Warning: this fic contains graphic and adult material, it is appreciated by the author of said fic, myself that anyone under the age to read MA fics not read this one. If you dont listen to me, well fine i hope you turn smurf blue. ;p - r0o
Oral Presentation................................................for Nobo's weekly challenge, SERIOUSLY LATE though. entered: 042409
Kagome sighed in the hot springs. She had turned twenty-one three weeks ago and woke up with a hang over and a tongue ring. How Eri, Ayumi and Yuka got her to do it was beyond her. Needless to say her mother hadn’t been very pleased either but what could she say? Her little brother thought it was cool. Kagome sighed again. She was less then pleased to still be back in the past. When they defeated Naraku, they thought he’d have the rest of the shards. However, they were wrong and were still searching. She’d given up on Inuyasha as well, as he and the undead miko were now mated and somehow had an undead-pup on the way. She, Miroku and Kaede were still trying to figure that one out.
Oddly enough Sango was with Shippo! Years ago this would have pissed her off but shortly after Kagome’s first full year of searching for the damn shards, Shippo had grown into his adult form. He now reminded her of Kouga with red hair, green eyes and a longer tail. Miroku never had a chance as it turned out. Apparently, demons age into their more adult forms over 50-70 years and Shippo had been very close to it at 150! It’d been weird at first as she’d always seen Shippo kind of like a son, but she was able to easily move Sango from sister to daughter, too.
Miroku wasn’t as devastated as one would have thought. Personally Kagome figured it was the fact that the monk and slayer hadn’t had anyone else to turn to, much as she and Inuyasha, so when he was freed up by Shippo he went on the prowl! For three months the Inu-tachi had to deal with so many pissed off fathers and village elders that it became ridiculous. Miroku’s lecherous ways continued until they came across a far more grown up Shiori.
Now all hanyous age a bit differently and when they had first met Shiori she’d been but a child. Now though she looked like a sixteen year old. When asked, she revealed to them that she was really twelve when they had met her the first time, and had been fourteen when they’d met her again, when she started traveling with them. Add to that the last two years one more girl to the group, and well yeah, the monk found a new behind to call beloved.
The monk had, as always, gone in for the kill only to be met with a barrier. Really it seemed that Miroku seemed to fall for those who liked to play hard to get, and as Shiori’s mother had recently passed, the Inutachi gained another member. More importantly, the village girls found themselves safe behind a barrier of the jealous bat hanyou and her lusty monk. While Sango had always hit him, Shiori simply kept him locked to herself with a barrier. It was comical to say the least, and like the monk's very own 'sit ,' but instead it was a 'stay! '
Shortly after that, Kikyo joined, not that Kagome minded. It was nice not to have to be Inuyasha’s leash all the time and she gladly gave control over the beads back to the undead woman after they’d had a little talk. Seems no one in the Inutachi really knew what Kagome was capable of; All they knew was the first night Kikyo had come to the group, she and Kagome had gone off to 'talk.' One hour later they were back and Kikyo had control over the beads and a new found respect for Kagome.
Plain and simply, Kagome had expressed her dislike and distrust of the dead priestess and told her if she did anything at all that endangered any of the Inutachi, from Inuyasha to Kirara and all in between, Kikyo would find herself on the receiving end of a death blow. In so many words or less, Kagome had shown and told her that while she didn’t practice violence, or even like to fight; it was not that she didn’t know how, and that should she be pressed to do so, she could pull her soul back at any time. Basically Kikyo only lived because Kagome wanted it that way.
Kikyo was angry at first and tried to lunge at Kagome only to quickly find herself on the ground with a knee to the chest and pointed energy in the form of a sharp kuni knife to the throat while deadly blue-slitted eyes looked down at her. From then on, Kagome and the Inutachi were never threatened by the elder miko.
Even Rin and Kohaku had someone in each other. No, they were not married yet but she was sure they would be. They were so adorable it was nearly painful to watch. Their stolen looks and glances any time their groups passed or stayed together was endearing to her; though she’d seen more then once that the great Dai Sesshomaru hasn’t been too pleased by the love sick puppies they had on their hands, nor the scents coming off the pair. She herself could have died laughing when he’d stormed away from camp earlier in the evening.
Yes they were traveling together for a bit right now, and while everyone was paired up, only she and the demon lord were not. But she didn’t begrudge this. Personally while her raunchy debauched side could wholeheartedly see fucking the aristocratic Sesshomaru until she passed out, only to wake up and do it again, because hot damn he was that fucking gorgeous, his personality left much to be desired. And his loathing of all things human was a great turn off as well. Perhaps if he never opened his mouth to talk, or slit his eyes her direction. Oh well , she thought, it’d never happen anyways.
