So I didn't really have time to comment when I posted my first chapter (created months and months ago) but basically I was challenged by a friend who flew different ideas off me. Here were the things she came up with in the end:
Kagome had to be challenge by Sesshomaru, after she was pained by Inuyasha. In the end the miko and the taiyoukai had to plan no correspondence afterwards but would end up finding a reason to become 'friends with benefits'.
Rin and Shippo had to be mated eventual.
Kagome had to become pregnant but it had to be a difficult task and Sesshomaru and her wouldn't realize it at first.
Numbing the Pain - Part Two
Performing an Act
"Sesshomaru the children are outside," she hissed, slapping his hands away from their wanderings over her breasts.
"That young kit knows about us miko," he growled still persistently caressing her. "He thought to tell this Sesshomaru how to take care of his bitch."
"What? I didn't..." she moaned as he worked his fingers under her kimono and sunk within her core, "I'm sorry, he's just... protective sometimes... I don't know why."
The words he used in these moments were things she had grown accustom to and she understood the real meanings behind the vocabulary. It was something oddly used anyway since he knew she was human and not really part of his youkai society.
"He should be careful around you," the inu muttered.
His not explaining things was something she was use to. Usually she fought the topic but at times like these she was unable to concentrate to make a good argument. The inu wouldn't let the topic come up again either. He didn't need the miko to find the real meaning behind his words. Although he understood why the kit's scent had to mar the woman, she was his adoptive mother after all; his beast was protective over the little miko. His scent would ward away any lesser demon who might try to take the female. If another, a weaker or lesser youkai's scent mixed with his they might assume wrongly of her. It was a blessing that the fox was strong making a good match for his ward but he enjoyed the fact that the kit minded his distance. It proved the kit was no longer affectionately depended on his mother and also the inu's scent would overcome any brief contact transfer.
He pulled her legs up and around his waist using his torso to pin her to the back wall of the hut. Mindful of his armour he crushed his pelvis against the bare heat rubbing against his clothed erection. His lips nipped her collar bone and noted that the love bite over her pulse was fading. Tongue licking it first he then pulled the skin into his mouth to let it become angry and red again.
"Sesshomaru, I can't bathe with Sango in the daylight anymore because of those," she told him with a low voice.
"Hn," he nearly shrugged but yanked away from the temptation of such an anomalous gesture.
Lately the inu had become bolder and bolder in taking her. Kagome would find that she was being carted away to some area in the village so he might 'talk' to her in private. Of course no talking, well meaningful conversation, ever occurred and Kagome would be forced to keep her mews, screams, and pleads as silent as possible. Miroku had nearly caught them twice. The inu's guard was never down though and he easily withdrew from her to fix his attire and that usually mean she was sprawled on the ground as if she had fallen, which would explain the reason for her scrambled garments over her form. Miroku would mumbled a sorry and wander away, later he would ask what happened so the miko would make up a story. Of course the next time he took her after these incidents it was a little more rough than usual but she enjoy his animalistic side as much as the sheer gentleness he showed her. But only times they could really stay together for a lengthy time was when she slipped away for a late night 'bath' and even then it was hard since he was constantly needing to return to his palace and the need to patrol his lands grew greatly too.
Over the past year Rin was an on and off visitor, she would stay for a few weeks every couple of months. This recent visit was meant to be longer since Shippo and she would be preparing for the first step of mating. Kagome learnt that the kitsune had a very length courting and mating process and the two wouldn't be able to be apart for long. So Sesshomaru let the young girl take residence in the village until the beginning of spring only visiting every once and a while to check on the girl and her progress. Each time the inu came for the young girl she found herself more and more depressed. Rin was her daughter and no one could tell her otherwise. Of course it pained her to see the child grow up and become a woman it was for the best and Sesshomaru reassured her that many times when she protested the speed which things were progressing.
Even with her vocal protest she let him continue. Her body longed for his attentions and she knew that she couldn't deny him. The denial was just a front, something the logical side of her mind called for. But in reality the danger of being out in the open and getting away with such acts thrilled her. A grunt echoed in her ears as the inu eased his length into her tight canal. She hadn't even noticed him slipped the stiff erection from its restrains but nonetheless her own moan mingled with the deep octave of his tone. He stilled for a moment to let her body ease around him for fear that he would cause her pain after not having her for more than a month.
"Don't stop," she urged unable to moved her hips that were jammed between his lower body and the wall.
At her request he retreated slowly and dived into her with a little more force. It was torture to feel his heat moving within her at such a pace. His shaft buried within her again and again but he continued the slow agonizing dance.
"Faster Sesshomaru," she bit her nails into his clothed shoulders while leaning over to whisper into his ear.
Dull human teeth nibbled the tip of his ear followed by a tongue snaking between her lips to lick the marring of his face. Her lips found his and she pulled at his lower lip to suckle. Holding back a moan he settled on crooning gently at the attention, hips finally thrusting into her faster and harder causing her to groan lowly into his mouth. He plunged deeper into her still, his pelvis grinding harder into her as the mews that she couldn't control became more difficult to suppress, ultimately resulting in burying her mouth to muffle the sounds against the fluff of the inu's moko-moko. The softened whimpers ended in his beast growling in desire for his wish to hear her non-smothered moans.
"Ah, Kami... more, just a little more," her plead was spoken under her breath in a near silence knowing his inhuman hearing would easily pick up the faint coo.
Rumbling he pulled away and pushed the woman to the ground resting on her hands and knees; too blinded with his act of pleasure to think about placing the woman one of the futons nearby. Bunching the material of her kimono around her waist to thrust into her from behind and didn't let up his previously set demonic pace. Feeling tired and unable to meet his hips were hers anymore she let her upper torso lower giving the inu a better angle to dive into her. Her head rested on her folded arms while claws pricked her hips. When the heat in her core built to intolerable the walls around him cramped in an unyielding embrace as she sunk her teeth into her arm to stop the sound of her scream and the inu joined her in her release a few thrusts later.
"Are you quite finished?" exhaustion spiking her voice.
Not a word of reply was spoken as he let the material around her waist fall to cover her once he pulled away. He stood and idly straightened his hakamas and tightening the ties.
"Sesshomaru, we can't keep doing this," the woman stood to smooth down her own kimono.
Does it hurt?
Reality hit her the other day while she thought of the world she had placed herself in. Reality pained her, it hurt her in a way she didn't think possible. These moments could never truly last.
His eyes narrowed at the woman perilously at her words while he scrutinized the way she fidgeted in her spot before moving to a shelf so she could begin a light evening meal. Even after witnessing his look the miko didn't say a thing more. A growling hiss vibrated through his chest informing her that her silence was not acceptable to him. Kneeling beside the fire he couldn't help fix his gaze on her round ass that was seated on her feet tucked under her.
"I'm a human Sesshomaru; surely you haven't forgotten that," when he continued in his silence she determined it was best to spell it out, "I'm going to grow older and older, while you will look like you do... young forever. Sooner or later we're going to have to face reality before it shows its ugly face."
Not once did she look to the inu during her statement. When her vision finally trailed upwards all she was the form clad in white walking out the door. Letting a sigh escaped she was left to wander if he was one to quit cold turkey or ease out of it. She had hoped to hear his voice reassure her. His departure had her wandering what to expect and how to take the sign.
Sitting cross legged near a low shelf the miko carefully sorted her find into the appropriate baskets as spring ended. Her hut seemed rather empty compared to usual. Shippo and Rin had taken to the forest to live on their own, alone, for three months as kitsune mating dictated. It was hard for her to believe that both her children, at the same time, we moving into the adult world. The inu had told them that since Rin was his ward and associated with his house they would live finely within the city in the castle walls near his citadel. The miko had assumed that much beforehand but only now did it sink in.
"This is entirely your fault," she told the figure whom had just entered.
"This Sesshomaru hasn't been near you in a week what could possibly been cause by my lack of presence?"
He casually cleared the distance between them and sat down beside the woman to peer over her shoulder. The dainty fingers he was so custom to have scanning his body tightened around a branch of yellow leaves wrapping around an intriguing purple flower. It fell from her hand as she twisted around to face the taiyoukai. Her hand whipped around in a fist to hit his chest still clothed in the plated armour. Not satisfied with the one punch she shifted so she could pound her opposite closed fist onto the muscle laden form. Salt hit his nose telling him there were tears she was holding back. For some reason he wasn't angered by her assault. Instead he grabbed one wrist and then the other and pulled them behind her back to be held by one hand. Tilting her head up with a finger he forced the woman to lock her eyes with his. The water welled in the corner of her eyes threatening to fall and flow down her cheeks.
"You took my babies away from me you bastard. They're not here with me anymore... they're... they're gone," her struggling slowed and then stopped altogether as the tears actually flowed.
His beast understood the woman. Instinct. The miko was much like an inu bitch and her pups. It was instinct to protect and keep the pups close. Logically the kit and his ward were old enough to move on, live a life of their own. In this sense he wouldn't have to go through burying his ward anytime soon since the kit's mating bond would lengthen her life. Nuzzling the crook of her neck the inu croon in hopes that it would calm her some.
"This Sesshomaru apologizes for causing you pain miko," he showed sincerity in his voice which calmed her greatly.
His lips greeted the tender rosy petals of her mouth. Slipping a tongue to gently prod the muscle lying dormant just as his hands tracked their way to each breast teasing her with his soothing caress. Nipping her bottom lip the tip of his fang cut too deeply letting the blood flow to the surface. His taste buds drowned in the coppery vanilla of the crimson life liquid. With a low growl the inu tucked the woman in his arms and gracefully carried her to the futon.
"Sesshomaru don't, I thought we..." her voice shook a little as she was place upon the bed.
