Seven by Kai

Lust and Death

A/N: wow… I cant believe I’m done… yes people, seven is done. It took me a while to get it done, but its there. Its finished. And frankly, I’m not too happy with how I kind of ended it. But hey, its better then what I really wanted to do. I wanted to end it with Kagome dying. Then I figured that my fans that I have out there for this story would stone me to death. So yea… no stoning please. That’s all I ask. I want to thank you all though. Everyone who has helped me write this story and give me such wonderful reviews. Also I especially want to thank those who have nominated this story for the Dokuga awards as well as those who have voted for this story (If there are any). Thank you guys so much for your support in this. Now please, enjoy, review, and tell me what you think.

Prompt: Lust

Word count: 700

Word count total: 2,703 (amazing right? At least I didn’t jip you guys into a short chapter!)

Chapter 10: Lust and Death

“You know, I don’t know if I should be glad to see you, or horrified.” Inuyasha said as he looked at his older brother. “Knowing that my brother is a wanted criminal and is sitting in my hospital room kind of scares me.”

Sesshomaru rolled his golden eyes. “It’s been three years Inuyasha and that’s all you have to say?”

The boy chuckled. “Your right. It is good to see you. Man though, being told it’s been three years is weird. It’s almost like it was just a couple hours ago when I was heading home. Though when I do see Bankotsu again, I’m going to kick that man’s ass. Oh that reminds me. Some hot detective chick came in and told me everything that’s been going on.”

The silver haired man’s eyes widened at that information. “Kagome came in? Inuyasha, you will tell me now what you told her.”


The raven haired man chuckled as he circled around Kagome, a knife in his hands. “You caught me Kagome. Though I really hoped that you wouldn’t know it was me in the end. Honestly, I was hoping on framing Naraku. In fact, he’s in custody right now for being ‘Sinner’. You have to be thanked for that. After all, he was always second to Sesshomaru.”

Kagome began to reach back for her gun, his teeth clutched tight. “You bastard…” She hissed. “Does that mean you’ve already killed for lust?”

The man tisked at her. “Why Kagome, I’m hurt. Have I killed for lust, not yet. Though it helped when you said yes to staying over at my house.”

Kagome grabbed her gun and pointed at the madman, her hands shaking. “Bankotsu Shin, you’re under arrest for five murders as well as the attempted murder of Inuyasha Taisho.”

The man looked at her for a moment before bursting out laughing. “You’re so adorable Kagome. Too cute.” He lashed out just then, kicking her gun away. “Now, want me to show you my collection my little detective?”

Kagome cried out as she lashed out at him only to see his hand grasp her face. Fear ran cold though her veins. She was going to die. She was going to die here in this hell hole. And no one knew she was there. No one. Not even Sesshomaru Taisho.

“Good night Kagome.” Bankotsu chuckled before Kagome felt a strong pain in the back of her head before everything went black.


Kagome stood up, anger in her eyes. “People are dying Taisho!” She snapped. “You have the chance to do something good and save them before more die!”

Sesshomaru chuckled before he burst out laughing. “Detective, people are always dying. Even if you capture this man, there will be more. More rapists, more kidnappings, more murder. Just because you capture this one man doesn’t mean that everything is going to stop.”

“If I can stop one man from killing more, then I can catch all those out there who wants to do harm. Being a police officer means that I can stop those from trying to do harm and protect the people out there.”

He shook his head and placed his chin on the palm of his hand. “Ah, such a naive little hime you are.”

“Detective, before you go do pass this message to your partner. That is if he wishes to live, he should back away from what is mine. Because if he doesn’t I will kill him. As for your killer, look outside of the box and you’ll find your answers. Of course, how soon is up to you.”


She wondered why she didn’t heed his warning. Sesshomaru knew the whole time who it was killing those people. Who it was that was after him. And Kagome stupidly went in blindly. She thought she could take him. She thought she could save the world. Yet Sesshomaru’s words echoed through her mind. She ignored him, hoping to prove him wrong. Yet it was her who was wrong. Kagome would have chuckled if her head didn’t throb so much. A naïve little hime. She may not have been a hime, but she was naïve.

“Oh good, your awake.” Bankotsu chuckled.

Kagome lifted her head, and quickly reminded herself that the human head was a lot heavier than people thought it was. “You bastard…” She muttered as she glared at him the best he could. Kagome could tell she was in a cellar tied to a chair. The room was dimly lit showing her very little. There was a smell though. Something… almost rotting.

