Sesshoumaru's Pups by LunaeriaDawn

The Visions

Chapter 1: The Visions


“Mom!! I’m home!”

Kagome slid the door open to her home. Slipping off her shoes by the door, she stood and looked around the house she grew up in. She smiled before heading into the kitchen where her mom would normally be. Frowning, she noticed that there was a note on the counter that was written in her mother’s elegant script.


Grandpa passed away a few months ago. Souta and I had to move away because we couldn’t stand to live there not knowing if we would see you again. The Shrine is yours as we know that you love it, so we aren’t going to sell it. I will be by every week to air things out and make sure your supply is still left for you. Don’t forget we do love you.



Dark spots appeared on the paper as Kagome noticed that she was crying. Looking around, she noticed that the house was starting to collect dust and smell a bit musty from the windows not being opened. Going around the island, Kagome opened the kitchen window causing a soft breeze to billow out the curtains. She wiped her tears away and walked into the living room and up the stairs. A hot bath sounded nice, plus she had a few days to relax from hunting the biggest portion of the Jewel, which Naraku still held. On top of that, the constant going, going, going was exhausting her and she was tired of Inuyasha belittling her 24/7. Turning the water on, Kagome stripped and sighed in happiness as she slipped into the hot water. After the tub was full, she laid her head back, closed her eyes and relaxed even more as the stress from the past melted off her body.

~~~Vision POV~~~

Red eyes pierced through me, glowing with a terrible hatred, matching the growling that could be heard in the darkness, striking fear into my body. It was coming from all sides of me, but it was loudest in front. Upon making eye contact, the red eyes turned gold and softened considerably as light and color burst forth, temporarily blinding me. After my eyes adjusted, I gasped as I saw a flawless and beautiful demoness on the ground. Long pale hair matted with blood from her chest being ripped open mingling with the entrails around her as four of the pups were lying lifeless next to her. Blood stained the perfect bamboo floor beneath them. Noticing the pups were all silvery furred, I felt sorrow and a sense of familiarity slam into me as I saw none other than Sesshoumaru burst into the room, gold eyes panicked and anguished. Upon him seeing the bodies on the floor, he froze, staring. I saw him slowly walk towards one of the pups as he gently picked it up. Uncharacteristically a whimper sounded throughout the silence that made up the room as I watched him pick up everyone and nuzzle them before moving to the demoness. Gently picking her up, he turned and walked out of the room.

After what seemed like forever, I watched the rest of the last two pups squirm restlessly, Sesshoumaru entered the room again. His blood soaked Hakama did nothing to deter him from grabbing the live pups and nuzzling them, almost growling softly to calm them down. My heart went out to him to see him in such pain, so I walked over to him and kneeled, wrapping my arms around him. I felt him stiffen and look in my direction, calculatedness circling in his golden eyes. I wanted to help him so badly, but I wasn’t sure what I could do. Suddenly, Sesshoumaru let out a menacing growl before darkness crashed into me.

  ~~~Vision POV End~~~

Sitting up, Kagome gasped for air, blinking rapidly and looking around her bathroom. Standing up quickly, Kagome drained the water and hopped out of the tub and ran to her room. She had to find a way to help Sesshoumaru. Grabbing a smaller bag, Kagome threw about a weeks’ worth of good sturdy clothing into it before putting on underwear, bra, jeans and a form fitting shirt. There was no way right now that she was going to join back up with Inuyasha, not when his brother needed someone. Grabbing a compass and bow and arrows, Kagome ran down the stairs and to her door, slipping her boots on and tying them rapidly before racing out the door. Skipping two steps at a time, Kagome came back to the well house, opening the door and shutting it before jumping over the edge.

Looking up, Kagome saw daylight. She knew that Inuyasha would sniff her out if there was a breeze, so suppressing her scent as much as possible, Kagome climbed out of the well. Hearing rustling of the leaves nearest to the well, Kagome grabbed her bow and knocked an arrow. Getting ready to shoot whatever came through the bushes, Kagome was surprised when it was Rin and Shippo.

“Kagome-nee-chan!!” “MAMA!!”

The children tackled her and hugged her tightly. Kagome knelt down and hugged them back tightly. Smiling softly as she cupped her cheeks, Kagome made sure to keep her scent and power hidden so Inuyasha wouldn’t find her.

“What are you two doing out here? Where’s Inuyasha?”