The inu towering over the feminine form straddled the thin curve of her waist as his bone plates were tossed to the side. There was an overconfident smirk on her face with a shimmer to the golden hues of his eyes.
"You're sad miko and this Sesshomaru knows just how to make you happy," his voice rumbled with his purr.
"Sesshomaru... stop," she moaned as he leaned over to leave open kisses along her neck and shoulders where he had pushed aside the material of her kimono. "Ah... don't stop," she cried when he began to suckle one of the red spots he never let fade from her skin.
For once the inu let his guard down. Kagome, also not paying any heed to the outside world letting the pain of her reality drift away with each caress. So each being, lost in the world they created, didn't notice the set of shocked violet eyes from the passing by male who had been bouncing a small sleeping child in his arms. He didn't believe what he heard and looking through the slit of material covering the door he realized his eyes must be deceiving him too. No longer the perverted monk he once was he lingered only for a moment before returning to his wife to debate whether telling her or not. Then again the woman had a keen sense when he was hiding something or not telling the truth.
"Sesshomaru?" she sat up and looked to the obviously male form resting beside her, "What are you doing here?"
"Sleeping," he murmured with arms snaked around her contracting to pull her back down against his chest.
"But you usually leave," she pointed out.
"Hn," attitude fortified with disinterest.
"Why didn't you go away?" she asked enjoying the idea of waking up beside him, in his naked glory, for some reason
"Is there issue with my staying here?" he questioned glaring at the woman tracing lazy circles on up and down his side.
"No, it's just... bizarre to wake up next to someone," the mumbled was though filled.
"This Sesshomaru has something to speak to you about later Kagome," he told her turning her onto her back.
The blanket covering their forms slipped away on its own accord while the inu reallocated between the miko's legs. Never one to use her name much the woman was aware the inu had something important to say. Therefore as his mouth latched onto a bare breast she attempted to keep from falling into oblivion and stay on task long enough to feed her curiosity.
"What is it?"
"Later," he stated between transferring his open mouth kiss to her other breast.
"Sesshomaru, Sango and Miroku will wonder if I don't go to them," with her argument made all she had to do was wait for him to let her escape the intoxicating touches of his fingers over the bundle of nerves between her legs.
"I only need a few minutes," he growled.
To prove his point his stiff morning erection slid easily into the wet walls of her cavern and he began a steady deep pound. Her hands in his hair tugged at him to avert his attention on her breast to her mouth. Tongues danced to make the wild action of their pelvises slamming together in an endeavour to be one. Their dance grew with passion and the intensity had the woman biting her bottom lip to stop from screaming as she was washed away. The sweet scent of her blood pulled him into the rushing waters of fiery pleasure and he leaned in to taste the red substance. Collapsing onto her the inu rested peacefully, enjoying the calm. He himself admitted, if only to his own beast, that it was a pleasing experience to wake in the morn beside the woman and the warm radiating of her body.
"I have to go," she reminded him.
Disappointment was not something he would show, even to her, but nevertheless he felt it as he withdrew the limp member that was already beginning to twitch as the woman teased him in gathering her clothing. He longed to see her womanly form in something more than the casual peasant outfits she wore. Yet he remained silent while he gathered his things and dressed quickly.
"Kagome there's something up with Miroku," there was concern filling her voice.
Both women sat with their legs folded under them beside the fire. Kagome looked around the hut; it looked like the monk had taken both children out for a walk or something. Sango was skinning a couple of rabbits that the miko had brought to the slayer.
"What's the matter?"
"There's something he's hiding. He hasn't been acting himself lately. I mean it's only been the last day or so. What should I do?"
Not once had the miko ever seen the happy couple fight and there rarely seemed to be any issues. Well except for the fact that the monk still felt the need to grope his wife, but Kagome swore the slayer's slaps were all a front. Still the love they shared never faded and the miko had never had to see her best friend and sister distressed. Until now...
"Talk to him then," she offered.
"I have but he tells me it's nothing," the slayer replied immediately, "Do you think he... he... doesn't love me anymore? Or what if he decided he doesn't like having so many children? Should I start drinking that tea permanently?"
"Sango he loves you, you can see it in his eyes. Besides have you see the way he acts around the children? He adores them and there's no way the stupid monk regrets having them..." she stopped when said monk walked in with one little bright violet-eyed girl holding his hand and a brown-eyed boy in his arms.
"I'm sorry I worried you," he grovelled guiltily.
"Miroku how dare you eavesdrop on us," the slayer mumbled with the miko shaking her head at the two.
Standing up the young miko stared at the monk, "Well then you can fess up and tell Sango what you hiding and make with the good and I will take the children for a bit."
"No... Kagome you should be here too," the monk mumbled setting his sleeping son in his mother's arms. "I... I was out walking with Keitaro the other night. He couldn't sleep and when he finally fell asleep I took the quickest way home which meant walking by your hut," he paused and Kagome gulped with her eyes wide, knowing what was coming, "I heard... a voice and curious as to who was visiting you so late I drew near. Sesshomaru was with you Kagome," he finished.
Does it hurt?
It was the worst pain ever to think that her friends by reject her because of her stupid decisions.
"Miroku... I..." she stumbled over her words but the slayer interrupted.
"What's wrong with that Miroku? Sesshomaru's here on and off all the time."
"No Sango ... I've been... sleeping with him," it was hard to confess even to her friends.
There was no way she could face anything; she was well aware how the people view her situation. Miroku and Sango would no doubt look at her with disgust. Running was the best thing and so she flew out the door away from the couple before they could look down on her. Within the walls of her hut she began taking things from the shelves and throwing them in the centre of her futon.
"Where are you going Kagome," a female voice cut in from the doorway.
"Sango I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking," her head fell to touch her chin to her chest while she stilled with fingers wrapped around a curious wooden jar. "I won't... I..."
"I don't think ill of you because you found comfort in the bed of a youkai," the slayer took a few steps forward.
"How can you say that? I don't even love him I just... I don't know," she whispered and looked over her shoulder, "He's just comfortable to be with."
"Then be with him," the slayer shrugged, "I'm not your mother so you don't have to sneak around hiding your boyfriends," her light voice laughed at the little joke.
Kagome smiled lightly and could help the little giggle escape. But automatically her mood sunk back a bit. Sesshomaru wasn't her boyfriend. He wasn't her lover. He was a convenient lay. A comfort and a stress relief, nothing more.
"But this is wrong," the jar was placed back on the shelf and her bare feet carried her to the fire to join Sango sitting there. "I shouldn't... I'm human; I'm going to die long before him. Why? Why do I let these things happen to me?"
"I really don't know what to say. I know that this will be difficult for you but you're strong and I'm certain you will get through all this. But no matter what happens Miroku and I will always accept you."
Cupping water in her hands she let it tumble through the air rippling the heated pool of water she and the slayer sat quietly in.
"Well I know why you wouldn't bath in the daylight hours now," the woman mumbled in amusement.
Brown eyes scanned the half a dozen love bites on her neck, shoulder, and breasts. Some of them were more faded than the rest others were angry red marks marring her skin like possession signs daring another to look upon the pale skin.
"Uh, yeah..." the miko sunk lower into the heated water, "He doesn't listen well."
"Well he doesn't leave claw marks like some do," she noted let a little easiness enter her voice.
Kagome didn't say anything realizing that she was grateful the inu was able to heal any light damage with the lick of his tongue. His saliva would lick away the blood and seal the wound leaving no trace. However the inu refused to heal the red marks nor would he hear her out when she requested him to let them vanish on their own. It was strange but she felt like the marks meant something to him. Of course, she wasn't exactly sure what, after all she was not a youkai and she was certain that each branch, species of youkai would see the marks differently.
"You're really not bothered by this?" the miko asked needing to be reassured.
"As long as you're happy," the slayer stated, "and so long as he doesn't try to hurt you like Inuyasha."
One month down and two to go before Shippo and Rin came out of their isolation. Kagome sat by a stream of water trickling through the field of wildflowers. It was a place she had taken Rin to create chains of flowers and also teach her the many properties of the plants. At the moment her basket was filled and she was simply resting in the warm sunlight. Many times she would sit to contemplating why she loved this era so much and how she had grown use to the customs and things. Sure she missed home but there was no reason to linger on things she couldn't have. Now she thought about her life and what she would do the next time a certain taiyoukai appeared. Evidently the miko was not shock to see the pristine form of the inu walk past the line of trees on the other side of the stream.
"Sesshomaru," she acknowledged not at all surprised at his timing.
Soundlessly and swiftly he carried his heavy mass to sit beside the woman and the pull her into his lap. His mouth instinctively closed against the crook of her neck to trail downward to the love bite the first one he ever gave her. Open palms awarded her breasts with chaste caresses. The turning of the form in his lap forced his mouth to drag along her skin away from the area he was paying heed to. When he growled cautioning the woman against her movement she still moved until her kimono was bunched up in order for her to sit straddling his lap, her legs wound around his waist their heats pressing together firmly.
"You said there was something you wanted to talk about the last time you came to visit," she reminded him of his words just over a week ago.
Does it hurt?
Miroku and Sango had dropped the subject of Kagome's bed partner and amazingly the trio was able to continue in their usual banter and live life like nothing strange had come to pass. Of course Sesshomaru didn't know that they knew yet and she wasn't positive she should tell him. Then again she couldn't help but think she should; this had something to do with him after all and it wasn't her right to hide things from him.
"Later," he told her as he had before.
The hands on her waist began to untie the sash of her obi as he spoke. When he pulled the material away his lips touched hers fondly before his rough tongue demanded entrance. Slipping past her plump petals he sought out the touch of the firm muscle which sprung to life the moment he brushed the wet appendage against hers. Dancing in no set pattern, with no rules, the fought for dominance in which he let the miko win by retreating his tongue to his own cavern and let her explore until she tugged at his bottom lip to nipple between her dull human teeth. But she needed air and backed away.
