Cell Block Tango by Rachel


A/N: Goodness, I barely even have to write this chapter – you all wrote it in the reviews! LOL! Well, I hope you enjoy this chapter anyways, even if most of you already have an idea as to what will happen...this’ll be a long one – a REALLY long one – since we’ve got a lot of history to cover!


Disclaimer: don’t own them, don’t profit from them; not now, not ever.


PS A/N: Citrus + language alert!!! It’s here, and there’s lots of it, so don’t read if you’re underage, blah blah blah...

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            She sensed him as much as he sensed her – a niggling feeling that crawled up from the base of the spine and caused goosebumps all over their arms and legs. It was the feeling of familiarity with a convoluted and dramatic past. And theirs was certainly a convoluted and dramatic past, one neither of them had faced since it had been buried beneath denial and an acute sense of shame.

            Three years was a long time for her, but it was nothing but a blink to him. She had grown – physically, mentally, emotionally – since he had seen her last. There were curves of womanly pride now where shy features had once hid. A fire burned in her eyes, something of a cool and collected calm with a raging inferno burning just under the surface, waiting on the wind to catch a spark and send the fire into overdrive.

            Then there was something about that small smile she had on her face as she watched him approach her cell, something that made the skin on the back of his neck tingle with some foreign sensation: trepidation? It was not the smile of friendliness, cunning, or even seduction – it was something darker, something far more sinister. It was a knowing smile, as if the woman in the cell was as ahead of the game as he thought he was.

            “Hello, Sesshoumaru. Long time, no see.”

            Sesshoumaru was suddenly face to face with a past that had long been hidden, swept away with time and circumstance. But that past had apparently taken the time to grow up, fill out, and light a fire where there had been only a spark before. He leaned forward, resting his folded arms against the cell bars.

            “Hello, Kagome. What brings you back into my midst?”

            She pretended to be hurt by his disdainful tone, but it was just too hard to hide the amusement in her face, especially in her eyes. Kagome tugged on a lock of hair and turned to face the guard standing outside her cell. She leaned quite casually on the raised bed next to her, one arm bent and resting on the mattress, the other with its hand on her hip.

            “Didn’t your friend the matron tell you?” She was eyeing him with keen curiosity, like an animal trying to determine whether or not the other presence was predator or prey. There was no obvious lust in her blue eyes, but there wasn’t a lack of it, either. Sesshoumaru left himself vulnerable to her gaze by choice, testing her waters, wanting to determine just how much she’d changed since he’d last seen her, besides the outward signs.

            It was an old game between them, and in it, they both were the predator and the prey, the hunter and the hunted, neither one more so than the other was. It required few rules, their game; in fact, there was only the one: no touching. Kagome lived and breathed devotion – or she used to, but that might have changed after three years – and refused to dishonor or be dishonored. It was the one rule – they could gesture, allude, insinuate, even flat out say things to each other, but there could be no touching – and they had only broken it once.

            Kagome stood there, and Sesshoumaru looked at her. All of her. In this world, in his world, he was free to do so, as often and as much as he wanted. He hadn’t seen her in years, and he was going to take this opportunity to catch up on his homework.

            “Tell me, Mrs. Sotsu; how is your husband lately?”



            “Hey babe, I’m gonna step out for a moment to take this call – think you can handle this prick while I’m gone?”

            “Inuyasha, be nice! Sesshoumaru is a lot nicer than you give him credit for.”

            “Yeah, yeah, if it helps you sleep at night.”

            The hanyou left the living room, cell phone held up to his ear. Kagome sighed and leaned back into her cushy armchair, running a hand down the length of her face.

            “I wish he would leave business at the workplace once in a while. Just once!”

            Kagome was exasperated; she, her husband Inuyasha, and her sister Kikyo ran a theatre in Tokyo, one of the largest in the city, perhaps even the country. They made their money bringing American Broadway shows to Japanese audiences by translating, casting, directing, and producing them one by one. The central team was the three of them, with Kagome at the creative head, Kikyo in second-command, and Inuyasha as the dedicated manager of the business end. They only hired extra hands when they needed them, which was a rare occurrence.

            All three partners had their talents that contributed to the team – Kagome was an accomplished singer who had worked a solo career into a profitable expenditure for herself. Kagome’s younger twin sister, Kikyo, was a talented modern dancer who had worked with a few American and European companies during her young adulthood, building her résumé in order to create her own company back in Japan.

            One day, Kagome had gone into a music studio to record a demo for a film track. Her sister was back in town, and they had a night of celebration planned for that night. That plan was going to fall through as soon as Kagome Higurashi laid eyes on Inuyasha Sotsu, the music manager in charge of score-production on the film. He had been talking to the director, some big-name who was too absorbed by his own greatness to notice the talent he was using to make his millions. But Inuyasha wasn’t a big-name – yet – and he definitely noticed the talent, and he noticed the woman who owned it even more.

            The attraction was instantaneous, but it was the nascent kind of attraction that comes to a girl when she first sees what she considers to be a real man. He was bashful, and brash, Inuyasha; he didn’t take to her right away, per his nature. He called her the “hired help,” the “talent” and even “wench” from time to time, but by the end of the first take of the new song, that all stopped. He became smitten with the young woman, no more than 20, 21 at the time, and at the end of the work day, asked her out. Kagome had been so busy all her life that dating was a foreign practice to her, but she knew that if she didn’t take advantage of Inuyasha’s offer when he gave it, he’d slip away.

