A Perfectly Acceptable Option by Sage McMae

Chapter 1

Being mated has taught Sesshomaru many lessons. The first was self-awareness. He never considered himself as protective or jealous yet whenever another gets too close to his mate, Sesshomaru feels the urge to touch her. Usually, placing his hand on her lower back is sufficient. However, if they meet with an overly friendly visitor, Sesshomaru makes a show of tucking his mate’s hair back so they can see the mark he gave her.

The instant they came together, his priorities shifted. He does not shirk his responsibilities to the Western Lands but he will defer them to Jaken if it means spending a rare uninterrupted moment with her. With three growing pups, it’s difficult to find time when they can be alone.

He never expected to care so deeply. He also never expected to be mated.

But Kagome defies expectations. His mate is both powerful and compassionate, a unique blend that perplexed him for a time until he came to know her. Sesshomaru finds the duality intriguing.

It is not often that he sees his mate last out. She can be quick to anger but she is just as quick to forgive. Any outbursts that may occur are typically short-lived.

So when Kagome enters their chambers and slams the door, Sesshomaru merely arches an eyebrow.

Their youngest, Chiho, glances up at him from where she is tucked against his side. He gives her a reassuring pat on the head. Sesshomaru doubts she’s ever witnessed her mother act this way. He and Kagome try to keep their family time separate from their work.

He watches his mate begin pacing in front of their bed. She is muttering to herself, a bad habit she has not outgrown from her youth. Her brow is creased and her posture is stiff.

“That…that jerk!”

Sesshomaru sets down the scroll he was reading to his daughter. His attention is completely fixed on Kagome. If someone has wronged his mate, he will ensure today is their final day on this earth.

“He didn’t even let me speak. Just kept cutting me off. At first, I thought it was because I’m human but no,” she draws out the word in a sarcastic tone, “it’s because I’m a woman. A woman! Seriously! What century is this?”

“The seventeenth,” he states.

Kagome stares at him, pausing for a moment. Then, with a shake of her head, she continues her agitated pacing.

“I spent hours preparing for this. I just received the summons on Tuesday. If I had known he was going to be such a….such a freakin’ jerk, I wouldn’t have bothered rushing over there.”

“Why don’t you kill him, Mama?” Chiho suggests.

His mate halts and whips around to glare at him. “Sesshomaru.”

“Murder is a perfectly acceptable option,” he returns evenly.

Kagome purses her lips. He can smell the sour note of displeasure in her scent. “You know I don’t approve of violence.”

“If someone attempts to silence your voice, you are within your rights to silence them. Permanently.”

Regardless of how often their opinions differ, Sesshomaru and his mate rarely fight. Their discussions can get heated but they never raise their voices to one another. Sesshomaru will not repeat his parents’ mistakes.

She sighs and rubs her temples. “That’s not—.”

“I could do it, Mama,” Chiho offers, trying to be helpful.

Kagome’s face softens. She can’t stay mad at him, especially with their pup in the room. “Thanks, sweetie, but I’m going to handle this on my own.”

“But I’ve been practicing with Papa,” Chiho says. She tosses back the covers and stands on the bed.

“Chiho,” Sesshomaru warns.

She ignores him in favor of showing off to her mother. With a determined expression on her face, Chiho demonstrates her forms.

Kagome beams proudly. Her upbringing was far laxer than his was. As such, she doesn’t share his reservations regarding their furniture. Sesshomaru permits his daughter to continue. Just this once.

“See?” Chiho prompts as she finishes.

Kagome crosses the room to stand beside their pup. “You’re coming along so well with your training. Pretty soon you’ll be able to spar with your big brothers.”

Their twin sons, Masashi and Kei are on nearing adolescence. Their tenth name day is approaching and with each passing day, the two become more competitive. Sesshomaru has warned them several times about their younger sister but they refuse to acknowledge that she’ll be the one to surpass them.

