Rewind by Breezy


I have been on a very long sabbatical from writing full length stories but I can't let this idea go so I will just have to go with my gut. I cannot say whether I will finish this story, although I really do wish that I will in the end but I can only promise to try my best. Updates will be sporadic, most likely in the middle of the night and the plot questionable but hang in there with me. This will be focusing mostly on Sesshoumaru which is something new from me, hopefully I won't kill it. The prologue is mostly dialogue for a reason so please note that while this is not an jam packed action story, it is also not just a conversation. Well enough with doubts and worries, read, enjoy and review.

Breezy, also known as Sassy Cat Attack

All grammatical errors and any inconsistencies are mine...

Actually blame it on the part of my brain that says to write in the middle of the night.


One clawed hand meticulously picked at the lining of the sofa chair as the other gripped an iced coffee. He takes a sip and sighs in mild disappointment. I told the idiot cream not milk.

             “You are unable to stay in a committed relationship.” Why do I still come here? It was the question he had been asking himself for the past three years. Miroku Higurashi, the cousin of his ex-wife. It had seemed like a terrible decision in the beginning- hell it still did- no matter which way he looked at it, going to the family member of an ex for relationship advice was as bizarre as it was unwise. Sesshoumaru saw his reflection in the mirror hanging over Miroku’s head- mentally tracing his markings. Oh, yeah, he remembered exactly why he was here. Father. It was not that Sesshoumaru was one to bend to anyone’s will but he was no fool. Father pulled all the strings and so he had power for now. He looked at Miroku, wanting to wipe the pretentious smile off of his face but pushed down the murderous thoughts. A low sigh escaped his lips. Sesshoumaru would do whatever his sire asked of him…

            “Wrong, I am capable of doing whatever I so desire.” But that didn’t mean he had to be nice about it.

            “So" Miroku paused, smiling at the stoic figure sitting across from him "you say you are capable of doing whatever you desire. Does this mean you don’t desire a lasting relationship? Why would that be?” Miroku responded. The deliberately calm tone was starting to annoy Sesshoumaru and so were the questions, but that wasn’t new.


            “You mean, different wants? What would those be?”

            “They want marriage.” He spat, the word leaving a bad taste in his mouth.

            “Not all relationships have to end in marriage. Many a happy couple are content without the titles that come with marriage.” Miroku quipped.

            “Well none of these women are content unless a ring is on their finger.”

            “And you are content so long as they don’t.” How astute.


            “So, what do you want?” Ah, the million dollar question.

            “To not be married.”

            “Why is that?”

            “Marriage complicates a relationship. Less sex. Less talking. More yelling.”

            “Last week you said that most of your colleagues were single, except one- who is," he watched as Miroku feigned ignorance and he flipped through his papers “as you quote 'happily deluded.' Married. So where did this definition of marriage come from? A sibling? Cousin? Neighbors? Parents?” Sesshoumaru blinked. Fuck. “Ah so parents.” And here it comes. “Did they fight often?”

            “Do you fight with your wife often?” he retorted.

            “Often? No I believe not but this isn’t about me, this is about your parents. How was their relationship?”

            “It was no different than other marriages in the beginning. But father was greedy. He managed to keep many of his indiscretions under wraps until my mother came across a picture of his lovechild and decided she would not play second fiddle to a whore. She left him. The end.”

            “And when your mother left, how did you feel? Were you upset with her for leaving or at your father for his affairs? Were you confused, saddened?”

            “I was a child, I barely remember myself. This has nothing to do with me. I’m paying you to dig into my own life, not that of my mother and fathers.” Sesshoumaru was not as dumb as to believe any of the garbage coming out of his mouth but if it meant inconveniencing Miroku by sending him down a false trail, he would do it. The only downside to this was that Miroku was not much of an idiot and so his tricks were usually be discovered within minutes. This didn’t stop Sesshoumaru from playing his beloved game. Who knew, it could still work one day. Sesshoumaru was a believer in miracles.  

             “This is where you are wrong. This has everything to do with you, with your fear of committed relationships and in the end of marriage.” Golden eyes narrowed.

            “I fear nothing.” An exasperated sigh escaped his therapist.

            “For 3 years we have had sessions together. Over the span of those three years, you have been in over 10 relationships including one fiancé, a fiancé whom you left 6 months before the wedding.” Miroku stated matter-of-factly. “This leads me to conclude, that you are afraid, unable, incapable-however you wish to call it- of maintaining a healthy relationship.”


            “My reason for being here is to find out why and you are not making this any easier by being stubborn.” A slender eyebrow rose.

            “How inquisitive.”

            “Because you claim that your parents relationship has never had an affect on you, we will return to them another day. However it is imperative that we dig deeper, dig past these three years and go back another five, even ten.” Miroku slapped his hand against his seat. The zeal in his words took Sesshoumaru aback. He grew suspicious.

            “There is nothing to see.”

            “We must analyze every relationship you have had prior to those within the past four years. There is no other choice.”

            “You will find nothing.”

            “Then we shall find out why there is nothing.” The smirk on Miroku's face said everything. It screamed "I know something you wish I didn't." And then it came to him. Kikyo. While Sesshoumaru did not know why his bitch of an ex wife would spread his personal affairs among her family, especially his own therapist- he would not put it past her. Kikyo was vindictive, a trait that started to shine through her otherwise pristine exterior as soon as the post wedding excitement had faded.

            “Hn, you waste your time. Everything that Kikyo told is a falsehood, believing her will only further prove my point-that you are an idiot.” And now it was Miroku’s turn to raise an eyebrow. The spark in his violet eyes said “Gotcha” and Sesshoumaru muttered a curse. A trickster. Worse, a trickster who now had a direction to head in.

            “This has nothing to do with your ex-wife Mr. Taisho.” Miroku glanced at his watch. “Oh speaking of time, our session is over. You are free to go.” He motioned to the door.

            “Next week then.” Sesshoumaru reiterated before nodding his head in farewell.

            “Yes” he began “oh and Sesshoumaru, just remember that I am here to help not judge you.”

            “Those sweet words might work on an adolescent girl but not me Miroku.  Do not forget that you are my therapist before you are her cousin. I trust that you will remain professional in your endeavors.”

            “Indeed Sesshoumaru-sama, there is no need for concern. Just as you trust me, I trust that you will remain truthful in our coming sessions- not that I suspect you will be anything but. There is nothing for you to have to hide.” Sesshoumaru was too weary to throw in another witty comment. Sauntering out of the tastefully decorated office, he made his way to the parking lot. It was only when he stepped in his car did Sesshoumaru allow himself the luxury of smacking his head against the wheel. The tinted windows hid his shame.

            “Indeed Sesshoumaru-sama, there is no need for concern. Just as you trust me, I trust that you will remain truthful in our coming sessions- not that I suspect you will be untruthful.There is nothing for you to have to hide." 


On the contrary, there was much he desired to hide.

Starting up his car, Sesshoumaru caught sight of Miroku making his way to his own modest ride. He glared at the offending male before beginning his journey back home.

He had a call to make.



The story will begin to pick up in the next chapter. Thank you for reading and please let me know what you think!

Until next time...