            Kikyo was happy for her sister, and understood that the celebrations would have to be postponed for a night. She knew the toll an early and lucrative career took on a young woman’s social – and certainly romantic – life. She was excited for her sister, until she asked who her date was. When Kagome giggled out Inuyasha’s name, Kikyo’s world sank to the very floor she was standing on, and lower. Her estranged ex-boyfriend, Inuyasha, was taking her older sister out on a date? Didn’t he know who she was? Who her sister was? When Kikyo hung up the phone after wishing Kagome a good time, a thousand possible explanations ran through her mind.

            Perhaps he knew exactly whose sister Kagome was, and he knew that when Kagome told Kikyo she was going out with him, she’d be insanely jealous. That must have been his motive – it suited his personality perfectly! Kikyo knew she couldn’t be mad at her sister, who, despite being older (by all of three and a half minutes), was more naïve than was healthy for someone her age. Kikyo had grown up in dance – a world where bodies were used, shared, and destroyed by choreographers, Pointe shoes, and other dancers. She knew the physical and romantic sides of a relationship, and it was partly because of dance, and partly because of Inuyasha.

            They had met at a fundraiser gala on the continent while Inuyasha had been promoting a show in London. She was a chorus dancer, trying to flesh out her experience, and he’d caught her eye during rehearsals one night. A week later, they were out on a date, and by opening night, they were an item. He was hanyou, which intrigued her, but that wouldn’t placate her beliefs in the long run. She had been raised in a society demanding that humans associate only with humans, and she was deeply steeped in that belief. Kagome, however, had forsaken the system and had taken to keeping numerous demons as friendly company working as a singer. Demons were powerful players in the commercial entertainment world, so perhaps it was inevitable.

            Kikyo and Inuyasha were together for a year, deeply in love and deeply committed to each other. But when America came calling for Kikyo’s talents and Japan for Inuyasha’s, they were faced with a dilemma: were they to maintain a long-distance relationship without the satisfaction of physical contact, or exist without the bond of a relationship tying them together? Kikyo hated the idea of breaking up with her first real boyfriend – professional dancers were terribly whorish, inconstant people after all – but she needed the pleasure Inuyasha gave her. If she had him over a distance but not in person, she would crave, and crave, and crave. And with her job entitling a lot of body rubbing with other males, that craving would win out, and the relationship would be shattered. And so, at an impasse, the two split up and immediately fell out of contact. But she missed him, and now he was back in her life – inadvertently. What would happen if Inuyasha and Kagome began to date steadily? What if they became serious?

            It wasn’t long before Kikyo’s worst fears came true. After a few weeks, Inuyasha and Kagome were officially an item. They were splattered over tabloids, but that never seemed to hinder them. They were insanely cute together, to the point of being sickening. He would take Kagome out to fancy restaurants, even though she preferred to stay in and cook. She would scratch his head and ears in public, even though it embarrassed him. In some photographs, in one picture they’d be shouting at each other, and in the next they’d be in a passionate embrace, and then in the one after grinning like idiots, with Inuyasha holding Kagome tighter than he ever had Kikyo. Theirs was a public relationship, and a private one. It nearly destroyed Kikyo, seeing them so happy, even after Inuyasha had met his ex at the first “Bring-The-Boyfriend-Home-For-Dinner” dinner. He’d acted like it was their first meeting, and Kikyo had never felt more betrayed.

            Six months later, Inuyasha and Kagome were engaged. By now, Kagome and Kikyo were both 22, well into their womanhood, but Kagome was flourishing under Inuyasha’s amorous teaching. She was becoming an adult woman, with all the whiles that came with experience and age. It used to be that Inuyasha made the young woman blush just by kissing her; after their engagement, it was Kagome who made Inuyasha blush whenever she leaned over and whispered something in his ear at the dinner table before excusing herself, with Inuyasha following not long after. Kikyo knew he was a fantastic lover from experience, and she envied her sister for all her luck. Within a month, the two were married in a romantic temple ceremony; now, not only did Kagome get to have Inuyasha, she got to keep him permanently.

            Inuyasha never spoke to Kikyo unless he had to. He hadn’t forgotten her, but he didn’t care to associate with her now that he had Kagome. Kikyo had been a nagging, clingy, childish girlfriend who had the nerve to be jealous of him when she was the one practically having sex with other men on stage night after night. Kagome was the complete opposite: Inuyasha was the one to turn her into the woman she was now, a vibrant, passionate wife and lover, who had attention only for him. She believed in loyalty to her loved ones, so he never had to worry about her cheating on him. Of course, that also meant she expected the belief to be adopted, so even if he wanted to sleep with another woman, he wouldn’t – Kagome would kill him, if he did.

            After a year of marriage, when Kagome and Kikyo were 23, Kagome approached her husband with a proposition – she wanted out of the spotlight in order to spend more time with Inuyasha, and she wanted him to do something similar. When he asked what they would do to supplement the income, she mentioned creating a team to bring popular Broadway shows from America to Japan. It was a growing market, but no one had the combined talent to pull it off right. With she, Kikyo, and Inuyasha working as a team, they would be the most powerful people in the theatre entertainment business, and Kagome and Inuyasha would be able to spend as much time together as they wanted. When Inuyasha asked about the inclusion of the Kikyo, Kagome said she had always wanted to work creatively with her younger sister.

