Brutal Fate by Oroyukae






" What the fuck happened to you ? " was the first thing his annoying brother asked him , seeing the evidence of his most recent encounter with her. The one he had come to refer to as the Raven [ mostly because of her long dark hair and her deep midnight blue eyes.

Sesshoumaru sank into a chair at the table, his entire body ached mercilessly. She really had given him a run for his money that night. His left arm was fractured and he believed that more than one rib had been broken.

He raised an eyebrow at the man that sat glaring at him, " What do you think happened ?"

Inuyasha shook his head in disbelief, " What , again? Shit, this makes the fourth time in three weeks man! What the fuck is wrong with you two? Did you at least find out her damn name or why she finds it neccessary to try and take your head off evrytime you two run into each other?"

Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes at his little brother, " Yes Inuyasha, since that was my first thought as she tried to sever my leg at the knee - you moron. ' Hey, do you think before you cripple me ,  you could tell me why you try to kick the hell out of me every time we meet? ' Idiot!"

The young man growled at his elder as he leaned down to inspect the wound, it was deep.

" What'd she use on you?" he inquired while handing Sesshoumaru a towel.

He smirked as if amused , " She has a new toy. A five inch blade that deploys from the heel of those boots she wears. Most effective."

Yasha snorted,  " Yeah , I saw that. If you two don't stop it one of you will end up dead y'know."

Sesshoumaru sighed heavily, " I do not understand it myself , as I have told you. When she is blood just sets to fire and an uncontrollable urge to fight her takes over. I am compelled to defeat her in anyway possible...never have I met one who could fight like her. None have ever tolerated my most brutal attacks - yet she does. "

" Yeah but doesn't it get old, being ginsued and tenderized on a regular basis?" he mocked his elder and it angered him.

" I inflict just as much injury upon her as she does me. " he smirked yet again, a smug look of satisfaction spread across his face. " She will be nursing that broken jaw for some time to come. Besides, when we fight..I do not feel the pain of her attacks, they only urge me on to defeat her, I am almost certain it is the same for her.. Where are the others?"

Yasha shrugged his shoulders, " Out for the night. Do you want me to call them ? "

" No, just let them know that she has a mark...two interlocked rings - one inch in diameter upon her lower back. Left side. Perhaps that will aid in identifying her. I am going to clean up and retire for the night so my wounds can heal properly. I will see everyone tomorrow." he slowly stood up, his body protested most viciously but he ignored it.

Inuyashawatched Sesshoumaru slowly exit the room, a very concerned look appeared in his eyes. It was not right, not normal. How could he not feel it when she brutally attacks him ? He had witnessed his brothers' most shocking injuries after running into the Raven, amazed at how he could endure them as he did. Hell, the sick perv seemed to like them at times. One thing was for sure though, they had to find out just who she really was and just why she was set on beating the piss out of his brother, and they had to do it soon.


She slowly lowered herself into the soothing water, wincing slightly from the sting. Man, he really did a number on her that night. Tensely she flexed her hand, it was already beginning to heal..good. It had been especially intense , their playdate. She had finished yet another contract successfully and had felt quite..dissatisfied and restless and so she sought out her favorite form of entertainment. It wasn't hard at all, he was very easy to locate since his was the only aura of such magnitude . Paired that with her unrivaled tracking skills..piece of cake.

She leaned her head back, enjoying the healing properties of the water mixed with the herbs . Yes, most satisfying outcome indeed. She heard someone enter but she did not turn to see who it was..she knew.

" So , you have returned. He was very fierce this time." the other female replied , disrobing and joining her in the water.

" Yes, he was. It was most...delicious. Did your mission go well ?"

The other woman nodded, leaning back to relax as well, " It went as according to plan. Kagome..why do you do it ?"

She raised her head to look at her comrade, " Do what Sango?"

" What it is we do. I do it because it is in my blood, it's always been the way of my ancestors - you are of a different line."

She returned her head to its' previous position, " My reasons are my own."

" Since I can remember you have pushed yourself to excel, to be the best and, through the rigorous training that would have any being just curling up and crying in surrender , you have become the best. I just want to know why you would choose this is all."

