Obligations to the Heart and Body (Sesshoumaru x Kagome)
A/N: I'm sorry for any mistakes regarding the story line or characters. I'm not incredibly knowledgeable on the plot of InuYasha, so if you find any mistakes please let me know in a kind manner. Thank you for reading this if you have, enjoy the story. Oh yeah, I apologize for my sucky battle scenes . . .
Preface: Useless . . .
"Kikyo," Kagome looked up at the dead priestess and tried her best to smile, but an unseen weight was pressing down upon her. She had asked Kikyo to come along with her to gather water for the group in hopes of tightening their friendship. Even though she knew in the depths of her heart that would be impossible to do. The priestess wasn't even alive for goodness sake! But this was Kagome, and she would try anyway.
"What is it?" She replied, not looking at Kagome who was grateful for that. Kagome didn't want to force another smile, she had done enough of that for the last several weeks. "Uhm . . . N-never mind . . ." Kagome stuttered as she quickened her pace. She had wanted so desperately to ask her whether or not she loved Inuyasha. But if she did, she didn't want Kikyo to verify it.
"If you do not intend on finishing a statement, do not start one." Kikyo said coldly, walking past Kagome who was now frowning. "She hates me." Kagome moaned, lugging behind the dead priestess.
Kagome began gathering water from the river, watching Kikyo out the corner of her eye at the same time. "Are you waiting for me to do something girl? You keep looking my way." Kikyo stated nonchalantly, not looking at her. But Kagome only straightened her spine and looked down at the river. Kagome decided she would try to ask her one more time. If she couldn't ask her and be okay with the answer, then how would she ever live her life? She needed to ask once and for all.
"Kikyo, do you lo-" But she was cut off by Kikyo pulling out her bow, she then realized that a demon was nearby, in fact, there were two. Kagome dropped the water and looked around, why hadn't she brought a weapon? At least she had her spiritual powers, thank kami for that. "Be prepared." Kikyo warned, straightening her arm, Kagome nodded in response.
Out of the woods two centipede youkai made their way to the mikos, it was evident that they planned on making them their next meals. "Why, two lovely young women." One hissed and made a facial feature that may have resembled a grin. Nothing else was said after that, the two demons made their move to attack.
Kagome held her hands up and created a light pink shield around herself. How she wished Inuyasha was around, no, she banished that thought quickly. She could protect herself, she had done that on several occasions! With her hands up, she proceeded to purify the demon, what she hadn't seen was the end of the centipede, slithering up.
"Behind you!" Kikyo's voice yelled, just in time for Kagome to see a glimpse of what was behind her. Rushing, she placed her hands on the centipede, purifying it. But she had been too slow, the demon managed to nick her shoulder. Still, she managed to purify the demon.
". . . We need to get you to the group." Kikyo stated needlessly, but she still went down on her knees to wrap the girl's bleeding shoulder. "If you died here, think what it would do to Inuyasha." Her voice was monotone and Kagome couldn't help but mentally disagree. "Either stay alive for him or stop moping about in the way you have for the last several days." The dead miko rose and stared down at Kagome. "You need to hurry and clean that wound. You'll be useless with one arm. I shall gather the water."
Kagome silently nodded and turned back to the group. Today was not going well for her, but she still tried her best to hold her head up high. Even though Kikyo completely bashed her.
Chapter One: Betrayal from your greatest ally . . .
The young miko stared down at the sleeping kitsune and nekomata and wished she could be sleeping as well. But she was far beyond troubled, all day Kikyo and Inuyasha had been speaking, ever since she managed to get herself hurt. Kikyo had given her a few words about her negligence, and yet those few words still managed to strike home.
She looked away,trying to focus on something else. Her eyes settled on Miroku and Sango, their affections for each other were growing with every waking minute. Sometimes when Kagome watched them, she felt a soft sadness drumming at her insides, reminding her that was something she and Inuyasha would never have.
Thinking of him, she looked at Inuyasha's silhouette and did her best not to look at him directly.
