Hot Spring by DeathsSilentApproach

Chapter 1

AN:  Alright I had a few things pointed out to me and decided to go over this and correct it.  I hope that my corrections help make this easier to read.  If the lemon is rushed I would like to point out that I do not right very many of these and it is one of the first that I have ever written.  Pleas enjoy this story.


Kagome sat in the middle of the hot spring by herself humming a soft tune to herself even as she brushed out her hair as she sat on a shallow rock submerged in the water. Steam rose around her giving her an air of mystery to anyone who should stumble upon the sight of her. Her head was tilted to the side and her eyes were closed.

Kagome, even though she didn't seem it, was alert and had spread her powers out around her in order to make sure that she wasn't surprised by any demon that would by chance happen upon her. Satisfied that she would go un interrupted she retracted her powers before setting up a barrier that she knew would keep out all but the strongest.  Leaning back she and planted one hand on the rock bellow her and leaned just slightly back as she brought her other hand to her breast and squeezed it gently biting her lip to keep from groaning out loud. Deciding, after several minute of play, that she had paid both of her breast enough attention she slowly lowered her hand down her stomach and paused for a second to tease the skin just above the hair covering her most intimate of places.

So caught up in her actions Kagome did not notice the demon that had come upon her. The demon's eyes widened and he couldn't believe his luck to have come upon the small miko bellow him in the hot spring while she was like this. Jumping down from the tree he stealthily undressed and slipped into the waters of the spring and made his way to the female in the middle of the spring giving herself pleasure.

Kneeling before her form he eyed the place her fingers were currently taking residence as they rubbed the tiny nub there that would grant her great pleasure her could not help but find himself angry that her fingers were doing what he thought to be his right. Slowly as to not alert her as to what he was doing he slid his hand up her thigh still in the water even as she concisously spread her thighs farther apart panting with the pleasure that she was granting herself and slid his finger over her nub as well making sure to avoid her finger that she was using and she couldn't help but draw her hand away without thinking about the possible reason that she could still be getting pleasure even though she was no longer touching herself.

The demon smirked at the fact that he was now free to do as he wished to the miko bellow him and slid a single finger down to the slit that he would soon be thrusting into with his cock with abandon and pushed it in. He groaned and the feeling of her squeezing around his finger and began to pump in and out of her with it occasionally rubbing her nub then adding another finger until he was pumping three fingers into her body gently. After she had climaxed for the second time he decided it was time to take his own pleasure. At the feeling of him pulling his fingers out of her Kagome's eyes snapped open and her mouth did the same only to have him crush his mouth to hers even as she began to scream in fear then pain as he thrust his cock into her taking from her her virginity.

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she struggled to remove him from her body so that she could escape back to her camp she pounded her fists against his chest only causing him to growl darkly at her, "Calm down miko. Relax and the pain will reside."

Kagome whimpered and forced herself to settle down knowing that if he wanted to hurt her he would. Just the fact that he was trying to calm her by nuzzling her helped to slightly calm her nerves despite the fact that he had taken her without so much as a by-your-leave. When she no longer felt the pain of his intrusion and simply the feeling of being uncomfortably stretched she bucked her hips against his hoping that if she did so this, what ever it was to him, would be over sooner rather then later.

The demon growled his pleasure at her compliance and began to slowly and softly thrust in and out of her only going faster when she demanded that he go faster or harder then he was until her was using his demon strength to pound into her before he pulled out of her and rolled her onto her hands and knees. With a satisfied grunt he thrust back into her tight cunt.

Sesshoumaru howled his approval and pleasure as he climaxed. Falling on his side he pulled Kagome along with him and bit her shoulder and suckling her blood similar to an infant suckling its mother's breast for milk. "Well miko that was interesting to see you pleasuring yourself, but you are never to do so again unless I say so." Sesshoumaru's voice was demanding but also soft as he gently cradled the small miko to his form.

"Why should I listen to you?" Kagome demanded despite her sore body.

"You are now my mate I marked you."

"Why?" She whispered in shock.

"I wanted to."