.  

The sound of a car horn blared and pulled him from his thoughts quite harshly then, and he finally recognized just where he was. His cold eyes narrowed at the driver who made an obscene gesture toward him, but the Inu just continued on his way. Heavy footsteps echoed upon the sidewalk, picked up by the same keen ears that used to listen to the girl as she slept next to him; they were so symbolic of his plight, it was truly frightening. Oh how it tormented the Inu to know that his heart was as empty and hollow as his steps were.

Sesshoumaru allowed his eyes to drift over toward the same shop he had peered into before, recalling how utterly breathtaking she had looked on the other side of that glass. Her smile had almost brought him some relief then, even if it was not a smile meant for him. Then, something caught his attention that damn near stopped his heart from beating and had his own breath deserting him. Kagome. She had not left yet, both she and the male she was to marry were still inside.

They were picking up their bags and heading for the door that very minute, and he felt what true panic was. Sesshoumaru could not move his feet even a millimeter to get away from there so he would not have to witness her final departure. Closer they came, and still, he stood there unmoving.

Kagome did not notice him as she and that male came out of the shop, walking toward the waiting taxi that would take her from his life forever. This was it; she was leaving and would never return, ever. It was not fair; it was so very cruel and vicious of the gods to do this. She couldn’t go, she just couldn’t; he needed her so much for her to just leave like this.

While the man put their bags into the trunk of the taxi, Sesshoumaru studied her face as she gazed up at the sky; her eyes took on a sad expression then, one he could not interpret. Kagome seemed hesitant to him, and, if he had to venture a guess, undecided as well. Sesshoumaru wondered just what she would be hesitant about, but not daring to believe what his mind offered as a possible reason. Still, he did wonder. His answer came when the man approached her and told her how happy he was they were going, and that he loved her; which made the Inu want to rip the guy’s head from his shoulders, just because he knew that he could. The male kissed her then, well-he tried to anyway, but that kiss never landed where it was intended to. Kagome turned her head from him and the kiss landed upon her oh-so-soft cheek that Sesshoumaru remembered so well.

Hope ignited inside of him then; hope that sparked from the sight of her refusing the man’s affection. The demon felt his heart quicken, and his hand twitched at his side, while a small ray of sunshine peered through the black clouds in his mind and his heart. Perhaps she did not desire the male at her side? Perhaps she was rethinking her decision to go with him? Was it even possible?

The Daiyoukai watched as the dark haired man called Hojo climbed inside the cab before Kagome; which Sesshoumaru found to be very rude and appalling to say the least. Even at his worst; when he was such an ass to her, the Inu never failed to be less than a perfect gentleman toward her when in the company of others. Sesshoumaru saw her hesitate, lowering her head and sighing heavily, and the demon made a bold decision then and there. It was risky to say the least; it was very unlike him as well, but it was spontaneous and impulsive, which made it seem so very perfect.

“Please, don’t go Kagome,” He called to her, shocked at himself for even doing it.

The demon watched her tense up at hearing his voice, stopping as she began to climb inside the waiting taxi, and then slowly turning toward him. Her eyes grew wide with recognition, and a look of disbelief spread across her beautiful face. Sesshoumaru felt his heart falter once more. No words were spoken, there was no need for them; he let his eyes do all of his talking for him, while he conveyed his regret, his pain, his very emotion revealed through his gaze. Those eyes said it all for him, and he waited for her to respond.

Slowly the girl walked toward him, their eyes locked, as she ignored the shouts from the guy in the cab. It was as if she did not even hear him at all, almost as if there were no others present there on the street, only them. Good. It seemed an eternity before she was within arm’s reach, but he was willing to wait as long as was necessary. At this moment, time did not exist.

Kagome finally stopped before him, still searching his deep amber eyes that swirled with even deeper crimson; he was fighting so many emotions at that very minute, and she could see it all. Sesshoumaru heard her heart quicken and he bore witness to her slowly increasing breaths that caused her chest to heave. It was somewhat encouraging, for it did not appear that she was angry or upset at his presence there.

