Chapter 3
The next day Kagome tried to act as normally as possible, seeking desperately to hide her inner turmoil and despair, even taking the time to cloak her scent and aura. When Inuyasha and Shippo had remarked on it she explained it away by telling them that she had put the spell on to hide her aura and scent from Naraku when they battled later today. Both had taken her lie at face value and let the matter drop. Inuyasha had asked if she was alright a few times, remarking that she seemed a bit off, but she had brushed his worries aside saying she was only nervous about the battle ahead.
At the moment she and her group of friends were awaiting the arrival of their allies as they each prepared for battle. Sango had her hiriaktsu out and was sharpening it, while Kilala rested at her feet, occasionally smoothing down a patch of fur. Beside them sat Miroku in deep meditation. Despite the fact he was no longer technically a monk since he had married Sango, he still held a great deal of spiritual power. Shippo was lazing about on the grass drawing pictures of his "impending victory over the glorified Hanyou" while Kagome watched him with motherly pride. She had already made the necessary preparations to shield him from the battle with a barrier. She would tell him to stay with the medical supplies and care for any of their allies that were injured if they fell back from battle for aid, but for now she let her son dream of glorious battles and honor to be won.
Inuyasha wasn't sure, but he felt that there was something off about Kagome. She had her scent and aura completely cloaked, so he couldn't get a feel for her emotions at the moment. He could understand the need to have them hidden during the battle, it would allow her to get closer to Naraku without him knowing, but why had she done it now? So soon before the battle?
He had gotten his first hint that something was wrong this morning when she had woken up and he leapt down from his tree to give her a good morning kiss, as had become customary ever since he asked her to become his mate. While she hadn't pulled away, neither had she been encouraging. Her lips had seemed cold and hard beneath his own, and it had reminded him of Kikyo. When he had asked her what was wrong she brushed by him and said it was pre-battle jitters and not to worry about it. So he hadn't.
However, as they packed up camp and headed for the meeting point Kagome had fallen to the back of the group with Shippo in her arms instead of walking next to him and holding his hand as she had been doing for some time now. That had gathered the notice of Miroku and Sango who had also asked if their friend was feeling alright. Kagome had assured them with a friendly smile, but Inuyasha could tell that it didn't reach her eyes, and if his friends hadn't been so absorbed with each other they would have seen it as well. They had reached the area that had been agreed upon by all as the point of gathering and sat down to wait for their allies. Inuyasha decided to take this time to draw Kagome aside and see if there was anything she wanted to talk about.
Kagome looked up as Inuyasha's shadow fell over her. Offering up a shaky smile she asked, "Nani?"
"Can I talk to you for a second?" Inuyasha held his hand out and waited for Kagome to set her own smaller one in his before drawing her to her feet. Together they walked to the edge of the clearing to avoid being heard by Shippo, who had a big mouth and tended to repeat everything he heard, while still being within sight of the group. When they were out of the kitsune's ear shot Inuyasha looked at Kagome and said, "You know you can tell me anything right 'Gome?"
Kagome couldn't stop the empty laugh that spilled from her lips. Seeing Inuyasha's frightened expression at her uncharacteristic behavior she quickly regained control of herself and said, "I know Inuyasha."
Inuyasha didn't know what to make of Kagome's behavior. He'd never heard her laugh like that before, if he didn't know any better he would say she sounded just like Kikyo. Something was wrong, he was sure of it now. "Something is wrong wench, I know it. Tell me what it is!"
Kagome held Inuyasha's gaze for long moments, her hands held in his as he faced her and pleaded with golden eyes for her to unburden her heart to him. The words that came out of his mouth were rarely soft or pleasing, but his eyes always showed his true feelings. In them she saw fear and concern for her. Her heart reached out to her him. And therein lied the problem, she had given so much of her heart to the hanyou already, and pain had been all she'd received in return. Part of her wanted to yell and scream at her once love. Demand answers for his betrayal of her trust and love. Part of her wanted to throw herself in his arms and tell him he could keep Kikyo and have her too because she couldn't bear the thought of living her life without him. However, the greater part of her, the part that had matured from the young love struck teenager into the confidant, courageous woman she was today held back. For several reasons.
