A Promised Punishment by Trinity

A Promised Punishment

So I thought I'd give a shot at the laundry day challenge. I'll get this edited and fixed up as soon as possible once I poke my lovely beta. So uhmm enjoy?


Laundry day, my over abundant hatred of this day was known village wide. Once every week I had to wander down to the nearest stream which was far carrying all that laundry and listen to the village women giggle and whisper about how delicious so and so was. How I hated those air headed women, one day I vow to maim them, you can count on it.

Anyway, your probably wondering why I am whining about this day, ne? Well, this laundry day was different. No gaggle of females the woods were silent, it was nice. Of course little old me was oblivious to the golden eyed male hiding in the brush just waiting to get his claws on me. As usual of this day I flopped down on my rock, yes my rock, not those evil women’s, mine! Ehem, anyway of course I procrastinated and splashed a bit in the river since no one else was here and Inuyasha was finally leaving me alone.

I of course was to deep in my fun time that I did not notice the white clad male slink up behind me and of course decide to knock me into the stream. Screeching in surprise and outrage I flipped my wet bangs back and glared at the perpetrators face and instantly shrank back in the water. “Sesshoumaru…” A flick of his wrist and his hair was tossed back in a haughty manner. “Miko. Didn’t your hanyou ever tell you to not dawdle on laundry day. It’s quite dangerous out here.” A slight sneer took over his face before it went back to the usual façade of ’I am better than you since I have a stick shoved up my ass’. Standing up I stepped back on the bank and shrugged slightly. “Of course Sesshoumaru, your so dangerous.” Grinning I plopped back down and began to wash my clothes deciding to ignore him.   

A soft growl answered my words and in a blink of an eye I was flat on my back with Sesshoumaru on top. I should be afraid but having this sexy male straddling me well of course my mind will go right down the drain. Worst part of this little meeting was me becoming aroused and him amused by this. “Little Miko are you attracted to this Sesshoumaru.” Blinking I stared up at him with wide eyes and a slight pout, who said trying won’t get you anywhere? “Why my lord who wouldn’t be with your feminine beauty.” Staring down at me he shook his head with smirk gracing his lips before he slid off me and stood gracefully to his feet. “Miko, next laundry day you will be dealt your punishment for your words.” Turning he left swiftly back into the forest without another word or sound.  Sitting up I let a smile take over my face which on this day was a miracle. I think I could come to love laundry day if of course I’d get a weekly punishment.