Trapped by sesshou_lover

Innocenceā€¦a Deadly Sin

Disclaimer: Do I really have to say?

Innocence...a Deadly Sin

They say the only way to awaken true power is through the release of innocence. Every miko known to man has gone through it, so why shouldn't Kagome Higurashi. She was a miko with the potential for so much more than anyone thought possible.

Only, Kagome had a dilemma, one unforeseeable problem. His name was Inuyasha Taisho, youngest son of Lord Inu Taisho.

When Kagome was but a young girl of twelve her mother sent her to live with her good friend Imelda Taisho, wife of Lord Inu. There was danger in her house; Kagome's father had revolted against the societal norm.

In her world, women were meant to rule. Men protected their mikos. That was the way it had always been, until young men began raping young women, thus cutting them off from their power.

It was well known that men were too unstable to rule, though there were those, like Inu who held some sort of power almost equal to a miko. It was especially true in the youkai world. A youkai male was dangerous, akin to the human version of a warlord, constantly walking the line of berserker.

Then there were the Taiyoukai. A Taiyoukai had no human equivalent. They carried unbelievable power, often causing them to be killed in infancy. Taiyoukai were now very rare in the world Kagome lived in.

To her knowledge there were only two living, Lord Inu and his eldest son, the one Kagome had never met, Sesshoumaru. Both were forces to be reckoned with. They bowed to no one but those they respected, they feared no one. They did what they wanted, when they wanted because they were that powerful. It was only training that kept them loyal to the ruling role of women.

It would have been scary if Kagome had not lived with her adopted father for many years. Though inside she knew he could have a temper, she found him to be a sweet youkai. There was no borderline with a Tai, after all; they were berserkers. They killed any threat without remorse, without thought, and they were virtually inconsolable when in the mood for killing.

Kagome, when she first arrived, remembered all the stories spoken. She tried to be frightened of Inu, but Inu was too kind to her. She was taken with him right away, the father she had always wanted. And his wife Imelda had been the sort of mother she needed in her life.

They protected her at all costs. They allowed her to grow into the young woman she had become to this day, grounded, responsible, and utterly devoted to doing right.

Of their sons, Kagome had never met Sesshoumaru. Long grown, he'd struck out on his own at least five hundred years before her birth. Inu knew his son lived within some court. It was not exactly known which, considering Sesshoumaru rarely stayed in a court for long. But he was always a consort or the lover. When he chose to leave, he just left without a word.

Inuyasha, on the other hand, had been Kagome's playmate since they first met. Kagome believed with all her heart that Inuyasha was the love of her life. He had to be because everyone knew that when Kagome eventually began her court she was going to have Inuyasha as her consort.

They were devoted to one another eternally. They talked every day. The very thought of Inuyasha often had Kagome blushing. And he spent all his time proclaiming his undying devotion to her. They knew they were going to be together.

So the trouble? Inu had explained his position on Kagome's virgin night, the night where she would lose her innocence and open her body to the deepest powers lying dormant within. He claimed that he was not sure if Inuyasha was prepared to walk Kagome through that night.

Women were so delicate during that first act of sex. It took a special kind of male to keep a woman from shattering her mind from the pain of entering alone.

Because Kagome expected Inuyasha to be her consort she never thought about that night. She knew that he was to be the one. So Inu having the conversation with her had her thinking for once. Inuyasha should be a virgin like her, after all she knew him pretty well. He'd never done something like this for a female. Could there be the possibility of him panicking at the worst possible moment?

It took her days to come to a conclusion on the matter. She did not know enough about sexual acts to safely come to a proper judgment.

In the end, she left the decision up to Inu. As her guardian, she trusted him to know what was best for her. After all, he had married Imelda, the one miko who defied his every order before they were mated and was never afraid of him. He showed good taste.

Inuyasha had argued with his parents over the right to mate Kagome when she told him of her decision. What Kagome did not understand was that it changed nothing with her. She still wanted Inuyasha to be her consort.

She still loved him and planned to be devoted to him. She had not fought his father simply because it did not occur to her to fight. He had valid reasons for why she should allow someone more experienced to guide her choice.

She had to survive the night and not lose her mind. Right?


Sesshoumaru Taisho, son of Lady Imelda and Lord Inu Taisho, read through the same letter for the third time.

Because he constantly moved around he had not had consistent contact with his parents for over one hundred years. Now they found him, sending him a request of the most unusual nature.

He was a Tai. Not only that, but he was heartless, cold, a killer, if you listened to any rumor. He had left countless women dead for simply daring to look at him. He did nothing for others, unless he got something he wanted out of it.

So imagine receiving a letter requesting that he bed a young human female living under his parents' roof. It seemed the girl had much potential, too powerful not to be helped by the right hands, too powerful to be helped with the wrong.

Sesshoumaru wondered why they came to him. It was no secret that he was disgusted by the human race. He never bedded humans; they were filthy no matter what they did. They were beneath him. His parents must be desperate to consider him for such an action.

"Mmmm, what are you doing up?" the curvaceous Lady Kaguya, miko of the Northern Province said as she ran her hand across his naked back.

Sesshoumaru hated Kaguya. She wore too much make up on her face, trying desperately to hide the wrinkles. The body she worked so hard to keep thin had unsightly flab, noticeable to his eyes. He hated her black hair, those simpering green eyes. He hated that she thought herself beautiful and desirable. He hated that she thought he desired her.

If it were not for the fact that he was bored he never would have agreed to be her consort. As a Taiyoukai he needed an outlet for his aggressions. Sex worked just as well as killing. And considering he had yet to work up a sweat with any of his bed partners, it was certainly less messy than washing away blood from a kill.

Kaguya expected him to shiver from her touch. She expected him to be fully aroused and eager to bed her again. She expected much from him and got none of it. His cold golden eyes pierced her straight to the soul.

She feared him, as all should fear him. She feared his touch just as much as she craved it. For it was well known how easily his warm embraces could become painful. He toyed with women for his own amusement, made them crave him while never giving them the release they wanted.