"The last time you said that you vanished before saying anything," she argued grinding her hips in hopes of creating a torture against the erected length.
"Hn," his response or lack of response wasn't really fought against for once.
Tucking her fingers under his armour she found the familiar ties unbuckling the bone plate so she could toss it somewhere off to the side. Making quick work of the layers covering the inu's torso the miko let her nails scratch along the planes of his chest and the coiled muscles of his abdomen to tuck under the hem of his hakamas drawing out the strings he tucked to keep out of the way. His own hands pulled aside her clothing so he could take in the perky, supple breast, nipples already erect as if reaching out in need of his touch, his warmth. Obliging he leaned in to run a tongue over the first nipple. Fingers delicately pinched the rigid tip before rolling it and then switching his attentions, paying respect to the neighbouring mound.
The hands resting on his shoulders pushed him down giving him the opportunity to rid her of the annoyance of clothing that barely draped and clung to her form. Thrusting his hips upwards to rub her bare heat with the still clothed erection. A moan echoed through the clearing and he relished in the mews that he could pull from her ravished body. His beast loved the sounds and it was rare that they didn't have to hold back to some extent. When he had felt the miko some miles from the village he was quite excited about taking her.
The nimble fingers pulled at the remained of his clothing their complete nude forms something that was also uncommon since they had a tendency of only meeting when others were around. His desperate need to completely dominate her overwhelmed him in great lengths. Seeing no reason to fight the need he rushed to flip her under him to be caged by his arms. His weighted was shifted to his lower body between her legs as a couple of fingers brushed against her bundle of nerves.
"Sesshomaru," she gasped trying to focus her thoughts on what she wanted to say, "I didn't get to pleasure you yet."
He didn't say a thing as he sunk lower bring his tongue over the bead to graze the sharp incisors over the sensitive skin. Following the slit of her womanly petals his tongue licked lower to sink into the wet warmth she offered. Each touch of his fingertips burned her like embers of a fire until she was burning from the inside out. Her very blood heated until it boils in her veins. Drowning in wave after wave of intense heat and pleasure as he pushed her to the top of mountain until she crashed into a swelling pool of ecstasy. As the haze lowered from her release she remembered what it was she had been trying to accomplish before.
"I want to pleasure you," she tried to sit up but was held firmly to remain on the ground beneath him.
"You will," he explained further with the head of his penis nudging her nether region.
"No, no I meant ... with my ... mouth" she whispered the last few words still uncomfortable in the situation even after all the times she had been with him.
"After," his answer was accompanied with a thrust of his hips.
Embedded to the hilt he didn't even pause before pulling out and pushing forward again. In his frenzy to have her, his beast broke through and pumped fervently into the tight walls of her passage. An arm manoeuvred a leg to tuck into his arm the other had positioned itself over his waist. Her own hips greet each thrust of his, meeting halfway. His plan to take her long and hard wasn't a possibility when he felt himself losing control as the firm hug of her walls squeezed him and only a few dives later he was grunting a release of his own.
Both their chest heaved gulping the air greedily. Unwilling to let her go yet he lowered himself pillowing his head against her chest still fully buried within her. It was these moments afterwards that she loved the most. The comforting warm of his body holding her. The light musk of his familiar scent evading and soothing. The gentle circles lingering over the areas his fingers trailed lazily. She might not love the man but she love what he could do to her and she loved the comfort his presence brought.
"No Sesshomaru," her voice was stern and unwavering.
"You said the monk and slayer are aware of us so why should we hold back?"
"I'm on my moon time," the miko told him swatting at his hand and reaching for the steeped tea over the fire.
Within the confines of her hut the two remained dry from the pouring waterfall of rain. It had been only a little over a week since the last time he had visited. A week and a few days closer to having her little boy and girl back. Of course his visit would mean that she could finally get some answers. If he was here to be with her and couldn't have her then he could spare that time he would have used telling her what it was he wanted.
"You said that you had something you wanted to tell me?"
"This Sesshomaru wishes to make a proposal for you miko," he started.
"A proposal?"
"Hn," he turned his head to the door in that moment though disappointment shown in the form of a growl when something interrupted him.
Kagome followed the gaze to see a drenched half inu appear and stand in the threshold.
"Inuyasha?" she stared in uncertainty, "How... how did you get pass the barrier?"
To answer her question Kikyou walked behind him. The dead miko would be capable of making a rip long enough to let the hanyou pass. Of course she was also hiding his aura and scent so the woman couldn't pick up on the half breed's presence.
Sesshomaru rose gracefully and took a protective stance between the half breed and his dead clay pot and the woman whom his beast saw as pack was in need of fortification. The miko next to him stood up and sighed with annoyance.
"What do you want?" she questioned.
"Ain't you got something more important to do?" the hanyou was directing the question to the inu but received no answer. "Why are you here?"
"Wouldn't you like to know," the full inu brother mocked.
"Feh, I don't care," the hanyou gave an improper half shrug before staring at the miko. "We need to talk to you in private."
"No," she answered proud that she had grown a backbone towards the damn hanyou.
"But we just want to talk," he told her trying to ignore the glare of the golden eyes from his older brother.
"Fine then you can talk here, with my guest present, since you interrupted his visit," she pondered the idea of shouting for the slayer and monk to come join the visit.
As the fang was pulled from it sheath it transformed pointed towards the older brother. Sesshomaru didn't take lightly to the threat and pulled Toukijin from the place at his hip. The half inu was known for his hotheadedness and sudden attacks leaving the inu to take a defensive position.
"Leave Sesshomaru, you ain't needed," the hanyou growled.
"Why are you threatened by this Sesshomaru's presence?"
"What do you want Inuyasha," the miko watched the dead woman draw her bow.
With a smirk Kagome waved her hand and formed her own bow purely out of the reiki flowing through her. The pale blue arrow formed in her right hand as white bow was held firmly in her left hand. Two set of shocked eyes travelled over her form at the power and control she showed over the energy. Of course if she had her soul it would be even more impressive.
"Inuyasha we can obtain my soul in another way," the clay pot spoke up taking a step back, "we can't win here."
"Kagome!" two voices shouted a short distance away.
Inuyasha and his whore retreated but not before Sango and Miroku appeared to see them rush from the miko's hut with the inu walking leisurely behind them to watch the couple vanish through the barrier and away from the village. Kagome joined him by his side her power soaking back into her reserve to use at a later date. Sesshomaru sheathed his sword and looked over his shoulder at the woman.
"Explain," he growled at the woman not at all bothered by the rain.
"Like I really know everything... isn't that your job," she retorted rolling her eyes.
"Kagome are you okay?" the slayer interrupted, "What happened?"
Letting the half inu's words pass through her mind once more she could come up with something he might be after: "I think he's after the rest of my soul. It's completely possible Kikyou has asked for it and being the lap dog he is ... well you get the drift."
Sesshomaru didn't linger and instead headed to the gate of the city. Just as he passed the barrier something cracked it, crumbling his power dissolved the defence. But as soon as it was vanquished another power replaced it. The inu continued to walk away after completing his task. Slayer, monk, and miko left to wander why.
"Kagome?" the monk looked for an answer.
Shrugging with uncertainty was the only reply she could give on the subject and instead of driving herself insane she choose not worry about it: "Would you like some tea?"
"Sesshomaru please let me," she growled attempting once again to push back the inu before he pushed her to the ground again.
When he stilled she knew she was getting what she wanted. It astonished him to no ends that she was capable of such dominance over him. Willingly laying back into a position of vulnerability gave her access to his body and equal access to his weaknesses. Without armour, without a barrier, he was weak compared to the miko's whose abilities had grown. He could overthrow her and toss her under him but he never thought of her like the other cunning women who his beast had used before the miko.
"Thank-you," she mumbled pulling away the loin cloth and final layer of clothing he wore.
"Miko undress or I will tear away that kimono on my own later," he warned when he noted her loose yet still fully clothed form above him.
With a nod her fingers worked the obijime which held her obi in place and let both piece fall from her form and gathered it so she could toss it to the side. Pulling the main part of her kimono from her shoulder left her in the light yukata which was untied and added to the scattered garments over the floor of the forest. The only carefully placed item was the moko-moko that was used as a pillow on such occasions.
"Where are we going anyway?"
The inu had returned nearly two weeks after the sudden appearance of the hanyou. He had orderly dragged the miko onto the back of the two headed dragon and forced her to sit still as he lead the way to the other hut filled with the other occupants of the village. With a simple glare he looked to the miko and waited for what he considered foolish human behaviour. Not much could be said in her short and sweet goodbyes. But she trusted the inu enough to let him escort her blindly out of the village and into the forests to the north. Night had fallen and as the moon rose over the field they rested in. The fire flickered a few feet away and she was now tangled with the inu next to the slumbering two-headed dragon whom had carried her all day.
"To obtain your soul," he answered quickly in hopes that she would move on from the light teasing touches over the muscle between his legs.
"What? Why?"
"Surely you can find a better time for such conversation," he grumbled.
"I suppose," she leaned down to place a timid lick over the bead of pre cum, "But we will talk about this later."
Swirling her tongue over the head she stroked the organ steadily over the entire length a couple of times with a closed firm grasp. A shallow grunt notched her confidence as it usually did. His mask was removed completely when they were together like this and it was something she prided herself in. Finishing with her short taunting she slipped her mouth over the organ and suckled lightly to hear the inu groan. Hiding the smile she couldn't help but think about how much she had learnt from the inu. He was patient while she learned what he liked and let her experiment with the touches of her fingers and tongue.