“Ah, I see you’ve discovered what this room is for.” The man sighed as he walked over to a cabinet and opened the door, showing five jars. Five jars each with a different head inside of it. ‘You see Kagome, I have six other brothers. But alas, each of them betrayed me. One by one they ridiculed me and betrayed me. And each time one did so, I killed them. But I do love my brothers., I really do. So I decided to preserve their heads. Though when Jakotsu betrayed me, that honestly hurt the worst. Being friends with Sesshomaru was pretty low of him. I lost all my love for my brother and decided he didn’t deserve to be preserved like the rest.”

“What… about the body parts?” Kagome gasped as she tried to wrap her mind around what was going on. The man was off his rocker. Completely insane. He killed his brothers, killed innocent people. For what? What was he after?

A grin spread across his lips. “Ah yes, the body parts. You see Kagome, you were pretty spot on with your assumptions. Well, almost all of them. The only one you couldn’t get right was the body parts. I’m a collector my friend. The real reason why I took their body parts was because they were my trophies. To prove to myself that I did kill them. And seeing the look on their faces when I did kill them was worth it.”

“You’re insane!” Kagome yelled before the room spun on her. She was going to be pick. There was no way she didn’t have a concussion. “Why Bankotsu? Why did you kill all these people?!”

“Because I wanted to. Because I hated that man. Always flaunting how perfect he was. Always standing there, smirking like he knew more than everyone else. And the fact I couldn’t beat him. I couldn’t beat him no matter what I did. And it irritated me. It annoyed me to no end. I wanted to see him suffer. To see him on his knees begging for mercy. To see the sweet pleasure of him after he lost everything he held dear. Yes, I wanted to see that bastard lose!”

Once more Kagome began to fear for herself. She needed to keep Bankotsu talking while she thought of a way out. “Sesshomaru said he took something from you. Killed someone sense you killed someone that he cared for. Who?”

Bankotsu looked at her confused for a moment before bursting out laughing. “Dear little Kagome, Sesshomaru never killed anyone. Well except for those police officers. You see, the man they found dead in Sesshomaru’s home wasn’t a man that he killed. No, that man died by my hands. I killed him in Sesshomaru’s home as a warning. Then I tipped off the police. So really, he was completely innocent. Ah, that’s what I love about cops. You all believe that someone is in the wrong when you see them there. That’s why Naraku is in jail right now. Of course, telling them that all the evidence points to him helped a lot. Apparently he’s getting the death penalty. Ever sense Sesshomaru broke out they don’t want to take any chances again.”

“Your… you’re a monster.” Kagome whispered as she felt tears weld up in her eyes. He was innocent. Completely innocent. But why did Sesshomaru want to break her then? Was it so that her friend’s betrayal wouldn’t hurt so much? No, that couldn’t be it. It had to be something else. She closed her eyes just as the tears began to fall. Oh how she wished that someone would come and save her. She didn’t want to die. Not here, not now. She didn’t want to end up being the next sin. Her body violated and broken.

The man burst out laughing. “I know I am, but that’s okay. Because we all are monsters inside Kagome. Even you have your monsters. I read your file. I saw the truth of your father’s dead. Did it feel nice? When you pulled the trigger and killed him?”

Her eyes went wide as she began to thrash in her chair. “Shut up!” She screamed. “I didn’t kill him!”

“Yes you did.” He purred in her ear. “Right in the chest. You were excused from any punishment because it was self-defense. Because he was violating your mother. You killed him Kagome.”

“Shut up!” She screamed, thrashing. “Fuck you Bankotsu! Fuck you!”

He burst out laughing again as he took up his knife again. “I wonder how Sesshomaru will react when he sees your dead body on the streets tomorrow morning. I wonder if he’ll cry.” He ran the blade across her body, hearing the tear of fabric as he ripped her clothes off.

“No…” Kagome whispered as she tried to keep a brave face on. “Sesshomaru won’t cry for me. He wouldn’t even shed a tear. I’m nothing but a game to him. A toy for him to play with because I didn’t break when he talked to me in that cell.”

The man shrugged. “Not my problem Kagome. But I do have to hurry. Your body does have to be on display tomorrow. It would be bad to go through all the sins and have it stop at Lust. I’ll look bad if that happens.”