No woman should want him, yet they all did. He allowed the queens to believe they had control over him, but none did. No queen could control a Tai.

"Get your filthy hand off me," he stated coldly, for which she pulled back as if burned. Tears pooled into her eyes. She was going to cry again, which made Sesshoumaru smirk.

He loved it when they died inside, when he killed them inside. Killing perfection was his name. And he was perfection. No one could deny him what he desired.

"Why do I bother with you?" Kaguya screamed.

His smirk turned ten degrees cooler as he stood, naked as the day of his birth, if he had been born in humanoid form of course. Every muscle rippled under soft skin pulled taut by those same hard muscles. His skin was unblemished. He was so tall, towering easily over any person he encountered.

He had hair, silver with a touch of blue, which glowed in the moonlight, falling down to his knees. Two pairs of magenta stripes graced features too feminine to belong to any man, yet too masculine to belong to any female. A blue crescent moon adorned his forehead, giving him a regal look. His mouth, so kissable, so sweet to look upon twisted cruelly at all times. He was a beast posing as a man, a total enigma.

"Look at me," he rubbed at his flaccid cock until it swelled, standing tall and proud. This was what all women wanted from him. His size, the way he used it, it made them all crave him. Even now, Kaguya sat transfixed by the way he pleasured himself.

He brought himself close to her mouth, knowing she was going to open for him. Any chance of being close to him she would take. As she sucked him off she looked up, hoping to see lust in his eyes. Instead she saw pure loathing, but by then it was too late.

He left her there shaken, unfulfilled, frustrated, and most of all embarrassed. Sesshoumaru dressed slowly, taunting her with his presence until he reached the door he said not a word, then, "Know that you will never give me pleasure." And he closed the door.

Once outside he pulled the letter back out. There was something about his father's letter that bothered him, something that he found missing. Sesshoumaru needed to figure out what was wrong and why he had to get involved before he got involved.

The Inu in him demanded he obey his father's command, but the rational side wanted to know all the details before he made any decision that could affect the future. More than anything he had to get to know this girl he was supposed to help, decide if he really wanted to help her, see if he could even get past her humanity.

With that in mind, Sesshoumaru Taisho took off his consort's ring, dropping it on the floor. It was time he paid home a visit; see how he mother was doing. By now she should be itching to see her "baby boy" as she always put it. It had been over five hundred years since she saw him last.


Kagome sat in the garden on the edge of the pond she had Inu put in for her. It was behind the balcony of her room in her own personal space. She loved this place, especially after taking away everything tamed.

Gardens needed to be wild. She wanted to know that the earth under feet was just as untamed as the family she lived with. She wanted to see life at its fullest, to let it be the exotic place it wanted to be. The end result was a beautiful wild retreat resembling a small forest glade.

She often invited Inuyasha to sit with her here. Today he had his swordsmanship lessons before he could come. She wished she could see him practicing. He was as wild in his fighting as he was in everything he did. She loved it.

"Kagome," Inu said from behind her. Kagome smiled brightly as she turned.

"I did not expect to see you today," she said quietly. Inu could not resist the smile that touched his lips. Kagome had the unnatural ability to calm any male at any time, unarming many with her smile.

He sat beside her on the stones, one hand idly tracing patterns in the water. Secretly, Inu had always wished Kagome were his daughter. His lifetime spanned forever while she, as a human, lived so shortly. He could not imagine his world without her. He could not imagine a world without her loving nature at all.

Her love for all life amazed him. She never wanted to be a miko. She did not want to rule over the life of anyone. But the wars were not abating as they should have, as had been the original thought when her mother sent Kagome to them.

Now the war was reaching toward the west and they had to find a way of stopping the destruction, to stop the killing.

It had been Kagome's choice to release her powers. She had not wanted to, but she dreamed a vision of the world if she did not. She dreamed about what would become of her if she did not fight.

Then suddenly, one of the villages she frequented on her journeys got attacked. She no longer had the chance to pretend a peaceful life. Kagome had to become involved in the wars. To protect her friends she had to become a miko. And to become a miko she had to embrace her miko powers.

Inu planned to give her all the encouragement possible. And if she allowed, he planned to stay with her, taking a role in her court if she wanted. Inus were very loyal; Taiyoukai's were incredibly loyal, once they found someone in which to give their loyalty. So Inu was doubly loyal to Kagome. Both sides of him craved the need to protect the child, to claim her as his daughter.

"Sesshoumaru is coming home," he said carefully. He knew the stories Inuyasha had been giving her in the last few months since learning he would not lead Kagome though her virgin night.

Although all the stories just so happened to be true, he did not want Kagome frightened of his eldest, his heir. So he studied her face for the slightest reaction. Kagome did not frown; no fear crept into her eyes. Her breathing did not change in the slightest. Her heart remained beating steadily.

"Are we doing anything for his homecoming?" she asked. Kagome was not worried about the elder son. She loved the Taisho family too much to simply reject Sesshoumaru because of stories about him. She wanted the chance to know him personally before she made a judgment on him.

Inu shook his head. He should have known she would not be frightened of his son. "No, my dear. We are not doing anything special for him. Unfortunately, Sesshoumaru is liable to return during the night or at some other time making it highly unlikely to get anything together for him.

Kagome smiled a secret smile. "He doesn't like people to make a fuss about him." Inu nodded his head. Sesshoumaru liked to surprise people, which was why he never said when he'd return home. So Inu had no clue when to expect him.

He'd almost missed Kagome's next words in his contemplation, "Where will he be staying? The whole guest wing is under repair as well as most of the family wing. I hope we have available space for him.

Inu cringed. He had forgotten that. Somehow Sesshoumaru's old room became damaged, ruining everything inside, which had to be fixed. Plus he did not want his son to feel outcast when he wasn't so even if the guest wing had been open, Inu would not have used it.

The only available space was... "There is the empty room connected to my suite," Kagome said thoughtfully. No one told her it was the reserved for her consort. Inuyasha had wanted to take the room the moment he came of age, but Inu refused to allow it.