The girl had told him in the past that he was far too reserved and made her feel that he did not desire her as much as she did him. She said she felt no passion, and he needed to be more spontaneous. Well, if ever there was a time for such, this was it. Sesshoumaru acted on his impulse quickly, not wanting to have the time to think about changing his mind due to the public location, and he reached out to her. His strong powerful arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her to him, hard; his free hand tangled in her rich midnight colored locks to prevent her from doing to him what she had done to the other male. Still they continued to stare.

There were tears in her eyes, welled up-but unwilling to fall, and the Inu tried not to think that they could be tears of any other nature but joy; it made him feel much better that way. “I need you to stay, Kagome.”

It was the first time he admitted to ever needing anything at all, let alone her. To accentuate his words, the demon closed the distance between them and kissed her, not surprised when she did not return that kiss. To him, it did not matter that she did not participate, for the feeling alone was well worth it. Gods, her lips were so soft, so delectable and so sweet. He could stand there like that with her forever if it were allowed. It would be even more wonderful if she would only return his display of affection, even just a little; he would take what he could get though. At least she was not pushing him away; that was something in his eyes.

Sesshoumaru continued his efforts undaunted by her hesitation, his lips only pressed harder against hers while his hold on her tightened. The tongue she should know all too well teased those deliciously soft petals of hers relentlessly, literally begging for entrance into her moist, oral cavern he adored so much. It bordered on desperation, the way he swept her petals with his tongue. Gradually her lips responded, parting oh-so-sweetly for him, and the demon wasted no time in slipping inside. 

He thought that he would die the second her slender elegant fingers tangled into his hair, just like they used to, and the pain in his heart lessened considerably. In fact, it was swiftly being replaced with elation and joy as he had never known them before. Her oral appendage wrestled with his for dominance; which, in the past, he never would have allowed. Now though, he conceded to her, and rejoiced as her tongue slid effortlessly into his mouth where it caressed him expertly. The Inu’s knees damn near gave out on him. There was no way to describe just what the demon felt then, it was far too powerful.

Sesshoumaru dared not end the kiss, for he feared that if he did, she would fade away and he would discover he had imagined the whole damned thing, just as he had many times before. As long as he kissed her, it was real. Unfortunately the girl did end the kiss, but she did not pull away from him; instead, the tiny temptress in his arms kissed her way across his jaw and down his neck. Oh god…how wonderful her hot moist lips felt against his flesh; it was a feeling he thought he would never experience again in his lifetime. It was truly a blessing to have been so wrong.

“Hey! What the hell is this?” Hojo bellowed as he approached them with anger etched across his face. The crimson-gold glare that leveled upon him made the male halt his advance, making no move to venture any closer.

The Dai youkai could have killed the boy for interrupting; he had literally ached for this monumental moment through a long, lonely spanse of time. This Hojo person was one step shy of feeling every ounce of frustration Sesshoumaru did. An unmistakable warning had been issued; the boy had better heed said warning, lest Sesshoumaru feel obligated to school him on the evils of defiance.

 Kagome stopped her actions abruptly, and an icy cold fear crept into the Inu’s heart once more. There was sadness in her azure colored eyes; the presence of such an emotion said things that Sesshoumaru did not care for. The girl felt bad for what she was doing, possibly even regretted it as well. No, it could not happen; if she was experiencing regret, then it could mean she would decide that she had done something wrong. Kagome would believe responding to him and his need for her should not have happened, due to her implied commitment to the boy. Sesshoumaru could not, and would not let that happen. After experiencing her kiss once more, feeling her body pressed into his while she trembled with implied desire; it would not happen, he had to make sure of it.   