With that in mind, the futuristic miko sank a bit more in the heated pool, playing with her tongue ring. It was an annoying habit she had that she never would have thought herself capable of, but she really loved doing it. It was better then biting her lower lip as she could at least play with this one, and it wasn’t as likely to bleed out! Kagome was stuck thinking about her life.
She’d almost given up on going to college, because her grades were just barely passing, thanks to one dog-eared hanyou and his need to have only stupid beings around him. Yeah, she’d have him neutered before he got her to stop going back for her education and had thusly advised so too. Now she was just barely managing. Luckily her mother had gotten her into something like corresponding school, so assignments weren’t so bad, and she’d learned to put up fantastic barriers thanks to Kikyo and Shiori, and weaponry from Sango.
She sighed, knowing that the men of her time would never meet her expectations after living through all of this, and the men of this time would never have her because she was already too smart, mouthy, and strong for them to control. She was stuck . If only she could have gotten Miroku before he was taken, he loved to be submissive! “Ugh.” she murmured before sinking into the water so that only her nose and eyes were above the water, still playing with her tongue ring.
It was at least a distraction, and yet it was really annoying. Some time ago she’d come into her own sexuality, no, she hadn’t had sex, but she’d learned the wonders of a vibrator, and self-pleasure. She no longer had her maidenhead, too many kidnappings and running around, but she’d never had sex. Sadly though the tongue ring only made her all the more aware of this fact. As of late she was seemingly always horny. She knew her demon companions could smell it, but she didn’t care. They knew better then to mention it because if they did, they’d be dealing with her wrath. And nobody wanted that, not even Sesshomaru was bold enough to endure that.
Silently soaking away her annoyance with her lot in life, she wondered who she should use her tongue ring on. It was a persistent thought on her mind since waking up with it three week ago. Hojo was the only boy that still went after her in the modern time. She still called him a boy even though he was twenty-three, because he still acted like one, and frankly she didn’t want to give him hope that there might be more, knowing fully that there wouldn’t be.
She wanted only to see if it was true that having a tongue ring made oral sex better. Now she was still a virgin but she’d given a blow job before. Of coarse she was a bit drunk and she didn’t remember who it was on, but she’d remembered doing it. Or at least, because she was at a party, and her friends had taken a picture. Who ever it had been was well endowed and had tattoo’s on his hips leading to his ‘not so little man .’
He’d also had nearly white blond hair down his happy trail, she could also remember very well how masculine he sounded and smelt, but everything else about him was a wash. She’d learned then that she oddly didn’t have a gag reflex, as she’d taken him to the hilt and he’d all but loved her for it. She could vaguely remember feeling his hand fisted in her hair the two years before when she’d only been nineteen. It had been about that time that Sesshomaru’s group has started frequenting them more often, as Rin was ‘becoming a woman.’ She giggled at the thought.
Miroku was out of the question to try it on, because Shiori was more jealous and dangerous then Sango. Why Miroku kept falling for such violent females was beyond her. She really thought he was into the pain. Shippo was….NO … she didn’t even want to think that. Then there was Inuyasha, and while she was sure she could, she was done with that love triangle.
There was Kouga, but he still hadn’t given up the idea that there could be a 'them ' and it had only gotten worse since she’d turned nineteen and came back after that party, apparently smelling like male. He’d come storming into camp as usual and had caused such a stir about the other male scent coming from her. She’d been so embarrassed and angry. The wolf had learned that day what a bad temper she had.
Apparently the scent was just barely there, and while Inuyasha couldn’t smell it, a full demon could. Shippo had been wise enough not to mention it. And Sesshomaru had only balked at her like they’d never seen each other. Such an odd male, she thought. She guessed though if there was anyone that she could give an oral presentation to it would have to be him, a stranger --which she didn’t like the idea of--, or Naraku, which was about as likely to happen as her giving him the rest of the jewel as he was already dead. She didn’t know any other males in this era really.
This was sad. More so it was such a shame because she was still horny and really wanted to see if the ring made a difference. Kagome sighed, noticing the demonic aura coming closer to her being.
‘Enter Sesshomaru,’ she thought with a wary grin.