As much as he loved his youngest, he had this strange feeling about Kagome and Inuyasha being together. Something seemed off about them as a couple, something that simply was beyond his reach at the moment, but that he was going to figure out soon before Kagome made a mistake by jumping into a commitment.

"I can help decorate the room," she suggested. "We can make it seem homey to him until his real room is ready. I won't make the room girly or anything so you can leave the job to me."

Inu cherished Kagome's kind nature. She always thought of other's before she thought of her own comfort. "We do have to do something," he said, which made Kagome smile. She threw her arms around Inu's neck squeezing tightly.

"Oi," Inuyasha yelled at the display of his woman hugging his father. He didn't like it at all that other men touched her. She belonged to him alone. Only he had any right to touch her. "Stop touching Kagome."

Kagome blushed at Inuyasha's antics. She thought him silly for thinking such of his father, and just knew that he could not be serious. "Do not worry. You are the only man I want," she said as she hopped off the edge of the pond to blushingly kiss Inuyasha on the cheek. He turned just as red as she.

Inu smiled a sad smile. He knew how much Kagome adored Inuyasha. But was it only because she did not have regular contact with any other boy? Had she fallen too quickly simply because Inuyasha was there?

He did not know and it bothered him, which was why Inu refused to allow Inuyasha to help Kagome with her virgin night. They were, neither of them, ready for the next step, if they could ever get there.

"Come Inuyasha, I wanted to go town. We have a lot of shopping to do to get ready for Sesshoumaru's arrival." Inuyasha groaned. He hated shopping, especially with Kagome who always attracted too much attention.

Kagome turned back once to wave to Inu. She was very excited about finally meeting the elusive Sesshoumaru. Inu had no pictures of his eldest, by virtue of the fact that Sesshoumaru destroyed all records of his appearance. She wondered just who Sesshoumaru looked like, his mother...or his father?


Kagome looked around the completed room. It looked magnificent if she did say so herself. She did not know a thing about Sesshoumaru which led her to doing so much research on Sesshoumaru trying to get it just right. She'd spoken to his mother, his father, servants who knew him. She talked to everyone.

One thing she did happen to find out was that he was an incredibly solitary character. So with this in mind Kagome purchased a bookcase and filled it with all of her favorite classics.

She figured if he were anything like his father, then he'd be interested in anything having to do with politics and manners. And because he was a Taiyoukai, she got books involving the youkai interest.

She steered clear of lore books written by people who were not legitimate specialists in the respected fields. She even managed to sneak in some good novels, not ones geared toward women though. Okay maybe she gave him one or two. She tried.

Everything was dark. In town that day, two weeks ago, when she had gone with Inuyasha she found black silk in abundance. She had those turned into bedding, mainly because she imagined Sesshoumaru might fancy it.

On the windows she hung dark, blood red velvet drapes, heavy enough to keep out lighting should he need it. It was all masculine, or as masculine as she could imagine without the actual male there to fill the space.

She opened the door, catching sight of long silver hair. "Inu," she called out. It could not have been Inuyasha without the puppy ears on top of his head and this figure had too much height. "Come see Sesshoumaru's room."

The figure stopped immediately. When he turned she discovered he was most definitely not Inu. "You're not Inu."

"And that is not my room human," the male Taiyoukai stated in a cold voice. Kagome put it all together when she looked into the eyes.

"You must be Sesshoumaru. You look enough like your parents," then she shook her head with a smile. "I'm sorry. I must be confusing you. I'm Kagome." He raised an eyebrow in question at her behavior. She did not seem like a servant although she certainly dressed like one.

He ignored it for a more important question. "Why do you think that to be my room when I know that my rooms are at the end of the hall?

Kagome didn't fight the smile spreading on her features. "Unfortunately your room leaks. It is being reworked so we had to move you. I hope you don't mind being my neighbor. I do sleep quiet though. I don't snore or have terrible nightmares or anything, so I really shouldn't be a bother. Sometimes Inuyasha can get excited but I don't think you'll be able to hear it in your room."

Sesshoumaru saw no open lust in her eyes. She did not give him a leer, nor did she smell of immediate arousal. Who was this girl?

He looked to the rooms. He knew these rooms were the consort's rooms. It was then he understood. She was to be the one. He frowned slightly. She did not seem extraordinary in any way. She did not reek of power.

She seemed too frail for her own good. The girl wore a large green sweater, which she kept pulling the neck up to her mouth. She wasn't unattractive, but not that attractive either. And she was short, tiny compared to him.

His father had to be insane to believe that this small female could survive a night in bed with him. She was certainly too innocent for her own good and unfortunately, he found her scent pleasing to his senses.

Kagome bit at her bottom lip. Now she understood why everyone said he was too quiet. He just kept staring at her. "Are you okay? I know you might be upset about your rooms but I'm sure we can find something to make you happy. You can redecorate if you don't like what I did. I won't be upset."

Sesshoumaru continued to stare. He did not understand at all. Everyone knew who he was. His half brother must have told this silly girl everything there was to know about him, so why was she calm with him? She treated him as if she were his friend.

He did not need friends. He desired nothing from her. And yet, "I'm sure it will be fine. I don't really plan to stay all that long anyway." She nodded her head carefully.

"Well, I have a date to keep, so maybe I'll see you later." She smiled once more before simply walking away as if nothing happened.

"What do you think?" Sesshoumaru's father asked when Kagome was long out of sight. Sesshoumaru turned to see his father standing in the doorway of his bedroom across the hall. He'd smelled him earlier, but ignored it. He'd intended on going to his room before having a conversation with his father, but now he did not have that option.

"She doesn't seem nearly what you made of her."

Inu grimaced. "She is more than I made of her. She just doesn't know it yet. That's why I called you. You have to help her handle it."

"What about the whelp?"

His father shook his head adamantly. "I need a Taiyoukai. Inuyasha is too inexperienced, he's too wild, not focused enough to handle a virgin night."

Sesshoumaru thought back to his brief sighting of Inuyasha. The last time Sesshoumaru had seen the half-breed had been when the whelp was little more than a babe. He wasn't impressed then, just as he wasn't now when he saw him on his way in.

