The Prize [NC-17] by Quiet Storm

The Castle.

The Prize [NC-17]

 Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and give thanks to its creator; it’s such a wonderful series.


A.N. All chapters have been beta’ed by Lauren. This chapter however, was first beta’ed by InuGrrrl. I liked her suggestions so much that I submitted them to Lauren. I think very highly about these authors and thus this chapter is very special to me.


3. The Castle.

Kagome had dozed off for goodness knows how long. When she awoke it was already night. The moonlit sky was clear and chilly. If it weren't for Sesshomaru's body and fur, she surely would have frozen to death. The stars were shining and the landscape was illuminated by the moon beams. Everything swooshed by in the quiet and stillness of the night. From her view, everything looked like toy trees and houses. Everything had its respective shadow as they flew in silence. Further in the distance she saw a tiny speck grow into a large castle at the edge of a cliff. She looked up at the youkai who didn't even acknowledge her. He continued looking into the horizon as before. She felt a chill of fear go down her spine, for Sesshomaru meant ruthless, unmerciful, cruelty and death. A hint of a slight smug smile sprung to his lips when he smelled her fear.


They flew into the entrance and the doors opened as if by magic. Remaining airborne, they went up stairs and hallways to a room. He had left her there without a word. The door shut and locked behind him. There she stood cold, tired and scared to death. She did not understand what was going on or why Sesshomaru had taken her. Moreover, he had taken her to what evidently seemed to be his home. She stood there a good twenty minutes assessing the situation and collecting her thoughts. Once she dared to move, she sat down on the bench/chest at the foot of a queen-sized bed.


A knock on the door startled her. A female Inu-Youkai walked in with a tray of food. She had the same white hair as Inuyasha and Sesshomaru but she had youkai's ears. She was beautiful. Placing the warm meal next to Kagome, she left without a word.


Thirty minutes later the same woman appeared and noticed that Kagome had not touched her meal. A look of fear crossed her face and she asked, "Was the meal not to your liking?"


Kagome's expressionless face shot up to look at her in disbelief. She had never imagined that she would be addressed so courteously by the demoness since she was a human.


"I am not hungry," She replied vacantly.


The demoness looked distraught and concerned.  Quietly she stated, "If you prefer Ma'am, I can bring something else for you to eat."


Kagome smiled and said, "Please don't trouble yourself, I probably won’t eat it."

The woman became extremely pale, and stood there as if trapped.

Kagome noticed her apprehension and asked, "Let me guess, if I don't eat this meal Sesshomaru will punish you?"


The demoness looked at her not knowing how to respond.

Kagome guessed again. She is not allowed to say.

She then made an effort to smile at the beauty before her and said, "You know what? Now that I have company, I think I am feeling hungry."


The cloud of concern cloaking the servant dissipated into thin air as she realized that she must stay in Kagome's chambers.

Kagome tried to initiate a conversation with the Inu-Youkai but the demoness simply smiled, giving short, evasive responses.  Kagome insisted on asking questions, such as her name and other personal information.  But the woman changed the subject by letting her know there were fresh towels in the armoire and that the door on her right lead to the hot springs.


Kagome finished her meal and the demoness proceeded to help her disrobe. Kagome tried hard to stop her but to no avail. She was given a silky white robe. Her miko clothes, along with her used dishes were taken out of the room. Kagome's nerves were still raw with apprehension and instead of venturing into the armoire or the springs; she climbed into the bed and lay down. She fell asleep instantly.

 Author’s notes: This story and comments were written back in September 2005.