            Kagome, unfortunately, had never learned about Inuyasha’s and Kikyo’s past relationship. Kikyo hadn’t wanted to hurt her only truly close relative, and Inuyasha just didn’t care enough about his ex to want to bring it up when it was better left unmentioned. So, with Kagome in the dark about her co-teams’ romantic history, they dived headfirst into business together, not anticipating the reception they would receive from the world of theatre in America and in Japan.

            Within two years, Sotsu Theatre Management was on the very top – they had brought American Broadway to Japan, and had found huge success in it. Kagome handled direction, Kikyo worked as the master choreographer, and Inuyasha held everything together with finances, publicity, and the fine print of copyright, law, and all the other nice things that come in the business world. They made a perfect, functioning team, and Inuyasha and Kagome were happy – they got to see each other at home and frequently at work, but were never around each other too much to stress each other out with work-related issues. Kikyo didn’t think those two had relationship-related issues.

            It was around this same time that trouble began to seep into the marriage, in such a covert way that no one had noticed it until it was too late. When seeing the success his brother, his wife, and her sister had had in big business, Sesshoumaru Taisho decided to drop in and offer his congratulations to his immediate and extended family, knowing that doing so would mean benefits to his own business endeavors. When he walked into Inuyasha’s office, he was met with hostility from his younger half-demon brother, which he had expected from the start.

            “What the hell are you doing here, asshole? I thought dad sent you to America years ago!”

            “Wonderful to see you again too, Inuyasha. I have been following the success of you and your partners and considered offering you my congratulations and support, although it seems you have no need for either.”

            Inuyasha went to retort with something low-brained, when the door opened on them to reveal a woman. Such a woman was she that Sesshoumaru lost his train of thought. All his focus was immediately on her, and nothing but. She reeked of his half-demon brother from the top of her glossy-haired head to her toes, but there was something beneath that awful scent that called to him. Inuyasha had not known of Sesshoumaru’s whereabouts for years because he had kept his night-guard duty a secret from the family. He recalled the scents of some of his prisoners, wondering if perhaps he had noticed such a trigger in any other female, but came up with nothing.

            “Kagome! Great, you’re just in time.” Inuyasha sounded immensely relieved to have her there. The tense aggravation he had felt coming off of his brother in waves had gone, replaced by the cheerful aura of his wife. Inuyasha strode forward, confidence in every step, and took his place at Kagome’s side, satisfied that he would be able to show Sesshoumaru that he had all the congratulations and support he would ever need in this one woman.

            “Sesshoumaru,” Inuyasha began, “This is my wife, Kagome.” Begrudgingly he added, “Kagome, this is my brother, Sesshoumaru, and he was just leaving.”

            Kagome had been grinning at her husband while he spoke, unable to tear her eyes away from him – he was so cute when he was acting gruff – until Inuyasha introduced her to whoever else was in the room with them. Being Inuyasha’s polite half, she turned her head to greet Inuyasha’s brother, only to be met by the sight of a broad, well-clothed chest. She looked up, and was struck dumb. The moment the stranger’s eyes met hers, Kagome was lost to the world – the only thing that existed was this man, this demon, and the raging fiery passion that had suddenly erupted inside of her. She had been with Inuyasha for over four years by that point, and she knew what desire for him felt like, and knew how he would quench it. This was an animal of a different species and an entirely different caliber.

            She felt like she had been sucked into a black vortex, and the stranger was the only thing holding her steady as she progressed inward. Somewhere in her mind she heard herself speak – “Hello, Sesshoumaru, it is a pleasure to meet you...” – but it was a dull murmur compared to the roar of his demonic presence that threatened to consume her entirely as she stood there, arm in arm with her oblivious husband.

            Sesshoumaru, meanwhile, wasn’t faring much better. She was a glorious figure to behold, undoubtedly – curves that maintained their youthfulness and veracity, hair that waved in black silk strands all the way down to the small of her back – but it was something in her eyes that made it hard to breathe – the roiling blue irises were aflame with something he had never seen in any woman before, in or outside his line of work. It was more than passion, more than lust, more than even the basest need; it was more, so much more, and Sesshoumaru had to have it. His purpose was suddenly standing there before him: the woman in the red skirt and black top with the stormy blue eyes was his challenge, his Great Escape, his to conquer.

            He bowed, reached for her hand, and kissed the back of it while maintaining her steady gaze with his own.

            “Hello, Mrs. Sotsu. The pleasure, as you say, is all mine.”

            It began in Inuyasha’s office, and progressed like wildfire. It was like Kagome had been struck by lightning and couldn’t shake off the electricity coursing through her veins. When she wasn’t busy with work, her thoughts were consumed with Sesshoumaru. Everything, from his eyes to his hair to the way his lips felt on the back of her hand, was considered when she thought of him. And she could not, for the life of her, explain the change that had so suddenly occurred. It was like a light switch had been turned on, but instead of turning on a light bulb, it started a fire. Inuyasha was blissfully unaware of what had transpired in his office that day, and so when he made love to his beautiful wife, he enjoyed her sudden viciousness, her constant desire, and her heightened reactions.

