Power by suomynona


“Power in defense of freedom is greater than power in behalf of tyranny and oppression.” - Malcolm X

Blanket Disclaimers:

Disclaimer 1: I do not own Inuyasha.

Disclaimer 2: I am not comparing Inuyasha to the trials and tribulations of my people.

Disclaimer 3: I am not comparing my work to this quote or any of Malcolm X’s work. The quote just simply fit what is meant by this story.

Author’s Note 1: The above quote isn’t just an opening of this story, it is an ingenious quote meant to touch you, whether it be positively or negatively, and make you think, as is the story.

Author’s Note 2: There isn’t one, so enjoy.


    Four years of wasted time. Four years of pining and unrequited love. Four years of putting up with disrespect, being picked on, yelling, and being cursed at. One year used to put him in his place.

    At first the young fifteen year old girl put up with and accepted the brash hanyou’s treatment of her. Allowing him to call her names, call her out on small mistakes, make fun of her, and make her feel utterly stupid and useless. She, being young and dumb, decided to try and make him love her. She tried being more graceful, which didn’t work out all to well, she succeeded in becoming more powerful, but it wasn’t enough for him. He told her she’d never match up to a former lover, she’d never be as strong or good. Even when the girl surpassed his beloved, whom she was reincarnated from, the young half-boy refused to acknowledge her as strong or helpful. In his eyes she would never be good enough. Four years of this. At first she had believed him, then she started to realize that he was wrong.

    Her training had changed from trying to impress him to trying to prove him wrong. The difference was slight, but it was there. She had trained in the village, close to her portal home, with an older miko. Also, she had practiced while on the road with her sister-like friend, had meditated with a perverted monk, had learned about youkia behavior from a small kit she considered a son, and had learned much more from herself and those she would meet on her journey. By the end of the four years she had become stronger and wiser, and with that she had discovered more of herself.

    She had learned before her training she was a large asset, with her healing, detection, and disarming skills, she was an important aspect to the group. But, what she was, more importantly, was the glue. If she had left no-one would have put up with the hanyou, the muscle of the group, and the hanyou wouldn’t have put up with the humans, kit and neko demon. She was the one who healed them after battles, made them meals everyday, ensured their comfort, and ensured the happiness as best she could. With what the kit had told her, she was, in fact, the alpha of the pack, and the hanyou claimed the position taking all the power and barely any of the responsibility. The small boy, who told truths the only way a child could, with an unbiased blow that would have you pondering for hours why it couldn’t be seen so easily by your more developed brain, went on to mention that if she wanted the title she could claim it. At the time, she didn’t want it, she couldn’t ensure every-one’s safety.

    Her power had grown, she had grown, and after four years, she claimed what was hers. She called the hanyou out after he refused to stop so the pack could rest. He had pushed them all for days, with minimal rest and a few hard tiring battles. He had gone, too, far this time, and the girl was sick of it. She had stopped in the middle of a clearing, put her bag of supplies down and began to set up camp. The boy, of course, started to yell and curse, having a fit bad enough to make a five year old want to scold him, telling the young girl they had to search more. She simply said the magic words, sending him face first to the ground. He moaned and complained while the others of the group began to help set up camp. She told him she had to talk to him in the morning. This is where the story begins.