Kagome let out a sigh as she stared at the center of the flames, gripping onto her hands tightly. Through the fire she could see Kikyo and Inuyasha talking off in a distant area and her heart was fractured ever so slightly. What she would give to go back to the days before Kikyo came, she thought as she looked away from the two.
Her body went rigid for a second as she pondered upon what she just thought. Separating her hands she placed them on her bare knees. "No, she's been a lot of help since she came." Kagome assured herself, yet a distinct frown was still playing about her lips. "She was the one who had to save me today after all . . ."
Kagome stared down at the back of her hands. Maybe it was a time for a break and head home for a bit, although she wasn't quite sure how Inuyasha would react to that. But, the only reason Inuyasha would object to having Kagome leave would be that they needed someone to sense the jewel shards. However, that was before they had Kikyo with them, now Kagome wasn't as needed. Not to mention Kikyo could fight.
She rose from the log she was sitting on, Kagome knew that she could get home by herself in a few hours. Looking at the group she wondered how she would address the issue.
"Kagome!" Inuyasha called her out and her eyes immediately flew to his golden eyes. To her it seemed so long since she had spoken to him. "Yeah Inuyasha?" She responded, trying to be as nonchalant as possible. But her voice quavered a bit as she looked at Inuyasha's face, along with Kikyo's emotionless features. The rest of the group stared as well, sensing that what Kikyo and Inuyasha had been talking about were about to affect them now in some way or another.
"We've been talking," Inuyasha stated quietly, throwing a glance at Kikyo who only looked Kagome. By now everyone was circled around the fire again. "And what about, Inuyasha?" Miroku asked, his voice on the edge of teasing and cut-throat. Before answering, Inuyasha looked at Kagome without realizing that her gaze had been piercing him the whole time. Quite quickly, Inuyasha's gaze dropped.
"Naraku is moving faster than either of us thought he would. We need to get moving again." The hanyou stated as he stared at Kagome through his peripheral vision.
"But Kagome is still injured from today's battle!" Sango snapped, casting a worried look to the young priestess. "I know, that's why we decided," he started once more.
"We?" Miroku cut in, even though he knew very well who 'we' was. Inuyasha sighed and stared at Kikyo. "Me and Kikyo decided that it would be best if Kagome just went home for now." Kagome was numb for a second, she hadn't said anything throughout the whole conversation because she knew that somehow, it would end up this way.
The young priestess looked away for a moment and tried to hold back the water welling up in her eyes. Why was she crying, she wanted to go home for a break anyway. But something about being told that it would be best to leave wasn't the best feeling in the world.
"I think we should rest another night, so Kagome can continue with us." Miroku offered the suggestion, but the iron was evident in his voice. They all knew that this was another conflict of 'who's side are you on'. Either you're with Kikyo, or Kagome. And to no surprise, the majority of the group was with Kagome. But to Kagome, the main person she wanted to hear say she was wanted here was the one who told her she should leave.
"It's fine you guys, I was planning on heading home anyway. It might be good for a break." Kagome tried her best to smile, but no one could see it once she ducked her head. "You don't have to go." Sango assured her and Kagome could feel the waves of animosity being blown toward Inuyasha. But was it his fault that he still loved Kikyo? No. Kagome knew she had to be fair.
"It's fine. I needed to go back home anyway. I'll catch up with you guys later. Tell Shippo I'll be back in a couple days. I know he'll be a bit worried." Kagome flashed a smile and gathered her things. She made sure that as she left, she didn't look back at Inuyasha.
A/N: Okay . . . so, lame chapter, but It'll get better soon! (I hope . . .) Anyway, the plot with most likely thicken in the next few chapters. And yes, Sesshoumaru will be in them. This was just like a big 'ol prologue! So yes, I'm sorry for that. Okay, please review and tell me what you thought. Thank you!
(This was copy and pasted from my account on FanFiction.net. So if you like this, I'll probably update it all to my FanFiction account first and then this. So yup! If you have any comments, please don't flame.)