The Tapestry of Time by Discord

The First Threads

The Tapestry of Time

By: Discord

A/N:  This three-part ficlet is for the Sesskag prompt raffle on tumblr.  My hefty prompt was from @AuroraDarlene ("A look at the life of Kagome and Sesshoumaru throughout the centuries, handling/overcoming the changes and challenges, and thriving.").

If this prompt speaks to you, I suggest reading RosieB's sweeping epic 'Beside You in Time', recently updated after a four-year hiatus.  It is unparalleled :). 


The First Threads



1520:  Japan


            At 18, Kagome rarely thought of the passage of time.  If such musings ever lingered in her periphery, it was always with wistful wishes for a future at Inu-Yasha's side, imbued with girlish naivety. 

            When the Bone Eater's Well finally reopened, and she returned to Sengoku Jidai, she assumed her great adventure was over, and she could now begin her happily-ever-after.

            Naivety indeed.

            The years apart – Kagome trapped in the modern world and Inu-Yasha the past – had changed them.  Irrevocably.  They no longer fit together as they once did, though they tried for months to reclaim the spark of caring and attachment they'd once felt so deeply.

            They ended in a mild sea of politeness, gentle 'good mornings' and brief hugs the last ebbs of their cooled bond, and Kagome wandered aimlessly, adrift without purpose.  The well had sealed itself again, and she tried not to dwell on all she'd given up to return.  This ever-after was not what she'd envisioned.

            It was in a forest foray to restock Kaede's medicinal stores that she stumbled upon the being who would become her tether forever, strong and unyielding in the swirling tumult of life's storm.

            Sesshoumaru, sitting in a relaxed lean against the base of a tree, stared as she entered his shaded glen.  Kagome felt his presence as easily as she sensed any demon's, and offered him an absent nod as she crouched before a yarrow stalk, already reaching in her miko robes for her trowel.  She knew the daiyoukai needed no further acknowledgement or greeting, and hurried to harvest the plant and leave him to his solitude. 

            He watched her dig wordlessly, and Kagome pretended not to feel the intensity of his blatant scrutiny.  They had been enemies long ago, so she smothered the flutter of habitual nervousness; he wasn't out to kill her for a sword now, and her interruption would be brief.  As she freed deep roots, shaking them loose of clinging dirt, she heard the shuffle of shifting cloth as he got to his feet.

            "I'm almost done Sesshoumaru-sama," she called across the clearing.  "One sec and I'll be out of your hair."

            The pad of unhurried footsteps approached, stopping almost at her hip.  Kagome glanced up, surprised at the proximity.

            He gauged her for a long moment, a crimp of confusion appearing beneath his crescent moon.  "An expression from your time," he remarked, moon smoothing as he fathomed her meaning.  "Stating you will depart swiftly."

            Her hand froze around the plant's stalk, and she managed a slow nod as she straightened and rose, trying not to notice how small she felt.  Had he always towered so?  Kagome doubted they'd ever stood close enough for her to notice.  They were allies now, she reminded herself.  He wouldn't hurt her just because she'd encroached on his vacant-musings time.

            "I was told you had returned to your own world," Sesshoumaru continued, as dispassionate as ever, save for the fact he had just spoken full sentences.  To her.  For no reason. 

            Kagome shoved the yarrow into the basket at her elbow, trying in vain to keep shock from stretching her features.  Rin must have mentioned her one day while he'd visited the village.  "I came back," she said numbly, glancing to her basket.

            "For Inu-Yasha."

            Why was he talking so much? 

            "Uh…," she fidgeted with one of her wide, white sleeves.  "Originally."

            Sesshoumaru's examination grew piercing.  "And now?"

            Kagome edged back, looking past him into the surrounding forest.  "Now I'm just here for me."

            His nostrils flared, smelling her lie.  "Your portal won't let you back through."

            She nodded again.

            He waited, and she felt his gaze roam down her frame. 

            "Would you like to see your world again, miko?"