Her head bobbed as she was mindfully careful of teeth, only lightly graze the sensitive thin layer of skin over the muscle of the organ. Claws fisting in her locks, kneading her head, reminding her of a cat more than a dog, but she didn't stop. Just as she felt him tense she grew excited and her own arousal peaked at the taste of the bittersweet treat spreading over her senses. He enjoyed seeing to her pleasure first. Apparently his beast delighted in taking her and so the concept of having him, pleasuring him, tasting him was a rare and fought for treat. As usual she was flipped onto her back after cleaning him so the inu was able to take his time pleasuring her as her screams hardened his member to unbearable lengths.
Things were definitely worse now that they were together every day. Three nights and four days later and Sesshomaru had yet to lighten up. He controlled himself during the day but his beast roamed freely in the night, hands on her constantly. The first couple of nights had been nice but she was growing quite tired suddenly. She feared her body wasn't able to keep up with libido and he would soon grow weary of her. Finally she had figured it was time for him to explain things to her, and not in the riddles he spouted many times.
"Your body is fertile," he began, "more so than usual, and though I don't wish for a pup and you can't exactly conceive under these circumstances it doesn't stop my beast from attempting. You are only feeling weakened because of the efforts of my beast. It draws power from you trying to manipulate it in an endeavour to break through the natural barrier your body creates."
It was on the fourth day the miko decided she needed something else from the inu: "Where are we going exactly?"
"You will see," he answered.
He held her from behind so she could rest against him. The delightful intoxicating scent she had been given off was fading away leaving his beast to whine with its lust for the female.
"Why are you doing this?"
"Is it not vital that we rid the world of the clay pot before she takes the last of your soul?" his disinterest was colder than usual.
"I know that but why are you getting involved?" she rephrased.
"You are useful to this Sesshomaru in more than one way," knowing her well by now he decided it would be best to continue: "You are part of my pack and it is my responsibility to see to the safety of all pack members."
"What else are you responsible for?" she was curious now that he brought up the topic.
"Protection, health, mate," the list was stated with an indication of impassiveness within his aura.
"Finding a suitable mate for you would be necessary since you are female and females are not permitted to find their own mate," he explained further.
"But you're not looking for me right? I mean I'm human and I really don't want a mate so there's no need."
"Perhaps," he growled lowering his chin to her shoulder.
His eyes never left their watch of the passing scenery in a watch for danger and their destination. Claws pricked her belly every once in a while he traced kanji of his name claiming the womb as his to fill. He wouldn't tell her that her mate had already been chosen. There was no way his beast would let her get away now. It had taken some time, quite a bit of time for him to realize that his addiction to her body meant he couldn't just toss her away to some other male. Her power was too great for anyone else to handle anyway and it would mean the pups she would eventually carry would be strong. So the only problem was waiting for the opportune moment to tell her. It had come to mind that he might wait, postpone telling her until the pups had returned from their own mating. Seeing that she was not really going anywhere and he would still be able to have her body there really wasn't any reason to rush things along.
"Sesshomaru what does that mean?"
"Rest miko," he dismissed the question with his new demand.
"It's been such a long time Sesshomaru-sama," a song-like voice cooed lightly from behind them. "I see you brought me quite a little vixen."
Growling the inu pivoted gracefully his body acting like a wall between the woman and the male who had spoken. The warning hiss from the Western Lord was easily deciphered by the new visitor. The woman was not to be touched, she was taken, and it was apparent that the inu had been very busy in soaking her in his scent.
"Now how can I help you if I can't see the being that brings me such a challenge?" it grumbled taking a step forward.
Kagome was more than a little confused. The shadow-like figure hiding in the dark held no aura whatsoever but it was clear he or she was youkai, or... not human at least. The only thing she could make out after peering around the heavy massive male form blocking her were glowing eyes completely white, no colour to flicker emotion to those around. For once she couldn't help be slightly scared. Was her reiki enough for such a youkai if he was indeed classified as such? Subconsciously she let the flow of her power gather had her hands for defence.
"Don't worry, I won't harm you," the voice didn't tell her gender as it gentle sung over the still air of the clearing.
Suddenly the form shift and Kagome held back the shock as she watched a blonde hour glass figure of a tall woman appear in the place of the creature while it stepped from the shadows. The eyes a now dull grey colour stared into her deep blue depths.
"Better?" she asked her voice changing as well.
Not sure what she was supposed to say she voted to remain silent and stay behind the wall the inu offered.
"Sesshomaru don't tell me that you scared the woman into not speaking due to your cold conversational habits," she took another step closer and ran a finger over the bone chest plate.
Kagome's brow furrowed but she was pleased when the inu firmly grasped the wrist and tugged the hand away from his form: "Don't think to touch this Sesshomaru so casually. You know what is sought out, now get to work."
"But I need to see the pretty little miko to do that," she toyed while batting her eyelashes but she sighed and turned around, "Follow me."
They were brought to a cave just past the line of trees Sesshomaru had brought them to. A barrier over the mouth dissipated when the mysterious womanly creature raised her hand to caress it. Once inside the belly of the cavern the miko looked around to see the furnished interior. Furs cover the stone floor, shelves were carved out of the walls, as well as a fireplace and a stone table was placed dead centre of the roundish room.
"Miko I require you to rest on the table," the woman remarked as she moved to one of the many shelves laden with baskets, jars, chests, and books.
"I have a name," said miko mumbled more to herself.
Sesshomaru guided the female to the stone and noticing her hesitation grasped her waist to lift her on the table's edge with his form between her spread legs. It gave him ideas but he pushed them to the side so he could see to the miko's reluctance and unspoken apprehension.
"You trust this Sesshomaru do you not," he asked yet stated.
"Of course, you know I do," and her eyes darted to the bare back of the scantily dressed woman.
"Fynas will not harm you," the inu offered and turned her on the table, "Lie back."
"I don't like being in the dark," she whispered in a hiss but obeying nonetheless.
The hand behind her head escorted her down gently. Her eyes looked up at the inu at his wavering golden globes. His presence was the only reason she went along with this; he had proven that he wouldn't let a thing happen to her. Her vision began to blur and she shook her head violently to clear it but a hand rested against her forehead to hold her still. Something pained in her chest and her fingers tangled in the material of her kimono as she grasped the unknown pain between her breasts.
"What's going on?" the inu growled seeing the woman's eyes loosen in their gaze on her surroundings.
"It's good you got here when you did," the woman crooned now standing beside them, "They have begun the pull."
"Then stop it," the inu ordered.
"These things can't be rushed," she chuckled lightly but stopped at the warning glare, "Don't worry we have plenty of time."
Pulling away the miko's hand a large black stone was place directly over the area she had been clutching calming the woman to some degree.
"Now then we must wait," the blonde woman told them, the miko wasn't really paying attention though, "When the stone turns colour we will be able to proceed."
"How long?"
"Depends on the strength of the person attempting to take the soul," Fynas turned her attention to the inu, "We must wait for them to form the connection between the two parts. The stronger they are the faster they will bind themselves and in that case we must work fast because if they are more powerful than her we won't have much time."
"Kagome is the stronger of the two," the inu replied confidently.
"I couldn't imagine you choosing to save a weak being," she confirmed and looked to the miko in a daze look about confused, "Not many can remain awake at this point of the transfer."
"Tell me who helps the dead whore," the inu requested.
"I can't do that," she muttered, "I would be breaking the rules."
"So will you be claiming the little woman if she survives this?"
"Not if... when."
Kagome was too heavily trance to pay attention to the words. Her body couldn't really move steadily, everything spun around whenever she tried to move her head. The only thing that kept her ground it seemed was the inu's presence. His hoarse voice, although not directed to her was soothing and the touch of his hand reminded her she wasn't alone. When he grew silent after a while she tried to force him to speak. Gathering her thoughts was an accomplishment all on her own but her determination was definitely what pushed her to her limits.
"Ses-s-sho-m-ma-ru," she slurred with her brow furrowed in concentration, "W-what-s-s... w-w-ro-ng?"
"Just a little longer," he told her and sealed his lips against hers in a quick sign of affection to reassure her.
"Didn't you tell her what's happening?" a demanding voice cut in.
"Of course not, if she had been told then she would have been too busy worrying if she was doing things right rather than listening to her instincts," he growled logically not facing the other being, "It's better this way."
The glow caught both their attention, the stone shining in a bright silver blaze. The inu pulled away from the miko so the woman could place her hands in the air above the stone to float in the ever growing flame of light emitting from the gem. A crackling sound reverberated off the walls as something bright blue formed in the silver light. Sesshomaru watched the miko's face as her eyes finally closed. He didn't know if this was a good sign or a bad but he hoped that she would prove his theory correct. It was over in a few seconds, which felt like eternity, Fynas was violently flung across the room crashing into the stone wall just as the light recoiled back in the black gem.
"How cruel," the woman reverted back to the original shadowy form, "I offer my help and she pushes me away."
Sesshomaru averted his gaze to the miko and watched the woman's chest heave in a deep breath of air before retreating to the recesses of sleep.
"She will be fine, didn't really need me at all," the shadow groaned and drew forward cautiously, "The dead one didn't stand a chance."
Smirking with pride the inu let Fynas reclaim the gem and then pulled the woman into his arms. A leather brown bag dropped onto the table in place of the miko just before the inu walked to the mouth of the cave. With the threat eliminated the inu would be able to take his time returning the miko.
"I'm competent enough to travel on my own," the woman argued.
"Yes but your body and powers are exhausted from the ordeal," the inu fought back not mentioning the new thought that threatened his mind.