 The arms that held her tightened, telling her he would not release her so she could leave with the other male, while the Inu found himself nearly whining for her to return those eyes to his. If she continued to look at that Hojo person, she would falter and he knew it. Sesshoumaru was tempted to just throw her over his shoulder and transport her somewhere she could not see that man that wanted to take her from him; it was difficult for him to restrain himself from doing it too. He needed this girl and would not live another second without her at his side.

“Hojo…I-I don’t know what to say,” she almost cried, creating an intense pain deep inside the Inu that had him in a panic.

“I love you Kagome.” The demon said in a rather hurried manner to keep from backing out, “I always have.”

Kagome tensed, gaping at him with absolute disbelief and shock from his confession, and Sesshoumaru knew that she had thought he was incapable of such a human emotion. Hell, he thought that too at one point in his life, but she had taught him otherwise. Every being was capable of loving someone, even one as cold and callous as he was.

 There, he had done it; he had revealed his heart to her, and anyone else that was within earshot of his voice. The Inu stood there feeling more exposed and vulnerable then ever had in his entire life, and it scared the holy hell out of him. The woman did not say anything though, and that scared him even more. Surely she knew how much of an accomplishment it was for him to do something like that, and yet she said nothing? Could it be that she was unmoved by his declaration? Did it mean nothing?

The demon felt his heart fall when the girl did in fact pull away from him, leaving his arms empty and wanting. He saw her drift toward the boy, and his pain increased tenfold as the thought of her choosing Hojo seeped into his frantic mind.

Hojo ranted and raved about how humiliating it was for her to stand on a busy street, French kissing another man when they were on their way to get married and begin their lives together. He called her display obscene and shameless; which angered the recipient of said kiss greatly. How dare that male berate one such as Kagome in front of complete strangers like that? If it were not for the fact that the girl would disapprove of it, Sesshoumaru would beat some manners into the boy. Unfortunately, he knew it would cost him the girl forever, so he stood down despite how much his hands ached to strike that fool.

She was caving; the demon could see it in her eyes, Kagome was going to give into the boy and honor her promise to marry him. The way she shifted her weight from one foot to the other was a tell tale sign that Sesshoumaru knew all too well, and his heartache began anew. The loss squeezed at his heart ruthlessly with an unforgiving iron grip, and he felt the breath leave his body. It was happening again, only this time it was far worse than it had been before. She would leave and become the wife of another…forever.

The Daiyoukai felt his control waiver as he reminded himself that it was indeed all his doing; he had caused it some time ago when he refused to give the woman what she wanted , and he was ever to pay the price for it. He asked her not to go, admitted that he needed her, and even said that he loved her; what else was there for him to say or do? What did he have to do to get the tiny woman to see that he regretted everything that had happened, and did not happen, between them?

Intense orbs of amber swept her form for the countless time, taking notice of how the girl started to tremble while confusion filled her eyes. It was then he noticed another emotion that laced her energy and aura, one that brought him such shame.   It was pain; she was in pain, though he did not know why. The demon did have an idea as to the possible cause, but it was one that he did not care for.

He was doing it to her again, even after he had vowed he would not repeat his sins from the past; he had hurt her once more. It was something she neither needed nor deserved. Overwhelming guilt washed over the demon while his mind forced him to finally admit to himself that he was indeed a cold hearted bastard in every sense of the word. How his mind, his heart, his very soul screamed in agony then, for he knew what it was he had to do.

Unable to tolerate seeing the girl he loved in such torment, the Inu accepted the truth that was before him. Large, once steady hands shook as he trained his sights on her tear filled face, and then dared to take a step toward her one last time. Tender was his touch when his fingers reached for her cheek, drawing the eyes that would ever haunt his thoughts; damn, this was going to hurt so much, yet it had to be done. She deserved it.

Sesshoumaru swallowed hard, willing his voice to work properly that he may tell her what he felt he must. “Be happy little one; you deserve that which I could never give you.”

