Sin Times Seven by tenchi no mai


This was written in response to Priestess Skye’s challenge: Seven Deadly Sins

Theme:  Lust

Due:  Week 7

Required Word Count:  minimum 700

Actual Word Count: 1019

Universe: Canon – Feudal Era

Rating:  MA

Warnings:   Innuendoes, Language, Violence

Disclaimer: The characters of InuYasha are not mine, they are the property of Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz Media.   Only the plot to this story is my intellectual property.  I do not make any money from the writing of this story. 

‘Italics’ = thoughts 

Lust [luhst] – noun – 1. intense sexual desire or appetite.  2. uncontrolled or illicit sexual desire or appetite; lecherousness.  3. a passionate or overmastering desire or craving.


Sesshoumaru stood absolutely still, the tip of his sword pointed at the ground, blood pooling under its length, as he surveyed the killing field spread before him.  There was hardly a square meter of land that was not drenched in gore or damaged in some manner.   An unearthly quiet seemed to encompass the area, as even the breeze from earlier had given up its futile attempts to intervene. 

Gigantic furrows marred the once peaceful valley, where Tessaiga’s strikes of Kaze no Kizu and Kongousouha had plowed across the countryside in a desperate attempt to obliterate the evil hanyou.  The blades from Kagura’s  Fujin no mai had dug large divots out of the ground which were tossed, helter skelter, around the corpses beginning to decay in the putrid air.  Attacks with Goraishi by Kouga had left massive scratches and splits in the surrounding rocks from when he had attacked Naraku’s minions and incarnations. 

There was so much blood and guts strewn around, that even his extraordinary sense of smell was overwhelmed, and he was having difficulty sorting out the details of the encounter.  It didn’t help that there was still the stench from lingering pools of miasma in the low places, which continued to erode any living thing in its roiling mists.  

The crimson haze that had enveloped him was gradually ebbing.  His eyes were slowly returning to their normal placid golden hue, and the markings on his cheeks were no longer the jagged, dark slashes that told of his descent into his demonic fury.  The blood lust had been so complete that he was somewhat surprised that he was not in his true form. 

Naraku’s lust for the power of the completed Shikon no Tama had made him a dangerous and crafty enemy.  The deciding factor in their victory over the spider was that Kagura was a quisling.  She had turned traitor against her creator and master, feeding them information and allying herself with them for the past moon cycle in return for freedom for herself and Kanna. 

Hearing a groan, he turned his head to look over his shoulder.  The entire tachi was injured to some extent.  The slayer was lying beside her firecat with her head in the monks lap, while said monk was leaning against a tree stump.  He was weakened from the Samiyosho’s poison and wounds from the lesser youkai he had been defending the slayer against.  His worst wound appeared to be the one on his right arm; it ran from the palm of his hand that formerly held the Kazaana, and twisted around his limb up to the shoulder joint.  From the many sucker marks it was obviously from one of Naraku’s tentacles.  Seeing the miko hurry back, brandishing her first aid kit, he returned his gaze to the battlefield.  He knew the miko had emetics to counteract the venom from the hell wasps, as well as whatever else would be required to treat the others wounds. 

His sharp vision picked out the wolves as they staggered around, regrouping and heading towards the humans behind him.  Apparently there must be some serious injures if they were willing to have the miko treat them. 

Sesshoumaru’s eyes finally settled on his hanyou half-brother and the walking undead abomination that was supposedly his first love.  Her clay body was broken beyond repair and she was dying, again, if that was how Inuyasha wished to view it.  The shinidama-chuu were flitting about uselessly as she slowly disintegrated.  The half-breed had finally come to his senses after learning of her collaboration with Naraku, and had promised to help retrieve the last piece of Kagome’s soul after the final battle.  He would keep an eye on him to make sure that promise was fulfilled. 

Raising his eyes momentarily to the sky and the surrounding mountains, he noted the slow descent of the sun towards the west.  It would soon be time for the humans evening meal.  They would have to move quite some distance away from the battlefield to set up camp for the night.  The stench was still dreadful and the dead bodies of the youkai would draw lesser youkai to feast on them.  

Hearing a loud gasp from behind him, he spun around to see the miko clutching her chest and breathing heavily.  As she raised wide, frightened eyes to him, he could see the blue glow under her hands dissipating as the other piece of her soul returned to its rightful place.  Giving one quick glance backwards, he could see Inuyasha slowly walking towards the rest of the tachi. 

He was a patient demon, but the completion of the Shikon no Tama had dragged on for far too long, and his patience was at an end.  The return of the miko’s soul was the thing that he had been waiting for.  The blood lust was diminishing, but now a different type of lust was beginning to boil through his veins.  The concupiscence was intense and ardent.  The miko would become his mate tonight, as she had promised. 

Sheathing his sword, he stalked over to her, holding out a hand.  “Come, miko, it is time.”  

“But, Sesshoumaru, there are still some more wounds to attend to.”  Kagome looked up at him aghast, as she gestured towards the wolf demons.  Did he really expect her to just leave her friends before she finished healing them? 

He stared down at her, the lust shining brightly in his eyes as they once more began to tinge crimson.  “Miko, either we leave now for the Western Fortress, and have some comfort and privacy, or you may finish tending the minor wounds that remain, and be mated on a battlefield with witnesses.  The choice is yours.” 

“But the Shikon no tama and the wish…”  Kagome began to stutter as the full implications of his demand exploded in her brain. 

“Miko, the jewel and the wish can wait a few more days, this Sesshoumaru will not.”  

Quickly grabbing her backpack, she stood and placed her hand in his.  The choice was obvious.  This was one promise she was actually looking forward to fulfilling.





Lust of power is the most flagrant of all the passions. -  Tacitus 
