The Dungeon Master by Discord


A/N:  Seeking his abducted ward, Sesshoumaru is drawn into a game of Dungeons & Dragons by Kagome.  Each chapter is a prompt from SessKag Week 2020.

Blame my husband for the following silliness.  He got me into role-playing games (D&D, Call of Cthulhu, Numenera, etc.) when I was young and hopelessly impressionable.  


Chapter One:  Heist


            Sesshoumaru descended in a column of silver hair and rustling silk, touching down upon the sheltered, flower-strewn field where he'd left Rin in Jaken and Ah-Un's care.  The dragon raised its two heads as he landed, widened its four eyes, and swiftly looked away, examining a patch of grass as if it were an unknown variety newly-discovered.  Jaken stood nearby in a far-too-casual slouch, staring at his toes in equal fascination.

            Sesshoumaru's expression hardened as he sensed what had them so ill-at-ease.  "Where is she?"  He growled, stalking towards his retainer.

            The imp went rigid, opening and closing his beaked maw mutely as he peeked up.

            Looming before him, Sesshoumaru glowered.  "Speak," he commanded.

            Large kappa eyes grew wide and fearful.  "S-She…," he continued in pantomime, terror choking his voice.

            A clawed hand reached down, grabbing the front of his robes.  "She what?"  Sesshoumaru hissed, lifting Jaken until weight left his heels.

            "She was t-taken, my lord!"  The little demon wailed.  "The human girl who follows your worthless, half-brother abducted her."

            The words took a moment to register – far-fetched in the face of their recent alliance – before Sesshoumaru saw red.  Rin's capture trumped Jaken's mention of he and Inu-Yasha's relation, never to be brought up, regardless of pact, but did little for his rage.  With a fang-baring snarl, he jerked his retainer close, sending the barely-restrained shake in his arm through the imp's body, making green limbs tremble.  "How did she accomplish this?" 

            "S-She used a barrier.  I tried to—."

            His clutch turned to a throttle, and the tremble became a wild flail.  "And her reasons?"

            Jaken gurgled as his head was whipped back and forth.  "The girl said she needed more players for her game and thought Rin 'could use some fun'," he managed.

            Sesshoumaru blinked, trying to comprehend.  Players?  Game?!  "Rin is no pawn," he ground out.  "What feint is the miko trying for?"

            Blubbered entreaties for forgiveness tumbled forth in answer, spilling between them until the kappa gathered a semblance of coherence.  "S-She said…," he stammered.  "She wouldn't hurt her."

            "Fool," Sesshoumaru cast Jaken aside, flinging him to the field with less-restraint than usual.  "For your sake, pray that is the case."


            It was easy to locate the miko and his ward – both humans had bright signatures he had imprinted to memory.  One out of necessity, for it meant any or all of his least favorite things were nearby, and the other for reasons he still didn't care to examine closely.

            Sesshoumaru watched from the trees, shrouded in dense, leaf-laden branches, as the miko sat before her kit and Rin, expounding on nonsensical constructs like 'charisma', 'modifiers', and 'critical hits' with demonstrative sweeps of her arm.  Both children were rapt, craning forward, mouths open, hands clenched to their chests.  Sesshoumaru frowned at the delight in Rin's eyes, one rarely seen in his company, and decided this would not do.  Emerging from the forest, he strode forward, allowing his frown to grow thunderous.

            Kagome caught sight of him first, jumping at his dark scowl.  "Sesshoumaru-sama," she hailed mildly, throwing on a hollow, empty smile he'd often seen aimed at Inu-Yasha.  "Welcome.  Here to join us?"

            Although the ease in her tone was forced, it was obvious she wasn't afraid of him, merely surprised he had discovered her theft so quickly.  When had she become so comfortable in his presence?  Did she not remember the fear he inspired was supposed to paralyze? 