Firstly being the battle ahead. Clear heads and confidant hearts were needed to see them through to the end. Neither of which would Inuyasha have if he knew she had discovered his secret. While she was confident about the battle before them, she knew Inuyasha along with herself and Sesshoumaru were vital to the success of their mission. She wouldn't jeopardize everything now just to get answers to the questions plaguing her mind and heart. She didn't know why he had decided to deceive her and lead her to believe that a future between them was possible, and she wasn't sure she wanted to know. All she knew for certain was that the greatest evil the world had ever known was waiting for them, and now was not the time to let her own personal demons cause problems for everyone else.
Second, she had made her decision as to the future, should she survive the battle, and she didn't want Inuyasha saying anything that would sway her. Her life had been full of entirely too much indecision as it was, she wasn't about to go looking for more at the moment. She had seen the truth with her own eyes last night, there was no mistaking what had gone on in the woods away from camp. It was no illusion crafted by the wicked hands of Naraku; her power had grown so great she would have easily sensed such a deception. As awful, and gut wrenching as the truth was, and as much as it hurt her, there was no denying it. Inuyasha had taken Kikyo as his mate; his promises to her were dust in the wind. She would not give him the opportunity to sway her decision to return to the future once this was all done. As much as she loved him, she would not consent to a life as the "other woman". Their time was done, she knew that now. Perhaps it had never really begun.
Seeing Inuyasha awaiting her answer she stroked his cheek softly and said, "No worries now Inuyasha, everything else can wait until the day is done. We have a battle to win."
Inuyasha was silent for a moment as he looked for answers in Kagome's blue eyes. Was it his imagination or were they dimmer than yesterday? He would swear there were shadows in the azure pools that had not been there before. Finally he decided she was right, if there was a problem it would be handled later, for now they needed to focus on the battle ahead. "Alright wench, if you say so. But if I find out you've been hiding something from me, I'm going to be pissed." With that he had turned and headed back to the others.
'How dare he! How dare he say something like that to me! The two-timing, lying jerk!' Kagome battled with herself to keep from sending an energy ball flying towards Inuyasha for his thoughtless remark. She stamped down the anger she felt welling up inside her as she watched her silver haired companion return to their friends and strike up a conversation with Sango as he sat at the base of the tree like nothing was wrong. Like he hadn't played her for a fool this last year since he'd asked her to become his mate, like he hadn't just fucked that clay pot all night behind their backs. When she got a hold of herself she returned to her friends and they all spoke quietly as they waited for the others to arrive.
Kouga was the first show up. He and his mate Ayame (Kouga had finally realized that Kagome would never be his and overcome his school boy infatuation. He and Ayame had mated not long after, uniting the Eastern and Northern Wolf Demon tribes.) arrived with Ginta, Hakkaku and what soldiers Ayame had brought from her grandfather from the North. They were a noisy bunch, as Kouga's wolves ran around the clearing, taking in the scents while the leaders exchanged greetings.
Ayame hugged Kagome, having long ago let go of her resentment for the miko when it became clear the girl from the future had no designs on her man, and it was a one sided infatuation on Kouga's part. Kagome had been the one to steer Kouga towards Ayame, and the wolf girl felt lucky to count the powerful miko as not only an ally, but also a friend. There had been some posturing from both Kouga and Inuyasha, but glares from the females put an end to that soon enough.
The next to arrive was Sesshoumaru and his considerable forces. His ward Rin ran towards Shippo, eager to reunite with the only childhood friend she had (Kohaku having been laid to rest last year when he could no longer stand his existance on this earth), as her Lord made his way to stand before Kagome.
Kagome looked behind Sesshoumaru and was no less than awed by the number of demons following along in his wake. In all the times she had seen Sesshoumaru in battle, and despite her knowledge he was Lord of the Western Lands, never had she thought he would command an army so vast. An entire legion of Inu yokai followed in his wake, all armed and ready for battle. Sesshoumaru himself was outfitted as she had never seen him before. Gone were his white pristine robes she had always seen him in. In its place was a black silk ensemble, and a dark metal armor she knew must have been forged by Totosai by the expert craftsmanship. His long hair, the envy of any red blooded female, was pulled high atop his head in a ponytail, and Kagome thought he had never resembled his great father more. Looking up at Sesshoumaru as he came to stand before her she said, "Wow, do I feel underdressed."