Now that the clay pot was dead the inu might come to claim the female whom he travelled with now. It was possible the miko might return to his side now that the dead one wouldn't be able to interfere with things. If only to himself he admitted he feared the idea she would leave him for someone-something- that was unworthy of her attentions and status. It annoyed him that she was so damn stubborn after just waking up. The night had passed by slowly as she slept and most of the morning. Just as the afternoon sun hit its zenith she roused from her slumber to greet him with a cheery smile. At the moment she was leaning against the two-headed dragon weaving a blade of grass in and out of her fingers. The inu sat cross-legged before her fighting the urge to grab her and force her beneath him. He wanted those long slender limbs to tangle around his form. His ears would ring with her screams and the tight canal he sunk into would hug him tightly... he growled mental and focused on what the woman was saying only picking up the last bit of her last sentence.
"... and I don't want to slow your patrol down."
He had told her that he needed to patrol his lands as a way to get her to stay. It was true enough, but he didn't mention that it could have waited the five days it would take to return her to the village.
"It would be best to stay here where this Sesshomaru can ensure the damn hanyou doesn't show his face and cause you harm" he growled out finally.
"Is that what this is about?" she sighed, "I won't be returning to him even now. I can't stand his existence especially after this last stunt of his. Don't worry, my body is still yours to maim and torture to your heart's content," her last words were said in a teasing smile.
It pushed him pass the edge and he immediate lunged for her enjoying her delightful giggle while she was pulled to the ground lips clashing together.
"Sesshomaru?" she looked around to try and sense where he had vanished to.
Eight days of travelling with the inu proved to be a great way to rest other than for the nightly activities. The inu didn't let her walk for very long, most of her time was spent in the back of Ah-Un with the taiyoukai walking beside them. He hunted for her and brought back the meat, bled, skinned, and gutted, ready for her to cook. Even at night the inu was cautious and gentle. He held his beast back even when she begged for him to pound into her.
"Sessho-" she stopped when something pulsed behind her.
Her powers easily formed in her hand just as the attacking youkai split in two from the neat cut of the inu's sword. Battles were something he fought on his own as well. Although she had been feeling much better today and had told the taiyoukai this he still growled out that his rules still applied and would be obeyed. Only when necessary would she fight.
"Miko what are you doing?"
It bugged her to some extent that he still only called her by name when he was intimate with her but she left things as they were. It wouldn't be the brightest idea to think this was something more than what it was. They couldn't become attached for her need to end this was growing closer and closer.
"Sorry but you could have warned me," she growled crossing her arms, "Besides I told you I'm fine. I feel much better-r-r-"
Something grasped around her ankle and tugged. She slipped from her lady-like side saddle position on the dragon. It wasn't easy to straddle anything in a kimono meaning the inu had an easy task in pulling her to rest her feet on the ground. Ah-Un acted as a stead-fast wall while the taiyoukai caged her with his arms, a sadistic smirk hidden in the corner of his mouth reflected in the golden hues.
"Miko perhaps this Sesshomaru has a better use of your new found energy," his mesmerizing gaze hypnotized her into silence. "Come we'll make camp."
Suddenly she felt giddy and she willingly followed the inu on her own two feet. When he noticed this he snarled and picked the woman up taking her to the sky in one swift graceful leap to prevent and objections. Whole heartedly use to the inu's flight she looked about contently watching trees broken by raging rivers and streams pass under them. The extra body heat from the inu made her grateful that he never flew too high unless she was within his arms.
"Hn," he began his descent.
"Never mind," she told him when she noticed the vicinity he had touched down in.
His parcel was carefully placed on her feet and she was already stripping and rushing to the edge of the heated pool. He assumed from her actions that she was about to ask him for a bath. He himself wanted to wash away the scent of stale death from his form. It amused him to see how quickly she could undress and sink into the warm water with a delightful and relaxed sigh. Leisurely he unravelled the knots holding his attire in place. As each layer was loosened they fell away tumbling at their own pace to the ground. The miko's well toned back was bare towards him as he slithered soundlessly into the pool. His arm snaked around her and he pulled her tightly like she was nothing but a feather against him and his erection instantaneously stiffing at the caress of skin against skin.
"I want to bathe," she muttered angrily, "Then you can have me."
His release of her was reluctantly but obeyed nevertheless and slid further into the misty sweat to soak away the impure scent of his flawless form. Through the entire length of the bath he watched the woman out of the corner of his eyes. He was moving his heavy mass of hair over his shoulder to wring the excess water from silver locks when he noticed her move closer. From behind her arms wrapped around him hanging dangerously close to the organ that demanded to be touched a tender kiss placed between his shoulder blades. Slender fingers teased him dipping lower and lower over his until she reached the silver thatch of hair but she was careful to not let the delicate fingertips graze him. Annoyed he finally grasped the hand and wrenched it downward so he could thrust into it, hating himself all the while as he succumbed to his desires. It angered him that he lost his grip on the mask and yet he was grateful as well. He could relax around the woman and she didn't take advantage of the weakness he showed around her even though she was well aware of the control she had over him. Well... not much at least.
"You will stop this nonsense at once," his hiss with his tone dripping with hazardous intent.
"If I don't?" she toyed.
"You shall pay the consequences," his hoarse tone dropped coolly in an effort to shake her into obedience.
"Well..." she paused long enough to back away from him letting his body suffer with the sensation of her warmth withdrawing, "In that case..." she didn't finish as she made her way sinfully to the edge of the pool.
Her cold shoulder was harsh; no woman would ever dare to deny him. It was obvious he wanted her and still she walked away. Punishment, all his beast could think about was an appropriate penalty and retribution for her wicked act. The scent of her arousal hit him hard forcing him to cover the distance between them in a matter of seconds. Tugs and pushes required her to lean against one of the many smooth boulders which outlined the pool. She supported herself with her hands letting inu bend her over at the waist and plunge into her with the forceful need she had sought out. When the wet walls greet his length he didn't wait and continued to thrust into her. The claws on her hip pricked her bare skin and the hiss of pain from the small sting was cut short in cry of pleasure.
"Harder," she gasped tilting her hips so he could access the sleek tight passage he was plummeting into.
His beast roared in victory as the woman was forced to still her hips when his demonic pace increase pass the point she could keep up with. Usually he would question why a human would be able to keep up with his needs. Surely she would be exhausted by his nearly nightly affections. Her body should grow weary and his beast would have to be tamed. Yet each time he wanted her she was ready. Glistening wet folds were always thick with the heavenly scent of her arousal and she would willingly submit to him in both his gentle and nearly violent acts that his beast hunted for at desperate times. Even as they both reach the ecstasy that they sought he could see she was ready for more.
Not one to deny the woman very much he picked her up and carried her to the soft patch of grass where he could pillow her head on the fur of his pelt. Slender and small, her frame was no match to his massive muscular form pinned against her.
"Miko you will not rest this night," he rumbled enjoying the punishment his beast would worship her with.
There was a small smile on her lips before they reached up to seal against his. The chaste kiss mounted to a fevered attempt to dominate the other. A slender slip of a muscle backed down as the inu bit her lip to draw blood and then soothe the wound until it heal under his attentions. Open palms cupped each breast, simultaneously pinching and rolling each tit until she moaned. Light open mouth kiss left in its wake small cold spots where the heat of his tongue had been. One sharp incisor pricked a nipple to replace the claws. Her hands made their way to the back of his head, a gentle push begging him to move lower to where the pain of her core heated in the excruciating waves. Sesshomaru's chuckled filled her ears when she tried to squeeze her legs together to ease the pressure, he mocked her failure due to his form between her legs, spreading him so he could easily let his now free hand glide over the wet petals. Tucking his digits into her proved to be an easy feat; her walls were drenched in their essence. The liquid of her arousal coating his fingers as he slowly pumped them in and out. Bucking her hips gently, she let her head fall back her eyes rolling closed as she cried out. The inu pulled away and crawled the length her glorious body. Perspiration gleaning over the milky smooth colour, soft under the caress of his fingers and tongue. Already her chest heaved and her breath was hard to catch. The erotic sight sprung his organ to life, ready to take the little angel of his bed again yet he held back and let his well fashioned control slip into place.
A pull from his mouth dragged the little bead of nerves into a sweet suction, immediately there was a rush of delight and her body was dragged deeper into the every growing seduction pleasure played within her. With his name on her lips he spread the folds of her sex and dipped his tongue deeply to taste the nectar his beast was growing to crave more of. He curled his tongue, wonderfully being rewarded with her back arching into a curve. One hand on her hips forced them to remain still when they bucked at his suckling a few moments later.
"Sesshomaru I need you," she growled her eyes lingering over the form of the inu between her legs.
Golden orbs noted her position, she was attempting half sit, but he refused to let her. Covering her instantly forced her to remain beneath him, where he could continue the agony on her body. His own member throbbed when she whispered to him and he gave in to the whimpers sliding into her slowly. Too slowly.
"Please stop teasing," she begged the blunt tips of her nails clawing his shoulder blades.
"I think not," he hushed huskily.
A presence in the distance forced an annoyed growl to reach her ears. Kagome's aura still weak from the latest endeavour couldn't reach past the barrier around the area but she was certain the inu was sensing some sort of trouble. The timing of couldn't be worse as the taiyoukai stopped his thrust altogether.
"What is it?" she asked when he didn't jump up to dress and instead stayed buried within her.
"The hanyou," he bit out angrily as his eyes began to bleed. "You're mine," he snapped and nipped her neck.
"Don't stop," she decided, "He can't touch us."
It was true enough; his barrier would keep the half breed at bay. In the mind of his beast, it was an insult to stop in the middle of the eternal dance. It was required of him to see to the woman's needs before his. Of course the miko didn't have to know that an inu had no issue with showing another just how capable they were at pleasuring their female companion. His beast wouldn't permit another to touch her but so long as he was the one dominating her it was completely fine even for the low filth to witness her submission.
"Sesshomaru?" she whispered, "Please..."