While she’d been walked in on more then one time while bathing, Kagome considered it nearly a tradition or sorts. All of the Inutachi had at one time or another come across her in such a state, save Sesshomaru. It was only fitting that he did it now. With a sigh she made small talk. He was shocked that she was as calm as she was, but she reminded him that he hated humans, and if he wanted her dead, she would be. There was nothing to fear from him seeing her body as it was surely not something he hadn’t seen before. This was all well until that hentai part of her mind started playing again with the tongue ring.
The slight silver glint caught in the light of the full moon above them, and suddenly Kagome found herself trapped by Sesshomaru in the pool of heated water. Forcing her jaw open and pulling her tongue out, the dai studied the ring. Finally he asked about it. “Miko, what is the torture device that has been placed in your mouth?” And again that damn hentai mind of her answered before she could stop it.
“I wont tell you, but I can show you.” she said, practically seducing him with her voice. The dai could scent her arousal over the aroma of the sulfur in the hot spring and could not lie to himself. Her human beauty, while not up to par with that of a youkai, was still appealing. Her strength and character only added to her appeal, and her loyalty and ability to back up her sometimes stupid and brash behavior was enough to take a step he’d normally think nothing about. Nodding his head he accepted his fate and began the process of sating a bit of his curiosity about the miko and the metal in her tongue.
Kagome smirked devilishly, a look not at all normal on a holy maiden such as herself, as she prowled towards his much larger form, suddenly showing Sesshomaru with the slight sway of her hips that she was a woman and not just a warrior. He almost gulped having never really felt such a thing before, as the scent of her confidence in whatever she planned was thick, and nearly intoxicating along with her own aroused scent laced with it.
Walking up to the dai, she easily unhooked his armor, about to let it fall, the dai caught both his breast plate and the miko wrist, "What games do you play onna?" he asked his voice hard and a bit unyielding. Kagome smiled sweetly, mischievousness in her eyes as she spoke her voice somewhat husky as she purred out to him.
"You asked what torture device was this," she stuck out her tongue showing him the ball barring, "And I told you I could only really show you, as telling you would not be an adequate reply. I thought you agreed to it. It will not hurt you, I promise." His cold eyes looked down upon her onyx crown of hair, glistening blue in the pale moons glow as he 'hn'd' and released her wrist and helped to lay his heavy armor down.
The large dai, watched, as the miko took his obi in hand and slowly untied the delicate knots that held it together. The lower half of his armor being placed with the upper half, he watched impassive as the miko began to until the knot in his hamakas. Why he wasn’t certain. He'd never let a female do such things to him but the scent of her arousal was like a drug that left his mind foggy with need, and a want to understand not only the thing in her mouth but for what reason it was there.
He watched easily as she allowed his silken pants to fall down, and then went for the knots on his haori, he couldn’t help but wonder what she needed him naked for. His thoughts never really got to the idea that she just needed one part of him, but it happened to be under a lot of material. First there was his armor, his obi, his lower armor, his haori, his kimono, his juban, not to mention, his hamakas and of coarse his traditional fundoushi, what she wouldn’t have given for him to simply be in an A-shirt and some baggy sweat pants. She grinned to herself now, having gotten to the last of his clothing, ignoring the stare that bore into her from above as she sank to her knees before him.
Sesshomaru was still at a loss for why he allowed her to undress him. He could not lie to himself, for the last two years since he'd scented the impossible on her, in her, he'd found himself intrigued by her as more then just a female in his brother's pack. When he’d scented himself upon her, he hadn’t understood how it was possible. He’d never had anything to do with the female before other then sneering at her for one reason or another. He was certain until then that she had in fact been his brother’s mate. It had seemed that he was wrong. For not too long after he had first scented himself on her, he’d also scented himself from within her being, a thing that could only happen if he had rutted her and released within her. He’d been morbidly shocked, angry, and confused about how this was a possibility, and thus he’d started following her, gaining information on her.
The well, he was certain, was her way home. Yet he knew not where this home was, or how it was possible for his scent to be on and in the girl, but he swore to himself to find out. The thing that puzzled him more on her though was that no other demon could scent his specific scent upon and within the miko, coming from her, only that it was male. It was like a perfume to him, making him amorous, and ingraining her in his mind, while doing many naughty things. It was revolting, and yet he found himself with a human woman, a miko no less, undressing him all for his curiosity. Sometimes he hated the trait.