Were he any other demon Sesshoumaru would have smirked at the brazen miko for her attempt at humor despite what they faced this day. He had taken in the miko's appearance during his approach, and while the words would never pass his lips, he approved of her attire. She also had her hair pulled into a ponytail, held in place by two black chopsticks that he felt certain could be used as weapons. Her body was clad in a form fitting, black kimono of sorts. The skirt was long, but split up the sides to her hips to allow her freedom of movement, and the sleeves had been cropped short to pass just over her shoulders. The collar was high and buttoned around her throat. Covering the black material were dark blue flowers that swirled into flame as the design tapered off near the bottom. Her feet were covered with black boots that nearly reached her knees. He had never seen such shoes before and knew they must be something from her life beyond the well. Tucked in each boot was a dagger, and strapped to her waist was her katana. On her back was a full quiver of arrows and in her hand she held a bow crafted by Totosai for this very occasion. The miko radiated power and Sesshoumaru couldn't help but be impressed, though no one would ever know.
The miko had surpassed even his standards over the last two years. He had seen her a handful of times since their last meeting in the clearing but each time he noted she had grown steadily stronger. The last time he had laid eyes on her he had been overseeing his brother's pack during the night of the new moon. Usually Inuyasha traveled through the well with the girl to ensure his safety at such times, but what few instances he did not Sesshoumaru would cloak his presence and seek the fool out to make sure he didn't get himself killed with his stupidity.
On this particular instance for some reason or another the monk and demon slayer had not been in attendance, he would later learn that they had traveled to the slayer's old village to repair her weapon, and it had just been the miko, the kitsune and his idiot brother seated around the fire. No sooner had he registered the presence of several malevolent auras of the demon variety than the girl had pulled her sword and thrown up a barrier around Inuyasha and her kit. He had been prepared to step in and make sure no harm came to the girl, their alliance having been made some weeks prior and his honor not allowing him to break such a pact, when he thought better of it. He decided he would forgo jumping into the fray for now in favor of seeing how the girl had progressed. He had heard reports that she had become quite the warrior, and he wanted to see if the praise awarded her was deserved.
He had not been disappointed. A group of spider demons came flying through the trees with mists of poison shooting from their fanged mouths. He himself had battled such creatures before, and knew they were no laughing matter. He had assumed he'd be coming to the girl's aid quickly enough. While she was certainly powerful, and could purify anything she got her hands on, from his previous experience the girl lacked the speed, stealth and overall skill to be able to get close to her prey without becoming prey herself. His previous assessments of the girl were made null and void when she held out her hand and sent a wave of purifying energy towards the spider demons, dissolving their poison in seconds and sending the creatures flying back into the tree line. He had then watched in awe as the girl's entire body began to glow a brilliant blue with tinges of pink before she used her energy to launch herself into the air and drove her katana straight through the chest of the largest spider, its body bursting into ash as her holy power obliterated it. The remaining three spiders met the same fate not soon after. When all was said and done the miko had re-sheathed her sword and said a blessing over the area to clear it of evil spirits before returning to Inuyasha and her kit. His brother had complained about her not saving him any, though all knew it was only him posturing.
It was after that display that he decided when the time came to engage Naraku in battle he would bring his young ward along with him. He felt certain she would be safest alongside the kitsune that the miko protected as fiercely as though he were her own kit. He didn't want to take the chance that Naraku would send any of his minions after the girl and try to use her against him. After he and the miko had finished sizing the other up he said, "I assume even you would not take a child into war miko, what is it you expect to do with your kit?"
Kagome took no offense to Sesshoumaru's statement, though she could see Inuyasha moving to her side from the corner of her eye, obviously intent on making trouble. Seeing as how he had Rin with him she had a pretty good idea where the youkai Lord was going with this. "I'm going to put him in plain sight. As we leave here for the battle I'm going to erect a barrier around this clearing. The only ones who will be able to get in are the ones who have already walked out of it. The children will be safe here. That way if someone gets wounded or needs a break they can fall back here and be cared for until they can resume fighting. Naraku is strong, but not strong enough to break through my barrier, unless he gets the jewel of course."
Sesshoumaru nodded at the onna's words, giving no other indication that he approved of her plan and turned to make his way to Rin, who was laughing madly as Shippo used his fox magic to amuse the young girl. He knelt beside the child and spoke softly to her, to which the little girl nodded her understanding before turning her attention back to the kitsune who was only all too willing to distract her.