A mental shake reminded him that his thoughts could be dealt with later. Nipping her neck he pulled from her. At first the miko though he was just going to stop there, he was still for so long. There was relief in her sigh when his shaft dug into her tight tunnel. A ruling need overcame him and he plunged into faster than before. Soft mews, whispers, and whines escaped her lips with each of the grunts. His bleeding eyes watching as each groove of her face filled with passion. He was well aware of the shocked eyes on their forms as he slipped deeper into her still.
"Ses-sho-maru," she cried as he let her find her release.
He willed beast to let go and spilt forth his seed as he made up his mind to deal with the hanyou so he could spend the rest of the night with the miko before he took her to her village the next day. He pulled his hakamas on, tossed his haori to the woman and pulled the sword, within reach as always, out of his sheath.
"Sesshomaru?" she furrowed her brow confused, since they had decided to leave the half inu alone.
The barrier around them lowered and the half breed stepped forward.
"You whore," he snarled at the woman not able to rid his mind of the image implanted into his brain.
"Yes because sharing my bed willingly with one male makes me whore," the miko sighed infuriated that she had to defend her honour.
"Inuyasha," the inu interrupted, "I warned you."
"You planned this all along. Make it look like I raped your whore so you could have a reason to cast me out! I won't let you get away with this..." he drew his fang and it blazed angrily with his emotions, "You killed Kikyou and made me look like a disgrace. Kagome's mine she always has been and you stole her away."
"Inuyasha stop! Just a minute ago you were calling me a whore and now you're claiming me. I don't think so."
"Stay out of this bitch!" his bark was followed by a vicious growl.
"Only this Sesshomaru has the honour of calling the miko a bitch," he snarled, "My bitch," he enforced stepping to hover in front of her form to hide her from view.
The hanyou brought his fang down in his Wind Scar attack Kagome brought up a barrier and stared fiercely at her once upon a time friend.
Does it hurt?
Her mind focused at the problem at hand. It came to her that she had made a mistake long ago and it hurt that the mistake cost so much pain, not just to her but to others.
"Inuyasha if I had known you were going to turn out like this I would have never given you that sword," she whispered.
That instant the sword shimmered and returned to the dull original form. Kagome sighed and dropped her head lowering her eyes to the ground. Not once did she forget the secret of using the weapon. She had touched the sword first meaning it technically belonged to her. Being young she casually handed it off to her hanyou companion but now it was apparent that he didn't learn the lesson his father had tried to teach him from his death bed. Her words had released the power the hanyou held over the sword making it a useless tool in his hands.
The hanyou dropped the metal on the ground and hissed: "What did you do?"
Sesshomaru didn't let her answer and stepped forward, the tip of Toukijin touching the hollow of his neck: "Leave or this Sesshomaru will rip you to pieces."
It was apparent that he was no match so long as she didn't have the power of Tessaiga on his side. The sheath of the fang was untied from his hip and he tossed it before stepped back not wanting to die there and retreated pass the line of trees. Sesshomaru didn't move until he was certain the hanyou wasn't planning to return. Kagome drew closer to the discarded fang and picked it you. She didn't have jyaki to transform the blade but she had the power to choose the next owner. Sheathing it she held it out to the inu.
"Here, it's yours now," she explained with a sad smile.
"Hn," he turned his back and returned to the area where the blades of grass was flattened from the nest they had made.
"Sesshomaru you wanted it I'm giving it to you," she followed and positioned herself in front of him to thrust the weapon into his chest.
"This Sesshomaru doesn't need it," he argued brushing pass her to put away the blade in his hand so he could continue with more enjoyable proceedings.
"I know and that's why I'm giving it to you," she pointed out, "I can trust you to keep it safe. Besides it belonged to your father, shouldn't you want to keep it in the family?"
Thinking for a moment he realized the truth behind her words and accepted the weapon. It was tossed to the side with his other things idly just as his arms snaked around to heave her alongside him.
"Fine but this Sesshomaru shall need payment for taking such a bothersome item off your hands," he crooned nuzzling her neck.
Rin and Shippo returned to her a few weeks later. Sesshomaru had questioned why his ward wasn't baring kits yet. Shippo looked to his mother and Kagome explained because her young age and small form would mean difficulties. It would be best to wait a few years more so her hips could widen. They only spent a few days within the village before the inu demanded they come to the Western Castle to settle in their new home.
It would be a while before the inu returned and so the miko travelled between the nearest villages collecting supplies before the winter season set in. Life continued slowly. Her birthday passed, which she kept secret from the others because she didn't like them making a fuss over her. Sango was the first to point out the slight weight gain. It had been a casual conversation between the women while sipping tea. Pressing her palm to her stomach she realized she had gained a bit of weight. It concerned her at first but she realized that her energy had been low lately and she hadn't felt like walking much. Assuming this was the reason she tackled the problem by promising herself to make daily walks again.
After one such walk she found herself entering the hut and pulled into the arms of the waiting inu lord and dragged to her futon. It angered him greatly that he had to stay away for so long, the many meet and greets with the other lords, the wars plaguing the land, everything seemed to be crumbling around him. Yet he couldn't focus on any of this. Although he was attentive to his lands and the people residing on them he was constantly thinking about this one silly, stubborn woman. More than once he had thought to kidnap her and bring her to his rooms where she could be a prisoner for eternity. In the long hours of nothingness he questioned if he could make it to the village and back before he was missed. It wasn't an issue of getting to the woman; he just didn't think he could keep within a time limit. As the time crawled by he finally couldn't handle his beast pounding to gain control. In a heat rage he glared at anyone who questioned him as he left the grounds. He was lord, he was in charge, he could roam where he wanted, and his flare of his immense power would hold the other lords in check should they dare to make query. Then after all his effort to make time for her he finds her hut empty. Of course his beast immediately calmed when the woman had appeared only a few seconds later.
The miko reached to pull his lips to hers. Their tongues tangled and in her essence he could pick up something just vaguely that wasn't there before. He pulled away and pressed his nose to the crook of her neck nuzzling her affectionately in the process. Nothing strange emitted from the scent of neither jasmine nor the blood flowing beneath the surface of her skin. Bring his nose past her lips he scented the exhale of her breath as it scattered over his face like small kisses.
"Kagome are you feeling well?"
Startled at the sudden question the woman nodded, "Yeah," she hesitated when she saw that apprehension in the golden hues, "Perhaps a bit tired: why?"
It wasn't like him to waver as he did. It wasn't like him to debate on telling a lie or the truth. Yet he did. He hated it when something had control over what he held power over.
"There is... death on your breath," he answered honestly.
Just barely was a sickness that he was familiar with. It had plagued many human villages as of late, a disease that attacked the immune system. For once in his life he was scare. He didn't want to lose the comfort he sought in the woman. She knew him like no other.
"What?" bewildered she pushed off his lap and away from the being.
"Your scent is that of the beings that are plagued with the sickness sweeping over the lands."
"Are... are you... sure?" tears were forming in her eyes, "You're not mistaken?"
A rage of hate and anger would usually pour through him when someone questioned him in such a fashion but this woman had changed something within quite some time ago.
"Yes Kagome," he mumbled staring at those lost blue orbs, "You are dying."
"Dying?" she whispered in disbelief, "So... young."
Does it hurt?
The tears flowed freely and she tried to stand. Her body simply fell to crumble in a ball. More than anything she wanted a child of her own. She wanted to be someone who helped others. She wanted the chance to live. Her short life was nothing compare to what she might have had if she hadn't come to this era. It wasn't fair; there was so much she didn't get to do. It hurt to know that she was going to waste away and suffer.
"Kill me now," she whispered in a cry, "I don't want you to see me sickly and weak. I want... I want everyone to remember like this."
"Kagome I wish to share my proposal with you now," the inu spoke up not liking the lack of will in her voice.
The sobbing slowed down, the salt in the air still heavy in her silent tears but she was listening to hear his hoarse voice, never one to deny his request, at least most of the time. Reaching for the heap of a woman he pulled her closer to him and soothed her with a soft croon vibrating through his chest.
"Become my mate," he growled possessively, "Belong solely to this Sesshomaru."
Her head snapped up to stare those dark sapphire eyes into the sun like orbs: "How can you ask something like that knowing that I'm going to die soon?"
"Should you become the mate of this Sesshomaru your body will become stronger. The link created through blood gives your body youkai like characteristics," he explained.
"Sesshomaru I'm human, even if you save me I will grow old and die long before you," her tone of defeat darkened further.
Her head rested against his bare shoulder since she had long since purged him of his clothes. Fingers brushed against the taunt muscles of his torso her eyes following the path of the digits. Cradled in the arms of the strong male made her feel safe and for just that moment she felt like nothing could harm her and everything would be okay. If only she could stay like this forever.
"The binding will lengthen your life to match mine, just like the kitsune and Rin."
He had told her this before. Some youkai could mate a human and the life of the human mate would be overpowered by the life of the youkai. There were other creatures whose mating wouldn't affect anything because they were not powerful enough but she should have assumed the inu was powerful enough to change a human. But even with this one concern gone there were still others that bothered her.
"I can't Sesshomaru. You've been so kind to me but I won't force you into something like this simply for my life. I would hate myself because I know you would regret this later," her arms wrapped around his waist even though she knew she should release him, freeing him from her, letting him find another.
"This Sesshomaru has sought your company for some time and it has occurred that a pairing with you would be better than what most might be able to offer. You are the Guardian Miko who defeated Naraku, each of these things bring honour to your name and therefore a higher status within my court," his voice purred delightfully when her objection wasn't based on her disapproval. "A mating with you, the perfect miko would mean this Sesshomaru wouldn't be stuck with some arrangement that brings some annoying female into the mix. You understand this Sesshomaru and his beast more than anyone else making you the best mate possible."