Shippo and Rin looked at one another before they looked back at Kagome with sad expressions. “Mama, Inuyasha is with Kikyo… He invited her to join us to look for the jewel shards after claiming that he took her as a mate…” Kagome froze briefly before standing abruptly. She looked down at them and then looked at Rin. “Rin, do you know the way to Lord Sesshoumaru’s castle?” Kagome felt her body sag in relief when the little girl nodded, her face lighting up brightly. “It’s this way Kagome-Chan!” Kagome smiled and followed along behind the girl that was pulling her by her hand, Shippo trailing quietly behind them, a contemplative look on his face.

After hours of walking, the trio finally stopped for the night, Kagome and Rin immediately setting up camp while Shippo gathered firewood and captured a couple of rabbits. Kagome started a small fire, just big enough for cooking the rabbits over. She didn’t have her bag with her, so she didn’t have to worry about cleaning up after them and trudging around that huge bag.  After the meat was done, Kagome stoked the fire once more and then set up a barrier before the three of them cuddled together against a tree, watching the fire flicker. After she thought the two kids were asleep, she leaned her head back against the tree before Rin’s soft voice spoke.

“I shouldn’t be going back to Lord Sesshoumaru’s castle…”

Kagome startled at the sound of uncertainty in Rin’s voice causing her to look down at Rin’s head. “Why is that Rin?” Kagome’s brows furrowed and a frown marred her face.

“Because Kagome-Chan… Lord Sesshoumaru dropped me off to train with Kaede-baa-Chan and hasn’t been back to see me… I don’t think he wants me anymore…” Kagome heard Rin start to sniffle before Kagome hugged the poor girl tighter to her.

“Sesshoumaru loves you Rin. Even if he can’t show it. He brought you to Kaede to protect you, not to abandon you. When we get to the western castle, I will talk to him about taking over your training while we are there.” Rin sat up, eyes still brimming with tears as she smiled. “Do you really think so Kagome-nee-chan?” Kagome nodded, smiling as Rin settled back down before looking back to the fire, watching the flames again. Soon, they all started to doze off, though Kagome was restless.

~~~~Vision POV~~~

Silvery white. That’s all I saw until it shifted and moved. Looking up, I saw blood red eyes looking down at me, his youkai intimidating but bearable. “Miko… What brings you to this Sesshoumaru?” His deep rumbling voice made my body shiver in anticipation, causing my Miko powers to sizzle under my skin, waiting for when he attacked. “Lord Sesshoumaru?” I whispered, knowing he could hear me. “I am his Beast little one. What do you require?”

“I saw what happened… With his… your mate and pups. Can you convince him to let me help him?”

I stood still as I watched his beast contemplate my offer for a moment, before shifting to lay down in front of me, lowering his head and turning to the side, one eye looking at me with warmth. “Why do you want to help us Little one? Is it not against your kind to help demons?”

“Because I know the pain he is going through and I’m not like others. I grew up in a time where I was raised not to be prejudiced. Inuyasha has mated with Kikyo…” At the mention of Inuyasha and Kikyo, Sesshoumaru’s beast stood and snarled, his youkai washed over me, and I fought to keep my powers down and not meet him in retaliation. “That pup is stupid… beyond stupid. I will find you and the pup and kit… Keep walking the direction little Rin leads you. I will make sure to find you. It’s time for you to wake up. The whelp approaches looking for the kit.”

  ~~~Vision POV End~~~

Snapping awake at the sound of a branch breaking in the distance, causing Kagome to get up quickly, waking the two kids. Quietly, she looked at them and stamped out the fire and lowered her barrier. “Inuyasha is coming… Shippo, erase your scent, quick. Rin, come here and grab my hand. Let’s go, NOW!” Kagome whispered fervently. Kagome sighed in relief before they all ran in the direction they were headed. Kagome mapped out the moon cycles in her head and realized that it was getting close to the new moon. Hopefully they could make headway if Sesshoumaru held to his word. Coming upon a stream, they ran through it, washing off more of their scent.

After what felt like forever, Kagome and the kids crossed over into the western lands. Finally stopping again, they searched for food and then sat for a break.  “Mama…. Why are we going to Lord Sesshoumaru?”

Pausing in her eating Kagome looked at her kit and smiled softly, remembering her dreams. “I think he needs help, Shippo.” Not saying anything more about it, Kagome, Rin, and Shippo killed the fire and took off again, Kagome keeping her powers tight to her and the children to make sure that they stayed out of trouble. Night fell once again, and they came to another clearing and set up camp. After they ate, they laid down to go to sleep, Kagome staying awake to make sure that Inuyasha didn’t find them. Sometime past midnight, leaves rustled, and Kagome focused on them, slowly grabbing her bow making sure that the kids stayed asleep.

“Lower your weapon Miko.”