A thumb swept ever so gingerly across her lips, and then he turned away from her. The demon walked off, not daring to look back, lest he give in and run back to her side. He wanted to do that very thing more than he cared to admit, for it only increased the hurt that much more. Instead, he stared straight ahead and walked with long strides meant to carry him to where he would not sense her and be tempted.

Again the echo of his footsteps in the parking garage brought him only further torment, reminding him of what he had just done; it was of no consequence, for he had done the right thing and nothing could change that. It really sucked though.

When the door to his sleek black car closed, a chill ran through him to his very soul and the demon rested his head upon the steering wheel while his hands gripped it tight. Sesshoumaru wondered just how long this new pain would last, and if it would ever become somewhat bearable at all.

The car roared to life and slowly rolled from the space, creeping toward the entrance that shined deceptively bright as if leading the way toward better days for those emerging from the dimness within. How he hated it. As the Inu waited at the entrance for the way to become clear of traffic, he drew in a deep breath to calm his nerves a bit and ran his hands over his face. His life was destined to be forever bleak and desolate; which he noted was not a marked change from what it had been over the past few months since she left.

Just as he was about to pull out onto the street, Sesshoumaru glanced around and then froze; his foot hovered above the gas pedal beneath it, paralyzed by what he saw. Sesshoumaru blinked slowly a few times, fearing that his eyes were deceiving him for the countless time. There was no way in hell it could be real, it had to be a cruel illusion created by his mind as punishment for walking away as he did.  The demon stared in disbelief, even when the illusion began to move toward him…


Bags in hand, she gazed at him from the corner and then started walking across the street toward his car; her eyes never moved a millimeter as she made her way over. Even as the rear passenger door opened and she placed her bags in the back seat, he still feared he had gone insane and was held prisoner in some kind of daydream. It was not until her scent filled the vehicle that he realized she was right there beside him in the car, and it was no daydream.

Ever so gradually, he allowed his eyes to drift over to his right; which started his heart to pounding so hard, he could not breathe properly. Kagome managed to catch him off guard with the way she reached up to grab him by the back of the neck, and pulled him close to her until their foreheads touched; their eyes still locked in an intense stare and the Inu began to pant…hard.

Just how many beats his heart skipped, he was unsure; but it did not matter, the way she pressed her lips to his was all that really did matter to him. Her tongue swept his lips and he obliged her sweet request, hearing her whimper as she explored his mouth with no hesitation at all. Sesshoumaru was sure he had died, and that the gods had taken pity on his tortured soul by allowing him to enter into heaven, rather than casting him where he truly belonged…in hell. Her small hands slid around to his back, kneading the hard muscles with marked urgency; which heated the demon’s blood fifty or so degrees. That posed a slight problem. Okay, it posed a big problem; one he was not too sure she would approve of, due to the circumstances.

“Ka…hnn, Kag-Kagome…," Sesshoumaru panted between kisses, needing to get her attention before something potentially bad happened. The Daiyoukai was a being of immense control, but even he had limits and his long deprived inner beast was letting his presence be known. Visions that should not be there ran rampant through his mind, giving rise to familiar urges, as well as painful issues upon his person.

Still the tiny woman persisted, moving her attention to his neck while her nails raked his flesh through his shirt to make him shudder most deliciously. Oh god, what was she doing? Sesshoumaru nearly lost his mind when her teeth nipped his sensitive skin, tearing a deep growl of pleasure from him, and he fought to retain his prized control. It had been too long since he had experienced her fire, her passion, and he was failing miserably at restraining himself. Just why she was acting this way was a complete and total mystery to the long deprived Daiyoukai; his mind was swiftly becoming too fogged with lust to even try to ponder any possible reason for the wanton display at all.

Sesshoumaru tangled his fingers into her obsidian strands of silk, twining their length around said digits to ensure she would not retreat on him this time. Those luscious lips kissed their way back to his, her teeth nibbling at the corner of his mouth to tease him ever so wickedly, and Sesshoumaru was suddenly hit with the reality of just where they were. Oh god, they had to stop before things got too out of control; his arousal had reached very dangerous levels, and demanded immediate attention.