            Kagome finally brought her eyes to his.  Sesshoumaru looked much as he had three years ago – austere and otherworldly – the youkai markings at his cheeks, eyes and forehead adding a color and vitality to his face emotion never did.  Aside from his second arm, and the addition of Bakusaiga at his hip, the only other physical difference was the plume of white over his shoulder.  His mokomoko had grown enormous – engulfing his right side to a near-ludicrous degree.  It almost seemed… puffed up? 

            He caught her studying it, and it expanded at least another inch before her eyes.

            Was he wearing it big… on purpose?!

            "I can make you live until it dawns anew," Sesshoumaru said evenly.

            Now it was Kagome who bore confusion.  "Huh?"

            Instead of a sneer at her lack of understanding, he clarified, "If a daiyoukai takes a human as a mate, they impart their own lifespan onto their partner."

            Kagome blinked, uncomprehending.  "So…?"

            "So…," a line of impatience appeared in his jaw.  "You will live to see your future time if you accept a suit from one."

            She shook her head.  "You're the only daiyoukai I know, Sesshoumaru-sama."


            Had she fallen asleep gathering herbs?  Why would she dream of Sesshoumaru?  Kagome reached out and poked his chest below his armor, trying to verify.  "You seem real," she mumbled, poking again.  "But you sound like you're possessed by a spirit," she peered up at him, using her powers to hunt for any trace of a foreign influence.

            "I am of sound mind," he assured, frowning as she made to test his solidity again.  Grabbing the finger before it hit silk, he gently encircled her hand.  "Inu-Yasha tells me there are no demons in your time."

            Kagome's mouth dropped into an 'oh' as the picture clicked into place.  "I see.  You want to use my knowledge of the future to ensure you survive into the modern era."

            Sesshoumaru released her hand mutely in answer.

            Squinting up a final time to check for impish specters, Kagome hefted her basket.  "Bound together just to guarantee you endure for the next five hundred years?  Forever is a very long time, Sesshoumaru-sama."

            "A fact I am far more familiar with than you."

            "You think because Inu-Yasha and I didn't work out, I'll just jump at this chance to be with his brother?"

            Sesshoumaru's cheek twitched in an almost-wince.  "I do not ask with the intention of being his replacement."

            Kagome wasn't sure what this was really about, but knew she was missing a vital piece of information.  "We don't know each other," she shrugged.  Sesshoumaru was too arrogant to ever think he wouldn't triumph over whatever plight befell youkai.  He never needed anyone, and certainly not help from the annoying human who'd been an impotent thorn in his side on her best days.

            He noticed her unruffled air, and the composure made emotion flash across his face.  If it'd been on someone else, she might have called it regret.  "You've astutely pointed out, 'forever is a long time'," he murmured.  "There will be ample years to acquaint ourselves."

            Kagome craned forward.  "Wait?  Are you being serious right now?"

            "Yes," Sesshoumaru said emphatically.

            She grabbed a handful of kimono before he could stop her.  "Alright.  Hold still.  You're obviously under someone's thrall," she summoned her powers until her palm began to glow.  "This won't take long.  I've grown pretty strong."

            Sesshoumaru growled and frowned.  "I am not under a spell, woman."

            "You're speaking with me.  Like I'm a person," Kagome countered.

            He heaved a gusty sigh.  "You are as surprised by that as my offer?"

            "Yes.  They're both insane," pink suffused her fingers.  "For you."


            Kagome didn't really know why she agreed.  It certainly wasn't because she had feelings for Sesshoumaru, or because she'd been swept away by his offer.

            If she was being honest with herself, which was not a pleasant examining, she did want to see her era again.  Feudal Japan was just a bit too steeped in the memories and marks of a certain, foul-mouthed hanyou, and being stuck in the past without him at her side was a bitter pill.  Also, if she were to inwardly press – again, not so flattering – she might admit to being the tiniest bit curious.  Did Sesshoumaru think her so knowledgeable her secrets were worth centuries of gifted life?

            It had only taken her a week to give her answer – she knew she was signing everything away far too easily, but couldn't seem to muster the will to care – and Sesshoumaru was already waiting for her when she brushed branches back and stepped from the forest.  He stood tense before the mouth of a small cave, arms crossed and legs braced wide apart.  A scowl pulled at his mouth, darkening as she appeared.

