Chapter Thirty “So uhh why are we still here?” Koga asked after everything had settled down with his pack and they had all gathered to talk. “Think of it like a vacation.” Kagome shrugged. "What the hell is that?” “It's where you take a break and be lazy for a change.” She smirked. “Something I think we've all earned.” “I won't argue that.” Sango said as she stretched out on the grass then cracked an eye and smiled at Kohaku. “What about the children Lady Kagome?” Miroku asked. “Oh right.” She said before twisting around to look up at Midoriko. “They're on their way.” “You killed the kids?!” Inuyasha exclaimed. “Don't be an idiot, their kind of getting a free pass.” She said frostily. “Besides we aren't really dead... well not permanently anyway.” “Yeah about that-” “Don't worry I'll explain as much of it as I can when the kids get here.” “So what was the wish Kagome?” Sango asked. Kagome studied her a moment then smiled crookedly. “I'm sorry Sango but I can't tell you that yet.” “Why not?” Inuyasha demanded. “Inuyasha hush.” Kikyou chided as she rested a hand on his arm. “Kagome has her reasons so be content with that. She will tell you when she's ready.” “Kagome.” Midoriko called out before gesturing. Kagome twisted around once more then watched as the children, Ah Un, and Jaken materialized. She couldn't help but smile as she watched the children's faces while they gazed around in wonder. “And you haven't even seen what the best part is.” “Mama!” “Kagome!” She laughed as they both scrambled off of Ah Un then ran straight for her and though she'd braced herself, they both succeeded in knocking her over. “We missed you Kagome.” Rin said. “I missed you guys to now come on and let me up, I have a surprise for both of you.” She said as she hugged each of them. “What is it? And where are we mama?” Shippo asked as he scrambled off of her and looked around. “We are in a very special place.” She said as she helped Rin climb off of her before pushing herself into a sitting position then continued until she was standing. “I think I've been here before Kagome.” Rin said as she gazed around, a wisdom far beyond her years shining in her eyes. “That's because you were imp.” Kagome said as she smiled before leaning down and whispering to her. “You were here while you were waiting for Sesshomaru.” “But doesn't that mean-” “Not this time.” Kagome said as she tweaked her nose. “We needed a place where we could all talk and this seemed as good as any. Now are you ready for your surprise?” “Yes.” She said as the wisdom faded and was replaced with the shining innocence that only a child's eyes could carry. “Alright now just stand here and look over there.” She said as she turned both of them and pointed. The children fidgeted in nervous filled excitement as they watched several shadows appear and once their forms had wavered into existence they both gasped as their eyes widened. “You have as much time as you need.” Kagome murmured to them while giving them gentle nudges. She watched in amusement as they took hesitant steps to the four adults that stood waiting for them, and she couldn't help but laugh as Shippo's father beamed in surprise before booming. “Well don't be shy now son get over here so I can make sure that Miko of yours has been treating you right.” “Papa?” Shippo asked hesitantly. "Well of course it's me silly, who else would I be?” He laughed. “Papa! Mama!” Shippo exclaimed when he realized he wasn't dreaming and this was real. The moment his hesitation left him, he tore across the field and launched himself at the elder kitsune whom he resembled so much. Rin was a little bit slower, Kagome could tell she was nervous by the way her fingers toyed with her yukata, that and she kept glancing over her shoulder at Sesshomaru. Finally Kagome turned to look at him out of the corner of her eye. “Will you let her know it's alright? It's not like she can stay here or anything, but she needs this time with her family.” He glanced up at her then sighed as he shifted his gaze back to Rin, when she glanced back he nodded to signal that it was alright. Rin's shoulders sagged in relief as she smiled before turning around and picking up the pace to greet her parents. “Mommy! Daddy!” “Oh Rin!” Her mother exclaimed as she knelt down and held out her arms. “We've missed you so much!” Kagome watched both happy reunions for several moments before turning around to look at her friends. “Alright we've got some time and there are some people I need to talk to.” “Oh great.” Inuyasha groaned. “Oh don't worry Inuyasha, I plan on saving the maiming for when we get back.” She said teasingly. “Now come on the sooner we get this done, the sooner you and Kikyou can talk.” “Oh alright.” He grumbled as Kikyou patted his arm reassuringly before he climbed to his feet. “We'll be back.” Kagome promised the others before motioning to