“Kagome…as much I- oh gods, huh-hmm,” it was so difficult to speak at that point, only partly due to the way she assaulted his lips repeatedly with her own. “We cannot…”

“Park. The. Car,” she replied, her kisses never ending even for a second.

Sesshoumaru was panting hard, his mind was spinning, and all he could manage was a short nod before he threw the car in reverse and peeled back up the ramp. When he was able to, the demon turned the car around and found a remote spot on the third level; far to the back, and in complete shadow. It had not been easy to drive his car with the girl all over him, practically crawling in his lap, but he had managed; which made him quite proud of himself.

He no sooner had the vehicle in park and the engine shut off, when Kagome located the trunk release and threw open the passenger door. The Daiyoukai watched in confusion as she climbed out and then jerked the rear door open to grab her bags. Said confusion left him though the second she slammed the trunk closed and slid into the back seat. One glance in the rear view mirror told him just what was going on; her eyes smoldered with unspoken desire while she waited for him to join her.

The Inu said nothing in the time that passed while he decided if that was what he wanted to do; he shuddered to think that the girl might later view this encounter as distasteful, even if she was the one to initiate the entire thing. It was not how he saw himself taking her should they had been reunited; he had a more romantic and meaningful moment planned, in a more befitting location than the backseat of his car in a downtown parking garage. Oh how he wanted to though, he wanted it more than anything.


That was all he needed to hear. Instantly he made up his mind, and damn near tore the door off to get out. Sesshoumaru flung the rear door open and climbed inside the car, taking a second or two to breathe deep and calm his raging hormones. This was not something had done since high school, sitting in the backseat of the car with a girl while anticipating a fierce rutting session. It was a kind of exciting. He could hear her quick soft breaths, the heat rolling off her in scorching waves that washed over him and had him almost drowning in the relentless onslaught of said waves. Oh damn, it was more than just exciting.

Their eyes met once more, electric sparks of desire passed between them and then…

The Inu could not get enough of her, his hands roamed freely over the voluptuous form he knew too well while she groped and pawed at his person. Her blouse became a memory, having been tossed somewhere into the front seat, and his claw took care of her bra in one careful move. The cry of pleasure that tore from her lips could never sound any sweeter to his starved demon ears than it did the second he captured an erect nipple between his scorching lips. Again, the thought that the whole event could be nothing more than a vicious figment of his imagination entered his mind, but once more he convinced himself that it was real. It just had to be.

Sesshoumaru found resistance when he discovered her pants were unwilling to open for him, for that cursed button just would not comply with his wishes. Repressing a growl, the Inu weighed his options; he was certain that she would not appreciate him removing the damned button, she never did like it when did that. The amused chuckle, followed by her tiny delicate hands drifting down to do what he couldn’t, did not annoy him at all as it would have in the past.  In seconds, the girl divested herself of her offensive garment and the Inu responded in kind. Never before had he witnessed Kagome looking upon his aroused male form with such want; her heated gaze swept his body with such pure raw lust; it made him need her just that much more.

She gave him no warning; no sign of any kind to indicate what her next action would be, but he was definitely not going to complain about it. In fact, when she threw her leg over his lap, Sesshoumaru placed his right hand upon her hip to assist her. Being the Inu he was, it was abnormal for the demon to allow his female in a dominant position; such was deemed the male’s position in this kind of act, and until this day that was how it had always been with them. However, the Daiyoukai was so overcome with relief and gratitude that he had his female back, that he would allow her anything she wanted in order to feel her velvet walls gripping him tight once again.

Sesshoumaru could not help it, it felt so damned good; his claws punctured the car’s upholstery the moment she began to lower herself upon his thick, hard length. Inch by inch the girl took him into the tightness of her sheath; her scorching heat completely engulfed him while forcing a strained moan from his lips. Barely hanging onto his self-control, the demon gripped the back of her head and pulled her head down to kiss her viciously, devouring their softness as he thrust his tongue inside. He groaned in appreciation for the way her hips started to grind upon him and he tore his lips away from hers with a snarl.