            Poor Inuyasha did not know that Kagome was vicious in bed because she was frustrated; she was constantly horny because she kept seeing Sesshoumaru everywhere in her mind and couldn’t get him out of it; she reacted differently to her husband’s sexual ministrations because she had begun to think about Inuyasha’s brother while she was with Inuyasha. Half of her mind berated her for being a disloyal wife. The other half cheered her epiphany and supported it 100%, and reminded her that she wasn’t being disloyal – it was only disloyalty when touching was involved, right? The most physical contact that had occurred between she and Sesshoumaru was his kiss on the back of her hand. Kagome would have fainted had she known then what she knew after three years – that that kiss would be the first and last time they would have physical contact, but not the last time the words “Sesshoumaru” and “Pleasure” would go together in the same sentence.


            The first liaison had transpired while Inuyasha had been away on a business errand in America. He had gone to try and secure Broadway rights to Disney’s “The Lion King,” and would be gone for a week. Kagome, alone in her house, was fully prepared to stay in her bathrobe and bunny slippers all day when her phone rang. Not her business phone, but her personal phone, a number that very few people had access to. The name was unknown and the number restricted, but something told her to pick up the phone anyway. It was more than an inkling – it was more like her subconscious demanding her to answer the call.



            It was the first time he’d said her name, but he said it like it was the most common word to ever come from his lips. She had been standing next to the couch, and the moment she heard his voice, she buckled at the knees and had to grasp onto the arm of the couch for dear life. It was like the fire he had ignited in her, which had barely been contained by Inuyasha, had suddenly been fed with pure lighter fluid and was consuming her without remorse. She bit her lip, knowing that if he spoke again, she’d make a noise she’d instantly regret.

            “Can you feel that, Kagome? Can you feel the burning?”

            She was breathing harder than she ever had in her life, and her knees were shaking.


            “Say yes, Kagome. I need you to say yes.” His voice was dark, unbridled, and it reached deep inside her, to a place she didn’t even know existed.

            “Yes – yes, Sesshoumaru...”

            He chuckled under his breath, but she heard it like he was right next to her, and it nearly killed her.

            “Have you thought of me, Kagome? Have you been picturing me in your head since the first moment we met?”

            “Yes...” Kagome was shaking, every inch of her trembling. Sesshoumaru’s very voice over a phone had done more to her in fifteen seconds than Inuyasha had done to her with his body in over four years of dating and marriage.

            “Do you picture me when he fucks you, Kagome?” He heard her gasp on the other line, “Do you have to stop yourself from calling out my name when you cum?”

            “Oh, god, yes!” She didn’t know why she was admitting it – her mind wouldn’t let her lie to this man. She was only just getting into dirty talking during sex with Inuyasha, and here was Sesshoumaru, undoing her with it like she’d been into it all her sexually active life. She was straddling the arm of the couch, and hadn’t even noticed it when it happened.

            “Am I better than he is, Kagome? Do I fuck you better than he ever could?”

            She almost sobbed with pleasure as her free hand began to roam her cloth-covered breast, her hips rocking back and forth on the arm of the couch. She was uncontrollable, and she didn’t have the sense to feel guilty about it. He was right about it all, and he said it like it was the most normal thing in the world. But it wasn’t, and she still didn’t care.

            “Yes, yes, Sesshoumaru!”

            “Tell me how good I fuck you, Kagome. Tell me every little detail.”

            Kagome was lost in sensation; she stripped herself of her robe and was working her nub like a madwoman, and Sesshoumaru had to remind her to talk.

             “Uh, ngh – fuck...”

            “You can do it, Kagome – tell me how good I pleasure you. I want to hear you scream like you do for him.”

            “Oh, Sesshoumaru,” she gasped, impaling herself on a finger and rocking her hips around it, “You’re an animal – a wild animal...you’re everywhere around me-ah!”

            At the end of the other line, Sesshoumaru was entranced with the sound of the woman’s thick voice, the way she gasped and moaned. His imagination was running wild with ideas of what she might be doing to elicit such reactions, and his body was reacting to them with fervor. How was this happening? He had met her once, and they were doing this to each other. Sesshoumaru, reclining in his chair and facing the back wall of his bedroom, was stroking his raging erection to the sound of Kagome’s voice as she moaned and cried out between words.

            “You’re overwhelming me, inside of me – I can’t...I can’t...I can’t breathe! Oh, god!”

            Sesshoumaru growled, picking up the faint sounds of her fast-paced fingers driving in and out of her slick tunnel on the other line.

            “That’s it Kagome, put your fingers inside you. How many are you using?”

            “T-two...” She scraped the base of her palm against her swollen bud, dragging her fluids up and around it and causing her to gasp and shudder violently. Sesshoumaru’s voice was more powerful than anything she could have done to herself, but she needed the relief before the chance for such a complete release was gone.

            “More, Kagome. Use more.”

            She was practically sobbing from the pleasure as she pushed two more of her small fingers inside, and again her palm crushed her clit, forcing all the air out of her lungs.

            “Yesss!” She hissed, gripping onto her cell phone for dear life. She wanted to hear him speak again – hell, she never wanted him to stop speaking if the Fates would allow it!

            “Does it feel good, Kagome? Are you pretending that I’m inside you, filling you?”

            “So good, Sesshoumaru, oh god, it’s so good!” She was close, and so was he. He didn’t even need to picture her doing anything to him – the sounds she was making were enough to put him into overdrive.