Inuyasha so he would follow her. Nothing was said as they made their way across the field until they were sure that the youkai in their group could not overhear them. Once there Kagome stopped to stare at the bark of a tree for several moments while Inuyasha fidgeted. Finally she sighed and turned to face him. “You have no idea how hard it's been to travel with you when I've wanted nothing more than to beat you bloody for what you did to me.” “I know.” He said softly. “Out of everyone Inuyasha... your betrayal was the worst.” She ground out as her eyes became bright with unshed tears. “After everything we'd been through, all the pain and sadness. I thought that our bond was unshakable and that we'd be there to take care of each other no matter what happened... even if that meant it would be no more than just friendship between us.” “I know Kagome.” He said. “I... I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am or how stupid I was. I was being selfish and you got hurt in the process, I knew back then it was the wrong thing to do but you know how I am, there's always that one part of me that expects everything to go back to the way it was. I fooled myself into thinking you just needed time.” “You know for being two hundred years old, you act like your 15.” She sighed. “I know.” He said. “I promise I'll try harder in the future.” “You don't really have a choice if you think about it.” She smirked. “After all, why do you think Kikyou's really here?” “What do you mean?” He asked curiously. “She's coming back with us.” She said as if it should be obvious. “Really?” He asked hopefully then frowned. “But why?” “Because you need someone who can whip you into shape and not put up with any of your shit.” She smirked. “And she and I have already had a real good conversation concerning that. If you think it's going to be a breeze from here on out your dead wrong buddy.” He couldn't help but wince at that. “Is it alright if I just stay here?” “Well there's always that option to I suppose.” She said as she sobered. “After all, you did die in the battle.” “Oh no don't you even think about blaming yourself for that, it wasn't your fault Kagome.” He said vehemently. “I'm not going to allow you to take the blame for that.” “Whatever I don't want to argue about it right now.” She said with a wave of her hand before turning serious eyes on him. “There's something else I need to tell you, more for my own benefit than for yours. You're probably not going to like it but if I ever hope to get over it... well you need to know.” “What is is?” He asked apprehensively. “I may have forgiven you Inuyasha, but that doesn't mean I've forgotten. Nor does it mean that I trust you completely once more.” She said softly. “The friendship we had in the past is long gone and no matter how hard you try, it's never going to come back. Do you understand?” “But-” “No it doesn't mean that we can't be friends again, but don't get pushy about it and even once it gets to that point you need to understand it's not going to be the same.” She said. “I am not the same Kagome that you befriended all those years ago... even if I am in her body.” “But we won and you made the wish... wouldn't that go away?” “My wish has nothing to do with me.” She said. “You heard what was said about it, it had to be unselfish and pure. If I had wished for anything for myself then it would have been tainted and I most likely would have become the next Naraku.” “But your the one who defeated Naraku, shouldn't you get some kind of reward for that?” “Oh don't you worry about me, I was rewarded for a job well done, but that doesn't meant it doesn't have a few strings attached.” “What's that supposed to mean?” “I'll tell you about it only after I've learned to trust you again.” She said. “I'm sorry Inuyasha but this is the way it has to be. You're being given a chance to live the life that was stolen by Naraku, and if I tell you now then that knowledge will only taint that.” “Alright then, I'll wait until your ready.” “Thank you.” She said. “Now come on I still have to talk to the others and I'm sure you and Kikyou have a few things that need to be cleared up as well.” “Right.” With that they returned to the group and as soon as Inuyasha took Kikyou by the hand and led her off to speak to her, Kagome turned her gaze to Sango. “Can I speak to you?” “Sure.” She said as Kohaku patted her shoulder. Once again she waited to speak until they were away from the others. “What is it?” Sango asked. “I'm going to tell you the same thing I told Inuyasha.” She said. “I need you to understand that just because I've forgiven you does not mean that I've forgotten what's happened, nor does it mean that I am able to trust you once more.” “Yes I gathered as much.” She said softly. “And I want you to know that I've already thought about it, after what happened in the village... well