The Daiyoukai recalled how much she had liked it when he would rake his fangs across her flesh; it always made the woman insane, begging him for more. The triumphant smirk upon his lips said it all. Sesshoumaru marveled at the sight of her creamy flesh marred by the red tracks his teeth left behind; it was almost as pleasing to him as if she wore his mark, and hopefully that was soon to come.

“Tell me you missed me,” he growled low, and hoping that is did not sound like an order rather than a request.

Kagome ran her nimble fingers through his hair, her nails scraping his scalp just how he liked. “Mmmm…I did…so much.”  

Strong hands held her hips, and then lifted her up-just to brutally pull her back down. The demon had to make a couple of adjustments for comfort, due to the somewhat cramped space, but he quickly recovered; he was not about to let something so trivial ruin this moment for either of them. The very sight of her as she hovered above him, her hands gripping the car’s interior on both sides of his head, was nearly more than he could stand. The Inu had to concentrate on the task at hand in order to prevent their little escapade from ending far too soon. How embarrassed he would be if he could not hold out for a respectable length of time, eve if he did have a good excuse for it.

The air inside the vehicle became thick and heavy with the heat they generated between them, their bodies glistened with sweat; it never occurred to either one of them that perhaps they should have at least cracked a window to keep the air circulating inside of the car, their minds had been far too occupied with other matters.

Sesshoumaru struggled to keep his eyes open, for he did not want to miss a single second of the phenomenally glorious sight before him; Kagome was absolutely awe inspiring as she moved upon him, a virtual goddess sent for him to worship. He dug his heels into the floor of the car and began to thrust upwards, deepening the penetration, hitting the very spot he remembered with extreme clarity. Soon her cries of pleasure increased in volume, begging him to complete her and make her whole once more. If he did not know better, he would swear the poor girl had been just as deprived as he had; it would be wonderful if it was true, but he knew better. If Hojo had neglected this little vixen, it brought serious question to his gender preferences.

One hand slipped upward to her shoulder to help steady her while he thrust into her with vicious abandon, spurred onward by her near screams of pleasure. Oh gods, the look in her eyes was so intense, so absolutely ferocious that it gave the Daiyoukai chills. Obviously something had changed the once sedate and demure woman, and damned if he did not approve of said change.

Words fell from her lips that were most…scandalously wicked that it was like she was a woman possessed. Harder and harder she rode him, her face a mask of intense concentration and aggressive determination; it was the sexiest thing Sesshoumaru had ever seen in his life. Their heavy panting breaths seemed to synch with each other, while they tried desperately to draw in enough oxygen; ever nearing the moment when their reunion would be complete. He could feel it, the familiar tightening in his groin that radiated throughout his lower region, warning him that the end was near. From the look in her eyes, Kagome was just as close as he was, giving the demon nothing to fear about climaxing before she did.

Sesshoumaru could have died a happy demon the second her body steeled in his hold, her screams close to rendering him deaf from the sheer volume. Squeezing his eyes shut so tight that he feared he might suffer damage; he pulled the girl against his sweat covered chest, and held her there as if for dear life as he rode out the waves crashing over him. Sensations the likes of which he had never known before assaulted him relentlessly, disorienting the Inu considerably. He felt odd, like he was drifting off to parts unknown and he could not prevent it, even though he did try. Blackness swiftly took him, and all went silent.

Some time later, the sound of knocking roused the demon, and he gazed around him groggily. His mind refused to clear even when he shook his head and inhaled deeply; his nostrils filled with hot, thick air that reeked of sweat and the combined essences from both him and the girl. While he continued to search for some sort of clarity, the driver door opened; which brought a rush of exhilarating fresh air into the vehicle, and the girl stirred in his arms. The head of an unknown male appeared just inside the car door, and their eyes adverted quickly from the sight they instantly saw.