Kagome turned from the sight to face Inuyasha who had taken up place beside her and asked, "Yes Inuyasha?"
"I should kick his ass for saying shit like that to you," Inuyasha growled as he watched his hated older brother take a seat at the base of a tree and stare off into the distance. Totally at ease with his surroundings.
"You've said worse," Kagome bit out before walking off to tell Shippo the bad news about him not getting to accompany her during the fight, leaving Inuyasha to stare after her with a shocked expression on his face.
Inuyasha was at a loss for words. He had seen the way his brother took in Kagome's appearance as he approached them, and if he didn't know the bastard better he'd say there was actually a spark of appreciation in his eyes. But that couldn't be, Sesshoumaru appreciated nothing human. Still he hadn't liked the way the two conversed, as though there was some secret code or truth between the two that he wasn't privy to. It unsettled him, but he knew there was nothing to do about it now, not with battle looming on the horizon. 'Just get through today, that's all I got to do. Then I have a lifetime of happiness to look forward to, with Kagome in my arms every step of the way.'
The mood was somber as the group of warriors stood waiting. Kagome was having a harder and harder time trying to keep everyone calm. Kouga and Ayame's warriors were eager to set out to battle, as were Sesshoumaru's troops, but Kikyo had not arrived yet.
"What the fuck are we still doing standing around here waiting for?" Kouga gave voice to the irate opinion that many of the group were feeling. "We're burning daylight here!"
"Shut up you mangy wolf, no one asked you," Inuyasha grumbled, though he too was anxious to be off. He didn't understand why Kikyo was late. She should have been the first one here since he knew she was the closest, their meeting last night assured that.
"We're waiting for Priestess Kikyo," Miroku tried to explain, wanting to pacify the demon warriors all around him, their eagerness for battle more than apparent.
"Is that one there not a priestess?" One of Sesshoumaru's soldiers asked to a fellow comrade who shrugged.
Sesshoumaru was growing weary of the wait as well. He did not see the necessity of having the undead priestess among their ranks. She had little power left in that husk she called a body, and even that did not belong to her, it belong to Kagome, the miko whose soul she fed off of. There was also the fact that Sesshoumaru knew this Kikyo woman had committed several acts that could be interpreted as detrimental to their cause. As he understood it she had stolen the nearly complete jewel from the younger miko and given it to Naraku.
At their alliance negotiations Kikyo had defended her actions, stating that her plan had been simple; let Naraku get his hands on the full jewel and merge his soul with it, then she would purify the jewel and his soul would be destroyed. She had greatly overestimated her own power. Even in life she did not possess the power to destroy a soul, a demon's body yes, a soul, no. Only Kagome possessed such power, and even she had said it was too dangerous of a plan to which they all agreed. The new plan was for the bulk of their fighting force to attack Naraku and his demons, force him to constantly be regenerating and wasting energy. While that was going on Kagome would get as close to Naraku as she could and ensnare him in a barrier and then begin to purify him. The hope was she would purify his body, leaving only his soul and the remainder of the jewel behind. Kagome would then extract the Sacred Jewel from the barrier. She would then focus her energy and solidify the barrier, in essence creating another jewel with the evil soul of the hanyou trapped inside. Then all that was left to do was purify the jewel. Kikyo had been adamant that it would not work, but with the majority siding with Kagome her resistance had been swept aside.
Making a decision Sesshoumaru walked forward to stand before Kagome, ignoring his brother's growls as he said, "We will wait for the undead priestess no more. She is of little consequence to the battle as it is, her powers have faded to next to nothing, and her allegiance to our cause is skeptical at best. We depart."
"Now wait just a damned minute Sesshoumaru," Inuyasha argued, stepping forward to challenge his brother. "Who died and made you lord and commander?"
"Our father. To you he left his sword, to me he left a kingdom. Watch your tongue brother, I will honor this truce, but that does not mean I will not hesitate to put you in your place half breed." Sesshoumaru stared down at his younger brother with apparent disdain. Contrary to popular belief he did not despise his younger brother for being a half demon, it was merely another reason amongst a long list of others for the boy being so far beneath his own mighty personage. He was careless, thoughtless, brash, unintelligent, and from what he'd seen and heard of the youth's behavior thus far, not as honorable as many of his friends might think.