I have no excuse for my actions and I wouldn't blame you for being angry with me. I only hope that given enough time you will once again be able to trust me and I want you to know that I'll always love you as a sister of my soul.” “I knew you'd be more understanding than Inuyasha.” She quirked her lips into a half smile then sighed and turned serious. “It's going to take time Sango, just how much I don't know yet. I've been putting off dealing with this for the past three years and it's had ample time to build up. What I'm asking for is your patience and I need you to accept the fact that things are never going to be exactly as they were. We're both different people and no amount of time or events can change us back to the way we were.” “I know.” She said softly. “And I promise I'll try my best, but please don't be angry if I slip up from time to time.” “Of course, after all everyone makes mistakes.” She said then added. “Just try not to do a repeat of your past mistakes huh?” Sango smiled sadly at that. “Don't worry Kagome, that's one lesson I never want to have to learn again.” “Good.” She said before turning to watch as Kohaku spoke with Koga about something or other. “Naraku told me what he'd done when he took control of me, I'm sorry about that Sango.” “It's not your fault Kagome.” She said as she watched her brother as well. “Like I said before, I knew Kohaku wasn't ready and it's my own fault for allowing our father to bring him with us. What happened to him was no one's fault but my own.” “Oh not entirely but yes mistakes were made.” She said as she turned back to study her. “Are you ready to give it another shot, to see to it he lives the kind of life he deserves?” “What? You mean-” “Yes Sango, when we return so will he.” She said as her features softened into a sad smile. Sango couldn't help but pull her into a hug as she began sobbing. “Oh Kagome, thank you... thank you so much!” “Your welcome.” She murmured as she returned the hug. “Now pull yourself together hm? You and he have a lot to discuss.” “Right.” She said as she let go and tried to get herself under control. Once she was in control they returned to the group and Kagome motioned for Miroku to join her while Sango returned to her brother to tell him the news. “You are to kind to us Lady Kagome, even when we are most undeserving.” He said once they were alone. “I know, but don't question it hm? Otherwise I might be forced to change my mind and if I do that well Midoriko won't be very happy with me.” “I would never dream of questioning your logic My Lady.” He laughed weakly. “Whatever.” She said. “So how does it feel to be free of your curse?” “I'm not quite sure yet.” He said as he held up his hand to study it. “The Wind Tunnel has been a part of my entire life, and while I am glad that I will no longer share my father's fate...” “It's going to take some getting used to.” She mused. “Yes.” “Well don't worry about that, I'm sure Sango and Kohaku will keep you plenty busy.” “Yes I imagine they will.” “I forgave you houshi.” She said as she held a finger up. “But that doesn't mean I've forgotten, nor does it mean we're back to the friendship we once had.” “I understand Lady Kagome.” He said. “I guessed that you would need time to come to terms with your feelings and that no one can force you into making a decision that would please us.” “Good, so long as you know.” “May I ask why you never told me just how much pain you were in because of your soul?” She sighed as she shifted her gaze to the scenery around them. “It wouldn't have mattered.” “Why?” “Because that's what fate intended for me, and thanks to that I was able to deal with everything that I had been putting off for the last three years.” She said as she looked back at him. “Learning to cope with that pain made me strong enough to cope with the pain you guys caused, and as a result I was able to draw on what was necessary to defeat Naraku in the end.” “It was quite the sight if I do say so myself.” “I bet it was.” She mused. “Enjoy this time Miroku, enjoy the gift you've been given in Sango.” “I intend to My Lady.” “Good.” She said then from one moment to the next she had him by the front of his robes and her eyes were blazing with fury. “You'd better because if I so much as hear anything that leads me to believe you are being unfaithful or using your lame excuse to feel other girls up, I will break every single bone in your body. Do. You. Get. Me?” “Y-Yes of c-course.” He stammered as he gape at her. “Good.” She said as she held him a moment longer to ensure she'd gotten her point across, once she was she let him go and blinked the fury away. “I'm glad we're at an understanding Miroku.” “A-as am I Lady Kagome.” He said as he brought a shaking hand to his sweat-slicked forehead. “Alright then how about we go back to the others I need to talk to a couple more