Evolution by sarhea


Summary: This is how it began


...ooO Exit Ooo...

Kagome smiled a cheery smile that hid her weariness as she made her polite excuses and retreated towards the hut she used to share with Sango and Shippo. When Sango married Miroku she shared it with Shippo. When Shippo left to get training from a kitsune clan she lived in it alone.

Once upon a time she had hoped to share it with InuYasha but no more; he was Kikyos. Kagome had wished all those killed by Naraku and his detachments back to life - Kohaku, Kougas clan, the taijiya village and several other human and youkai settlements - and then the Shikon no Tama vanished. Everyone had taken it as a sign that the wish was a pure wish but everyone was wrong. Kagome didn’t have the heart to tell them the jewel had returned to its place within her.

She hadn’t realized it at first until the dreams started, dreams of choir like voices asking her to accept the responsibility, and the changes that would come. She had ignored the dreams until the energy started flooding her system, burning and consuming her resources, pushing her body to channel more than it was designed to. Her miko skills had sky rocketed and spells that usually took days of preparation, rituals and chants could be cast within minutes by a mere thought.

She focused her preparations on barriers and shields, to protect the village from anyone who might sense the surging energies and suspect. She prepared talismans to safeguard her friends and allies the best she could. She earned a reputation for healing the incurable. This had several side effects: one, suitors were driven away by her status and abilities; two, suitors including wealthy lords, ningen, hanyou and youkai, were drawn by the power and status to be gained by having such a female as mate or part of their household; three, her male friends ever even more protective taking it on themselves to drive away those they deemed unworthy, which was all males, only the really persistent remained but none of them sparked any interest in her.

If she stayed here she would never find what she was looking for. Kagome wished she could return to the future, to cry in her mothers arms and ask for her advice but the well had been sealed once the wish was made. Kagome had made it a weekly ritual to try to return home for several months. She gave up when her powers peaked; it would be impossible to hide or excuse away such abilities in her birth time, there were no shrines or monasteries that would provide the necessary training in the twentieth century. The past was her home now.

Kaede sighed as she watched the small figure clad in dark blue hakamas and a sky blue haori approach her hut. Her gray-blue eyes were solemn, without the cheer of her old companions or the villagers. Kaede had sensed the power fluctuations in the young one but had chosen to wait. Pressing Kagome would not help, only make her more closed off and reluctant to talk.

“Kaede-baa-san, can we talk?”

“Of course. Come on in.”

The two women entered the hut. The elder watched with a single wide eye as the younger cast several high level sealing spells to prevent eavesdropping, all without any preparation.

“What is it Kagome-chan?”

Kagome dropped to the tatami mat and folded her legs beneath her.

“I have to leave Kaede-baa-san.”

“I take it has something to do with your power surging.” Kaede murmured softly and hid a smile at the surprised expression. “I have been watching young one. Your power has been rising rapidly and shows no sign of reaching a plateau, something that can be potentially dangerous. I would usually recommend advanced training in a remote shrine but I take it you have other plans?”

“Hai. A shrine cannot help me. I need to go somewhere else.”

“Do you know where?”

“Iie. But I will when I reach it.”

“Do you have a direction?”

“Hai. The mountains.”

“That can be dangerous.”

“It is where I have to go.”

“What do you want me to do?”

“Distract the others. Tell them I’ve gone on a solitary training trip and will be back in a few weeks.”

“They will be worried when they find the truth.”

“They cannot help me. Nor can they walk this path with me.”

“Are you sure this is wise?”

“To be honest? No. But I have to do this Kaede, I am so tired of being driven by the dreams, the surging power, the constant terror of attracting a daiyoukai powerful enough to kill me. This path is leading to Change, it will kill me or make me.”

Kaede studied the pale face noting the weariness in the eyes and stance. It remotely reminded her of her sister from fifty years ago, only then Kikyo was burdened by duty and responsibility, Kagome was burdened by instinct and power. And then she came to a decision.

“Very well Kagome. I will cover your absence for as long as possible.”

“Thank you Kaede-baa-san.”


Kagome was very grateful for her modern moccasin-style boots and quilted clothing. It had not begun to snow but the wind cut like blades on her exposed skin. Part of her was vaguely aware of the potential for frostbite, the greater part was instinct driven to press on.

Something tugged at her soul, her heart, her core. It created an emptiness and whispered of promises of fulfillment. Kagome Knew it wasn’t evil, but it wasn’t good either, it just Was. Feeling more reassured she followed the Call. Evil was a big no-no but Good made Kagome feel uneasy. Probably her Shinto upbringing, she was more inclined towards Tao and balance.

Her feet were numb by the time she found the cave, a crevasse in the sheer rock face. Cautiously she followed the Call praying that the cave wasn’t occupied by bat-youkai or some such creature. It wasn’t.

The walls were embedded by some strange pink, blue, purple crystal that reflected the light from the softly glowing moss. Quickly she made a small fire that further illuminated the cavern. The main cavern was surprisingly spacious with a dais-like platform towards the back. The wall behind it was more heavily embedded with crystals that seemed to glow with their own energies.

Hypnotized Kagome dropped her bag down and stepped to the dais, drawn to the light and beauty in those jewel like shards.

{Remove your clothes.} The choral voice whispered.

{I’ll be cold.}

{You won’t. Not here.}

Reluctantly she stripped and was pleasantly surprised. The dais was warm, far warmer than it should be given the temperature of the rest of the cave and the weather outside. Carefully she folded the clothes and placed it in a pile near her backpack. Before she could dig out dry clothes something sparkled in the corner of her eye. She turned and fell into a dazzling rainbow of fractured crystals.




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