“Uh-huh-hmm. Y-you two okay? Do you need any help?” there was a blush upon the man’s face and his voice reflected his embarrassment very accurately.

“N-No. We are…fine, officer,” Sesshoumaru replied stiffly, seeing quite a few citations in his future. His mind was able to function close to properly by then and he searched for some explanation as to why they were naked, in the backseat of his car, while parked in the parking garage. There was none really, even trying would be absolutely pointless, as well as ridiculous.

“Well…I need to speak to you, outside of the car if you please. I’ll give you a moment to…yeah.” The officer pulled his head out of the car, but left the door open.

“Thank you,” the demon muttered, gently rousing his partner in crime, “Kagome, wake up. We have…company.”


“You have to move so I can get dressed. There is an officer that wishes to speak to me.” He knew what that was going to get him, so he did not even flinch when she sat up quickly and shrieked at him.

“What? A cop? Are you serious?” The voice outside of the car answered her questions before the Inu could. Sesshoumaru patted her on the rear, and she moved off him so he could retrieve his pants from the floor.

Kagome watched him dress, her arms crossed over her chest and her legs drawn up into the seat in an attempt to conceal herself. She could not even begin to imagine just what Sesshoumaru was going to say to the officer, her imagination was not that talented.         

 Once his pants and shoes were on, Sesshoumaru slipped on his shirt and prepared to exit the car. As a last thought, he pulled her to him and kissed her firmly to let her know he did not have any ill feelings concerning what they had done. That being done, the demon climbed out of the car, buttoning his shirt while he walked toward the rear of the vehicle. He stood tall and proud, despite his disheveled appearance; he felt he had nothing to be ashamed about whatsoever, quite the opposite really. Sesshoumaru was rather proud about satisfying the one person who meant the world to him as he had.

“Care to tell me why you and your…friend decided this would be a good place to indulge your desires?”

“We have been apart for a very long time, and we were celebrating.”

“I see. Again, why did you choose to ‘celebrate’ in a public parking garage? You do know that it is against the law, correct?”

“Yes, I am aware of that; I am willing to accept the penalties of such a violation. However, I am not regretful of it, in any way.” He wasn’t either; the Inu would not change a single thing that happened, not even the location.

The officer stared at Sesshoumaru, assessing the demon and his lack of regret for breaking the law. There was something in he guy’s eyes that struck a chord inside him, and had the officer sympathizing with the Inu for some unknown reason. “Well, I’m going to have to cite you for something…” he replied as he began scrawling upon the paper attached to his small clipboard.

“I understand officer.” Sesshoumaru did not waiver while he waited for the guy to finish writing, pulling his wallet from his pants pocket so he could give his license and registration information to him.

Taking the information, the officer finished filling out the citation, and then handed the items back to Sesshoumaru. He tore the ticket from the clipboard and handed it to the Daiyoukai, his eyes darting to the rear window of the car for a second and returning to their previous location. “Mr. Takahashi, next time, crack a window. That way, you won’t pass out from lack of oxygen.” The officer grinned at Sesshoumaru and turned away, then walked back to his cruiser while he shook his head and chuckled.

The demon had been prepared for a citation for indecent exposure, or something else potentially humiliating to answer to when standing in court; what he got both made him breathe a great sigh of relief, and damn near grin from ear to ear. Illegal parking indeed. Sesshoumaru placed the citation in his wallet with the rest of his information he had provided the officer with, and then headed back to the car. He ran his fingers through his hair to remove any tangles; which was quite the chore to do since his hair was matted with sweat, and he inhaled several times to clear any remaining fogginess before he joined his passenger once more. Kagome had relocated to the front seat, completely dressed; save for the ruined brassiere Sesshoumaru had destroyed earlier. No one said a word as he situated himself in the driver’s seat and adjusted the mirror to divert his mind from the awkward silence.