            “Your pathetic husband is nothing compared to me,” he growled out, pumping himself in time with her short gasps, “I wouldn’t be loving with you like he is. I’d devour that tight, wet cunt of yours until you couldn’t breathe, then I’d fuck you dumb, over and over and over again. You wouldn’t resist, Kagome – you’d be unable to walk and still be asking for more!”

            Kagome had been tipped over the edge – his rough rumbling voice saying such awful, sinful, wonderful things drove her insane, and her body was agreeing with her mind in full force. She couldn’t even try to hold back the scream as she was ripped apart by the power of her orgasm, tears of pure ecstasy spilling from her eyes as her thick cum spilled from her tunnel and into the palm of her blazing hand.

            Sesshoumaru was possessed by her screams and sobs; he reveled in them as he arched back in his chair, snarling as his own release overtook him. Kagome could hear him, and the animalistic snarl pushed her farther, giving her need to grip the arm of the couch with her weak knees to keep her from falling off. When the pleasure abated, both Sesshoumaru and Kagome were silent, breathing raggedly. The young woman bit her lip as she withdrew her hand from her center, marveling at the amount of fluid coating her fingers and palm.

            “Taste it for me, Kagome,” Sesshoumaru whispered through the phone, knowing what she was looking at by the wonder in her gasp. He waited, and then groaned when he heard her suck something with vigor and moan. A little ‘pop’ followed, along with Kagome’s voice.


            He smirked, knowing that what they had just done was only the beginning of something filthy, unlawful, and amazing.

            “Until next time, Kagome.”



Back in the living room...


            Sesshoumaru chuckled.

            “Do you really feel that way, Mrs. Sotsu? Or are you just saying that for his sake?”

            Kagome glanced over at their visitor, narrowing her eyes at him threateningly. She leaned forward, pointing an accusatory finger at him.

            “Couldn’t you at least wait until he’s out of hearing range? We’re barely covering it up as it is!” She hissed. Sesshoumaru just looked at her, enjoying her paranoia.

            “He’s out of range, Kagome. Or don’t you want him to hear us just once?”

            Kagome glared at the man – was he her lover? Co-conspirator? Accomplice? –knowing that in a sick way, he was right on the money. She was sitting across the room from him on the couch, while Sesshoumaru was in the armchair, looking like a regular king of the world. She wondered how they constantly managed to keep from blowing their delicate cover in front of Inuyasha after how long they had been having their verbal trysts and how great an effect they still had on one another.

            It had been three years – three short years – since that first telephone call, and every incident after it was just as powerful as the first, most of the time more so. They had managed to keep it from Inuyasha because the man was too busy with work to notice, or too dense, as Sesshoumaru claimed. But it was also easy because they never touched each other, as per the one rule. It kept her thin sense of honor intact, and his smell off of her skin. After three years, nothing had really changed in their personalities or relationships; Kagome was still in love with Inuyasha, but no longer held the desire for him she once did. Sesshoumaru was still in love with himself, but only had desire for Kagome. There was no love between them, and they both knew it. There was no second-guessing the fact, no trying to find some hole in the theory. If it weren’t for the fact that Kagome and Sesshoumaru were insanely desired by one another, they probably wouldn’t have spared more than a few words to each other past their first meeting. Such was the irony of the law of attraction.

            Inuyasha was still speaking on the phone when Kagome suddenly got that look in her eye, which immediately sent waves of excitement through Sesshoumaru. He loved it when she was daring, to the extent of being an exhibitionist. They had said every word to each other that there was to be said; she had touched every part of her, and he of him. And yet, there was still something new to be experienced with every incident. It might have been because Kagome had slowly become the master of the “relationship”, the one who controlled the when and where, the how and why. Sesshoumaru found her domination even more arousing than her submission.

            Kagome kept her eyes locked on the demon’s as she brought a finger to her mouth, caressing the pink flesh of her pouting lower lip. Sesshoumaru stared, already physically affected by that one simple gesture.

            “That’s not a bad idea, you know,” Kagome whispered, knowing he would catch every word – they had had plenty of practice doing their business at dinner parties, talking under their breath or making small gestures that got the big message across – “Letting Inuyasha watch us. Or maybe you could watch Inuyasha and I...”

            “As if I want to see my brother doing something like that,” he growled back at her.

            Kagome grinned, poking out her tongue to wet the tip of her wandering finger. She dragged the damp pad of her finger down her chin to the hollow of her neck, stroking it while keeping her eyes fixed on Sesshoumaru.

            “Oh, you would watch, Sesshoumaru. You’d watch as he pushed me stomach-down onto the bed and tear your favorite red lace panties away from my body.” Sesshoumaru snarled, but couldn’t deny that her description was beginning to turn him on, along with her present actions. Kagome was sliding her hands up and down her bare legs, pushing her skirt up inch by inch until she was gripping and releasing her inner thighs in a pulse, rolling her head forward and back as she continued to speak: “He’d drag his nails down my back and smack my ass, wanting to vent some of his frustration from a long day at work. Then you’d watch as he knelt behind me, and you’d only able to see my face and the sound of his long, hot tongue licking my slit and burying itself deep, oh, so deep in my wet pussy.”

            “Yes...” Sesshoumaru forced himself to keep his head straight as he stroked himself through his pants, watching as Kagome spoke and played with herself, knowing how much it drove him crazy when she kept her underwear on when she did.

