Convention by Raquel Taisho


Kagome had been waiting for this day for almost a whole month, ever since it was announced that there would be a Star Wars convention, her favorite movie saga, she wasn't sure how she had managed to convince Sesshomaru to accompany her both dressed as some character, she would go as Princess Leia, but Sesshomaru hadn't wanted to tell her who she would be dressed as, she just hoped that if she would dress up.

It was very early when she decided to start getting ready, she had told Sesshomaru not to break into the room where she would get ready, her costume was a surprise, she had shown him the costume of the princess dressed all in white, but she would not go like that, she would be the princess read prisoner of Jabba, so she had to hurry, they had agreed to leave before noon to reach much of the convention.

Being nervous was little, she didn't want Sesshomaru to discover her disguise before leaving the house, so she had bought the ugly white robe that the princess used and put it on in sima of her real disguise, the hairstyle was the least important thing, because it would not ruin the beautiful braid she had done.

Just in time she came down the stairs ready, as she entered the room and looked at a bare-chested Sesshomaru with his back to her, he was striking a few poses with his toy lightsaber when he felt her behind and placing the saber over his shoulder and then turning slightly to look at her over his shoulder with a half-smile as he smelled the effect he had made on her.

- Sesshomaru, you are supposed to disguise yourself as some character, who are you supposed to be?

- I am a Jedi Yokai. -was his answer.

You were supposed to dress up as a character, not make your own.

Sesshomaru just gave him a look.

- I don't know why I bother, it's okay, we'll be late, let's go.

They both grabbed their things and left for the convention.

Once they arrived quite a few fans were excited about Sesshomaru's character, and every time someone came up to admire him, he would give her a look with a raised eyebrow in a clear sign of "I told you he was amazing."

Minutes later she excused herself to go to the bathroom to which he only nodded to see her disappear into the crowd.

It didn't take long when she appeared again but now, she was wearing different clothes, immediately the golden eyes darkened with desire, she was provoking him,

who had given her permission to dress like that? Didn't she realize that her body was hers alone to see him with so few clothes on?

- What's wrong Sessh? - he asked innocently.

As he was about to respond she began to surround herself with unwanted male attention, something that made him quite angry, so much so that a growl left his lips as he smelled the arousal of those men for his companion, and what broke his control was seeing her smiling at them and accepting their touching her as it were nothing,

He decided to put an end to the problem by pulling her out of the crowd, putting her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, towards the car, they would return home, and she would receive her punishment.

-Sesshomaru, it's not fair, I was just about to start, you're being irrational.

The yokai growled - irrational... Kagome for God's sake, you can't expect me to see how that trash touches what is mine and above all see you like this.

- Sessh, you don't have to be jealous, you know I'm all yours, there's no need to get angry, the disguise goes to yes, I'm supposed to be Princess Leia when she's Jabba's slave - taking out his cell phone he showed her an image of both characters-, I even took the trouble to look for the chain he has her tied up with. He said the last part with a mischievous smile and a firm promise of something else.

Sesshomaru growled even more annoyed and forgot to get to the car, he took her in. his arms and jumped up in the air to get home.

- I have other uses in mind for this costume. - was her response once they were outside the door of her house.

And with that promise they entered the house, she was sure that every penny she spent on the costume had been worth it, her husband was an insatiable demon, and now Inuyasha and Sango would have to pay him for the bet they had lost.