Finally she cleared her throat and spoke to him, her voice quiet and hesitant, as if she were afraid of what he would say to her about insisting they park, instead of going somewhere more appropriate. “What…uh-hum, what did he say?”

“I received a citation.”

Kagome swallowed hard hen, her eyes lowered to her lap where her hands were clasped tightly together. “I see.”

The demon smirked as he leaned over to cup her face with his hand; he lifted her head up until they were gazing into each other’s eyes, and he gave her the most genuine smile he had ever allowed upon his face, “Do not be upset Kagome, the citation was not for anything scandalous. He let me off rather easy; it was for illegal parking.”

Her eyes widened with disbelief, as if she thought he was joking with her about the citation. When she was satisfied he was telling her the truth, she could not help but chuckle; which then turned into a giggle, and soon graduated into a full out laugh. Tears fell from her eyes and she wiped them away, enjoying the sound of his laughter joining hers.

“Thank god,” she said, breathing deep to calm herself, “I thought we were going to have to stand in a court and tell a judge how we…” she stopped; a deep blush stained her face.

“Kagome…I have to know something; it will bother me until I have my answer, so please tell me the truth. Why did you follow after me?”

“I realized how much I missed you and loved you. I know I said I hated you and that I wished I never met you, but that was just because I was angry at you. Sesshoumaru…you were willing to walk away because you wanted me to be happy, but the truth is that I haven’t been happy since I left you. I wanted to come back to you many times, but you were so distant and cold that I thought it would never work out.” Her shining blue eyes pleaded with him to not be angry at what she said, it was the truth and she had to say it.

Sesshoumaru nodded his head, understanding and regret reflecting in his amber orbs, “I know.”

“Then you asked me not to go, you said you loved me, and needed me; all the things I wanted when we were together before. When you told me to be happy with Hojo, the regret and sadness in your eyes tore my heart to shreds, and when you walked away…I felt like I would just die. I wanted to give us another chance, what we had was so special.” Her eyes lowered, hidden behind her thick lush lashes.

“It was special, and it will be special again. I will never hurt you again little one, just promise me you will stay at my side. Forever.” That thumb glided across her lips and forced her to open her eyes. The demon drew in a sharp breath as she turned toward his hand and kissed his palm, dragging her tongue across his skin.

“I think you already know I will, Sesshoumaru,” she breathed as her tongue swept up his thumb in one long stroke. He did not expect her to do what she did next; it took him completely off guard. That devious mouth of hers drew the digit inside and her talented oral appendage caressed it ever so sensually.

It was his turn to swallow hard then, as well as clear his throat, while he fought off the urge to drape her over the hood of his car and take her once more. Instantly he pulled his digit from her mouth, the loud popping sound made him shudder deliciously as he started the car and threw it into drive. “I have to get you home before we wind up incarcerated; not to mention the headline on the front page of tomorrow’s newspaper.”

  Kagome giggled, a devilish gleam in her eyes “Are you sure you’re up for it?” Her tiny hand reached over and squeezed his crotch rather boldly.

“You are more…aggressive than you used to be,” he all but growled at her, mentally cursing the red light that prevented him from continuing on their way. His mind decided it was a good idea to begin listing the many suitable hotels that were conveniently located along their route, and the Daiyoukai instantly began considering the prospect.

“Well, it has been a while you know.” Kagome turned her head to avoid the look upon his face.

“A-Are you saying that you and…” he saw her shake her head, and still he did not believe it. “Not at all?”

The girl returned his stare then, the look in her eyes as dead serious as it could be, “Not. At. All.”

That cinched it; his home was far too far away. Sesshoumaru pulled into the first decent hotel he saw. The way he saw it; Hojo’s loss was definitely his gain. The click of the trunk release sent electric jolts of wicked pleasure coursing through him; straight to his groin.

The eager couple damn near ran toward the lobby door.