            “You’d watch me grasp the sheets and tremble, begging him to go just a little deeper, suck just a little harder. ‘Ah, yes, Inu!’ I’d moan, so close to release, ‘Your tongue feels so good!’ He would laugh, and you would hear him, and then you’d see him grab my thighs as he buried his face in my hole, panting and growling and making me scream.”

            Sesshoumaru was desperate to pull his aching cock out of his pants and pleasure himself that way, but Inuyasha was almost done with his phone call, and even he wouldn’t be able to put himself away in time. But he continued to massage himself through his pants anyway, determined to enjoy Kagome’s monologue while he had the chance. She was definitely enjoying it, as was evident by the way she was gripping a breast through her white satin blouse and flicking her swollen clit behind her sheer panties, never breaking their shared eye contact.            

            “And what then, Kagome?” Sesshoumaru urged, hips rolling with every brush of his hand against his hidden erection.

            “Mmm...then he’d stand up, his face wet with my sweet cum, and you would be able to smell it from your hiding place. Then he’d take out his long, hard cock, scooping up my juices from my weeping pussy and lubing himself up for the big event – ah, fuck yeah!” Kagome gasped, finally breaking eye contact as an intense wave of pleasure rolled from her nub up her spine. She recovered quickly, meeting Sesshoumaru’s steady gaze with her own. He was breathing hard, she could tell. With a smirk, Kagome spread her legs farther apart, revealing more of herself to the demon’s hungry eyes that were steadily turning red.

            “More. Tell me more, Kagome!” Sesshoumaru demanded.

            “I’d lift my ass up from the bed and hold onto the edge of the mattress as he would drive himself into me, howling out because of my tightness on his amazing cock. He’d grab onto my hips with his strong hands and fuck me – oh god, he’d fuck me sooo gooood...” Kagome struggled to finish her story for the demon’s sake, but the combination of watching him trying to relieve himself through his pants, keeping eye contact with him, her finger working like mad on her sensitive clit and her other hand torturing a still-clothed breast was fast becoming too much to withstand. “You would watch me thrash around on the bed as I got closer and closer to the finish; I’d get up on my hands on knees on the bed and Inuyasha would get behind me, never letting me go, never pulling out. He’d fold himself over my back and fuck me like a real bad dog, flashing his fangs at me as I met him thrust for thrust...ah, ah, ah!”

            Sesshoumaru knew she was just about to let herself go, when he heard Inuyasha say goodbye to whomever he had been speaking to and shut his phone. The demon quickly removed his hand and motioned for Kagome to stop and pull herself back together. She made quick work of her state of disarray, looking completely normal as she positioned herself against the arm of the couch, folding her legs to keep the heady scent of her arousal from Inuyasha. Sesshoumaru had to will his erection away, but it didn’t help when Kagome met his gaze again, unabashedly pulling her guilty finger into her mouth and smiling around it. Inuyasha walked in moments later, looking far to happy to notice whatever his wife had been doing.

             Kagome watched Inuyasha carefully as he sat next to her, pulled her in close to his side, wrapped an arm around her shoulders and kissed her temple with love and excitement.

            “We got the go ahead to start on ‘The Lion King’!”

            Kagome immediately shrieked and launched herself on her husband, showering him with kisses and smiles. Sesshoumaru, feeling a bit uncomfortable watching Kagome be so physical with his brother, showed his congratulations with his stern silence.

            “Oh, Inu, that’s amazing! Finally!”

            “After three fucking years, they’re finally letting us do this damn show!” Inuyasha kissed her full on the lips, not noticing the slight trace of her arousal lingering there. He pulled away, smiling at his wife in complete joy.

            “Let’s all go out and celebrate tonight! I’ll take you and Kikyo to the Hotel Cicero.”

            Kagome gasped, and Sesshoumaru wondered what that meant.

            “But, Inu, we were saving The Cicero for our five year anniversary...” Kagome muttered, sounding a little disappointed. Inuyasha immediately knelt on the floor in front of her, clasping both her hands in his.

            “I know babe, but this is huge! We’ve been waiting for this almost as long as we’ve been married.” He pleaded to her with his eyes, knowing that she stood no chance against that look. Kagome folded instantly.

            “Call Kikyo – she has to be there, too, you know,” she conceded with a small smile. Inuyasha grinned and kissed her again.

            “I’ll call her in a few. I have to run to the office for a while to shuffle paperwork they’re faxing to me from America, but I’ll be home by 8 – be ready to go!” He relayed the message while running out of the room, collecting his keys and sunglasses by the front door.

            “I’ll see you then, koi!” Kagome shouted back as she heard him run out the front door.

            “Bye!” The door slammed shut behind him, leaving Kagome and Sesshoumaru in silence. Because of all the rushed excitement, she had almost completely forgotten about him being there. She turned her eyes to the demon still sitting in the armchair, looking terribly uncomfortable. Kagome realized with a jolt that because of Inuyasha’s interruption moment before, neither of them had found their release. The woman on the couch smirked and spread her legs, all thoughts of work gone from her mind. Sesshoumaru’s eyes widened when the force of her arousal struck him. He met her gaze, eyes red and cheek-stripes jagged.

