Pressure by DeathsSilentApproach

Chapter 1

‘I just need this to be alright’

Kagome sat on the edge of a cliff glassy eyes staring sightlessly down at the waves crashing against the sharp rocks down bellow.

‘I can’t feel this another night’

Images play through her seemingly blank mind. Memories of the man she loved running to another. “Why can he love me?” she whispered brokenly.

‘I can’t take this I come unglued’

“It hurts so much. Why did it have to end like this? I never thought this journey, our friendship would end like this.” Tears silently crept down her cheeks unnoticed.

‘I may break down in front of you’

More images flash through her mind but this time of a small fox like child playing a joke on a dog eared man.

‘Necessary to medicate

I’m not sleeping can’t stay awake’

Kagome every night would rise out of her sleeping bag after she was sure that everyone else slept. Afterwards she would wander off into the dark of the night.

‘Can’t see through this

Too much pressure

Drowning in this’

During those wanderings she would think often think about what she had possibly done wrong. Most times it was nothing.

‘Too much pressure’

Day after day, night after night. During the day she was belittled, and during the night she was abandoned; left to fend for herself.

‘If you need me I’ll be here’

Even so she stayed. Through thick and thin. No matter how much it hurt.

‘Half unconscious to escape my fear’

Reaching down to her calf Kagome pulled a knife from a sheath hidden away underneath her pants she had taken to wearing during her long jaunts in the woods.

‘I can’t take this I com unglued

I might break down in front of you

Necessary to medicate

I’m not sleeping can’t stay awake

Can’t see through this

Too much pressure

Drowning in this

Too much pressure

My head hurts this shit isn’t getting me high’

Kagome twirled the knife catching it before throwing it back up in the air before catching it once again. Eyes drying Kagome merely sat there in so much pain it was beyond tears.

‘My chest is so tight I think I am going to die

My stomach’s in knots and the room starts to spin

As I wait for this Valium to slowly kick in’

Kagome pushes her sleeves back briefly pausing to peer at the marred flesh of her under arms that are scored with many scares before lowering the knife.

‘Can’t see through this

Too much pressure

Drowning in this

Too much pressure

Can’t see through this

Too much pressure

Drowning in this

Too much pressure’