Nanny?!?! by Eddward

Just Another Day at the Office

Story Title: Nanny?!?!                                                                                                                                  

Author: lord-eddward (on livejournal) or Eddward (on Dokuga)                                                                

Genre: Humor, Drama, TBD…

Word Count: TBD…                                                                                                                        

Rating: M, barring future unforeseeable events…

Warnings: Language, character death, TBD…                                                                                                                      

AU/ Canon: Alternate Universe

General Summary: What do you get when you mix a neurotic brother, a desperate situation, and… four demonic children? Instant fun, that's what!

Disclaimer: **sigh** I do not own the characters or plot of either the anime or manga versions of Inuyasha as they already belong to, and were created by, Rumiko Takahashi. I also don't make any money off of this. Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz media do though. I just do it for the kicks.  

General Author's Note: Theme's from ebony_silks livejournal community will be this story's inspiration. Entries that actually fit their criteria may even be posted there. Who knows? Weirder things have been known to happen.

General information that will not change between postings, little things like the main title of the story, who writes and posts the story, and the disclaimer, will only be posted once. In this first post. Otherwise it gets redundant really quickly.

Also, constructive criticism is always appreciated.

Now, without further ado, on with the story!



Chapter Title: Just Another Day at the Office                                                                                                                     

Genre: Humor…       

Word Count: 487                                                                                                                                                             

Rating:  M

Warnings: Potty language                                                                                                                                                           

Summary: Just another day at the office…           

[Week 96] [Drabble Theme: Torn]

Yelling and screaming could be heard, even through the thick mahogany doors and even thicker walls, so it was with no surprise that Sesshoumaru did not look up from the report he was reading through when Inuyasha barged into the spacey room.

"What do you want you worthless pieces of flesh?"

All Inuyasha responded with was a mumbled "Feh" and a not so subtle roll of his eyes to the scathing, usual greeting. It's not like saying hello would kill Sesshoumaru or anything. One could but hope. Oh well.

 Without any ceremony, he plopped himself down onto one of the two unoccupied seats facing the harassed male, and crossed his arms. Sooner or later the stuck up bastard would look up and acknowledge him. It's actually really sad that he's so predictable!

After a few minutes of silence, Sesshoumaru looked up to see if his prayers had been answered. Damn! He's still there!

"As you are being unusually slow and dimwitted today, I shall repeat myself. What do you want you worthless piece of flesh?" In addition, a scathing glare that promised pain was sent towards his younger half-brother to help speed up his response time. These damn reports wouldn't read and sign themselves, after all.

A clashing of wills commenced as neither was willing to look away first and admit defeat.

Inuyasha's gaze was involuntarily torn away when his brother's, in his opinion, hot secretary walked into the room to deliver paperwork, giving him the cold shoulder the entire time. Did he mention that she was hot?

When Kikyou had finally left the office, and not before shooting the filthiest, coldest, and meanest glare towards Inuyasha she could muster, Inuyasha, finally, was able to snap out of whatever place he was at and focus once more on Sesshoumaru. Was it just him, but was the big guy looking even more murderous than usual? Oh my…

"Do you enjoy wasting other people's time, Inuyasha? My work doesn't do itself, and I doubt you'd be able to do it for me, so either stop wasting mine and leave, or state your business." The temperature in the room was positively glacial now.

The younger of the two bristled at the implied insult to his intelligence and his original purpose for being there flew right out of his pretty little white head. "Now wait a god-be-damned minute you bastard! I know that I could do your work because your job is so easy. All you have to do is stare people down and sign a bunch of papers all day. Everyone else does all of the hard work for you!" Here Inuyasha paused, and a devious twinkle took up residence in his eyes before continuing. "I bet that you couldn't survive one day, let alone a few months out in the real world and doing real work."

"Is that a challenge, dear brother?" Now my day has finally gotten interesting…