people.” She said. “And after that we go back to the real world.” “Understood.” The next person she spoke to was Koga and there was no doubt in her mind that Sesshomaru wasn't overtly pleased at that idea. She shot him a warning glance to keep him silent before moving to walk next to the wolf. “So you have your pack back.” She mused. “Yeah Sango mentioned something about Kohaku going back with her so I figured that's why they were here.” He said. “Thanks a lot Kagome, you have no idea how much that-” “I know Koga.” She smiled as she looked up at him. “Listen there's a reason other than that that I wanted to talk to you about.” “What is it?” He asked as he stopped and gazed down at her. “You know you can tell me anything.” “Oh I know that, the only question is whether or not your going to listen to me.” She smirked then chuckled when he winced. “Don't worry Koga I'm not going to string you up or anything.” “Alright.” He sighed in relief then froze as she pointed a finger at him. “But this nonsense about me being your woman has to come to an end, I know that even after I told you that you've been trying to push for it these past couple months.” She said. “I'm going to tell you now that while I love you as a very dear friend, our relationship is never going to go beyond that.” “Yeah I kind of figured that out when I saw you making kissy faces at Sesshomaru.” He grumbled. “Oh lighten up Koga, there's a girl out there somewhere who's just perfect for you. But whoever she is, she certainly isn't me.” She said. “As a matter of fact, have you spoken to Ayame lately?” “No.” He frowned. “What does she have to do with this?” “Well I can tell you aren't quite ready for that just yet.” She sighed. “Oh well I can't do everything by myself... so what do you say just friends?” “Oh alright.” He said. “But I still think you would've been happy with me.” “I guess we'll never know.” She said softly. “Well you'd better get back to your intended because if we stand here any longer he's going to find a way to make that look kill and I'm not ready to die just yet.” “Oh don't you worry about him.” She said with a wave of her hand as they started heading back. “He's got another thing coming to him if he thinks he can ever tell me who I can be friends with or not.” “Now that I don't doubt for a second.” He chuckled. “Go on, be happy Kagome, out of everyone here you deserve it the most.” She smirked at him then waved him off before changing course and heading over to Sesshomaru. “Are you ready for this?” “I have no reason to fear anything you might say to me.” He said as he climbed to his feet. “Oh I wouldn't say that just yet.” She said teasingly as she grabbed his hand and started tugging him along. “There's a lot we have to talk about but most of it can wait until later. Right now I need to talk to you about this.” His gaze flicked to her hand as she held it up to display the ring. “I thought we'd already come to an agreement on that.” “We have, but I'm still having problems wrapping my head around it.” She said as she came to a stop then turned to face him. “I'm not youkai Sesshomaru, I'm human. And I'm damaged goods so to speak.” “To what are you referring Kagome?” “You saw my scars Sesshomaru, don't tell me you didn't.” She frowned. “What I want to know is are you truly ready to deal with that? I may be in one piece again but that doesn't mean I still don't have some problems to work out. These next few months are going to be hard, I have a lot of pain to deal with and I can't guarantee I'm not going to lose my control from time to time.” “I am well aware of that and am willing to aid you in facing these challenges.” He murmured. “Some of this you won't be able to help me with Sesshomaru.” She said softly. “There are going to be times where I'm not going to want to deal with anybody, and I'll probably go off on my own from time to time. After all traveling is what I'm used to and if I suddenly end up in one place right off the bat I'll more than likely go crazy.” “While I don't like the idea of you wandering off, I will accept it.” He sighed. “I'll hold you to that.” She said. “There's also something else I need you to understand, I'm still not over what happened and there may be times where I'm going to shy away from you or push you away.” “You seemed to have no problems before.” He frowned. “That's because I was a little preoccupied with the fight.” She said. “You wanted to know what happened on your cloud before I jumped, well I'll tell you. I had Storm take down the barrier, I had to do it in order to be able to draw on all of my strength; that also means that I'm being faced with all the pain that I've been running from for the past three years. I wasn't kidding when I said this wasn't going to be easy because a part of that pain is from what was done to me at the hands of that boy.” “I see.” He said slowly. “But