"You make it sound like you had this planned for a while," she mumbled a little taken back at his words as they slowly began to sink in and his silence added to the fact, "You have haven't you... you've planned this for awhile."
"This Sesshomaru has thought for some time that you would make for a perfect mate. You have shown how loyal and protective you are and your motherly instincts are something my beast seeks in a female. Independence of course is something that would make you less of a nuisance and the strength and power you hold would make others more acceptable to our mating."
Everything he told her was logical. It made complete sense. For once her mind wasn't clogged with confusion like it usually would be at times like these.
"I guess it would make sense..." she pondered aloud, "We're comfortable with each other right?"
"Hn," he smirked at his victory, his beast's ego wouldn't let him not celebrate the accomplishment.
Licking the red mark marring the skin of her neck where he would bite her to claim her has his he shifted the form he carried, one hand supported her head and back while the other trailed in a soft caress over her body.
"Wait a minute... you need someone who can bare you pups, heirs for your lands," she realized tugging away from the nuzzling nose.
"Will you not bare this Sesshomaru's pups?" he asked not letting her wiggle out of his grasp.
"I can't you said... I'm a miko and you're a youkai," she remembered the time by the hot springs.
"It is difficult but not impossible," he thought about his words for a minute, "You need only to have you aura completely relaxed so my jyaki might penetrate your womb to protect my seed until you conceive. I never told you that you couldn't become pregnant just that you wouldn't and under normal circumstances you won't. Of course it also means you need a very powerful partner so your protection is guaranteed before, during, and after until your strength returns."
"Stop," she tugged in the strong arms holding her still when he leaned in to begin the affectionate nuzzle he was fond of, "Wait, I smell bad... I don't want ..."
"It's faint and not significant. But it would go away if you let your body become mine," the last word was more of a possessive growl.
She paused at the word. At one time she might have thought to hate the idea of being a possession, an object to be won, yet she couldn't help but feel... special and wanted. Sesshomaru saw her as her. He wanted her because he was comfortable around her and this was all because she wasn't willing to be anything other than herself. His eyes looked upon her form and didn't see another. It made her wonder if she could love again and if she could fall in love with the inu. Her own mind told her that this was an ideal pairing. Love or not she could see herself with Sesshomaru as more than just a companion. He was already something more than just a friend. There was still something that bugged her, nagging her mind. Was her want to live taking advantage of his proposal? It scared her because she knew the thought was not pure and obviously not her.
"I don't want to take advantage of this," she told him, "I can't take advantage of this offer because of this new knowledge."
"Kagome you aren't a person, even so close to death, capable of taking advantage of something for your own benefit," his chuckle was light and short, "Speaking such words only proves this further."
"Well it's not like you would let me have someone else," she noted also adding in her mind that he was right. She was too addicted to the inu and wouldn't want anyone else anyway; "Besides you're part of my family and we're already practically going out anyway right?" he let a silver eyebrow rise into a graceful arch above his golden orbs at the unfamiliar way of words. "I mean... it's a futuristic human term for dating... um... a step before marriage, or as you call mating, perhaps an equivalent for courting in your society," her rambling annoyed even her and she decided to shut up.
"We will skip courting, the basic formalities would be meaningless in this case," his speech an assertive impartial drawl of negligence.
"What does your mating consist of? What do you expect from me?" her voice shook with her acceptance but also with nervousness.
"You become mine, only mine. No male shall ever have your body and they will never touch you in the least or their life is forfeited to this Sesshomaru. Once we are bonded as one this Sesshomaru and his beast will need touch and affection. You will have to be the receiver of these since my beast cannot have another once a female is claimed which means it's obligatory for you to care for my needs," to empathize this he slipped his hand under the kimono to find her folds and the bead hidden within, "Of course I will need pups from you, I will eventually need a son. You will take the title Lady of the West and all the responsibilities with it."
"There's so much... I don't know if I can," her gasp emitted when the fingers flicked a claw over the pearl and then rubbed against it in small quick circle sending shocks through her nervous system.
"This Sesshomaru refuses to let you say no," he growled as the woman bucked against him.
"I ... I ..." she moaned under his new focus, fingers sliding over her to sink deeply into her.
"Say yes," he demanded thrusting into her with two digits coated in the sweet nectar.
With her chest heaving and her eyes fighting the boundary of focused and non-focused from the small blistering touches she locked her eyesight on the inu just as she was overwhelmed with the dam breaking in her core bringing forth her cry: "Yes...yes."
With a smug smirk he withdrew the fingers and licked them clean. Carefully he stood with the woman in his arms and took her to the futon. He undressed her until she was only in the yukata and then placed her under the covers. Sitting on the edge of the bed he stared at her for a moment before brushing the backs of his fingers over her cheek bone.
"Miko you will need you rest," he stood and retrieved his belongs, "You may explain to your companions if you wish but spend the day taking it easy. I will return tomorrow evening."
That night sleep didn't come so easy, she spend most of it laying awake wondering what she had just got herself into. Tossing and turning plagued the evening but finally she sunk into the realm of the sleeping.
"Kagome you've been awfully quiet. Are you feeling well?"
"Huh? What? No everything's fine... why? Why would you think something's wrong with my health?" she nervously laughed and waved things away.
"The only times you aren't out and about are when you've caught some sort of cold," the slayer stated not stopping the stroke over her overly large boomerang, "I saw him leaving last night... Is he being too hard on you?"
The two women had gone to take care of a rogue centipede that had been attacking a nearby village where they received much of their supplies. The monk had grumbled about being left alone with the children but they knew he was only worried.
"But from your nervousness and lack of response I would have to say there's something more," she added a moment later.
"No... I just..."
"Kagome you can't do much to shock me and I'm not going to banish you for anything you do because in our village we are family and we stick together through thick and thin," the exterminator shrugged and continued in her causal tone, "I mean at this point the worst that could happen is Sesshomaru has decided to mate with you and your ..." the gulp from the miko made the woman stop and look up. "Sesshomaru's claimed you hasn't he?" she received a nod as an answer and the slayer sighed, "So you'll be leaving us to become his lady."
"I'm sorry," the miko whispered.
"Don't be," the woman replied, "As long as you're doing it because you're happy being with him."
"Well... that's not the only reason," the miko mumbled.
"Oh Kami... Kagome are you pregnant?"
"No... no, that's not it-t..." she stopped.
When was the last time she had her period? If she recalled correctly than she had it when Inuyasha had come to village but she didn't remember stopping the inu at all during his on and off visit the month before her pups had return. The past month she had been too busy to notice that she ran late, not that it wasn't unusual to miss a month here and there but not two in a row.
"I... I don't know," she whispered thoughtfully.
"What's wrong Kagome?"
"I might be pregnant."
"That's not grounds enough to mate someone," the slayer told her quietly, "Once you mate a youkai you're stuck with him until death."
"I'm not... I can't be he said so... he would know right?" she reasoned aloud.
"He's courting you right? Because that will give you some time to decide if you really want this."
"Uh... I-I..." the stuttering wasn't like her and she finally decided just to come right out with it. "I'm dying Sango and he doesn't want to wait."
Sapphire eyes watched the weapon in the slayer's hand dropped as the words filtered through the older woman's head, "Dying?" her whisper barely audible.
"But I want to be with him so I'm not doing this because I want to live," the woman was convincing herself still, truly hoping it wasn't a selfish act that drove her.
"As if you're capable of such impure deeds," the scoff remark made the miko smile in the suddenly tense atmosphere.
"That's what he said," she whispered.
"Well he's right," the other woman replied with a nod and picked up Hiraikotsu, "I'm happy for you. Don't tell Miroku he won't take it well at first, I mean you're like his little sister. I'll explain later," she added.
"Thanks... But what if I'm pregnant?"
Kagome paced her hut and then slid against the wall of her hut to curl into a ball to think. Sesshomaru found her rocking gently when he entered the room. Dropping the wrapped gift with his armour near the door he made his way to the woman and pulled her into his lap.
"What's wrong?" he pried.
Tears flooded her eyes and she hugged the inu tightly explaining her fear.
"I won't be able to tell until you drop your barrier miko," he tightened his hold on her waiting for the wave of her scent that would flow free to greet his nose it had been so long since he could drown in it.
Gulping the woman let her defence fall and waited. Just barely he could make out the pulse of a new aura forming within her. It was weak, her own body feeble from the sudden appearance of the sickness. Their joining was now more important than ever, his blood would bring healthiness to her and in turn his pup would grow strong. He remained silent trying to tell gender but it would seem that it was too early for that.
"Sesshomaru?" she whispered when he simply held her in the peace of the night.
"You are indeed pupped," he assured her not liking how pale she had become at the news.
"When... how..." her mind had to wrap around when something like this could occurred. He had specifically told her that it was a difficult feat to conceive due to her aura.
"This Sesshomaru assumes that after the ordeal with the restoration of your soul your barrier was weak enough to break through and you were still quite fertile."
The timing fit, she was more than two months along and he had bedded her quite often not fearing or worrying that they would create a life since he had assumed she was strong enough to still fight his aura. Not once did he think his beast would actually succeed in breaking past her natural defence and bring him an heir so soon. But then again he did not mind.
"Are you mad?" she questioned.
It reminded him that he had told her he didn't seek a pup yet. It didn't mean he didn't want one. His words had been a way to ease the miko consciousness so she wouldn't think he was using her at the time to bring forth an heir. Of course he didn't want the woman to become downhearted about the idea either. Inus were rare and if he had shown his need for a pup she would probably become downhearted with each failed attempt. But in his overly obsessive need to protect her and reassure her he had actually pained her.
"I am proud to be the father of the pup you carry," he confided nuzzling her neck and soothing traces of circles along her back, "You've made me quite happy. But your weakened state dangers your body and the new life you carry."