He had spotted the hanyou and his undead lover some months back as they coupled on the ground far from the half breed's camp, his brother's mark apparent on the undead bitch's shoulder. The sight had shocked him, not so much because his brother was fucking a corpse, but because he had been under the assumption he and the miko from the future were to mate. While he despised his brother, he silently applauded the match. The miko's knowledge of the future would come in handy for sure, and he had given some considerable thought as to how to make use of such an advantage himself despite his strained relationship with his brother. Not to mention the fact she was the most powerful miko the world had known since Midoriko, and the fool of a hanyou had been lucky to find one such as she who was actually interested in him enough to overlook his disgusting ways. To see his brother tossing away his chance at a bright future to chase after the shadow of the past had been perplexing. He knew the boy was stupid, he just hadn't known how much so. In any case it had been no concern of his and he had moved on, never alerting the dull witted hanyou or his pitiful excuse for a lover to his presence.
"Why I should..." Inuyasha began only to be silenced as a hush fell over the group as the snake like creatures that belonged to Kikyo appeared seconds before her ghostly figured emerged from the tree line.
"There is no cause for unrest Inuyasha, I am here," Kikyo stated coolly as she made her way to stand between her hanyou lover and his older brother.
Kagome stared at Kikyo for a moment as she thought, 'They were together last night, why did it take her so long to get here. I don't trust her and this could be bad.' Making a decision she said, "Kikyo, I'd like a word with you." Seeing Inuyasha about to protest she hardened her voice and said, "It's not a request, and we'll speak alone."
Kikyo smiled gently at Inuyasha to keep up appearances before following along behind her reincarnation far enough away that Kagome could erect a barrier around them to conceal them from sight, and keep their voices from being heard. She knew that her reincarnation did not trust her, and she didn't blame her. If there had been any way she could manipulate this situation to bring about the girl's death she would have. However, with her waning power, and Kagome's soul struggling inside her more and more to return to its rightful place she had limited options. She had resigned herself to the knowledge she could not betray the group to Naraku this time. Not only was she sure that Naraku really would kill her if he got the entire jewel, but also the chance that she would need Kagome's help to keep her body together after this was over was very likely. She could afford to burn no more bridges. She had been doing something during her absence, but it did not involve betraying their cause, it was an act of cruelty against the girl only (though she was sure her deed would not be discovered until the battle was through). Besides if all went according to her carefully laid plans, Kagome's own compassion would seal her fate. When the barrier was up Kikyo asked, "Yes reincarnation?"
"Cut the shit here Kikyo, you know as well as I do that you're the lesser being between the two of us. Now where were you?" Kagome had had enough of games, and at the moment she didn't have it in her to be nice either.
Kikyo gritted her teeth at the blatant insult, and wracked her mind for some barb she could return the favor with. However she could think of nothing that would hurt the girl without hurting herself in the process so she finally said, "I was not aware that I was answerable to you, or that free movement was no longer allowed."
"You were with Inuyasha last night, and yet were the last to arrive. Why?" Kagome didn't even attempt to hide the fact that she knew the truth.
Kikyo displayed mock surprise at the girl's statement. "You know of Inuyasha and I girl?" It was vital to her plan that Kagome not know she had intentionally arranged her and Inuyasha's meeting last night close enough to camp so that the girl would feel the pull of her soul and come investigate, while staying far enough away so as not to be in scent range and alert Inuyasha to any deceit on her part.
"Yes Kikyo I know, but that's not what I wanted to talk to you about. I want to know why you were late, and I want to know now." Kagome could feel her anger and rage boiling up inside her, but she forced it back. As much as she may resent and despise the undead priestess, never would she harm her unless absolutely necessary. She loved Inuyasha deeply, and if Kikyo is what made him happy, Kikyo he could have.
"I was taking in the sunrise at a favorite waterfall of mine, enjoying what time I have left here on this earth. Even so selfish a child as you would not begrudge me that," Kikyo said with a voice full of disdain.
Kagome wasn't buying it for a second, but she had no way to disprove the clay priestess. Taking a breath she stared Kikyo straight in the eye as she said, "If you have betrayed us in anyway, no matter what the outcome of the battle today, I will make sure you do not live, even if it is the last thing I ever do. Be assured of that Kikyo." Kagome had turned, intent on dissolving her barrier and walking away when Kikyo's cold hand settled on her arm, stopping her.