that doesn't mean I don't care about you.” She said softly as she took his hand. “It's just going to take me some time to get used to the idea of us because honestly I still don't get why you're even bothering with me.” “You are not a bother Kagome.” He chided. “And as for my reasoning, when I said you are everything that I was looking for in a mate, I was not lying. You're beautiful, strong, intelligent, caring, and while at times it can be irritating you are stubborn. And I am not always a patient man, your stubbornness and refusal to submit will be required to balance that.” “And here I thought you wanted someone who'd be willing to submit.” She said dryly. “Submission while welcome at times can also be a bother.” He said. “Not to mention the fact that I am old and will live for many centuries to come, boredom is something I face on a daily basis.” “Well if we go through with this I can guarantee you'll never be bored.” She said dryly. “I don't do that well after all.” “Of that I am aware.” He smirked. “You ask why I find interest in you, it is because you provide a challenge, one that I don't come across very often. And in effect you have also become my life Kagome, I can no longer see a world without you in it.” She was silent for a moment as she gazed up at him, searching for the telltale signs of his emotions. “So your willing to be patient with me and give me the time needed to come to terms with everything?” “Yes.” He promised. “Then I'm willing to try and made this work.” “Thank you.” He said. “Although there is one thing I must request of you.” “And what is that?” She arched an eyebrow. “I wish for you to release me of my vow to not resurrect you should you perish.” He said. “As I told you already, you have become my life.” “Alright, I release you from your vow.” “Thank you.” She smiled softly then bit her lip as she slowly raised her hand to hesitantly cup his cheek, for his part he remained motionless so as not to startle her. It would be hard for him, but he was willing to let her set the pace of their endeavor, and he couldn't help but think that it would be most rewarding in the long run. After a time of simply studying him, she moved her hand to wrap around the back of his neck to pull him down as she tilted her head back. Once he was close enough she closed the distance between them by sealing her lips to his; it was a tentative kiss, almost as if she were testing herself to see if the fear would rise up. But finally her lips started moving against his and he was only to happy to comply with her wishes, and when she brought her other arm up to wrap tightly around his neck he couldn't help but embrace her as well, making sure to keep his hold loose. After a moment she nudged him then started pulling away and with a repressed sigh he pulled away as well while letting his arms fall to his sides. She smirked up at him then chuckled and shook her head. “Well we might as well get back to the others, there's one more thing that has to be done before we can go back.” “And what is that?” “You'll see.” She said slyly as she took his hand and started tugging him along. The others looked up and smiled in greeting as she approached then paused to listen as she lifted her hand. “Alright I need Inuyasha and Sesshomaru for this, would the rest of you please wait over there. I've got one more thing that needs to be done and then we can all go home.” Murmurs of speculation and curiosity spread throughout the crowd as they moved off while Inuyasha joined the pair of them at the insistence of Kikyou. “What's going on Kagome?” “Well I figured the last time was so short and not all that satisfying for either of you that I begged a favor from him.” She said as she smiled up at him. “Who?” He asked. “You'll see.” She said before turning back to the space where everyone had materialized from. “Alright you old dog I know you've been watching so why not get out here already and join the party?” A moment later deep laughter rang out as the shadow of a man appeared and when he materialized fully gasps rang out all around, for the person who stood before them was none other than the great Inu no Taisho himself. “Your wish is my command Runt.” “Oh please.” She muttered as she shook her head. “You know after all the stories I've ever heard about you, crazy and perverted were two traits they failed to mention.” “Hey I resent that Runt and it pains me that you would say such things after all our pleasant conversations.” He said while actually looking as if he'd been wounded by her words though there was no hiding the twinkle in his eye. “Whatever, I may not know you that well but I've gotten plenty of experience in figuring out who the perverts are.” She scoffed while both Sesshomaru and Inuyasha remained frozen in place. “You have yet to meet Miroku.” “No respect.” He muttered as he shook his head. “But