"I thought Inuyasha was to be the consort. I assumed the girl he was hanging all over was the one you wanted me to sleep with." That girl certainly wasn't a virgin. She reeked of stale sex.

Inu's eyes narrowed. What girl? Did his own flesh and blood two-time Kagome, sweet little Kagome who did not deserve it? "What girl Sesshoumaru? There should be no other girl."

Sesshoumaru shrugged. "Some filthy human." He really did not get a good look to be more specific. Instead he turned away from his father, determined to take a nap. "I'll think about helping you. First I want a rest, then I'll see mother, and then finally I speak with the girl."

He left his father standing in the hallway, thinking whatever thoughts Sesshoumaru was sure did not concern him. He'd stated his intent once.


As loath as Sesshoumaru was to admit it, he loved what the girl Kagome had done to his rooms. It was dark, like his personality. It had books, which his solitary figure found comfort in.

What he could not figure out was how she somehow managed to create such a dark environment in such an innocent way. He felt the innocence seeping from the walls, touched with no other scent. He figured it was because these rooms were unlived in for so long. She had no consort so why would they be occupied by a male presence.

Well since Sesshoumaru had heard the rumors of his brother's intentions toward the girl, Sesshoumaru allowed his aura to fill the space. He wanted his presence as the most powerful one to permeate this space, so that any other who came after felt the chill of his power.

It might seem childish, he knew, but it entertained him nonetheless to annoy the half breed. He might just stay longer to ensure that his aura worked its way far into the walls enough to where no amount of his absence caused his essence to fade.

Sesshoumaru took his nap as mentioned. When he arose he immediately sought out his mother out in the gardens, sitting with Kagome. The girl smiled brightly at the Taiyoukai, still no lust evident in any of her actions. Imelda turned to see who Kagome welcomed.

"There is my boy," Imelda cried as she hugged her son to her body. She had missed her eldest so much over the years. It seemed a shame that he should stay away so long without wondering about his parents.

Her tears wet his shoulder, but Sesshoumaru paid it no attention. As his mother rambled about all the years she missed him, his eyes never strayed from Kagome.

She met his eyes fully, not intimidated by his power at all. She had a gentle smile on her face as she watched mother and son reunite. The sight of them together was a beautiful sight to Kagome, even if the Taiyoukai standing before refused to acknowledge that beauty.

"I should leave you two to enjoy some private time," she said as she stood.

"Nonsense," Imelda said immediately, forcing Kagome to sit once more. She looked from Sesshoumaru to Kagome. There was an air about them, as if they weren't meeting for the first time. "You have met before?"

Kagome nodded. "I saw him in the hall. I did not tell you because I thought it might be a nice surprise."

Sesshoumaru tilted his head in Kagome's direction. She lied to his mother. She had not wanted his mother to disturb him upon arrival with her tears. He always needed a moment or two to prepare for her emotions. It seemed Kagome was very perceptive for a human.

"So tell me how you have been," his mother demanded. "I want Kagome to get to know you better."

Kagome blushed. It was...cute was the only word that came to his mind. Sesshoumaru despised cute. Cute did not fit into the world he lived in. You had to be powerful; you had to have strength. You could not be cute and live very long.

"What is there to say? I transferred from court to court. I left those same courts when I grew tired of them."

"You must have been to some fascinating places then," Kagome spoke up. She always wanted to travel. She began to question him about every place he'd been. She never wondered about the courts. She was concerned with the landscape and the people surrounding the miko territories.

Sesshoumaru answered her questions, finding himself drawn to her despite his original reservations. He hadn't noticed his mother left at one point, leaving them together to have a conversation without her.

Imelda had watched their interaction hoping to put a name to the aura surrounding the two. She still had no solid name for it, but she had a pretty good idea that the two were probably tied together in some way.

She hoped so. As much as she loved Inuyasha, she wanted Kagome to be safe. So much depended on Kagome getting through the night. And Imelda knew that though her son was a lot of things, he was good at keeping women safe in bed. It was ingrained in his spirit as part of his father's heritage. She returned to the manor to have a conversation with her mate about this new development.


Kagome had such a wonderful time with Sesshoumaru. It seemed amazing how long they talked about different subject matters. She came to know him better than she even Inuyasha, which was strange considering she had just met the Taiyoukai.

"Tell me all you know about sex," he suddenly demanded. By this point he already knew he would help her. He just had to know how slowly to take it with her. He did not want to scare her.

Surprisingly, Kagome did not blush when asked the question. "I know it hurts the first time. I know that it has to be done right or a woman can lose her mind." She knew she had to care for the person and the person had to care for her in order for it to work.

Sesshoumaru nodded. He'd released some of his pheromones to test how she responded to him. Most women he encountered were affected immediately. They behaved like bitches in heat, often rubbing their disgusting bodies against him seeking relief.

Kagome, although he detected a spike in her scent, remained calm. Her subtle sakura blossom fragrance wrapped around him, tugging at his interest in her. It made him feel good, relaxed.

Then she smiled and he wanted nothing more than to kiss her. He paused. He never reacted that way to a woman before. He moved closer to Kagome, hoping to analyze his reactions.

Kagome smelled his scent and found it very pleasing. In her innocence she didn't realize that he was enticing her, asking her to give herself to him. "Sex, if done right, can be a beautiful thing. It's about the moment, finding that right time, reaching the pinnacle of ecstasy. It is about the moment when your world explodes with colors unimaginable. You are building a connection with your body."

She couldn't help the slight shiver. He made it sound so different from what Inuyasha claimed. All Inuyasha said was that he heard it was messy.

She turned slightly to see that they were sitting very close, her nose almost brushed his. "What is happening?" She had no desire to move away from him, thoughts of Inuyasha disappeared from her mind. Sesshoumaru was warm, solid and very sensual.