"If you know of Inuyasha's love for me, why do you hold him back from joining me in death? He wants nothing more than to remain by my side, yet he feels obligated to you. He thinks since you have given up so much of your life in the future, he must give you a life here in the past. He told me he will live out your life with you, and when you pass on to the afterlife he will join me in hell as he should. Why would you tether him to a life he does not want, are you really so cruel as to force him to mourn the passing of his beloved mate?" Kikyo watched the girl she despised above all others go rigid at her words. She detested this girl for being more than she ever was. For daring to be not only a powerful priestess, but a friend, sister and would be wife (were it not for her continued existence that is). For not caring about the looks of disgust on travelers faces when they saw she was with a half demon, the same looks that had solidified the decision in Kikyo's mind that any relationship between her and Inuyasha could never be anything more than a sexual tryst to pass the time away.
Kagome fought down the pain in her heart that threatened to overtake her at Kikyo's words. When she had control of herself she brushed Kikyo's hand off her arm and leveled her own hard gaze at the undead priestess. "I was misled Kikyo. I was given the impression Inuyasha wanted a life with me. Had I known he had taken you as mate I would have gladly stepped aside. I have made it known to the both of you in the past that I would never try to stand between the two of you if you wished to be together. I am not, however, sorry I prevented you from taking Inuyasha to hell all those times. He deserves to have a happy life, he deserves to make a home and have a family, not to spend eternity in hell because you can't let the past go."
"And you would give him this home? You wait for this body of mine to fail me so that you can claim my only love for your own! You want to take all that should have been mine and keep it for yourself! You are not me!" Kikyo had not meant to get so angry, especially since she had not the least bit of desire to make a home or start a family with the half breed, but this girl enraged her! She was naturally good at everything Kikyo had had to work her whole life at. She was carefree and spirited, despite the weight of her responsibilities. She made friends everywhere she went and wasn't looked upon with feared admiration, but adoring respect. Why did everything she had always dreamed of come so easily to this girl?
"I will take nothing from you Kikyo, especially not your leftovers. You and Inuyasha want each other? You shall have each other. I love Inuyasha enough to let him go Kikyo, but I will not allow him to go to hell. That clay pot you're walking around in should hold out long enough for me to do what is needed. Until then you make sure you don't do anything to cross me," Kagome said before turning away from the dead priestess and letting her barrier drop. All around them were the anxious faces of their comrades who wanted to know what had been discussed, though none more so than Inuyasha.
Kikyo felt hope well up within her at her reincarnations words. The girl had practically spelled out that she intended to use the wish to give her back her life. Kikyo could not wait for the moment, and then her whereabouts this morning would become clear as she reclaimed what is rightfully hers, the soul of a powerful priestess.
Inuyasha was beyond nervous as he watched Kagome pull Kikyo aside before putting up a barrier to conceal their forms and voices as they spoke. He was nervous as to what Kagome had to ask Kikyo, and he was nervous that Kikyo would betray their secret. Inuyasha knew that if Kagome found out about the mating any hope of a future between them was done, she would walk out of his life and never return, and he couldn't allow that. When the barrier had dropped and Kagome had brushed past him he turned angry eyes towards Kikyo, terrified that she had betrayed him. When she came to stand beside him he heard her whispered, "I told her nothing, she wanted to warn me that if I betray any of you this time, she will seek my death."
Inuyasha nodded, not in the least upset over the threat to Kikyo's life as he asked, "And she knows nothing of us?" His voice was barely audible, as he darted his eyes toward his demon companions to be sure they heard nothing of this conversation. He saw his brother's gaze flick towards them momentarily before he returned his attention to Kagome who had pulled out a futuristic map of the area and was outlining her plan.
"I told her nothing Inuyasha, I did not betray our truce," Kikyo said through clenched teeth. While she did not want the half breed, that did not mean she was not bothered by his loss of interest in her. There was a time when the mere suggestion of harm to her person would send him in a rage, and now he didn't even bat an eye when a solid threat to her well being was delivered. Really, what happened to loyalty?
"So why were you late Kikyo? You should have been the first one here," Inuyasha asked skeptically. Since he had sorted out his feelings for the miko, he knew some of her actions could be interpreted as traitorous, and as much as he hated to admit it, even he was not sure she would not betray them.