The soothing baritone of Sesshoumaru’s voice reached her ears quietly as he stepped into the clearing, his clothing blood free. Kagome looked at the Daiyoukai and bowed her head in respect. “Lord Sesshoumaru.” She raised her head again, looking at the lord, pain hidden deep in his golden eyes.

“What brings you to this one’s land Miko?” His gaze narrows in on Rin asleep beside Kagome.

“I’ve had visions about you… I know what has happened.” Kagome murmured softly, knowing with his excellent hearing, he’d hear her easily. Kagome noticed his eyes widened at her honesty as his gold gaze snapped to hers. She frowned when she saw pain, despair and loss in his eyes. ‘He must have at least held affections for his mate…’ It took a few seconds for Sesshoumaru to gain his composure to his normally stoic expression before he glared at her. “This one does not need your help Miko. Go back to my half-brother.”

At his words, bitterness, betrayal and sadness hit his nose, causing Kagome’s normally pleasant scent to become muddied with a scent he had never smelled before. Looking at the raven-haired woman, he noticed that her bangs were covering her eyes, but the smell of salt assaulted him all the same.

“He’s mated with Kikyo. I have no place there now.” Sesshoumaru’s beast growled inside his head.

‘She is not lying… Insolent pup.’


Sesshomaru continued to stare at the small woman before sighing inwardly. He’d have to pick up the honor that his half-brother didn’t have. Cursing his father at that moment, Sesshomaru turned and disappeared into the woods. Kagome lifted her head as she felt him walk away from the small camp that she had settled in. She looked back down to the children and ran her fingers through their hair softly before sighing, adjusting the children to lay on her bag for a pillow before standing and stretching, finally letting her powers stretch out well past the tree surrounded clearing. Not feeling anyone else other than Sesshoumaru, Kagome calmed down and relaxed greatly. She knew that Inuyasha would try to find Shippo’s scent as soon as he could when he was back to his normal half-demon self. As of right now, they could make more time if they left sooner than later. As Kagome stroked the fire, Sesshomaru returned, a deer carcass thrown over his shoulder already cleaned and skinned. Kagome smiled at him softly, trying to regain her emotions from the earlier discussion. Cutting the meat into strips, Kagome cooked them slowly, as she stared into the flickering flames.


Flicking her eyes to Sesshomaru to acknowledge his calling. “You said that you had visions… What did you see exactly.”

Kagome could tell that it wasn’t a question, but a demand to tell him what she saw. Taking a deep breath and closing her eyes, flashes of her earlier visions flew through her mind. Opening her cerulean colored eyes, she looked back into the fire.

“I returned home through the well because I couldn’t stand Inuyasha’s abusiveness, and I couldn’t stand that I was always second in his eyes. When I returned home, I found my mom and brother had moved out and left the shrine to me. As I was… bathing… I fell asleep and I saw you and your pups… I saw your mate dead with about five of your pups dead as well. I felt your rage and I saw the pain you felt in that moment. I could feel the rest were sickly… When I kneeled and hugged you, to comfort you somehow, your growl was so… bone chilling and then I woke up and came as quickly as I could. I know that you’re not as stoic as you want everyone to believe. I’ve seen the tenderness you’ve shown Rin when you used to visit her… She’s missed you; you know. She thinks you’ve abandoned her and didn’t want her around anymore.”

Kagome looked at Sesshomaru’s wide gold eyes. The shock was apparent before his mask slid back into place. There really was a softer side to the great Daiyoukai of the west. Not to say Kagome felt she was wrong to try and be at ease with him, however, she had seen the ruthlessness of him before, the pure rage he had shown when she pulled his father’s sword out of the tomb. Waiting nervously for him to respond, Kagome turned her eyes back to the fire watching the flames flicker and lick around the branch she found to use as a stoker.

“I did not abandon her. It was for her own safety that she stayed within the village and got the proper training she required.” Sesshomaru sniffed arrogantly, not knowing why he felt the need to explain his actions to her. Kagome nodded, “That’s what I told her. I also told her that I would talk with you about me taking over her training while I am in the west.” Sesshomaru stared at her with narrowed eyes. Here this woman, his half-brother’s wench, had a vision and wanted to help him out when her kind killed demons. What was she after? ‘I shall get to the bottom of this.’

Looking up at the sky, Sesshomaru saw that it was beginning to become day as the sun’s first rays made themselves known in hues of pinks and yellows. Standing, he walked over to Rin and gathered her up gently, looking to Kagome to do the same with the kit. “We leave now.”

A/N: This is a challenge prompt from years ago from ff. I lost the chapter years ago and my fiance found it again, so now I'm uploading it before I lose it again. Anyway, let me know what you think! Also, I haven't forgotten my other stories, life slapped me in the face.