            Kagome approached, watching him warily.  "Why are you angry?"

            Sesshoumaru glanced – impossibly – at his feet.  "I was made to wait seven days for your reply," he ground out.  "And now another hour past our arranged meeting time."

            Her jaw fell.  "What's the hurry?"  She halted, clutching the front of her miko robes.  "Is this some kind of trick to rob me of my powers or something?"

            Kagome knew what it meant to become a mated pair – Sango had supplied her with ample details – but perhaps that was the key insight she was missing?  He bestowed additional centuries, and she supplied him with new stores of spiritual energy? 

            Golden eyes snapped to hers.  "No," he groped to gentle his tone.  "I am not accustomed to… the instincts that come with pursuit.  They make me… impatient."

            Kagome surveyed the area, looking for signs anything was amiss.  "Well, your brain should be able to override them, knowing this is just a contract between allies."

            "A-A… contract?"  He choked. 

            She started.  "I-Isn't it?"  She asked.  "I trade information for a longer lifespan?"

            Sesshoumaru looked at her, gaze hooded and haunted, and Kagome somehow felt bad for her words.  Like she'd hurt his feelings.

            Which was ridiculous of course.  He didn't actually care for her or anything.

            "If you've reconsidered—," she began.

            He held up a hand.  "No.  I haven't," he beckoned her forward.  "Come."

            Kagome stayed rooted to the spot.  "I… I've never…," she'd promised herself she wasn't going to show how nervous she was.  He didn't need to know.

            Sesshoumaru detected it anyway.  He canted his head, sending long silver hair over his shoulder.  "There is nothing to fear," he said quietly.  "I won't hurt you."

            Kagome felt a painfully-hot blush surge to her cheeks.  "P-Promise?"  She tried to make her voice joking, but it held too much traitorous tremble.

            "I promise," he vowed solemnly.

            She picked up her leaden feet, closing the distance between them.  When she stopped before him, Sesshoumaru surprised her by lifting claws to her temple, running them once through her hair with a gentleness almost reverent.

            Now she was surely asleep.  Kagome made to poke him again, but he intercepted as he had earlier, taking her hand and pulling her towards the cave.

            A warm, orange glow greeted her as they entered, and she spotted a crackling firepit  in its recesses.  He led her deep into the cave's oddly-uniform interior, releasing her palm only when they'd reached the fire's bright, wavering circle of light.

            "You built this?"  Kagome asked, speaking of the well-placed logs licked in low flames, but Sesshoumaru glanced up at the smooth ceiling overhead.

            "Custom dictates I fashion a place of comfort for the female I seek," he kept his stare on the rocky confines, as if hesitant to meet her eye.  "To entice and ensure I can provide."

            Kagome plunked herself down in a graceless sit, not trusting her legs to hold her up under her shock.  Sesshoumaru joined her, sitting so close their knees brushed.  He removed his mokomoko, laying it around them and the fire until the entrance was almost completely obscured in fluff.

            Staring at his empty shoulders, Kagome was jarred at how intimate this had already become.  He wordlessly started detaching his armor, unfastening it with measured slowness, seeming to wait for her to stop him.

            Kagome only watched in growing shyness as he divested himself of the breastplate, reaching past his mokomoko to set it far to the side.  She brought her hands to her lap, curling them around themselves in a fidget.

            A striped wrist traveled into her line of sight and fingers slid to her jaw, pulling her face up.  Bathed in dancing firelight, Sesshoumaru looked wildly different, stern reserve replaced by soft hope and anticipation.

            Kagome felt him draw her close, and realized he was going to kiss her.  Her thoughts roused dimly – did custom also demand tenderness?  Affection?

            Sesshoumaru's lips ghosted hers, a caress so light and testing she'd never believe him capable of such moderation if she wasn't its current recipient.  Kagome's eyes fluttered closed as his mouth returned, firmer but still asking, and she parted hers tentatively.

            He took her lips in his, cupping her cheek, and Kagome made a startling discovery amid the hazing fog fuzzing her mind.

            This was no mere contract to Sesshoumaru.


A/N:  Parts two and three (with actual prompt inspiration) will be posted within the raffle submission window.  Thanks for reading!