"It is a game of enticement. You are in the presence of an older male." She felt his body brush against her, adding shivers to her body. His lips pulled close to her adding to her pleasure. "A young woman can learn how to attract male attention only one way. By reaction. Normally a girl will flirt with a male past his prime. He will be disinterested in pursuing the girl but can enjoy playing the game. With a male in his prime, it if infinitely more dangerous to play the game."

"He is looking to pursue," she whispered the answer she knew. His lips that brushed against her own during his speech were soft. Now her own brushed his. She felt his hand on her hip, but said nothing.

She was interested in the difference of her reactions to him versus how she always responded to Inuyasha. Sesshoumaru pressed his lips to her lips. While not filled with passion, it wasn't chaste. He felt her sigh breathlessly and smiled.

He saw the woman she would be once he finished with her. She would be lovely, addictive. "Yes, they look to pursue a willing female. Are you willing Kagome?"

Kagome looked down slightly, a thought tugging at her. "What about Inuyasha? I do not respond to him in such a way."

Sesshoumaru pulled away slightly. "The whelp is a boy. There is always a difference between one trying to play a man and one that is a man."

He pulled her to stand with him. "Come it is probably time for the evening meal." She nodded, taking time to think about all they spoke about in the silence that ensued. What was she getting herself into?


Sesshoumaru stayed for three weeks before he approached his father. He'd gotten to know Kagome very well in that time.

He found he really liked her a lot. She wasn't the typical human. He didn't find her disgusting at all. He found her mesmerizing. She appealed to the beast in him, calming him with her pleasing scent.

Ever since that first day they talked there had been this connection between them. When they were near their scents mingled. Sesshoumaru knew he had no choice but to help her, his inu had gotten involved.

This time when he walked into his father's office all the members of his family was there. Inuyasha paced in the middle of having a fit.

"I don't want that bastard to have her. He will ruin her if he gets a hold of her. Why the hell did you call for him in the first place? I could have handled Kagome."

Sesshoumaru smirked. He knew his brother did not understand what was happening with Kagome, how Sesshoumaru allowed her to grow with his presence. She spent very little time with the hanyou anymore. She had very little time for Inuyasha's antics lately and Inuyasha didn't like it.

"You aren't ready," Inu said. "If you were ready we wouldn't be having this argument. You just don't have the discipline for it. She needs a careful hand."

"She needs someone with more experience than simply humping a whore. You do not have that," Sesshoumaru said, his tone cold. He was angry that Inuyasha would demand the right for something that he had no right to. Sesshoumaru was chosen and Kagome agreed to the terms of giving her innocence away, which made Kagome Sesshoumaru's.

Sesshoumaru saw Inuyasha prance around with another female. He'd witnessed first hand what Kagome's "love" was up to. Inuyasha couldn't very well claim what he was not faithful to. Inu sighed as he knew a fight was about to ensue.

"What did you say about Kikyou?" he growled. Imelda gasped. Inuyasha was cheating?

"I do not remember mentioning a girl, however now that you have mentioned the whore I can honestly say I could care less. It is your prowess you should worry about. Kagome will soon be a woman. They require connection that you just don't have the mental capacity for. Can you be patient enough to guide her through her fears? Are you strong enough to withstand her powers should she unleash them? Can you hold on to her long enough for her to become accustomed to her powers?"

His anger increased the longer he stood in the room with Inuyasha. Selfish brat. His beast raged inside him. Not worthy.

Sesshoumaru agreed. The whelp was not worthy. "I will guide her," he said in the direction of his parents. He paid no attention to Inuyasha. He had to find Kagome and calm down before he did something harsh.


Kagome was in her work room looking over some books on her miko powers. Although she would love to spend all day with Sesshoumaru she simply had to study. She wanted to know her basics before she tried to release the shield holding back the majority of her powers.

She smiled slightly when she felt a nose pressed against the crook of her neck. She knew not to fear. This was the way a Tai calmed his anger. She'd seen Inu do this a thousand times to his mate.

"Having a bad morning Sesshoumaru?" she asked. He grunted.

"What do you see in that boy?" She tilted her further to the side. It was difficult to explain to him why she loved Inuyasha so. Yes Inuyasha could be a bit abrasive, but he was really kind underneath the bluster. He eased her loneliness.

"I'm supposed to love him."

"Even when he does not love you in return?" Sesshoumaru had to stop her from making a mistake. The girl was too blind to see the true nature of the hanyou she adored.

Kagome patted Sesshoumaru's hand on her waist. "He loves me. He tells me every day. When I open my court he will stand by my side."

He turned her in his embrace, holding her tightly to him. "Kagome, I cannot let you do this. He sleeps with another woman."


Kagome sat on the edge of her bed in shock. Sesshoumaru's words...they could not be true.

Sesshoumaru brought her back to her room when she had her break down. Here she was in a familiar environment. In her own rooms she could hide away from others.

But he stayed. They made a strange sight together. Here he was, the great Taiyoukai kneeling before a human girl, his head in her lap, arms around her waist. He behaved in ways that he himself did not understand.

He sought to comfort her, to hold her in her time of need. He did not want her upset over the hanyou. That beast was not meant for one such as Kagome.

He released a constant soothing growl that he knew she could feel against her legs. She responded to his need by running her fingers through his hair. "You are sure of this?" she asked.

He sighed. "Yes. I saw him upon my arrival. He has grown bolder since then." He should not have been so uncouth, he knew, but it was much too late. He could do nothing about it now.

Kagome began to slide from her position. Sesshoumaru sat up to allow her to straddle his lap. She hugged him to her body, partaking in the comforting warmth he presented.

In her mind she wondered what she possibly did to deserve this. Her love, the one being she saw sharing the rest of her life with bedded another. He promised her, that he belonged to no other.

"I am a fool," she breathed into Sesshoumaru's ear. She was a fool to believe the gentle words of Inuyasha. She was foolish to share such an intimacy now with Sesshoumaru. She was a fool not to feel the betrayal she should feel at Inuyasha's actions.

Sesshoumaru began placing small kisses along her jaw. She leaned back to look to his face, looking so vulnerable. He could not help his next move. He brushed his lips across her lips gently.

