An Unlikely Heiress by Nisou Tenshi

Most Carefully Laid Plans

Disclaimer: No, I do not own Inuyasha. The rights to that wonderful anime and manga belong to Rumiko Takahashi alone.


At the Konshi family shrine, a ceremony that had taken place hundreds upon hundreds of times in the family’s past once again was taking place. Every family member was lodged into the four walls of that immense building for one purpose. To find who would be the next to protect the Shikon no Tama.

Born from a legendary battle between miko and youkai, the jewel contained the souls of Midoriko and the demons she fought. From the day of its creation, it had been a temptation of power for demon and human kind alike. The duty of the Konshi family was to keep such power from the wrong hands.

Kikyo took pride in this fact from the day she was born. From a very young age, she had been recounted of the heroic, blood-curdling stories of priestesses long past. Even now the stories thrilled her and everyday she tried to live up to those renowned ancestors. Her father, Shirosaki, made sure of this as well. As chief of the clan, he had made sure his daughter was rigorously trained in the arts of the miko. Kikyo was able to excel in each one and was well known throughout the clan for her prowess. All expected her to be the next Shikon Miko but no one so much as her.

Two wooden oak doors that allowed entrance into the shrine slowly cranked open to reveal the form of her father. Garbed in elaborate robes, he ambled up the aisle each step causing a jingle as the rings on his staff clashed together.  He continued until he came up to the stage where a small pedestal stood with a pillow. There the Shikon no Tama rested. Her father gave the pearl-like jewel a bow than went around the pedestal to face the audience. Looking across the congregation, he made eye contact with everyone and gave her a private smile.

“Brothers, sisters,” he began, “I know today that many of you are still mourning as am I. Emiko’s passing has been sad for all of us. All her life she had been a good friend to us all and lived her life with honor.” 

Taking the red velvet pillow, her father lifted it up with the jewel, “Emiko proudly protected the jewel as Shikon Miko and kept its light pure everyday without a thought to herself,” he than placed the pillow back down, “She was an exemplary priestess and she will not be forgotten.”

“But now is the time for new beginnings,” he continued with fervor, “Let us move forward to see who will be Emiko’s successor being sure to never let her memory leave our hearts. Let us begin with the future. Sesshomaru!”

From the front row, a man stood and stepped forward to stand by her father. Facing the audience, he was an impressive sight with heavy thick armor and two swords at his side. For all that he was intimidating, he was beautiful as well. He looked like some fallen angel with his moonlight kissed hair and rich amber eyes. Yet past his looks there was nothing of the sort. Sesshomaru was a powerful inu-youkai warrior who for the last five hundred years had been entrusted with the protection of the Shikon no Miko. This time would be no different.

Red hot excitement began to run through Kikyo’s veins. It would not be long, now. Soon after Sesshoumaru came up, her father requested that every miko stand and line up before the jewel. That was how the next protector had always been chosen. Whoever’s touch could keep the jewel completely pure would be the one.

Kikyo took her time getting in line. No point in rushing the inevitable, after all. One by one, a girl would touch the jewel but would fail to purify it. When it came her turn, Kikyo could feel the expectant eyes watching her every move; she could see in her mind’s eye the proud smile spread on her father’s face. Putting her hand forward, she gently placed a finger on the Shikon.

It did not purify.

Gasps and exclamations took place all over. The unimaginable had happened and Kikyo was numb with shock. Repeatedly, she would touch it but nothing took place. She was not the one. All her life she had been brought to believe that this was her birthright and yet__ the jewel did not choose her.

Her father finally urged Kikyo away in a soothing tone. As if in a trance, Kikyo went to sit back down. Her face was pale and her eyes were wide like she had seen a ghost. She could hear the talk of people around her but they came to her as a whisper. Only one word resounded in her mind. Why.

The procession continued albeit slowly. Kikyo watched each one like an eagle would its prey. Every touch that came by the jewel failed to purify it and when the last girl came up a look of mixed excitement and trepidation took her face. She touched the jewel but still nothing took place. Every priestess in the building had touched the jewel but no one succeeded. No one was the Shikon Miko.

Panic began to run rampant through the whole building. Desperately, men came up to see if perhaps a man was to be the jewel’s protector though it had never happened before. Their efforts were in vain. For the first time in the Shikon’s history, the Konshi family failed to find the next predecessor within its ranks.

She suddenly heard her father gasp out, “It cannot be.”

But it was. Unknown to her, the memory of a child had come to his mind. A child that was never supposed to be. A child who was the product of a scandal that happened over twenty years ago. A child who now held the fate of the Konshi family.


This story has been bugging me lately so I decided to begin posting it up. I hope it has been enjoyable so far. I never do like torturing people, much.

I won't be a review whore but I do want some feedback. One because it makes me grin and two I like having advice. Even though I have written a lot, I have not had a lot criticism on it and I am always willing to learn.

Speaking of that sort of thing, I do not have a beta reader so if anyone is interested feel free to PM me or something. I might advertise for one in the beta reader forum. It all depends really.

Anyway, that's it for now. Ttyl.