Chiho is only four. She has many years left in her training yet Sesshomaru recognizes her raw talent. His sons inherited his brawn. His daughter inherited his mind for strategy. She may be smaller and slower than the twins but it won’t be long before she can beat them. Strength alone cannot win a battle.

The bed shifts as Chiho bounces up and down. “So can I, Mama? Can I?”

“Can you what?” Kagome asks with a laugh.

“Can I kill the mean man who made you upset?”

Kagome frowns, staring at him over their daughter’s head. “I’m worried about what you’re teaching our children.”

“I am merely sharing their yokai heritage with them.”

She crosses her arms over her chest and tilts her head expectantly. “And what about their human heritage?”

“I leave that to you, mate.”

Her cheeks color. No matter how many decades pass, the endearment still causes Kagome to blush.

“Don’t use that on me,” she grumbles.

“Mate? That is what you are,” Sesshomaru says.

“If you are trying to soften me up so you can go defend my honor, don’t. I’ve got this.”

“Can I come too, Mama? Please?” Chiho grabs onto Kagome’s hand with both of hers. “I wanna see you purify his ass.”

“I know you didn’t teach her that,” his mate remarks.

“Hn.” Sesshomaru will need to have a word with his brother. Inuyasha may not have any pups of his own but that does not excuse his behavior. Sesshomaru will make sure to remind him.

“Chiho,” Kagome says gently, tucking their daughter’s silver hair behind her ears, “Purification is serious. It’s not something to take lightly. If I use my abilities on a demon or even a half-demon, I could kill them.“

“A crime against the Taisho family is punishable by death,” Chiho replies.

She repeats the answer word for word, just as he taught her. Even her tone is correct. If it weren’t for the blue color of her eyes, she would be Sesshomaru’s mirror image.

“An argument isn’t a crime. People don’t always agree on things. Take your father and me for example. He is diligent about your legacy and training. I prefer to focus on other skills,” Kagome explains.

“I can’t purify anyone like you,” Chiho says.

His mate gives her a small smile. “That’s not the kind of skill I’m talking about.”

Kagome drops Chiho’s hands in favor of picking her up. Sesshomaru shifts over, giving his mate and daughter room to sit in bed beside him. Kagome sets Chiho down between them.

“Not all skills are physical. What you do with her head and your heart are just as important,” she tells their daughter.

Chiho folds her hands over her chest. “My heart?”

“If you ever feel lost, your heart will guide you.”

“Like the North Star?” Chiho asks.

“Kind of but instead of seeing it, you’ll feel it,” Kagome says, pointing to the left side of Chiho’s chest. “Whenever you feel unsure about a choice you need to make, listen to your heart. Trust in yourself. That’s the greatest skill I could ever teach you.”

“Did you listen to your heart about the mean man from court, Mama?”

Sesshomaru smirks. 

“I did,” Kagome answers. “And I know just what to do with him.” 


A few days later, Kagome enters their chamber, smiling. 

“I trust your second meeting with Lord Akira went better?”

“It did,” she confirms.

“May I inquire as to what tactic you chose to employ?” 

“I told him that I understand new things can be uncomfortable which is why I shall be supporting all female candidates for this century’s court dignitaries. I assured him that with more experience he will learn to understand the value the female members of court provide. After all, to keep his post, he’ll have to work closely with all of them.” 

Sesshomaru grins. His mate may not wield a sword but she can cut down her opponents just as swiftly. She has grown into her role as the Lady of the West. 

“My way was more direct,” he points out as she crawls into bed with him. 

“Your way was murder!”

“Do not act as though you are above cruelty. Your way is torture.” 

She rolls her eyes. “If he can’t treat the female members of the court with respect, he needs to step down. I gave him options. It’s his choice whether he wants to evolve or not.” 

“And if he chooses to remain disrespectful?” 

“Then we’ll sic the kids on him.” 

“Finally,” Sesshomaru says teasingly, pulling her in for a kiss, “something we agree upon.”