Kagome sighed in pleasure. Sesshoumaru might claim her reaction to him simply as responding to a male in his prime, but there was something about him. She didn't feel awkward around him like she did with Inuyasha.

Sesshoumaru, encouraged by her reaction, strengthened his response. He'd never taken her beyond a simple kiss for the reason that she never had her first real kiss. Inuyasha had been too much of a coward to kiss her like a man.

Sesshoumaru had no problems kissing her now. His lips pressed harder, his tongue flicking out briefly to trace her lips. Kagome opened her mouth to his silent question, amazed when she felt his tongue explore her mouth.

He took things slow, building a passion between them. He was no fumbling little boy to rush things. He kept his hands on the outside of her clothing letting her silken cloth caress her skin under his hands. He felt Kagome shiver at his touch.

When he released her mouth Kagome was left panting. None of this she experienced was innocent. This went well beyond how she dreamed Inuyasha would touch her.

Sesshoumaru touched her soul more than he touched her body. She felt his long fingers brush against her taut nipple and hissed. She felt very good.

"Allow me to touch you Kagome," he whispered in the soft shell of her ear. It was a physical need for him. Every Taiyoukai had someone they needed to be in contact with to relax. His father had his mate.

Sesshoumaru had spent most of his life without and as such had to bury his emotions with control. Kagome brought many things out in him, including the need to stake his claim on her. She had to be his sanity, no matter if he were a future bed partner or not.

Kagome most likely did not understand to the extent that he needed her. She felt a slight something urging her to be around him, to touch him, to allow him to touch her.

She closed her eyes as she nodded her head. Yes she wanted to be touched.

Sesshoumaru lifted her on the bed once more, laying her on her back. Kagome waited patiently to see what he'd do. She knew of Tai's only from what she learned from Inu, which wasn't much as he thought her too young to know such things.

As Sesshoumaru began to untie the straps holding her dress together she shivered. He intended her to be nude before him. That was not something she anticipated. Her mother long ago taught her the virtue of modesty. Now this Taiyoukai sought to strip her of it.

Rationally (which is what stayed her hand) she knew that if she were to lose her innocence she had to be comfortable being undressed before a male. She could not remain a little girl forever.

His lips made contact with her stomach, branding her to his touch. Kagome felt another piece of herself connect to him. "Will we join?" she whispered.

Sesshoumaru nipped at her skin. Not this time. He wanted to soothe his beast, not cause her pain. This was about making sure no other touched her without knowing that he, Sesshoumaru Taisho, had claimed her first.

He laid kisses to every exposed part of her skin, leaving marks in strategic places. Kagome felt the innocent touch of arousal hit her blood stream. This was not normal behavior between two friends.

Sesshoumaru found himself between her thighs, taking in aroma of her innocence. If he were a lesser being like his half brother, he would take her anyway, be damned the consequences. She was completely pure.

He held her eyes, his tingeing on pink. "Let me taste you." She didn't know what he meant but she allowed him if that was what he wanted.

His tongue flicked out to taste her sex. Kagome gasped at the foreign sensation. No one told her about such things.

He held her still as she tried to get away from him. She tasted divine on his tongue. It became a struggle to move slowly in conquering her body. When she left this room, she would know what pleasure she could find in him and only him.

Inuyasha would be as nothing in comparison.

Kagome gripped his hair tightly. Her body quivered, she felt something tightening in her body, something that frightened her. She struggled to hold in her screams as the first fragile cracks in her shield began.

He closed his lips over her engorged clit, sucking on it hard to bring Kagome over the edge. He was so painfully hard that he found it difficult to think beyond the haze. He eagerly and greedily drank all her body had to offer him, fighting the need to request more.

Kagome relaxed on the bed, too tired to move. Sesshoumaru crawled up her body, laying more kisses to her skin. She looked beautiful with those tender red marks on her skin from him. His favorite lay on the junction of her neck, looking almost as a mating mark.

She lazily reached up to caress his face. He turned into her arm at the last moment, gripping her flesh between his teeth in a display of dominance. She relaxed in his hold, knowing he needed this. It made him forever hers, her Taiyoukai to do with what she will. He could never walk away from her easily.

"What happened?" she asked. He laid his head on her chest.

"I have given you a woman's pleasure. There will be pain at the first joining, but there will be that feeling as well only better."

"Oh." She liked the thought of that.


The first signs of a thunderstorm manifested the moment Kagome awoke from her nap. Sesshoumaru was long gone to some business with his father.

Kagome was afraid of storms. Ever since she was a child she had not been able to stand the storms. Tonight, she sat up in bed shivering because she was alone. She refused Inuyasha's company after hearing of his cheating and Sesshoumaru was still in meetings.

She tried to wait it out, hoping that the storm past quickly. But the next bout of thunder, just after the lightning squashed all hope of a quick storm. The violence of it, wrapped around her heart, squeezing.

She left her rooms, choosing to instead wait for Sesshoumaru in his room. Now that his scent permeated the room she could take comfort in his things as she waited. She hugged his pillow tight, waiting for Sesshoumaru to come to bed.


Sesshoumaru glanced out the window one last time before leaving his father's office. Inu was afraid of Inuyasha doing something rash to Kagome. They had planned to wait some weeks before Sesshoumaru led Kagome through her virgin night, but now they weren't sure.

Sesshoumaru did not want to rush her. It was crucial to allow the girl to choose the time and the place. To not involve the important party, meant risking losing the girl to insanity.

He was tired and only wanted his bed. It was a good thing he loved the sound of thunder booming. Storms for him matched how he often felt, violent, powerful. He was a force of nature not to be taken likely, though many risked the danger, thinking it could be tamed.

Imagine his surprise when he found Kagome in the middle of his bed wide awake and shivering ever time lightning struck. He knew without asking she was afraid. He smelled the sickly sweet scent on her skin.

Without a word he undressed, choosing his standard nudity. His youkai nature didn't care about revealing his body to Kagome. If she looked then it would work to his advantage, because every woman lusted after his body.