"I did not think it wise to be the first to arrive in case your absence was noted from camp last night. I had no way of knowing if it was, or what excuse you might have given for your departure so I thought it best to make it appear as though I had some distance to travel." Kikyo held in her smirk when Inuyasha bought her story. Indeed she had traveled far. All the way to Kaede's village and back since they parted. As such her soul stealers were weary, as was she from the energy she had used to carry out her deed. When Inuyasha made to move away from her towards her reincarnation she took his hand and asked, "Will you not walk with me Inuyasha? These are my last moments here amongst the living, and I wish to spend them in your presence."
Inuyasha looked towards Kagome and saw her standing surrounded by Sesshoumaru, Kouga and Ayame, and their friends as they planned their strategy. He didn't want to hurt Kagome by being too friendly with Kikyo in her presence, but as he looked down into Kikyo's pleading eyes he found he could not deny her. This was her final day on this earth; the least he could do was offer her the comfort of his company. Nodding his head he let her take hold of his arm, though he refused to take her hand. When they joined the others Miroku, Sango and Shippo glared angrily at him, their disgust for his behavior evident. Kagome merely stared at him with a cool detachment that made him nervous as he implored her with his eyes to understand his dilemma. After a moment of meeting his gaze Kagome gave a small nod and returned to outlining her plan to those around her. When she was done Sesshoumaru and Kouga joined their troops and made sure everyone was clear on what their part was.
Kikyo could feel joy swelling within her. Her plan was going perfectly, and Inuyasha's stupidity was playing right into her hands. He was helping her cause by leaps and bounds and didn't even know it. She needed the girl to believe that Inuyasha wanted nothing more than to spend every second in her presence in order for this to work, and so far things were working beautifully. Sighing dramatically she looked up at Inuyasha with a tired expression when he gazed down at her to ask what was wrong. "I'm tired Inuyasha, this existence is taxing on me, and I feel myself fading. It will not be long. I just want to hold out long enough to see him die, to see that filth pay for the life he stole from us."
Despite his waning feelings for the undead woman at his side, Inuyasha knew of the anger and hate she must feel. When he had first learned of Naraku's deception, and when he had still believed that the love he and Kikyo shared was real and true, he had wanted nothing more than to see the evil hanyou's demise. Taking her hand in his he promised, "I swear Kikyo, he will die, and you will watch before you find rest. I swear it on my life."
Kikyo smiled up at Inuyasha and replied, "Then I can find peace in the afterlife Inuyasha, and you will be free to remain here and carry out your obligation. One day when your time on this earth is done, I'm sure we'll see each other again." Kikyo was playing for the crowd now. From the corner of her eye she could see Kagome and the rest of the group watching, and she knew she had worded her response just right so that Kagome would take the wrong impression from it.
Inuyasha had been slightly disturb by Kikyo's words, not understanding what she meant by "obligation". Releasing her hand, though Kikyo immediately latched onto his arm again, he turned to face the others. It seemed everyone was staring at them, and he couldn't stop the blush from forming on his cheeks.
Kagome ignored her pained heart as everyone looked to her to see her reaction to the little display between the two tragic lovers. Gathering herself she stepped forward and said, "Inuyasha, you carry Kikyo to the battle ground, she seems worn as it is. I'll get myself there with my own power. The rest of you take your true forms or whatever means you intend to use to travel and let's move out. The sooner this is done, the sooner we can all go home and start rebuilding all Naraku has destroyed. Shippo I want you to take good care of Rin. Sesshoumaru is leaving Jaken and Aun behind to keep guard. You know what medicines to apply if any soldiers come back wounded. I don't want you to leave this area, or the barrier I'm going to set up as we leave alright?"
When Shippo nodded his understanding Kagome closed her eyes and focused her power. Slowly blue light began to swirl around her body before taking a spherical shape and moving outwards, growing larger and larger until it encompassed the whole clearing. Those who had never met Kagome, or seen what she was capable of were in awe of the power she wielded so easily. Her power had swept through the ranks of demon warriors like a comforting wind instead of a destructive force as holy power should be to demonic energy. The sight was simply amazing. When she was done Kagome prepared herself to gather her energy so she could take flight, but was stopped by Sesshoumaru's voice.
"Miko, waste not your power on something as trivial as transportation. You shall ride with me on my demonic cloud. Save your strength for the battle ahead." Sesshoumaru betrayed nothing with his expression as he held out his hand to the miko to take hold.
