Chase by Isabelle

Chapter 1

I have to thank Priestess Skye and ladybattousai again for talking me into posting for the first time. THANKS GUYS! cookies all around.

The woman collapsed against a fallen tree and wiped the sweat from her forehead. She wasn't sure how long she'd been running, but she knew she wouldn't be able to go any further. Her heart was racing at a pace she was pretty sure wasn't safe for a human being and her legs had given in to muscle spasms. If her pursuer got any closer, there was little she would be able to do. Accepting this, she took several deep breaths and stored what little energy she had left. She had just closed her eyes to rest when she was snatched up from the ground and pressed against a broad chest.

"Did you honestly think that you would get away?" The man asked softly as he buried his nose in her hair.

"I was beginning to wonder what was taking you so long."

"This Sesshomaru was merely enjoying the chase."