Change for You by animelover21


He couldn't do it. He couldn't kill the woman that he had once cherished so dearly. Kill one woman to be with another. Did he really want to be with Kikyo so much that he would brutally slay her?

Inuyasha had hired the elite member of a secret society of ninjas to do the terrible deed for him.

Kagome's POV

Kagome was taking a walk, thinking of ways to spend her grandfather's birthday. Suddenly, she felt a searing pain in her shoulder. Then everything went black.

Sesshomaru's POV

He smelled human blood. He knew this blood. It belonged to that girl that traveled with Inuyasha. He followed the scent until he saw her lifeless body lying on the ground before him. She was dead. Had she died in battle? He quickly relinquished that thought as he noted that she was unarmed and there was no demonic aura around. She had been murdered. Then he noticed a small but sharp shuriken embedded in her chest. He kneeled down and gently pulled the weapon from her body. There was an inscription in the blade. Now he knew that this weapon belonged to a group of ninjas that was wandering the countryside looking for shards of the sacred jewel.

He felt the Tenseiga pulse next to him.  He considered and in one swift movement he removed the sword from its sheath and slashed the air above of Kagome's body.

Her heart beat once again but she was still unconscious. Sesshomaru picked up her warm body in his arms and carried her to his palace in the West.

Inuyasha's POV

Inuyasha sat down on a rock, thinking. He regretted his choice already. Kikyo had revealed how she really felt about him. In the depths of his heart he had already known. To make a long story short, she hated his guts. He had lost his last chance at love.


Kagome's POV

When she woke up, she found herself in a soft bed with lavender silk sheets that were as light as a summer breeze and as warm and soft. But where was she? How did she get there?

Suddenly her thoughts were interrupted by someone entering the room.

Sesshomaru's POV

She had apparently woken at last. He could smell the confusement and fear around her when he approached the door. He opened the door slowly so that he would not startle her.

Kagome's POV

She gasped in what she thought was fear but very easily could've been pure astonishment. She never thought that her savior would have been the almighty, human-hating, lord of the Western Lands. "Sessho....maru?!!" Despite her surprise, Sesshomaru kept his composure and replied, "Servants will be here shortly to bathe and dress you. When you are done, I will be expecting you in my study." He turned and then left Kagome to wonder. Why had he saved her? Her thoughts were interrupted yet again by servants coming to clean her up. Only then did she realize how dirty she was. She was bloody, and her clothes were ripped in a few rather private places not to mention that she had been lying on the ground and there was an incredibly huge amount of sand in her hair. The servants led her to a stunningly beautiful hot spring behind the mansion. it was private and luxurious, not to mention huge. She quickly discarded her torn garments and waded into the deliciously hot water until it was up to her neck. she sat and soaked after washing herself free of all of the dirt caked on her body. She still couldn't relax. The mystery of who had killed her still remained. Since she couldn't feel at ease, she exited the water. She was about to put on a blue silk kimono with white embroidered lotuses which a servant had laid out when she heard a twig snap behind her. She covered what parts of her body she could and threw on the kimono. She then whirled around and saw a stunned Jaken. "You hentai! Why were you spying on me?!!" "What?! I was not spying! You are the one who is tresspassing on Lord's Sesshomaru's property!"Jaken said in his absurdly high-pitched voice. "I am not! I woke up in Sesshomaru's palace and he told me to come here!!" Kagome protested "Oh, that is so likely! Sesshomaru bringing a human to his palace. Come with me. I will let Lord Sesshomaru deal with you!"

Sesshomaru's POV

'She should be here any minute now.' He thought to himself.

Kagome's POV

Kagome was thinking up excessively painful ways to beat up Jaken as he escorted her to Sesshomaru's study dragging her by the hand as if she were a child. Jaken knocked on the door until Sesshomaru's monotone voice bid him to enter. As soon as he saw Jaken dragging Kagome in by the hand he knew exactly what had happened. He rubbed his temples and said "Jaken, if you do not turn around and leave in four seconds I will kill you, resurrect you, torture you, and kill you again." That did it.

Sesshomaru's POV

'How am I going to break it to her that she was murdered by her lover?' "Kagome, as you probably already realize, you were murdered. You probably want to know who."

Sesshomaru had been gathering information on Kagome's murderer. He found that he had been hired by none other than Inuyasha himself.

"If you truly want to know, then I will tell you. It was inuyasha who hired a ninja to assasinate you. Don't ask me why because I don't know. If you want that question answered, you'll have to ask Inuyasha yourself."