"Then make me your mate," the request was something she decided had to happen.
For the sake of her child she wouldn't fight the inu. They had grown too close to end things between them anyway so it made sense for her to follow him to the next step. If not for love then for the comfort he brought in her life.
The miko wore only her yukata around her slender form. Fingers tore away the light teasing material to take in the supple breast, slight bulge of her belly, the dips and curves of her waist and hips, the long toned limbs that would wrap around his masculine frame as he claimed her, the crook of her neck bore the red mark that would soon be replaced with the permanent mark that would mar her skin warning anyone that she was taken. The other angry mars along the pale flesh were nearly gone from his long absence. This woman would be his, only his, and in these egotistical thoughts his hands became demanding. Guiding her back she was pushed to lay back as his still clothed for straddled her waist. Never would he grow tired of what his female could offer him with her body. She was full of surprises. Simply looking at her luscious nude form sprung forth these imagines that drifted through his consciousness when he had locked himself away within his chambers. He didn't dream, never, not ever. But that was before the miko. There was a time he considered her has a possible bed companion sometime before he had taken her for the first time. At one point his beast was intrigue with what her reactions would be like when she lost her innocence. The desire had left him for some time. Until he realized the woman had yet to really feel pleasure. It was strange how he obediently let her pull his strings so she could have her way every once in a while. He hadn't when he wasn't in control of a situation but this woman whom he wanted, needed, desired, craved and sought, this little sweet seductress was the contradiction to all his thoughts.
"Miko be warned that once you are mated you cannot unmate," his words were slightly muffled while speaking against the milky silk of her skin.
He trailed a line of open kisses over her collarbone to the curve of her breast. Skipping past the delicate licks he pulled the tit between his teeth feeling it erect further in his mouth at the violent gesture. There was a moan before the miko could actually answer him with an audible reply.
"I know."
A hand brought her leg over his waist after his knee pried the long limbs apart to slip between. He ground his clothed pelvis against her a few times waiting for the mew he knew would come from such raw treatment. In the wake of the cry of pleasure he stopped and focused his attentions elsewhere. Finding the neighbouring nipple he gently spun his moist tongue around in small circles, treating the flesh with a distinguishable difference compared to the previous attentions to her other rosy tip.
"I can't guarantee this won't be painful," he added before suckling like a newborn infant.
"That's fine," her words rode the gasp she attempted to bite back.
Shocked at the sudden brush of skin against skin he looked down to see that the miko had tucked her fingers under his haori to mould the coiled muscles with her feather-like caresses. The vixen was cunning, she knew he would want complete control over her and yet she still pressed her luck. Worst still was he let her get away with the act, her fingers quick to take the approval and work the knots to loosen the offending material and yank it away from the torso it covered. It was discarded carelessly to the side. Before her hands could wander any longer he slipped away from her hold to the sweet lips radiating the heavy scent of her arousal. Spreading the folds with two fingers gave his tongue access to the little gem hidden away. Adding suction to the bead made the woman writher exposing how dangerously close she was to her edge even after such short caresses. Over the past few months she had grown even more sensitive. Not minding in the least of course but he did ponder why such a change and he hoped it would cause her to be more receptive to the pain he would have to subject her to.
With her cry of ecstasy he allowed his tongue to dip into her opening. The nectar of arousal assaulted his tongue drowning him in her heated passion. The tangy sweet bitterness was enough to stiffen his already hardened member against the restrains of his fundoshi further to an almost unbearable pain. Yet he endured knowing that the woman had to be pleased thoroughly before submitting her to the agony that both would undergo. His fingers dug into her next as he worked his way back up her body. Wet trails around her nave flowed to her breasts and the valley between them. In a heartbeat he was nipping her pulse and continued to her ear where he could blow into it lightly and then lick the shell. Her breathing hitched when he crooned lustfully before their lips clashed together. The claim on her mouth was unruly leaving the petal like appendages swollen and bruised but she didn't complain as he pulled away showing he too had maintained some damage in the dominate dance. The small cut caused his tongue to dart between the slim pink lips to lick the wound. It sealed almost instantly as he lowered to force her to pay for the small crime on his flawless form. Biting her lower lip he pulled it into his mouth adding suction in order to force the flow of blood to coat his tongue. Nothing measured up to this woman. Every scent, taste, touch was heaven. If angels did indeed walk this earth than he had certainly found one in the shape of this gorgeous female, and he praised himself in the victory of landing such a prize-of course he would never let her hear him speak in such a manner for fear of the wrath for being considered an object.
"Sesshomaru please," she began when he pulled away to let her heaving chest receive the oxygen it desperately needed, "I don't want to wait anymore. Please join me."
In the small confession like statement he found he too couldn't wait. Desire filled his blood and pooled in his crotch. He pulled away long enough to strip the remaining barriers and returned his warmth to his position towering over her. Locking her sapphire hue to the swirling depths of gold showed her nervousness. Although her body was ready and eager for the attentions and completion that his member would bring, part of the miko's consciousness prompt her that she was about to become the inu's mate. It excited her and yet she could help but be just a bit fearful. It was obvious that he picked up on this anxiety. A chaste kiss placed on her lips reassured her that he would be here with her and he eased into her as his tongue slipped into her mouth. The pressure of his tongue muffled the moan vibrating through her throat. Each thrust forward was met with her hips as she sought for the release of the pressure building further and further. Just as she reached the top of the mountain it felt like she had jumped and the rush of adrenaline forcing her to cry out. Vaguely aware that she was being moved in the midst of her release, she didn't mind as he forced her ass in the air to take her at a better angle. His hard length pressed into her with wild abandon causing her mews to become constant steady stream of song. Hands on her hips forced them to remain still as he took his pleasure from her. The cries echoing around the hut was the voice of her heated desire for more as he pumped faster and faster to reach his edge. When the sensation of his own yearning grew unbearable he pulled at the woman to bring her back to rest firmly against his chest. His thrusts plummeted upwards and he held back until he could hear her scream and smell her orgasm washing over her. The skin along the crook of her neck sung violently with her pulsing heart beats as he bit into the skin, vein, and muscle.
That loving scream of passion changed immediately. At first she tried to bite back the need to cry out but soon the pain from his fangs embedded in her became too much. Tears streamed unchecked down her pale cheeks painted with a natural blush from the fever of their dance. The poison flowed from his incisors entered her blood stream killing away all human disease that infected her. He waited the few moments until her scream died away to soft whimpers. Gently he withdrew from her and guided her to the futon to lay on her back. Before she lost consciousness he bit his tongue letting his blood pool in the curved muscle. Leaning in he pulled her into a kiss and forced her to swallow the crimson drink. With her fighting nature he had anticipated there to be some sort of dispute but instead she willingly let the warm thick fluid flow past her lips coating her mouth and throat with the coppery essence. Her body too sore and too tired to argue against him. Acts of submissions were usually respected with a small act of affection but his beast paid no attention because the surrendering woman happened to be filled with pain. The agony of seeing their new mate suffer was caused by the need to keep a female safe and protected from harm. Worst yet was the fact they couldn't do anything for their mate, holding her tightly to his form he hoped the croon vibrating through his chest would ease her even just a bit. In his arms the woman shuttered with another wave of pain and closed her eyes. In silence the inu nuzzled her neck and licked the mark soothing the laceration he left behind. His bite, his bond to her, his mating mark, visible for all to see and already taking on the dark blue of his house colour, proclaiming to the world that she belonged solely to him which was sure to place fear in anyone that she was not to be touched.
It took some time but the woman finally fell into a light sleep, her mind now unconscious but her body still shivering under the painful intrusion of his blood and poison used in his attempt to bind her to his beast. He supposed that he should have warned the woman it was completely possible that he wasn't powerful enough to mate her and her painful experience would be all for naught. Yet he highly doubted that this would be the case. His beast had managed to impregnate her and still he worried as the bite on her shoulder became faint. Golden eyes didn't leave the pale skin marred with the symbol, he was waiting for it to settle, a sign that her body accepted his essence. A few hours later, his fingers soothing circles on her tired body, the blue bite brightened and flared. Smirking with satisfaction he let himself relaxed beside his mate. Tomorrow he would let her say goodbye to her friends and then she would return to the palace with him. He had to introduce her to his court and other lords, all whom would provide him with some amusing entertainment. His eyes flickered over her form to the box by the door. It contained robes of vibrant blue and silver, he wouldn't let her wear any colour other than the ones of his house for the next little while to emphasise to any who may lay their unworthy eyes upon her form that she was not theirs. Her complexion would only be brought out more by the colours chosen. Of course he would have to explain to the miko that she would only be carrying for only another two or three months, an inu pup, even hanyou, didn't need to be carried for a full human term. Five months at most for a hanyou pup, four for a full inu. It reminded him though that they would have to come up with something to lower her natural defence when it was time for another pup. Knowing that the woman could read he wondered if she would like to spend some of her time researching through his vast library while he saw to his day-to-day affairs. He wouldn't let her wander too far from his side and he didn't want her to become bored of his presence as he shifted through the reports the scattered his desk in an disorderly yet organized mess.
Deciding to worry about such things at a later time the inu settled down to spend the rest of the night slumbering beside his female. He wouldn't be able to take her again that night, there was that chance she would sleep away as the poison worked through her system, but when morning came he was certain he could persuade her into a sort of passion filled morning before escorting her to her new home. Ideas running rampage through his mind hardened his length, his control slipped when the woman moaned next to him but he managed to keep a grip on him. Glaring at the sleeping miko he pondered if taking her as a mate was the best idea. She was certain to cause him trouble both intentionally and unintentionally. Nonetheless his beast was calm for once and her presence soothed it more.
Ja ne
Angelic Memories
© 2009