Captured Moments by Phirst

A Simple Thanks

Disclaimer- I do not own squat.

Author's Note- This drabble was created for the prompt 'Hush' on Dokuga_Contest. It's my very first attempt at Fanfiction and hopefully many more shall follow.


Multiple eyes widened with a myriad of emotions as a hush descended upon the group. For a moment even time froze.

Finally the quiet broke with the outraged growl from a horrified Hanyou.

Kagome, the catalyst behind the scene, was snatched away from the Daiyoukai as her face suffused in red.

Sesshoumaru hn'ed in disinterest before turning from the miko. Though even the stoic demon's eyes had widened minutely with the brash mikos action.

"I... meant to say thank you!" exclaimed a flustered Kagome to the shocked group.

All this commotion for just one innocent peck on Sesshoumaru's striped cheek.