            Giving the woman a bored look of disdain, one he'd perfected over centuries and now repeatedly directed at her – for the reaction it elicited even more than its warranted use – Sesshoumaru graced her with speech.  "Come, Rin."

            The child sprung up obediently, her delight vanishing as she turned away.

            Kagome's smile fell.  "Hold on," she rose as well.  "We were just about to get started."

            Sesshoumaru ignored her, beckoning Rin forward.  His ward complied, but he spotted a telltale reluctance in her steps as she crossed the space in a near-trudge.

            "Hey," Kagome stormed over and grabbed his kimono sleeve.  "She sat through all of the introduction.  You can't take her away before we've even begun!"

            He glared at the offending fingers at his elbow.  "Perhaps if she had not been stolen without permission, I would—."

            "Yeah right," Kagome scoffed.  "You'd let her come if I'd asked?  No way."

            Sesshoumaru's brain stuttered at the heaping insults of her audacity. 

            Is she still touching—?!

            Rin is MY ward—!

            Does she think she can just take—!?

            I am VERY reasonable when—.

            "Please Sesshoumaru-sama," Kagome murmured, fixing him with a sincere look that quieted the clamorous roar in his head.  "She's already chosen her character."

            He shook his arm free, narrowing his eyes.  "Explain."

            A flicker of hope kindled in Rin's gaze, and she leapt to his hip.  "It's so wonderfully strange, Sesshoumaru-sama!"  She gushed.  "Kagome-sama has invented this story world and you get to pretend to be part of it!"  The girl turned bashful.  "I'm going to be a priestess."

            "Cleric," Kagome supplied, patting her orange-and-yellow swathed shoulder.  "A powerful healer who'll have an adventure helping people who need her."

            Rin beamed.

            Sesshoumaru hid his surge of confusion, save for a slight crimp in his brow.  "What is the purpose of such fantasy?"

            Kagome rolled her eyes.  "It's fun to pretend.  You know, use your imagination?"  She returned Rin's grin with a smile of her own, warm and genuine this time.  "Make-believe is an important part of childhood for humans.  It's an integral stage in our development."

            Sesshoumaru considered her.  "Rin wants for nothing in this one's care."

            Kagome nodded gamely.  "You have experience with human young then?"  She quipped.  "Oh good, so you'll be well-versed in honing this skill for her."

            His appraisal grew intent as he took in her still-unsettling uniform and bold stance, hunting for deception.  "This story world… is training?"  He asked slowly.  "An exercise… vital for her?"

            "Yes, exactly," Kagome looked up demurely, and for all his study, Sesshoumaru missed the knowing glint in her eye.  "Perhaps I was wrong.  I shouldn't have devised a way to take Rin – you do sound like you understand."

            The daiyoukai straightened.  "This Sesshoumaru understands all.  Rin will be more proficient in make-believe than her lesser peers.  You may continue with your training."

            "Excellent!"  Kagome clapped her hands together.

            "I will supervise," he added.

            The hands froze, dropping to palm her hips.  "I don't perform for an audience," she shook her head.  "If you stay, you'll have to train with us."

            Sesshoumaru almost scoffed, unable to determine which was more ridiculous – her absurd posture or the ineffectual command she couldn't enforce. "This one needs no training."

            The small face at his side caught his attention once more.  "Please Sesshoumaru-sama," Rin implored.  "Kagome-sama says it will be unlike anything we've ever done before."

            His gaze slid to the woman, and he caught the glint in her eyes this time.  Had she always been this shrewd?  This scheming?

            "Your trickery will amount to nothing, miko," Sesshoumaru drawled.  "Your little ploy will not ensnare this one in human customs."

            Kagome shrugged.  "I think we'll make you the paladin," she spun on her heel and began walking away.  "Come on.  You barely have to do anything," she glanced back over her shoulder.  "Unless you're too scared."

            Sesshoumaru snarled, grabbed up Rin's hand, and marched after her.


Prompt:  Heist (Day 1)

Words: 1,230