Kagome screamed as she felt the blade bite into her thigh. She could hear the slick sound of her flesh being cut as he ran the blade up the inside of her thigh to her privet area. Tears ran freely down her face as warm liquid ran down her legs. This was it. She was going to die. All her dreams, everything she worked for, all gone because of this maniac. Slowly… her world went black…










Sesshomaru was silent as he watched the sleeping girl. It had been a week sense he saved her. He didn’t think he would have the chance. In fact, he thought he had been too late to save her. She was laying there on the floor, her blood everywhere. He thought he would lose her. He closed his golden eyes as he tried to calm his shaking hands.

“Please Kagome… open your eyes.” He whispered softly.

When he found out what had happened, Sesshomaru called the police and explained to them the situation. They were shocked that the man that they feared was calling them and telling them that Kagome was in danger. That she was going to be killed. He could still remember what happened.


A week ago…

“Kagome is in danger.” He growled as he ran through the streets.

“Excuse me,” Heiten’s voice snapped. “Who the hell is this?”

“You fool!” Sesshomaru snapped. “This is Sesshomaru Taisho. You can arrest me later, but Kagome Higurashi is in danger! You all are so fucking blind to your cases not to realize that the man you’ve been after is one of your own! Bankotsu Shin has been the killer this whole time and he’s going to kill Kagome.” He was losing his cool. Kagome was in danger. The one woman who didn’t ridicule him, didn’t lose her mind when talking to him. The one person he wanted to keep safe and close to him.

The line was silent for a moment. “Fine. I’ll listen to you only because Kagome is a dear friend of mine. If you’re right Taisho, we’ll see about getting you a shorter sentence. If you’re lying… let’s hope that you’re as dangerous as they say because I’m going to kill you myself.” With that the line went dead.

The man would have chuckled if he wasn’t too busy running to the subdivision that he knew where Bankotsu lived. If Kagome was dead, then god help him he will tear apart that man.



“Sesshomaru Taisho?” A voice called.

The silver haired man looked over at the police officer and gave a small nod. “Can I help you officer?”

“My name is Myoga. I’m the chief of the police force here. I would like to talk to you about your punishment.”

Sesshomaru snorted. Great, another lifetime in a hell hole. Oh well, at least freedom tasted good while it lasted.

“We decided to let you free.”

The silver haired man looked at him in shock. “Excuse me?” He killed fifteen police officers three years ago when they tried to capture him. And they were just going to let him go?

“You will have probation as well as community service, but you will not be locked up anymore.” The old man chuckled at seeing his expression. “Heiten told us that you had been helping Kagome throughout this case.  Without you we wouldn’t have had a clue. And you valiantly saved out best officer at the risk of your own life and saved her life by giving blood for her as well. Good thing you two are the same blood type.”

“I still think your insane.” A weak whisper muttered from the bed.

Instantly all eyes turned to the woman who lay there, one of her eyes cracked open. “But you know… when I heard from Bankotsu that you never killed before, I was happy.”

Myoga chuckled as he slipped out of the room, knowing the two would want some private time.

“Kagome, I’m still a killer.” He pointed out. Why was it that people were forgetting the fact that he killed fifteen officers so he could get his hands on Bankotsu and strangle the life out of the man?! Mind you he still didn’t get to do that this time either. Saving Kagome was top priority. He honestly hoped that they would send him to jail. That way he could kill off the man behind bars.

“Then so I am.” She sighed as she turned her head back so she could look up at the ceiling. “I killed my father when I was sixteen. I killed him because he was going to kill all of us. After that, my mother shunned me and I left. Yes, you killed more than me, but like you said, just because I capture one man doesn’t mean that everything is going to stop. Everyone has a part of them that wants to kill. Some of us just act on it.”

“What are you saying dear officer?” Sesshomaru asked.

Kagome sighed. “I don’t know if my leg still works properly. It probably doesn’t. But even if it doesn’t I don’t think I’ll go back. I’m going to quit the force. After what happened here I realized that I can’t stop everyone. I can’t do anything. And I can’t save anyone.”

Sesshomaru shook his head and sighed. “Kagome, your right. You can’t save anyone. And that’s because you give up too easily. Yes, there will always be killers, rapist, kidnapers, and such, but that will happen no matter where you go. And I know that you won’t be able to stand aside and let that happen. Don’t give up because you almost died and failed. Just next time, be more careful. Because I can’t save you every time.”

The girl looked at him and glared. “Weren’t you the one who wanted to break me and pick up the pieces? So I would give up being an officer?”

The man looked at her for a moment before smirking. “My dear detective, you misunderstood me. When I meant I was going to break you, I meant your body. I intend to fuck you till you break. And then I’ll pick up the pieces and do it all over and over again.”

The End.