            “You never finished your story, Kagome,” he said, reaching for his belt buckle. Inuyasha was long gone, leaving him free to do his own business as he pleased. Kagome watched, enraptured, as Sesshoumaru drew out his impressive length, the thick, throbbing appendage that never failed to arouse or surprise her. The darkened tip was shiny with his pre-cum, and the demon made a show of spreading it down his veiny shaft, enjoying the way the human woman’s eyes followed the slow, deliberate motion. She bit her lip and began toying with her thighs again, her eyes never straying from Sesshoumaru’s cock or the hand working it.

            “You’d watch my tits bounce with every one of his thrusts, and be disappointed when he’d grab them, keeping them from view, but you’d love the way I’d shriek and grind myself on him harder and harder.”

            “Touch yourself, Kagome.”

            She complied without question. Her skirt and panties were gone in moments, leaving her bare to Sesshoumaru’s hungry gaze. She wasted no time in burying a few fingers inside of her, diddling her clit with the middle finger of her opposite hand. She began to moan and pant, her breasts heaving against the unforgiving cloth of her blouse. Sesshoumaru’s hand began to move faster and with more force, and Kagome couldn’t take her eyes off of it if she tried.

            “I’d start to buck against him, crying out with every slap of his heavy balls against my ass – ooh, yes! – he’d be in so deep, I’d feel him like he was all the way up in my throat, and then I’d reach under to flick my bud, just like I am...right...now...uuuunnnghh!” Her guttural groan filled up the entire room as she began to rock on her hand, her finger moving at a such a pace that Sesshoumaru had to focus to keep up with her. He watched as her head fell back, her neck perfectly vulnerable to his fangs, as she began to bounce on her fingers, gasping with every drop.

            “Ah, ah, yes, ah – then he’d pull my cheeks apart and grind his pelvis against my clit – oh, fuck yes –  and you’d hear me scream and watch me fly up, shaking and quivering from head to toe as Inuyasha held onto my tits – oh, shit, oh, ah – pinching my nipples so hard I’d scream even louder...”

            Kagome tilted her head up to look at Sesshoumaru, wanting to see his face as she came, only to find him missing from his chair. She was so close to release, but she wanted to know where he went. Angry, she slowed her ministrations and went to say his name, only to have the demon appear before her, naked, breathing raggedly. His eyes were completely red, cheek stripes jagged, his very aura crackling with demonic energy. Kagome gasped, realizing the demon’s beast had emerged, and it wanted to play.

            “Let me finish that story for you, Kagome,” said Sesshoumaru, sounding remarkably like himself without the beast. But his aggression said otherwise; he reached out and pulled Kagome’s dripping hands away from her core, abandoning them to put his hands on her waist. Kagome was bewildered and excited, boggled by the sensation of the skin of his hands on her hips. He growled with every move he made, all semblance of his regular control out the window. Sesshoumaru pulled Kagome up and around the couch, pinning her against the back of it. He tore her blouse from her body and wasted no time in setting his hands to her hot skin.

            “Oh, Sesshoumaru!” She gasped, her head falling back. Sesshoumaru smirked, his extended fangs unable to remain behind his lips. He knew how close she was, and how close he was, and that it was time to finish the job.

            “...And then I would come into the room,” Sesshoumaru said, his dark tone flooding the woman’s blood with intense desire, “And I’d tear the boy away from you, keeping you from your release.”

            Kagome whimpered, looking up when she felt the demon’s cock against her thigh, something she had been craving for years. She shivered when he dragged his nails down her sides and licked his lips with a dangerously long tongue in appreciation of her body.

            “And then?” She chanced, her arms spread out on either side of her, fingers grasping the back of the couch. Her black hair spilled onto the seat cushions on the other side. Sesshoumaru drank the sight and feel of her in.

            “And then I’d spread your legs from behind,” he spread them as he spoke, with Kagome wondering what would come next, “Then I would say ‘Kagome, you have been an awful tease these past three years, and it’s time you apologized to me.’” He slid his length along her wet slit, coating himself in her arousal.

            “How would I apologize?” Kagome asked, her voice laced with begging. She saw Sesshoumaru’s feral grin, moments before she felt him split her in two. Her eyes went wide in shock as the demon leaned close to her face, the animalistic grin never fading.

            “I’d fill you up with my big demon cock, Kagome, just-” He thrust into her with his entire length, from head to base.




            And again.


            And again.


            “Oh, ah, Ah, AH, YES, YES, YES!”

            “Say it, Kagome!”




            Kagome smiled at the night guard, glancing at her nails in disinterest.

            “I thought you would have heard about it from someone in the family, or at least from somewhere in the news.”

            “I have no interest in the news, and I have no family besides Inuyasha.”

            Kagome looked a little remorseful, but only for a moment.

            “Well, now you’ll just have to live without either of them.”

            Sesshoumaru wasn’t shocked, per se, but he was definitely curious. He pulled up his chair to sit in front of Kagome’s cell and waited for her to sit in her own chair before asking her to continue. She let out a bored sigh, playing with a few strands of black hair.

            “Do you remember the night Inuyasha secured the rights for ‘The Lion King?’”

            Sesshoumaru smirked, not surprised to feel himself reacting to her voice and her mention of that night.

            “Of course I do, Mrs. Sotsu. I have thought about it every day since then.”

            Kagome didn’t blush – she was far too advanced to blush anymore. But she smiled deviously, then folded and unfolded her legs, knowing that even in such an outfit, it would remind the demon of what was under it. 

