seasons change by blackrose

seasons change

"He is like the winter," she thought with a sigh, as she watched the tiny crystallized flakes float to the frozen ground. "He is cold, so cold. He can be as harsh as a blizzard--or calm as a gentle flurry."

With a sigh, Kagome turned from the window, walked to the center of the room and brought back a candle--a candle to light the way for her mate.

"Yes he is like the winter." With a sigh, she anxiously waited his return.


"She is like the spring," he thought, as he slowly trudged through the thick snow. "She brings joy and happiness into the worst situations. She is something to look forward to after the cold, harsh winter."

He thought about how he had first met her, how he had seen her traveling with his halfbreed brother.

"Inuyasha," he snorted. After all these years and all of Kagome's urgings, things would never be brotherly between them. In fact, the only thing that kept both of them from sinking their swords into each other was Kagome. He thought back to those times when he would see her occasionally with that ragtag group of hers. He hardly noticed her then.

"What has changed?" he wondered. To this day he still did not know. All he did know was he could not live without her. Ever since the destruction of Naraku, the evil hanyou. They had become closer until eventually they formed a tight bond.

"Love," he said with a smirk. He, the great taiyoukai, was in love with a mortal woman, a miko.

"Yes," he thought, "she is like the spring. Always full of life, and she brings life and love to all around her."

Then in the distance he saw a flicker of light. It was a single candle. He was home.

"Yes, she is the spring."


Author's note: I do not own the characters from Inuyasha. This story is the sequel to a longer story that I will write. Please review. I don't really care what you say, but this was my first story, so yeah.