Kagome could feel the genuine concern emanating from her friend and confidant and she placed her hand upon her shoulder, a soft smile gracing her face, " Sango , there is alot I cannot tell you but know this - I was destined for this as were you and we are the best of the best in all we do. None can touch our numbers of completion..or ever will. Be proud of that. "

Both women rested their heads again, soaking up all the calming effects of the steam that rose from the water.

" So, is he the one Kagome? Do you honestly think you have found him?" Sangos' question made her sigh.

" I am not sure but I can tell you this..can't no one take a hit like him . He takes all I hand out and comes right back for more.Makes for the best I have ever had."

Sango chuckled out loud, " Girl, you haven't had any . "

Kagome nodded, " True, but one else is compatible. We'll have to just wait and see."

Many moments passed before Sango broke the silence, her voice echoed through the room " You want to go out Friday ?"

" If there are no new contracts. It has been ages since I've been out dancing , having fun. Might be a nice change of pace."

Sango agreed with her comrade and they fell silent again. Kagome could not keep her ' toy ' out of her mind, he dominated her thoughts until she got out of the water, wrapping a towel around her dripping form and one in her hair. She knew alot about him, and he knew nothing about her. That was just how she preferred it- for now. It made their ' play dates ' even more satisfying. Yes, he was definately fun to play with.......


Inuyasha had been going over files for their current assignment, a known drug trafficker that had ties in the States was rumored to be branching out into munitions and their current employer was eager to have him

" Hey, what you reading there ?" Miroku asked as he helped himself to a glass of juice from the fridge.

" Well, it ain't mother goose. Leave some juice for Sessh, he needs the vitamins."

Miroku sighed heavily, " For the love of ...again? What did she do to him this time ?"

" Arm, ribs and a nasty gash in his leg. Apparently she tested out a new ' toy ' on him. That sick dog had a smile on his face when he talked about not right. Anyway, he said to tell you guys he discovered a mark on her. Something about interlocking rings on her lower back..thinks it might help find out who she is. Maybe it's a kind of birthmark? Or a cult."

Miroku straddled a chair, going over what Yasha had said in his head. A mark of interlocking rings..sounded oddly familiar.

" How'd you do tonight there Romeo? I see you came home alone." the teasing tone of his friend immediately put the violet eyed male on the offensive.

" It was a slow night okay? Just because I came home alone doesn't mean I struck out Yasha. It just means that .."

The young man laughed , " You struck out and you know it. "

Miroku stood up, his face beet red as he placed his glass in the sink and replied, " I think I'll do some work on the computer - try to find out who this Raven is. What did he say her line of work is again?"

" Bounty. Pretty fucking good at it too from what he says. " he responded without looking up from the file.

Miroku nodded and then went to boot up his system, leaving Inuyasha to finish his was going to be a tough assignment. He decided to have a talk with Sesshoumaru about upping their fee to compensate, they would definately be earning it.


Sesshoumaru laid in his bed staring at the ceiling, his leg throbbed but it was tolerable. She perplexed him, something he was not comfortable with. Why had she sought him out ? Why him ? He knew she had said it to be because he was a formiddable opponent, the best she had come across but that did not explain her constantly showing up to battle him.

It wasn't like he minded At the beginning it was an annoyance that she would appear, all smug and full of arrogance [ he found that so aggravating ] pushing him to fight her for her own entertainment. What kind of being enjoyed having their jaw broke..along with other bones in their body? Perhaps she was a sadist ? Liked pain?

He had to admit to himself , he enjoyed it too. Hell, the last few bouts with her had rendered him ....aroused , kind of. She was so interesting to him. How could a female take the kind of abuse he delved out in their matches and survive ? So frustrating, not having any answers to a plethora of questions.

A yawn snuck up on him and he realized just how tired he was, glancing at the clock and deeming it late. Sesshoumaru clicked off his bedside light and closed his eyes. Maybe his discovery that night would finally remove the veil of anonymity that the Raven concealed herself behind. It would be one question answered at least.
