Encounters In Small Meetings by Angelic Memories

Heroine of the Heart

Prompt: Hero

Free word count: 449 words used

Summary: Sesshomaru is reassured about Kagome's feelings and comes to terms with his own.


Heroine of the Heart

Through the night golden eyes watched the delicate form. His attention was drawn each time a subtle change occurred, whether it be a quickened breath or a twitch of a slumbering muscle. Though he was happy things had gone well, it was still on edge about her reaction.

He wasn't sure if she would be happy. There was still a lot he had to learn about her and there were a few things that concerned him. Now that she would live a life as long as him, she would watch all her human companions die. Her heart would feel sorrow after sorrow and there was little he could do for her.

As the sun rose for the second time since he had changed her, Sesshomaru noticed the faint breathing grow heavy. It was the first sign that she was waking. Then ever so slowly her eyes opened. At first they tightly shut again, squinting as the rays of light blinded the sensitive  orbs, but in no time she was searching her surroundings.

"Sesshomaru," she smiled, "See everything is okay."

A shadow of a smile reached across his face. He was glad, though he'd never admit it, that she was awake. Her human features were still intact, the only change was her blood and the source of her spiritual powers. But she was still the same. Her sweet voice, her light laugh, the sparkling of her eyes, and the cheery flash of a smile. Yet he couldn't help but wonder how long would that last. What was the price he paid to bring her into his world?

"Hey, did you hear me?"

"Hn," he turned his attention to the bubbly voice of the one he wanted for eternity.

"When will you mate me?"

"After you have regained your energy. This Sesshomaru won't risk putting you in a weaker state of health."

He turned to leave at that moment. Unable to bare with the idea that she might catch onto his thoughts. It was useless to have her worry about him. But Kagome clung onto his haori, stilling him as he tried to walk away.

"Sesshomaru, I'm really happy," she said softly.

"Can you still say that a hundred years from now?" he sneered, unable to hide the anger of his own actions.

"Maybe not every day, but I am sure that I will still want to be with you."

Sesshomaru thought about what she said. It was true they would probably argue and fight about small things. Not every day would be filled with happiness. But in a centuries time he was certain he would only want the miko more. She was the one who saved his heart after all.


Ja ne
Angelic Memories
© 2009