Though her knees bore the weight of her body her more then horny mood made up for it. If she were to play with herself, which she might later, she was sure that she’d already be wet, and soaking right now. Looking at him, he was gorgeous, a silver happy trail, that had what looked like soft fine hair leading down to his more then endowed member. She nearly licked her lips at the thought. Eying him, Kagome didn’t notice the slight rumble of approval his beast had for her as she ogled his manhood, something no other female had ever been allowed to do. Taking a hold of the semi awake phallus, her warm hands barely circled his girth before she took just the tip of his round mushroom headed cock to her tongue and licked it, rolling the ball barring over the meat of him.
She watched in morbid fascination as Sesshomaru’s eyes slid shut and his lids fluttered. She could see, too his abs tightening. Taking her tongue, the miko swirled it around the bulbous head before lightly kissing it, and smirking as his eyelids slowly opened to half mass. “May I take you, my Lord?” she purred out against the head of his cock. Now Sesshomaru had many lovers in his life but it was not something that a female did to please a male to take them as such. Even more so, it was simply not smart to put such an important body part into a place that held fangs, or even slightly sharp human teeth. BUT, never had he felt anything like this either.
Her tongue was wet and hot, reminding him of what it felt like to tease a female just before he plunged in, and yet the ball was hard, kneading into his flesh and causing just enough slight pain for the sexual experience of it all to be all the more better. He would not lie. He wanted more. He wanted to see what could happen for he had never wanted so much then to fuck a female’s face than at this moment.
Answering without words, the large cock plunged into her mouth, hitting the back of her throat, the male feeling cocky that his girth might chook her, yet the mischievous female knowing there was no way that would happen. Plump lips tightened around his length and his clawed hand founds its way to her head, locking in her tress, as a way to hold her against him. He began to fuck her face, as she bobbed back and forth back. The bulbous tip of the head of his cock making its way just into her throat, he was almost ready to cum yet he did not want this to be over so fast.
Now she’d only done this once before but it didn’t stop her from remembering everything everyone told to her, or things she’d seen before. As a girl of the 21st century sex sold everything. So when her warm hands began to move around her rather dandy claws, --thought Sesshomaru-- were really just manicured nails, that dug into the plains of his tight flesh, he couldn‘t help but groan out in pleasure. He was demon, and hardly anything could hurt him, she expected any form of sex was like this as well, so when her ‘dainty claws’ ran over his nipples making him whine out, Kagome couldn’t help but moan low, vibrating his thick happy cock.
Sesshomaru was having a hard time breathing when she raked herself over his nipples as he had thrust into her, it was painful, and he was sensitive, but it had felt fantastic. Thrusting harder as she moaned more he went to the hilt, expecting to force her to gag for hurting him, and torturing, not expecting that she’d swallow. The sensation was magical to say the least, feeling to him as a cunt would as it came. He couldn’t stop it if he wanted to. Forcing his balls to her chin and his dick to the hilt in her mouth, he came, her torture device serpents tongue lapping around him as he convulsed into her thick waves in tone with his heart beat. She swallowed more, somehow breathing through her nose.
Kagome could not taste him as nothing back washed up, but she could feel him, and his hot cum rolling down her throat. She wanted more and she was very wet. Her fingers on one hand left his person and found their way to her own engorged bud, soaking painfully hard with need. Her pussy clenching of the phantom length that she wanted within her. She wanted him so much in this moment but knew she could not. Her powers would leave her if she were to experience this, she was certain, unfortunately it was the law of her kind.
His hand letting go of her hair, Sesshomaru actually stumbled back or tried to, but the miko had a decent hold of him as she once more began to stimulate his girthy round head. It nearly hurt and yet it felt so very good. Looking down at her, she looked like the most wanton bitch he’d ever had his way with, her own juices flowing down her hand and on her glistening thighs, his cock still in her mouth, and whether she knew it or not his cum, just a bit of it, rolling down her chin and neck. He felt himself tightening once more, not unheard of but it usually did take a few minutes between ruts. This was amazing and he wanted to fuck her.
Pulling himself away from her finally she released him with a pop, the metal ball in her tongue rolling over his heated flesh causing more throbs of torturous pleasure then anything. He watched as she fell forward, her free hand catching her, while her other was still pleasuring herself. Normally such a disgusting thing, but when she did it, it was beautiful. Her ass presented itself in the air, she was in a near perfect mounting position, and he could smell her frustration at the lack of a dick in her walls. But he knew as well that they could not. Not there. Not before the jewel shards were found once again.
Coming behind her his thick member brushed harshly against the crying mess of her womanhood making the miko shudder and moan. “Miko.” he called out to her low as his form draped over her own.
