Encounters In Small Meetings by Angelic Memories

Lessons of Imperfection

I'm getting hooked to these weekly challenges....

Theme: History

Minimum 1000 words: 1 157 words used.

Summary: There is a secret within Sesshomaru's family that he is hiding. Kagome just happens to come across it.


Lessons of Imperfection

"You've got to be kidding me," the woman groaned.

Scrolls littered the tables and chairs in the extensive library the inu own. She was use to the clutter though. Besides the study, which Sesshomaru retreated to many times throughout the day, was in a much worse condition than this room. Which of course reminded her why they were there in the first place. Winter had set in. The pack was told they would spend the rest of the cold months in the warmth of Sesshomaru palace. He gave each of them a room and had the servants show them around. After a few days Kagome had been ushered to the library where she was supposed to act as tutor to the children's lessons.

This had proven to be a problem when it came to studying history. She had thought it was bad enough to learn dates of names but most of the lessons she remembered from class where not of importance. Most of the ones that had importance had yet to pass. So when she was told that she had to cover history she nearly fainted.

"What history? Tell me something that has happened that could possibly help a human child and a young kitsune? History hasn't happened yet."

"There is much for the pups to learn miko," the inu began to shift through the scrolls as he spoke, "As part of this pack every piece of this Sesshomaru heritage is history and must be learnt."

He found what he was looking for. A long scroll tainted with age. The inu handed it to her with the same emotionless mask he always held. Kagome took it and unrolled the scroll; it was much longer than it appeared.

"Memorize and teach miko." Sesshomaru brushed pass her without another word.

"Here I thought I wouldn't ever have to take another history class again," Kagome grumbled to no one in particular.


On the other side of the castle a young girl and kit were huddled together. In order to cover their tracks and intentions they hadn't caused any more trouble since the day at the pond. Shippo had used his fox magic to use a tentacle to attack Kagome signalling Sesshomaru after Rin had stolen her clothes. Of course the miko questioned them and Rin managed to tell her new mother that she was simply replacing the kimono with a clean one. The matter was dropped but the children caught the looks the adults were giving one another.

As far as they were concern it was time to begin scheming again.  They simply had to wait for the right opportunity to act upon the new plan.


Kagome stared at the scroll wondering if she was really reading the words correcting. Once, twice, three times over and she came to the conclusion that she needed confirmation. In no time she found herself knocking on the door to Sesshomaru's study. Three days of reading had passed without a hitch. Kagome probably didn't know every detail but she could at least pass a test... hopefully. Yet something was off about this last passage from one of Sesshomaru's distant relatives.

"Enter," he called.

She obeyed and respectfully bowed her head to the lord since she knew what was coming next. The motion caught Sesshomaru's attention as he tossed another scroll to the side and picked up a land treaty.

"What is it miko? Have you finished so soon?"

"Sesshomaru-sama I wish to speak to you about Kenjiro... I think someone was playing a practical joke with your family scrolls."

The inu said nothing.

"It states some pretty extreme things."

Still silence filled the room. Though the atmosphere seemed a little tense on Sesshomaru's end.

"I mean have you seen these recently? It just that they don't really make much sense... some of the things he did."

Was it just her or was Sesshomaru's jaw muscle's twitching? Though he had yet to make a sound or even show that he was paying attention.

"Um... should I read it to you?" Kagome asked innocently.

"This Sesshomaru is well aware of the insanity of Kenjiro and there is no need for you to remind this Sesshomaru of the pack that has passed on for my studies on the topic have been completed many centuries ago. Now is that all or must you continue to annoy this Sesshomaru with you presence?"

Shock radiated off her. She had yet to ever see Sesshomaru snap over something so small... ish.

"Oh..." she gasped, "sorry."

"You are dismissed."

Nodding she turned on her heel and reached for the knob. It didn't budge. Trying again she rattled the handle.

"Uh... Sesshomaru-sama... we're locked in."

For the first time, and she was certain it was going to be the last, Kagome heard the inu sigh heavily. A heat from behind told her that he moved from behind his desk to the see the problem with his own eyes. Once identifying the knob as locked he melted it away and pushed the door open. The miko scampered out of the way before he unleashed his fury upon her but she was held back by a weight around her wrist.

"What is it?"

"Call your kit and this Sesshomaru's ward."

"Um... sure?"

He released her to fetch them. They had been playing in the courtyard. As they entered the study Sesshomaru was dismissing a servant that would call upon someone to repair the damaged door knob.

"What's going on?" Kagome tilted her head to the side.

"This Sesshomaru can sense the strong scent linger on the hall." His eyes narrowed on the children. "Explain."

"We were playing chase," Rin smiled brightly.

"I was it," Shippo added.

Kagome caught what Sesshomaru was implying. "Did you lock the door?"

Rin shook her head. "Rin bumped into the door. But I didn't mean to."

It took some time of convincing but Kagome managed to pursue the inu to let them be, kids would be kids after all. The miko spent the rest of the evening with Rin and Shippo before retiring to her chambers. Once in bed she could help but go over the information she had read.

But the late Kenjiro was known for his preposterous ideas and inventions. Upon seeing the way a flower grew and blossom he was convinced that all other objects would simply need water, soil, sun. On many occasions he would be found in his gardens watering a patch of dirt. He told his visitors it was only a matter of time before his pet rocks took root and blossomed into flowers.

There's always one nutcase in each family. Perhaps Sesshomaru's never heard of this saying though. Kagome fell asleep to her debate on what she could do to quell the inu's view of the imperfection within his heritage. Surely it was eating him alive, since he truly appeared to live up to his name in any way he could.


Ja ne
Angelic Memories
© 2009