The moment Kagome felt the bed dip, she flung herself against him. Through her thin nightgown she felt his body heat. "I don't like storms," she whispered to him.

She expected him to laugh at her or chastise her like Inuyasha always did. Sesshoumaru did nothing more than hold her close to his body. His strong hand caressed her back, easing her tensions. "You don't have to be ashamed. It happens sometimes."

He dreaded being this close to her knowing that very shortly he would make her into a woman. Were he her lover he'd be ecstatic for that would give them very good reason to spend more time together. As a friend, he could only give her one night and it did strange things to him.

Kagome smiled that he understood. All afternoon she'd been worried about his reaction to her. She thought less of Inuyasha's betrayal than she thought she should. Since meeting Sesshoumaru she'd been reevaluating her feelings.

Inuyasha had been her only male friend in a world where they were both alone. He'd been a perpetual boy, someone who seemed as innocent as she herself was. All her reactions were innocent in nature to him.

He was not meant for her this way. She could not see Inuyasha touching her the way that Sesshoumaru touched her. It was a hard reality to come to considering that she gave the hanyou her heart many years ago. She thought for sure that she had it right. Now she had to contend with the very different emotions she felt for the Taiyoukai holding her.

"Sesshoumaru?" she said quietly, "Will you touch me?"

He hissed as if in pain. "Are you sure you want this?" He might not stop this time.

But she nodded, giving him the answer he both desired and dreaded. Inuyasha could very much be a threat to her now. They had to release her powers before it was too late.

Very carefully Sesshoumaru began to lift the hem of her night shift. As her skin revealed itself, they both felt the pleasure of skin on skin contact. Kagome strangely felt no fear of her situation. She wanted this to happen to her. It felt right to give herself to the dangerous Taiyoukai.

He helped her lift the shift over her head so that she lay nude in his bed. Sesshoumaru may never have respected the female race, but he always appreciated the female body.

Kagome was beautiful in his eyes, soft and feminine. She looked fragile; he felt her fragility as he caressed her skin. He could break her with no effort, but he didn't want that.

He wanted to make this girl into a woman who could use her delicate nature. She wasn't sinewy like many of the female demonesses he'd bedded over the centuries. She was all soft curves, simply naturally thin in her body.

It attracted his attention as nothing else ever had.

His marks from earlier were still present. He returned to those marks now, sucking on the skin as he listened to her tiny moans of pleasure. He suckled her nipples as one day her own pups would.

He allowed a single moment of thought to the possibility of a silvered haired pup with a crescent moon on his brow suckling as his mother's eyes shone with love. His groin tightened as his heart skipped a beat.

He never before thought of pups. He hadn't been the sort to want to create a family but imagining Kagome swollen with his pups stirred something deep within him that he could not put a name to.

It made him want to try as one hand began to rub soothing circles upon her flat stomach. She moaned softly, her fear of the thunder storm forgotten in this sensation. She pulled his head closer to her teat.

Sesshoumaru's other hand found its way between her legs. Already she was moist for him. A little more work and he knew she'd be ready for the final step in their dance.

He knew he should ask her the questions, a male was supposed to ask of a female undergoing her virgin night. But he could not get his mind to wrap around the proper questions. So it made little sense to try. So be it if she were to conceive.

Kagome moved her hips against the fingers stroking her sex. It felt even better now that she knew what to expect from this. He made her forget her fear, made her forget that she had been hurt over Inuyasha. He made her forget everything but those magic fingers and that tongue swirling dangerously close to her secret place.

She moaned. She wanted this feeling to last forever, or as close to forever as possible. Could any other male make her feel the way Sesshoumaru did right now? Could she share this intimate feeling with someone else?

She wondered more and more as she soared dangerously close to that precipice of ecstasy. Her thighs shook, her hands gripped the sheets tightly, her whole body waiting for that one moment where she could let it all go.

The fragile cracks in her shield increased, allowing tendrils of power to escape. Her skin began to glow a light blue.

Sesshoumaru felt her muscles tighten around his fingers in preparation of her orgasm. He helped her to reach her destination with a hard suck on her little clit.

Kagome's hips rose off the bed as she screamed her agonized pleasure. He stayed with her, pushing her just a little bit further than she had gone before. He wanted her body distracted for what he had in mind.

Her body convulsed as he began kissing gentle kisses leading up to her slender throat. His need for her was a physical pain in his loins. The beast in him demanded he take her rough, her body could handle it.

But that rational part of him knew that although she could take what he gave, for her first time she should have a tender hand. It was what made him right for this job; he could push aside his own discomfort to make sure she got what she needed.

He began the slide, his wide head separating the folds of her womanhood. Slowly just as he began to press inside, his fangs sank into the junction of her neck and shoulder. This wouldn't make her his mate, but it would allow him a closer bond for the joining.

Kagome opened her mouth, too breathless to scream. Sesshoumaru held her tight against his body, keeping her still while he claimed her virginity.

She tensed for the pain, ready to retreat into herself if she had to escape. It was instinct for every virgin miko to protect herself. Kagome began her descent when the pain began.

Sesshoumaru stayed with her, wrapping her in his calming essence. This was where he needed her trust. He could only protect her from shattering her mind if she trusted him. If she fought him hard he'd lose her.

He kept his pace slow, pausing momentarily for her to adjust to his large size. Her sweet blood coated his lips and it was all he could do not to suck from her greedily. She was too much, his little miko. She was so tight, so tasty, so wet. She was more than he ever imagined any female could be.

Kagome felt like he was ripping her apart. She panicked, pushing against his body to get away. It took his steady control to keep her still. It took more time before she recognized his power surrounding her.

She calmed enough to feel other things about him. He was tense, his muscles bunched tightly beneath the skin. She felt him between her legs, stretching her body with his incredible girth.

She experimented with this feeling. There was pain, but there was also that pleasure she'd felt before. Sesshoumaru groaned.

He had to wait for her to be ready. But it was so hard with how good she felt wrapped around his cock. He felt his eyes bleed a deep crimson as he fought for control over his own body. He hid his face from her sight to keep from frightening her.