come now this isn't the time or the place.” “Your right about that.” She said as she glanced at the pair. “Come on you guys he's not going to bite you or anything.” “That you know of Runt.” He smirked as he winked at her before moving to approach Sesshomaru, he nodded in satisfaction as he looked him over. “Well my boy I must say that all things considered, you've turned out pretty good so far. You be sure to take care of my Kagome, she's more precious than you could ever imagine.” “Since when have I been your Kagome old man?” She muttered. Here he laughed, a sly smile gracing his features. “Just who do you think Storm really is Runt?” Kagome gaped at him. “No way.” “Well I couldn't very well show up as myself now could I?” He said pointedly. “Of all the- oooh.” She growled as she fisted her hands at her sides. “I should hit you for that.” “Sure if it'll make you feel better.” He laughed. “Wait, what?” Inuyasha asked as he blinked in confusion. “What the hell are you talking about?” “When a person is in need of divine intervention someone who was close to them can take the form of the Storm and aid them in their struggles.” Inu no Taisho shrugged. “But Kagome's a very special individual and there was no one up to the task. And since she was so close to you I offered to do it, and was more than happy to.” “You mean you've been spying on us all this time!?” Inuyasha exclaimed. “Don't be foolish boy I was helping Kagome, getting to check in on you two was an added bonus.” He scoffed. “Unbelieveable.” Kagome huffed as she gazed up at the sky, almost as if she were begging for divine intervention. “Oh come now Runt you don't get any more divine than myself.” He grinned. “Whatever, I'll leave you three alone now.” She muttered as she spun on her heel and stalked over to the others. “She sure is as feisty as they come, isn't she?” He mused as he watched after her. “Ah well that's neither here nor there, I've got something I need to say to both of you so I'd better say it before our time is up.” “Aw man.” Inuyasha muttered while Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes at his father. “Glare all you want Sesshomaru it's not going to hurt me any.” He chuckled. “Now listen up, both of you. This sibling rivalry has to come to a stop, just because Naraku's been defeated it doesn't mean that everything is going to be happy and peaceful. There are still quite a few trials to be faced and in order to get through them your going to have to learn to work together.” “Ridiculous.” Sesshomaru said flatly. “And here I thought you'd understand better than him.” He snorted as he pointed a thumb at Inuyasha. “Really Sesshomaru what do you think it will do to the Runt if she has to constantly put up with the two of you arguing? That girl's got enough going on as it is, she doesn't need more stress just yet.” Sesshomaru blinked at that then scowled. “What do you know of it, father?” “More than you that's for damn sure.” He scoffed then sobered. “I mean it you two, if you can't get along for your own sakes then try to at least get along for hers, she's suffered so much as it is and doesn't need more at your hands.” “Keh I don't know what good us trying to get along has to do with anything.” Inuyasha grumbled. “But if it's for Kagome I'll do it. I don't want to hurt her anymore.” “I'm proud of you Inuyasha, I see being in the Runts presence has helped you to grow up, at least a little bit.” He said as he patted his younger son on the shoulder before turning his gaze back to Sesshomaru. “Very well, for Kagome's sake.” He sighed. “Good.” He said. “I want you both to know that I've been watching over you and I have to say no father could ever be more proud of his sons than I am of you. My only regret is that I didn't live long enough to help through your trials in life, but knowing that the Runt will be there to help you out puts my mind at ease.” “What do you suppose their talking about?” Sango murmured as they watched the three inu's converse. “I don't know.” Kagome mused. “But I'm sure whatever he has to say will at least have some pearl of wisdom in it.” “So what happens when we go back?” “We'll end up where we were when we came here.” She sighed. “After that it's up to each of you to decide where you'll go.” “What about you?” “Midoriko's granted me one last round trip through the well.” She said. “I have to go home and talk to my mother then take care of my business there.” “So your going to stay?” “Yeah, aside from my family there really isn't anything left for me there.” She murmured. “And Midoriko promised I would see them again so long as I don't do anything so foolish as to get myself killed at some point in time in the next 500 years.” “I see.” She said. “And when you return?” “I figured I'd stop and talk to Kaede a bit before I go to the Western Lands with Sesshomaru and the kids.” She said. “Wait