Ink-Stained Fingertips by kaoruhana

Ink-Stained Fingertips

A/N: SessKag Week 2021 Day 6 Prompts: Orange, Knowledge, Love and Happiness, Civilization
Cross-posted on tumblr, AO3

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Kagome had often told herself she would only marry a man with a good library.  For in books lay knowledge, in books lay the stories of lost civilizations, in books lay love stories and romance.  In books, Kagome could pretend to escape. 

Books, Kagome found, were the only place she could pretend to be a pirate, an explorer, a heroine in a tale of love and happiness. 

So, when her father announced that he had arranged for her to be married to the General’s eldest son, she ran to her room and cried.

Gone were her dreams and hopes.  Her father was a kind man, but a conservative one. He indulged her curiosity for books, but he was adamant that his daughters marry young and marry well. 

And that his daughters act as the perfect genteel woman. 

She dreaded her upcoming marriage because she knew that the man her father chose for her would have to be someone like him: conservative, uptight, strict in how he wanted her to act. 

She prayed that the General and his family had a love for books much like her own. 

The next day, Kagome met her fiance.  He stood tall and proud, hair falling down his back in smooth strands, swords strapped to his waist.  He asked to speak with her privately and was granted permission. 

She led him to the library, to her place of solace where the books that were her friends kept her company. 

“We do not know each other.”  He told her, eyes weary.  “But, I wish to make our marriage a happy one.  So, tell me what is it that makes you happy?  What brings you joy?” 

Kagome’s eyes widened, her mouth opening in shock.  And then, she answered. 



“Yes, books.”  She repeated, feeling bolder, more confident.  “Books of history and lore, books of legends and myths, books telling tales of romance and intrigue, books that teach, and books that show a world far beyond my very own.” 

Her fiance frowned.  “Books.”  He mumbled under his breath.  “I shall see to it that you have books then my lady.”

Two weeks after meeting, Kagome received a package from her fiance, a man she had since learned to be called Sesshomaru.  She undid the brown wrapping to reveal a stack of books inside.  They spoke of lore and legends, of a place far beyond familiar shores, of tropical paradises and vast oceans.  She devoured them, soaking up the knowledge nestled within their pages. 

And then came a new package, this one containing books on fauna and flora, on herbs and medicine, on knowledge passed down through generations. 

The third package contained books of romance and love, of star-crossed lovers and intertwined fates.  Of soulmates and pauper to princess tales.  She cherished the words on the page, weaving tales of her own in between the chapters of each story.

And then the wedding came, and she found herself in a new house, a new place, distanced from her friends and family. 

But at least she had her books. 

That first night in their shared quarters, her husband took her hands in his, leading her to a desk by a wide window.  On it sat parchment, a long quill and a bottle of expensive ink. 

“What is this?”  She inquired staring at the blank pages. 

“Your book.”  He answered guiding her hands to the quill.  “You’ve read and read, but you have yet to create a story of your own Kagome.”  He pressed the quill into her hands, closing her small, dainty fingers around it.  “This is for you to write.  For you to create your own book, your own stories. For you to pass on your own knowledge and history, and tales of romance and love.” 

Kagome’s eyes watered, her face breaking into a smile. 

She didn’t waste another minute. 

And Sesshomaru didn’t mind. 

Kagome was dainty and proper, well-mannered and sweet.  She was friendly to others and loved her husband. 

She also loved her books—books that dotted the walls of her home and were found everywhere one looked. 

But what she and Sesshomaru loved most were the small black, ink-stained fingertips of her dainty little hands.  

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A/N: I appreciate every single review, kind word, and thought that came my way this week.  I'm sorry I haven't been able to respond to them all.  I'll try to get to them all today!