The next time she moved, he slid deeper within her depths. They both moaned. "Sess," Kagome whispered. She wanted him to do something. She wanted him to help her create that feeling again.

Panting heavily he began to slide out, moving slowly as he tested the waters. Kagome's muscles pulled against him, trying in vain to pull him back in. But when he began to push through her body opened, welcoming him back inside.

In and out, in and slowly out. His pace maddened them both.

Kagome gripped his shoulders tightly, enjoying the way the sweat glistened on his body. She felt hot all over, his intense heat became her heat and vice versa. He played her body like an instrument, showing her the pleasure.

Every stroke of flesh on flesh, ever pass of silky silver strands tantalized Kagome's senses. It was too much for her. Her body already sensitive went into overload.

Everything inside her tightened, then released. This orgasm felt different. This time she had no sense of missing something. She felt fulfilled, satiated. She felt the rush of power as her shield broke, bringing all her power out to her use. She virtually purred her pleasure.

Sesshoumaru waited her out. Her overflow of power was incredible as it caressed his skin. Now that it was over he had to get away from her before he hurt her. The strain of fighting his inner beast kept him from disengaging his body. Kagome holding him so close kept him from wanting to move away.

Kagome felt the tension building inside Sesshoumaru. Something was wrong. He had not gained anything from this joining. "Sesshoumaru?" she questioned. She sought out those golden eyes of his, surprised to find them closed.

His stripes, usually so perfectly straight were jagged. The very tips of his fangs cut through the skin on his lips, forcing out his own blood.

Kagome knew, without knowing why she knew that he fought himself. He'd trapped his pleasure within his body in his concern for her wellbeing. And it must have hurt him to do such, considering how he shivered.

She laid kisses along his jaw, grabbing his attention to her. She could not allow him to ignore his own pleasure anymore than he could allow her. He tried so hard to deny her.

She was relentless in her exploration of him, building the fire higher within his body so that he could gain his pleasure as well. She felt him swell inside her body, filling her to capacity, almost painful in its intrusion.

But it also felt so good as her muscles gently tightened around him. She moaned as his hips shifted pushing his length inside her body, pressing against her womb. "Take what's yours to take," she bid him. His pleasure was her pleasure. She wanted to know what it felt like to watch a male, to feel said male climax within her body.

Sesshoumaru shook his head. The girl did not know what she asked of him. It was beyond his control if he did not pull out this instant. When he tried she shifted enough to force him back inside.

The friction was so incredible, that sweet slide against the walls of her vagina amazing him. Gods how he wanted her so badly, to just thrust wildly inside her, pounding her into the bed until it broke under the strain.

His beast had reached rut mode now that he had tasted her divine depths. Of their own accord his hips began to thrust.

Kagome moaned wantonly, pushing Sesshoumaru further into a dark haze, especially when her knees fell further open to allow him access. The sound of the wet slick slide of his cock through her pussy entered his brain, becoming the only sound he heard.

She kept her eyes on the face of her beautiful partner. The moment he opened those blood red eyes she knew he'd been taken over. She welcomed the change as a part of him, accepted the harder thrusting stabbing between her thighs.

She felt that coil tighten, felt as her slickness increased to further ease his passage. Sesshoumaru sat up suddenly, pulling her hips up against him, grinding into her hard. He was wild, free, and oh so dangerously delectable.

Kagome held on for dear life as his speed increased. His body held her tightly, her muscles refusing to let him go. His next thrust hit against something so pleasurable she stiffened. Her muscles clamped down on him hard.

Still Sesshoumaru kept going, his mind only focused on his thrusting and her tight heat. He lifted her hips higher on him, fucking her with bruising strokes. He relished in Kagome's howls of pleasure.

She encouraged him. She pushed him to take her further. She gave him all the power over her body he wanted. He took what she offered making it his own.

In his mind's eye an image of Inuyasha appeared, holding Kagome while she blissfully ignored that the hanyou's eyes turned toward another figure in the distance. It was all Sesshoumaru could do not to howl in anger.

He could not allow that hanyou to hurt her again. But Kagome promised to make the hanyou the consort.

Sesshoumaru saw red at that. No one would take his room, take what belonged to him. Sesshoumaru was a Taiyoukai. Kagome's reaction practically proclaimed she belonged to him.

He felt climax taking hold of his body. Just before his seed spilt into her womb, Sesshoumaru finished to the process of mating. He buried his fangs into the junction of her neck and shoulder, in the same spot the last mark. This time he poured all his desire for Kagome, his desperate need to see her safe into the marking.

Kagome stiffened in intense pleasure. This bite did not have that same sting as the last bite mark. She screamed, "YES!" before she passed out into oblivion.


Kagome awoke in the morning, wrapped around Sesshoumaru. The sun was shining; there was no sign of there ever having been a storm the night before.

No one ever told her sex could be that incredible. All anyone ever told her was that there would be pain. Kagome hadn't felt pain very long at all. She smiled, thankful to have found such a blessed experience with Sesshoumaru.

She heard a slight rumbling sound beneath her head. "Good morning," she said softly. She felt a hand push her hair away from her shoulder.

"I'm sorry," Sesshoumaru said. Kagome frowned. What did he mean by that?

"Why are you sorry? I wanted this," she said as she sat up to peer into his eyes. Between her thighs might ache today but that was okay because now she was a woman. He sighed, as he touched a spot on her shoulder.

"You don't understand. I marked you; I mated you without your consent."

Kagome paused. She'd heard about mating, having lived with demons like she does. If Sesshoumaru had really mated her, then that meant he had become her husband in essence, a husband she couldn't get rid of.

She found the idea not repulsive. This was Sesshoumaru, her Sesshoumaru. He'd become one of the most important males in her life, almost from the very first moment he met her. "It doesn't matter. I don't mind being tied to you," she said with a smile. If sex always stayed like that, then could she really complain?

Sesshoumaru pulled her down to him, laying her head back on his chest. "Good, because I would have found a way to make you stay with me no matter what." She laughed at that. It was such a Sesshoumaru thing to say.