Kagome looked at Sesshoumaru with a startled expression. She had never before imagined Sesshoumaru of all people offering her a lift, even if it was to battle. Looking around and seeing similar stunned expressions, though Inuyasha's was more furious than anything, she nodded her head and accepted his hand. Moments later they were air born. Looking down Kagome saw hordes of large white dogs mixed with wolves running beneath them as Inuyasha bounded from tree top to tree top with Kikyo on his back, closely followed by the flying neko youkai carrying her friends. She spared Sesshoumaru a glance, taking in his strong profile before looking towards the horizon and the battle to come.
"Tell me miko, are you aware of the relationship between Inuyasha and the clay woman?" Sesshoumaru wasn't sure why he was bringing this topic up, especially moments before they engaged in the battle to end all battles, but some part of him was urging him to inform the miko. He didn't understand it, but it was suddenly very important to him for her to know the truth.
Kagome looked up at Sesshoumaru and said, "Though I don't see how it's any business of yours Sesshoumaru, yes I am aware Inuyasha took Kikyo as his mate."
"Hn." He didn't know whether to be pleased or angry with her response. He was truthful enough with himself to admit he had always admired her fiery independence, but at the same time he was not accustomed to people addressing him without the proper respect. He decided to let her get away with it, just this once. "It is strange since at the alliance meeting some months back you two made it appear as though your mating was imminent."
"I'm at as much a loss as you are. If I had known Inuyasha and Kikyo were mates I would not have made a fool of myself all these months walking around as though he and I had some plan for a future together." Kagome didn't know why she was talking to Sesshoumaru of all people about this, but she couldn't seem to stop the words coming out of her mouth.
"Inuyasha is the fool miko, never doubt that. He was never gifted with an overabundance of intelligence and often makes foolish decisions. I thought this was a trait you were all too familiar with?" Sesshoumaru glanced down at the tiny onna at his side when he felt her stiffen in response to his words. He had not thought they were derogatory in any way to the female, but if she sought to take issue with his meager attempt at comfort (Though why he had even gone so far as that was beyond him, this girl meant nothing to him. He needed her only for the battle ahead and then he was sure he would never think or lay eyes on her again.) that was up to her.
Kagome couldn't help the fury that rose within her at Sesshoumaru's words, though her wrath was directed towards the hanyou below and not the lord at her side. "There is foolish and then there is cruel. I always knew Inuyasha was prone to foolish behavior; it's why I haven't taken the rosary off yet. He needs someone to control him when he can't or won't control himself. Before now I never knew he could be cruel, and I will never forget it."
Sesshoumaru didn't know how to respond to that statement, her words had a sense of foreboding about them that he found intriguing. "I admit I anticipated more discord amongst your group at the knowledge of his choice. Your pack seems to be far more loyal to you than to him."
"They don't know, nor does Inuyasha know that I am aware of what he's done. The last thing any of us need is to be unsure of each other, or to let our emotions get in the way. When all is said and done I'll deal with Inuyasha and Kikyo, for now I have a duty to perform." Kagome's tone left no room for argument.
Sesshoumaru was surprised to say the least by the young miko's answer. He looked down at her, really looked down and not just slanted his eyes in her direction, as he took in her appearance. The impudent and awkward girl he had first met four years ago in his father's tomb had been replaced by a woman of remarkable beauty and talent. While he was not fond of the human race, their weak bodies and own limited power source a nuisance to him, he could appreciate beauty where he saw it. He had always known the girl was a rare find amongst her race, worthy of further appraisal upon occasion, but this was the first insight he had had that she was actually intelligent outside of her apparent book smarts. Females, of any species, tended to let their hearts rule their actions, but this little onna was decidedly different. Her words had a biting finality to them. He didn't blame her of course; she had every right to be beyond angry. She was right after all; his little brother's actions had been beyond cruel. To lead the girl on that there was a future between them? That was beneath even Inuyasha. Sesshoumaru wasn't sure what the hanyou's plan was when he had taken the clay doll as his mate, but he felt certain the boy would come to regret it. No more was spoken as they headed towards the mountain, and the evil hanyou waiting for them with his own army of destruction. Today would be a day that went down in history, though who ended up writing the tale was still undecided.