            “Well, just like Inuyasha promised, he took Kikyo and I to the Hotel Cicero to celebrate the occasion. We were there for hours, riding high on excitement. We had three bottles of champagne between us, along with wine, some old scotch...you know, a lot of booze.”

            “As I would expect from someone like Inuyasha.”

            Kagome smirked.            

            “True. Well, as soon as things started calming down, Inuyasha seemed to notice something different about me. Something about my scent was ‘off.’” The imprisoned woman closed her eyes, as if she were trying to remember all of the fine details of that fateful night. “As my husband, he had every right to start making out with me in front of Kikyo, my sister – did you ever meet her?”

            “I did not.”

            “Good. Anyway, Inuyasha starts doing his thing when he stops and mentions the smell again. I told him it might have been because of you when we ‘accidentally’ brushed against each other when I let you out of the house earlier that night. Well, Inuyasha believed my excuse, but only for a little while; the more time went by, the more suspicious he became. I was starting to get nervous, so I left the hotel room to go and get more ice to cool the booze.”

            “How interesting.”

            “Oh, blow it out your ass.” Sesshoumaru was actually surprised by her biting remark, but said nothing in reply. Kagome sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose between her eyes. “My best guess is that between the time I left the room and came back, Inuyasha had figured out what had caused the weird scent.”

            “And what was the weird scent, Kagome?” Sesshoumaru asked, wanting to see how much of her zest she still had after three years. She met his gaze directly, and without a hint of embarrassment replied,

            “It was the scent of your hot demon seed in my just-fucked pussy, Sesshoumaru.” She said with such deadpan delivery that Sesshoumaru almost laughed. Almost. Kagome flipped her hair over her shoulder and sighed.

            “Unfortunately, when Inuyasha was that drunk, he coped with things that upset him differently than he would if he was sober. He turns to those closest to him for comfort.”

            “That’s nothing new – most people do that.”

            “No I mean those who are physically closest to him.”


            Kagome shrugged her shoulders noncommittally.

            “I came back, opened the door, and there was Inuyasha and Kikyo, doing a favorite move of hers from her dancing days – the spread eagle.”

            Kagome turned her head away, letting out an exasperated huff as Sesshoumaru watched his former lover deal with her demons. Imagine his surprise when Kagome came up laughing, a dark, maniacal chuckle that sent chills up his spine. She waved a passive hand and smirked, shaking her head as if she were laughing off a bad joke.

            “I was so shocked by what I saw that I passed out – I don’t remember a single thing. It wasn’t until the next morning, when I was in the shower washing the blood off my hands I even knew they were dead!” She said, her jaw tense and her tone one of fierce denial of her crimes.

            Sesshoumaru had to let it set in for a few moments. So, Inuyasha and his sister-in-law were dead, and Kagome claimed she hadn’t been the one to do it. How curious...

            “Besides the obvious, was there any reason the authorities would suspect you as the murderer?”

            Kagome rubbed the back of her neck, arching her head back to stretch the sore muscles there. Sesshoumaru felt his mouth water at the sight of her bared flesh, but restrained himself by crossing his legs and folding his arms, blocking himself from her powers. Of course, Kagome knew what that gesture did to him – she just wanted to see if he still reacted as he did before.

            “The prosecutor told me during questioning that Inuyasha and Kikyo had previously been in a relationship when she had been a dancer on the continent. They thought that might have been my motive.”

            “Seems plausible.”

            “It’s redundant,” Kagome countered, glaring. “Even if I did do it, it didn’t matter what they did in the past – they had it coming for what they were doing at the Cicero, if nothing else!”

            “That seems mighty hypocritical of you, Kagome, considering my hot demon seed would have still been dripping out of your just-fucked pussy at the time of the alleged crime.”

            “I didn’t do a damn thing, Sesshoumaru. These cops, they’re convinced I did; but even so, how could you tell me I was wrong?”

            Sesshoumaru stood, crossing the walkway to the woman’s cell. He waited for her to stand and meet him at the bars, and for a moment they were three years in the past, playing the game with that one rule back in place. Kagome dragged her hand down her side, letting it come to rest on one hip. Sesshoumaru adjusted his belt around his hips.

            “It was a pleasure to talk to you, Mrs. Sotsu, but it’s lights out for the night.”

            “Oh? Do you promise to come and tell me a bedtime story, sir?”

            The reference to ‘stories’, along with the cheeky ‘sir’ and her coy smile nearly unraveled Sesshoumaru’s resolve. But he resisted, barely.

            “Until tomorrow night, Mrs. Sotsu.”

            Sesshoumaru began to walk away, when Kagome let out a low, drawn-out moan, quiet so only he would hear. He paused at the end of her cell, and he smelled her arousal like he had never escaped it in the first place.

            “I don’t know if I can wait that long, Sesshoumaru. After all, it’s been so long and hard, not seeing you.”

            He would have considered her innuendoes pathetic for someone of her caliber, had it not been for the fact that she was absolutely right. Sesshoumaru glanced at the determined woman out of the corner of his eye, as pleased as she when their eyes met.

            “Lights out, Kagome.”

            She gave him a wicked grin and a wink.

            “Whatever you want, Sesshoumaru.”

- - -

*falls over* OI VEY! Almost 20 pages. Hope you all enjoyed that! Only two more chapters to go J I apologize if the setup of this chapter was at all confusing...some things make way more sense in my head than they do on paper! LOL