“Un.” he called out as she thrust herself against him giving them both needed friction and wetting slick the skin of his member.
“This Sesshomaru deems your demonstration worthy of reward. Know this miko that one day I will own every opening you have. You belong to this Sesshomaru forever more.”
Too caught up with the feelings he was causing as his hands had been in motion as he spoke, her tender breasts his playground, her gasping pussy his denied place of refuge, she nodded and moaned out as his mouth began to work her neck, her head falling forward unknowingly submitting to him. Sesshomaru smirked with fang, pleased as could be, he worked her so much that she came on his dick as it brushed against her never enting, coating him with her essence.
Too high to notice the hard pinch of forced entry as the dai claimed her dark cherry, he continued to lavish her neck with attention and found her clit with one of his hands. The other had kept her locked to him as he began to thrust. The miko nearly wailed out in pleasure. He’d taken one or two females before in this method before, and it was always pleasing but at the same time never had they been so responsive to his attention before. He could already feel her climax nearing once again, and felt his own building in tandem.
“This Sesshomaru’s going to fuck you miko, until you scream his name, and his seed coats you in his scent, until only he can be scented upon you.” he called to her darkly in her ear, loving the slight bit of her face that he could see that was clouded over in pure desire as she arched into him and his touch. She moaned as she felt herself tightening, not knowing that her rear was following its path and strangling his member in its tight hold. He loved it. She came spiraling down, no longer able to hold herself up, and just a few thrusts later he came as well. Their heartbeats were nearly synced.
Kagome didn’t bother to move as fangs bore down on her shoulder, not marking her as mate but marking her as his, telling her to stay wordlessly. Possessive hands held breasts and thusly a feminine body to a hard masculine one as he stayed buried within her . Neither said a word that night, nothing needed to be said. He had told her she was his. She, in turn, had excepted that. Kissing her with a gentleness that neither knew he held, the dai pulled himself slowly from her dark sheath and pressed his hips into her heat uttering out a soft but possessive “Mine.” She nodded. Before nibbling on her lower lip wanting to ask him something more, “Speak.” he said to her tiredly.
Smiling a bit she couldn’t help but want to ask, “Can we do that again soon, like tomorrow or something, I think I need more practice with this thing?” she said playing with her tongue ring.
Smiling to himself inwardly he spoke moments later, “Hn. Your oral presentation was indeed interesting, and improvement is always welcome, we shall see miko. Sleep for now, this Sesshomaru will wake you soon, and we can see what else we can improve upon until a final can be given.” The sexual innuendo did not go unnoticed, and Kagome could feel her blood heating at the thought of having him within her. Whenever that was, she hoped it was soon. She’d probably willingly be his sex slave, if he asked nicely.
As she drifted off to her nap she thought of this time verse the first time, and suddenly she was wide awake, the strips on his hips, the blondish happy trail, her first time had been Sesshomaru too! He’d been in her time at that party. Already smelling her shock and surprise the dai didn’t know what it was about but he was certain that he didn’t want to hear it, so cutting into her tirade about whatever she was about to start on about his spoke once more in a authoritative voice that broached no augments, “Miko. You will be rested for what this Sesshomaru plans to test next, his own oral presentation. He will not be having you passing out because you are tired. Sleep now or all presentations will be postponed until all shards are found.”
Her fallen jaw clicked shut, telling him he would be her first blow job ever, only, at least for now, could wait, she really wanted to find out more out his oral presentation, and talking was not going to ruin that for her.
That night they both learned from her oral presentation and his. It would not happen again in the past but there was an understanding between them, she was his always, and he would have her again. When they parted that night they were both sated, she still had her virginity, as it was needed to collect the shards, and there was a silent promise of possibilities. Another year passed before the shards were all collected and the jewel made whole.
Kagome knew she had to go home, no wish was made, and they all parted ways, the story over, the tale told. In the end, all her friends had their own children coming or there already; and only Sesshomaru and herself were single and separated. She left, but he was there to see her go, they said no goodbye, for goodbyes are forever.
Over the years, he would have his flings, but when it was all said and done, he’d been waiting for her when she came home, when the well house door slid open and the miko stepped out it was his face she saw first, into his open arms she dived into as tears fell down her face. everything was over, but it was just beginning, he never let her go again.
AN: r0o wants to thank the LC for her wonderful beta job, the r0o adores you!
his haori: top shirt
his kimono: shirt
his juban: under shirt
not to mention, his hamakas: pants and of coarse,
his traditional fundoushi: under0o's. ;p