though, I thought there weren't any youkai in your time.” “There aren't.” She said. “But Midoriko said that's the one thing that's going to change.” “Was it because of your wish?” “Pretty much though I'm not sure how just yet.” She shook her head. “There's a lot of it I don't really understand and I don't think I ever well. I guess that's my queue to just leave it in the hands of the fates.” “You know there was something I've been wondering.” “What is it?” “Just how did you manage to stay alive without your soul after you'd broken free of Naraku's hold?” “It's because of the jewel.” She said. “For so long I carried a part of it that it sort of bonded to me, then when Kikyou took my soul the jewel took it's place to sustain me long enough until I was able to reclaim it.” “But wouldn't you be tainted since it was tainted?” “I am tainted in a way if you think about it. The jewel in it's tainted state was able to latch onto my pain and that's how it kept me going.” “Oh.” “I think their finished.” She said as she watched Inu no Taisho pat both his sons on the shoulder before motioning her over. “So how'd it go?” “Splendidly my dear.” He said before turning to his sons. “I need you two to run along now so I might have a moment with the Runt.” “Go on guys.” She said to forestall any of their arguments. “It'll be alright.” “That it will.” He grinned then laughed as she rolled her eyes. “So what's up?” She asked once the two had reluctantly moved off. “You gonna tell me that along with being my emotional support your also my father?” “Well I will be your father-in-law once you and my son mate.” He smirked. “And no one could ask for a better daughter-in-law.” “Assuming it gets to that point.” She said as she held a finger up at him. “We'll see how he feels after dealing with my emotional roller coaster for a couple of months.” “Don't you worry about him, he's never given up something once he's got his mind set on it.” He chuckled. “Just believe in him Runt, and he will be everything you need to get through this.” “And what about you?” “Oh I wasn't lying when I said I was only a thought away.” He said. “Nor was I lying when I said you were my favorite charge.” “Oh so you've done this for others hm?” She arched an eyebrow. “Well... sort of.” He said sheepishly. “But just like you those people deserve to have their privacy.” “Got it.” She said. “Plus I've got my own shit to deal with, I don't really need anybody else to add theirs to the pile.” “That's my girl.” “So this is it huh? Everything that's been needed to be said as been said.” She murmured. “That sounds about right Runt.” He smiled sadly. “I suppose I could wish that I could go back with you to help you through this.” “But a part of you is if you think about it, remember just a thought away.” She said as she blinked away her rapidly forming tears. “Yes I guess that's true.” He mused. “Be happy Kagome, and cherish every moment spent with those you love and love you in return. Don't sweat the small stuff and think before you act.” “Ill do my best.” She promised as she moved to hug him. “Thank you... for everything.” “You're quite welcome my dear.” He murmured as he hugged her in kind. “Now run along, your life is waiting for you.” When she pulled back he couldn't help but smile as he wiped away the tears that had won free, she rolled her eyes at that and muttered something unintelligible before finishing the task for him with a quick swipe of her hands. “So I guess I'll see you around.” “Yes you will, but not for a very long time.” “I guess I'll have to live with that.” “Yes you shall.” “Well, see ya.” “Goodbye Runt.” She waved once then turned on her heel to join the others as Rin and Shippo bid their families farewell before they moved to join Inu no Taisho and the Miko Midoriko, Kagome couldn't help but feel bad that there was nothing she could do for their parents but there was only so much her wish could encompass. But at least they got to see them once more. She told herself. “Is it time?” Kikyou asked when she spotted her. “Yup.” She said as she moved to take Sesshomaru's hand. “Let's go home.” ~*~ A/N: okay I really wanted to cry when I wrote this chapter, there's so much emotion in it that it was hard to write, but it had to be written. I think I've gotten everything wrapped up now except for Kagome's wish, which you'll learn of in the epilogue. I hope you guys liked the surprise concerning Storm, for some reason when I thought of his character Inu no Taisho popped up in my head and I thought 'what if he was able to take the form of someone who could help Kagome' and sure Storm is nothing like my idea of how Inu no Taisho would act but then again he wasn't supposed to be until you discovered just who he was in the end. Well that's it for now and crap this was a long chapter lol, but that's alright with you guys i'm sure. R+R Thanks!